Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~

Name: Daario Donovan

Gender: Male

Grade and age: 17 and 2nd (junior

Social Status:Rich

Personality: Trouble Maker. Always apt to pranks and being a dare devil. Willing to do anything for a few laughs and attention.

Other: Daario is scared to death of spiders and ladders

Looks:View attachment 8242
I'd take Tamaki but I'm not familiar with RPing already made characters...I'll consider it if no one else takes him though.

Name: Lya Lyndel

Gender: F

Grade and age: Third year

Social Status: Rich

Personality: Shy, Quiet, Asocial, but friendly and talkative with friends

Likes: Reading and Drawing, Listening to music

Bio: Lya is from a broken family, her father had remarried several times. He had divorced her mother who wasnt as wealthy as him. She was closer to her mother, but she lives with her father because his affluence can sustain her better. She is new to the school and got in easily because of her status. Although, most of her life she had been homeschooled by several teachers so the atmosphere of students her age is new for her. Luckily, she quickly befriended Tamaki Suoh, whos eccentric and outgoing personality quickly drew her out of her shell. She has yet to feel at home with all the other students at Ouran, however.

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Yes, I have decided to play Tamaki, its too good to pass up I ll get the gist of it and I ve played two characters before anyways

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(Damn apostrophe key doesnt work >.>, note that "doesnt" doesnt have one *sigh* You dont appreciate the all important apostraphe until you go typing and it doesnt work to your dismay. Appreciate your apostraphes people! My apostraphes: RIP)
I was going to ask what time period this was so I know how tamaki is supposed to act toward haruhi but I read the spoiler (which isn't a spoiler cause I already knew that :) So nevermind xD

My apostraphe key magically works again...jk I'm using another device

Just to clarify, no crushes between your own characters?
[MENTION=2876]skaterjuliet[/MENTION] I think everyone is crushin on the twins haha. My character is crushing on 'them' at the moment but it's more of crushing on Hikaru
No crushes with characters you play, its too weird, but you can have a crush on any character you aren't controling. Just to be sure that someone didn't pick a particular host just so their character could be a couple. If you are playing a host, be fair with everyone, meaning the twins can't refuse to like someone just because they have unrequited crushes on haruhi.
Hello, i'd like to join.

Name: Caid Siovhan

Gender: Male

Grade and age: 16, first year.

Social Status: Rich.

Personality: A generally prickly person at first glance - but he actually warms up to people easily when they give him reason to. He has absolutely no sense of humor, comepletely gullible. Comes off as pouty when he tries to socialize, and he tends to resort to violence when provoked.

Other: He has an unexplained fear of felines. He visits the host club regularly and either sulks or lashes out when anyone comments on it. He was born in Ireland and has a barely noticable accent.

Looks: View attachment 8291
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] I think I might be able to join, but unforunately not always able to keep up. I don't check most like 'fandoms' besides Fantasy and Supernatural when I go on, which is about 2-3 times per week. I don't use RP Nation that much, I'm into the Tumblr roleplaying fandom of Fairy Tail and Durarara so far. I've slowly been able to get back into RP Nation though. I don't think I can be Tamaki anymore. X3 I can do Kyoya/Hani/Mori/Renge/Eclair/Ranka (Haruhi's father) quite easily though.
ll tghe host club guys and haruhi are covered. you can make your own charcter or play a minor character like Nekozawa or renge or something. you welcome to jump in whenever you choose to psot your character. its nice hearing form you again!

Okay, I'll probably handle two, because they're pretty minor characters. I think I'll settle for Renge Houshakuji and Nekozawa c:

well, [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] if you can post a picture of each minor character that would be awsome. They don't need character sheets but some people might need a refresher on what they look like. Other wise, you can jump right in!
you can make a new character. some main characters might be opening up too. its been slow so im going to see if the people with main characters want to give them to other people.

someone claimed renge and nekozawa but hasnt posted yet. Kyoya might be open, not so sure about Haruhi. she wants to participate but she doesnt get on much because of homework.
go right ahead! Hani and Mori are the only two guys who arent being crushed on. tamaki obviously gets haruhi and both twins already have characters who like them. my character was supposed to like Kyoya but the guy who claimed him hasnt posted. actually, he hasnt been on in quite awhile, do you want Kyoya? im pretty sure he wont be on enough.

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