Welcome To The Circus, Prepare To Be Amazed (Sign Ups)


One Thousand Club
Now Accepting!

3 Spots Available!

-meaning 3 role players not characters. Max of 2 characters per person.

(Will try to update that as needed)

So this is a circus rp. It will be dark and dangerous with lots of odd tricks and talents you couldn't even imagine.

I ask that, unless discussed before hand, Everyone has a different role. I don't have much as far as a storyline because I want to focus a lot on character building and relationships between characters.

Since this is a dark circus I would like to see roles like:


acrobats/flying trapeze/tightrope(etc)

fortune telling


beast taming

fire/sword dancing

or roles like those of a freakshow.

(Snake/wolf/someferociousbeast Man, bearded lady etc)

And we can start with characters knowing each other (well considering they are all part of the circus it only makes sense)

I don't mind romance but would not prefer to have a lot of it in this rp. (unless it is screwed up in some sort of way. Idk if it's just because its late at night or what but I really want this to be super dark and twisted..)

So character pairings like master/slave are okay as far as I'm concerned.

Hmmm...interesting thought I just had. Someone could be a spectator and form a friendship with one of the members..that would be interesting too. Just an idea though.



I want people to be COMMITTED.


okay maybe that was a little harsh....But I just wanted to get my point across.

I don't care how long the post is as long as it makes sense, has good spelling and grammar and is something that can actually be replied to. (Starting posts I'll be lenient on but after that....)

Language: Basic site rules

Romance: Limited. It's okay, but I don't want too much. And you know for adult themes fade to black or just don't

Character sheet:


Stage Name(if different):


Age: *Any age idc, but be realistic when forming your personality after this

Background(include how you came to the circus):







I will edit this more when it's not 12:30 in the morning and also post my character then. Any questions, pm me. Please sign up :)  
Name: Jackson Smith

Stage Name(if different): Mysterious Jack

Role/talent/freakiness: Ring Master, also performs as a beast tamer (lions&tigers)

Age: 25

Background(include how you came to the circus): Jackson had always been interested in joining a circus ever since he was a little boy. At the age of ten he witnessed the amazing acts and performances of the circus that had came to his town and ever since had wished to join it. When he was 19 he learned that the circus had been shut down and was devastated. But the idea came to him to start his own circus and so Cirque du Freak began. (Yes I stole the name from the books by Darren Shan. No this is not a fandom rp based upon those books)

Personality: Jack has a very solemn personality normally. But when he's performing it's easy to wonder if his mind is bordering on insanity. He can be sadistic and brutal but often tries to fend off these urges.






Couldn't decide on one Lol...

Strengths: He is very organized and runs the circus well. Knows what he wants and will do anything to get it.

Weaknesses: His sadistic urges

Fears: He fears himself(what he's capable of)

Other: none yet
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Name: Nyx Amyntas

Stage Name(if different):

Role/talent/freakiness: Fire Dancer

Age: 19

Background(include how you came to the circus): At the age of 6 she immigrated with her parents, who were searching for a better life. It was going alright till a burglar broke into her home and murdered her parents the man would have killed Nyx as well if she didn't hide quickly in the laundry basket. Nyx was only 11 when this happened. She didn't know how long she could stay in her home so she packed as much of she can into her father's backpack, money, food, a photo before leaving her home. During the years, Nyx struggled to live for herself sometimes resorting to steal from other people to get by but didn't stray too far into other 'actions' as she still upheld her morals. Until one harsh winter, she began to have a fascination with fire as it was the only thing that gave her warmth anymore as she herself became cold from her harsh lifestyle (She was 15 during this time). From then Nyx tried to perform tricks with fire and a stranger gave her some advice that she should join a circus. Heeding the stranger's words Nyx joined a newly created Circus.

Personality: Before Nyx used to be her Father's sunshine as she always wanted everyone to be happy and enjoy life. But after her struggles of living on her own has made her indifferent and cold. Nyx has a tendency to not talk to anyone as she prefers to be by herself but is willing to take in other people's opinions and advice.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.6d070d1aa98757816d9b437882f4e38b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.6d070d1aa98757816d9b437882f4e38b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths: Nyx is glad that she has a lithe body build as she is able to get away from a bad situation, either by hiding in cramped spaces or by slipping there holds. Flexible and has excellent balance.

Weaknesses: Nyx has trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy.

Fears: Nyx fears that she has strayed far from herself and doesn't know if she can ever be the same.


Name: Juno Stratveri (Boy) and Luna Stratveri (Girl)

Stage Name(if different): The Stratveri Pair

Role/talent/freakiness: Sword Act

Age: Juno: 14/Luna: 10

Background(include how you came to the circus): Juno and Luna joined the circus after being left behind after one of the shows. They had gone to see the amazing acts and when something went wrong and the lions were running wild everyone was in a panic to get out of their. The two siblings got lost in the crowd and once everything had calmed down they were unable to find their family(They were 11 and 7. It's been 3 years since they joined the circus)


They are both really protective over each other and are very close. They have this weird connection with each other where it's like they know what the other one is thinking. A lot of people think their closeness is too weird and that they are dating. (That's only a theory, If it's okay I'd like for there to be a little bit of a joking romance between them. I'll pm you to explain better.) As far as interacting with others, they usually share the same group of friends and don't like to be separated. Juno actually has a pretty average personality and is probably the most "normal" person you'll find at the circus. Luna on the other hand usually scares people away from hanging around her. She talks to the "invisible people" and likes to draw and talk about dead people. She has an odd fascination with death and blood (this is a result of watching the lions maul people at their visit to the circus. Juno tries his best to take care of his sister and often worries about her sanity and relationships with other people.



Strengths:They are loyal to each other.

Weaknesses: Their closeness (sometimes), Luna's insanity, (others may be added later)


Juno: Fears for his sisters safety and sanity.

Luna: Fears Juno will leave or be taken away from her

Name:Justis Kreed

Stage Name(if different):Justis the Grace.

Role/talent/freakiness:Magician,She can pull off completely impossible illusions.


Background(include how you came to the circus):From a young age Justis new her mom had a problem.How she would come home at night smelling like cigarettes and cheap perfume,muttering how she would make a big win soon.It scared Justis about how far they deep they were going all,because her mother couldn't help,but pick up a game of poker with the guys at the casino."Please mommy no,"She would beg,blocking the door trying to stop her mom from leaving,yet it was no use.Her mom would go smiling, promising she would do better today like she always did.Until one day her mother had a big screw up,She ran out of money,but just couldn't stop herself.She put Justis as her bet.Her own daughter was the wager.Not surprisingly her mother lost and three days later a tall thin man named Mathew came for her,saying he was her new master.The eight year old Justis was dragged away screaming,begging her mother to save her,but it was all for not.Mathew dragged her away taking her to a huge loft in New york city.She stayed with him until she was fourteen,receiving beatings and worst.But she didn't decide to leave until she was 14 because one night Mathew came home drunk,looming over her he picked her up taking her to the bedroom.Fade to black.Three days later she eascaped and found the circus looking for a new magician appertanice so she took the job and found out she was quite good at it,quickly learning all she needed to know.Heck,she even made her own performaces.She soon took over as lead Magician.

Personality:Justis is often a loud mouth and can be very blunt,but she is very clever.She just glows with pure innocent,but has that lost puppy look to her so not many will try to mess with her,Justis also has a strong will and will always try to stand up for others,But she finds it hard to stand up for herself and feels likes people are targeting her.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/cirque.jpg.2d789cfcb11659b5a947608ea91dcae8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/cirque.jpg.2d789cfcb11659b5a947608ea91dcae8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths:Justis is a pretty good liar and can use her bag of tricks just as well of stage.She might be small,but she is very quick and can easily distract people.

Weaknesses:she has quite the talent for angering people who can kill her

Fears:being trapped.


Name: Iggy Malefica

Stage name: The Reptile of Manhattan

Freakiness: snake boy

Age: 16

Backround: Iggy was born a regular boy with lots of friends, and the star of his track team. One day in the woods, a bunch of his friends dared him to eat a small little snake for fifty bucks. Iggy accepted it, but swallowed it whole. Days later he was sent to the ER for the snake somehow multiplied in his body. The doctor said there was no way for him to get rid of them without killing him, but gave him medicine to keep the snakes from ripping his body apart. From that day on Iggy harvested thousands of snakes from his body, and shoot them from his mouth as well. All the reptile saliva inside him merged with his DNA structure, giving him greenish black scales from his stomach down. He still has legs though. When these scales went out of control, and people started noticing, Iggy got kicked out from the track team because it made it much harder to run. Iggy joined the circus when his parent's oil manufacturing company went downhill, and he needed a way to make money. Iggy lives in a spacey cage in the back of the costume room.

Personality: extremely sly and tricky, Iggy loves to play with others' minds for fun, usually with impossible riddles. Iggy also has a thing for blood, so he might try to taste your cuts and wounds.

Looks: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/212/e/c/snake_boy_iggy__by_watux-d59bx20.png

Strengths: flexibility, snake harvesting

Weaknesses: has terrible vision, so he likes to flick his tongue, and hates cats

Fears: anything bigger than him

Other: in his performance, Iggy would do various stunts with his snakes, who seem to understand him. He always enjoys naming each and every one of his scaly friends.
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I know Zhia's been really busy lately and hasn't been able to get on much or for long periods of time. So I think..let's consider it on hold or something for now. I think it would be really fun to continue..Maybe we could do a time skip and have her catch up later? It would be hard since her character is the ringmaster..but I think we could work it out :)
Oh, thank you for telling me. :3 I didn't know Zhia was busy. We can try time-skipping but we'll be another character short as Xynia is taking care of her sister. :o
Ah..Well I sort of have 2 characters (and that's the limit lol..) and I hadn't realized Xynia was busy too. You could make another character (since your already accepted and everything..) or we could just work with what we got lol..which isn't a lot.. Zhia will be back soon though I think haha she doesn't like having to be away since that's a pet peeve of hers: people being uncommitted to rps
You're right Mask, Zhia will come back soon enough and I'm sure Xynia will catch up. I'll make another characther, it will take me a while to come with the profile. I'll be sure to post it later today. :3
Name: Yukiko/Yuki

Stage Name(if different): Yuki The Dragon Tamer

Role/talent/freakiness: Beast/Dragon Tamer

Age: 16

Background(include how you came to the circus): Yukiko was raised by a witch she called Mother. She taught her how to tame beasts, and other things as well. After years and years of practise, and training she sent her to the circus to perform for large crowds. She didn't want to go, but she always listens to Mother. The dragon she tames she raised herself and is considered a friend to her.

Personality: Yukiko is a quiet, mysterious type of person. She doesn't talk to anyone unless they talk to her. This is mainly because Mother would never let her talk to anyone when she raised her, and they lived in a house deep in the snowy woods. She is also very artistic, and is into carving things out of wood, also painting, or drawing.



[she usually wears a long hood over her head and body with the circus logo and colours on it.]

Strengths: Yukiko is good at anything related to art. She is fast, and can run with exceptional speed. She can also climb things very well when she needs to. And, of coarse, she is exceptionally good at beast taming. She gets along well with animals/beasts.

Weaknesses: Yukiko's biggest weakness is Mother, but that wouldn't seem to be a problem as to she isn't with her at the circus. But she still worries about her alot. She also has a passion for animals, and beasts. If anything were to happen to her dragon, Yasashi, she would get extremely angry.

Fears: Yukiko is mostly fearless, her only fear being abandonment. She fears making friends for that reason. She worries everyday Mother or Yasashi is going to leave her, or run away. Yukiko just hates the thought of being... alone.

Other: N/A

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