Welcome To The Circus, Prepare To Be Amazed (Sign Ups)

It'd be great to continue or if we have to, start over. Glad to see you're back Zhia
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I agree...Btw anyone else use tapatalk? I really dislike the changes made recent..maybe it's just me idk taking me while to figure out stuff lol..oh well..

Not much was happening anyways. We'd just started the first show and all that. If we start over I'm keeping my same characters though
So we'll start over then? I do have to agree with Flip that that's the best idea right now. I plan on keeping the plot the same of course.

Mask brings up a good point, if you already had a character you can keep them..unless you feel like making another one. (Lol some features of it are weird but then I'm just now starting to use it so I don't know what to tell ya Mask)

Do you guys want me to make all new threads for sign ups and everything? That might be better actually..

I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, but I'm back now :)

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