Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~

hello Ouran Students! the RP has now entered the actual host club, so lets pick this thing up and get the fun started!

ive opened up the position for Kyoya so if someone wants to cover his character i would appreciate it!

I can be Kyoya

Name: Maro Ushi

Gender: Female

Grade and age: !st year

Social Status: scholarship student

Personality: A loner that keeps to herself and has Atychiphobia (fear of failure)

Other: Doesn't like skirts or dresses and gets out of wearing the school dress by claiming that she is unable to afford one.

Looks: Will get mistaken as a guy but she doesn't care.

[MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION] accepted~ jump right in! and thanks so much for taking Kyoya, he is a hard spot to keep filled.
s it is [MENTION=3861]ClassyClassic[/MENTION], and Haruhi and the Twins are available since Kimuffin never replied, and you can have your own character as well~
name:nichole lowe


age:15 grade 10 first year

status:scholarship student

personality:quiet and shy until u get to know me

other:shes a big book worm
Name: Hideki Hijirikawa

Age: 17, grade 11 and w/e the other year is.

Personality: Hyperactive, charming, he talks rather fast and laughs and smiles a lot. Blunt, though, because he isn't one to bend the truth. Sometimes a bit of a troublemaker if it means he'd get a good laugh

Appearance: He has dark brown hair, that fringes his face and sometimes falls in his jade green eyes. He's a little short, but not by much. Sometimes he forgets to wear the tie to his uniform, because he runs late. He is fair-skinned, not too dark, nor too light.

Other: He has a strong fear of heights, if that ever comes into importance.
Name: Haruhi Fujioka

Gender: Female

Grade and age: 15 (turning 16), first year

Social Status: Scholarship Student

Personality: Haruhi is, above all, independent and straightforward, and believes that your gender should not define your personality. Since she was raised differently from her classmates at Ouran, she displays more practical, down to earth, responsible qualities and is not easily swayed by the charms of the other hosts. Even when she first meets the hosts, she only reacts nervously instead of becoming immediately infatuated like most of the girls. Haruhi has a deeper voice than other female students, so she is not easily recognized as a girl.

Other: She has a fear of Thunderstorms; Brontophobia


Name: Chiba Masato

Age and year: 16 2 year student

He got into the school with a scholarship

Personality: Not very open usually walks around with headphones on his ears listening to either classical music or some other music that he likes (he loves music in general), hates to see people hurting, hates the host club because of how much of a flirt the president is if not for him he would be interested in joining, he comes off as a cold and distrusting person therefore he has absolutely no friends at all, really wants to make friends but people are scared of him as he is 6 feet 4 inches tall and always has a grimace as his facial expression, can express his emotions sometimes but other times becomes to embarrassed and stops and ends up staring at the ground.

Other: has a slight case of A.D.H.D. and is usually tapping on something and it comes off as him being impatient and it only makes it seem as if he is aggravated.

Back round: he was home schooled up until his first year in middle school by his mother. He never knew his father as his father had divorced his mother and left her with him before he even turned a year old. His mother had become sick and shortly died, having no other family members close by he was transferred to a foster home and went to a small middle school. He kept studying and soon was the top of the class. One day his teacher recommended he tried taking a test to get into a higher school called Ouran High school. Interested he took the test and received among the highest scores in his district and the country. When he arrived he was be riddled with invitations to join clubs, he rejected them all. That or the people trying to recruit him lost interest in scouting him because of his height and intimidating demeanor. He played the piano for comfort as it reminded him of his mother, and began to learn how to play the violin. He often got looked at oddly by every one at the school, and he drew his walls closer together to keep people out. But the one thing he wants is to get a good friend.

Apperances:mView attachment 11727
Name: Marchus Thatcher

Age and year: 17 year 3 student.

Foreign exchange student

Personality: is a very sarcastic and competitive person, He is a borderline Otaku (Otaku by western standards but not by japanese standards) HIs competitive nature comes from how he was raised, He tends to spend his time either training in the gym, listening to music, drawing or reading a good manga or novel, he is the only student to have a lisence and his own car.

He never intended to be part of the Host club however with his near instant popularity after arriving he was offered a possition in every club in the school, since he had to pick one o be left alone he randomly chose one without looking... he chose the Host Club, He also practices Karate and Kung-Fu in his free time and participates in tournaments regularly, He is often also in conflict with local delinquents because of his unwanted reputation of being the strongest one in the local area, a title he is eager to be rid of.

Looks: stands at 6ft 3in, his build is athletic (like Brad Pitt's in "fight club") He usually has some small bandages on him due to his numerous injuries, his face has sharp features with a pointed chin, a constant blonde stubble, his hair is thick and a platinum blonde and his eyes are a sining ocean blue, his skin is very fair (almost pale) clearly showing his slavian ancenstry.

Other: is terrified of spiders and has a tendnency to screw around during class time, making him seem immature/childish, he also tends to complain a lot near the end of the day.
well hello.....not that it bothers me, but i gave up on this RP awhile ago. i was the only one with a main character who stuck around. im playing Morinozuka and Haninozuka....but the rest of the main characters dropped out. that being said, i dont really want to RP in this unless i have the characters(which really is the point of a fandom) how ever i would be willing to revive it in a new, less messy thread if i can get all the main characters covered.
oh i get it, and i would be willing to help you out with it as well tell me if you want to start it again and i'll help out.
thats nice of you guys! like i said, i have Hani and Mori covered, plus my own character so i need someone covering the twins,Haruhi,Kyoya and tamaki. if you take the Hitachin twins you have to take both of them. i wouldve taken Kyoya too, but i planned to have my character fall for him....
i haven't watched the anime but i think i rember the twins well enough to do them well enough i can take the twins if you want me to do them.

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