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Fantasy Welcome to the Big Apple - Characters

Name: Ivy Jackson
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Race: Vampire

Physical appearance: With an hourglass figure, she stands at a height of 5"8'. Her thick, ink black hair reaching the bottom of her back, it seems messy and unkept no matter how many times it's brushed. Her skin tone being a pale ivory, her eyes are different colours; one being blue while the other a green (as she had been born with Heterochromia). She hardly ever wears makeup and much prefers a darker more gothic look when it comes down to it yet she ways manages to pull it off so elegantly.

Personality: She's rather calm and quiet when you meet her, preferring to be alone with her studies and books than with others. Her call and collected nature often draws attention to herself whether it's wanted or not. She often see's herself as above others when it comes to it, her arrogance often driving people away and sometimes drawing in the arrogant crowd on campus. However, catch her alone you'll see she's obsessed over her work and the way a human mind works and seem the exact opposite of calm and rational once she snaps, using her knowledge over the human mind and her quick thinking to manipulate and torment others to no end and with of course no mercy.

Ivy had been born into an old school family of elegance, from the age of 5 she had been taught the duties and proper expectancy of a woman from being told never to yell and remain calm at the age of 5 to being made to wear corsets and knee high stockings at 16. She had never spoken up or defied her parents, not wanting to cause harm or trouble and so she kept her anger inside, waiting until she was finally alone to let it out. But while she was made to study she had stumbled upon the study of anatomy at 15 and became instantly in love and obsessed with it.

Her love for it remained hidden from her parents even though she continued, gaining hungry for more knowledge as the days passed by and soon found herself graduating highschool, expecting study a major at college that had been only for a woman but decided to learn more about the human body and study to become a surgeon. Her parents quickly disapproved, trying to force her to choose something else but she stood her ground and soon moved out of home to stay in her own place, working part time at a diner while remaining top of her class. All while containing her strange hunger for meat.
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Name: Elowen Bell (Also goes by Elle)

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Elf

Physical Description: Long wavy hair that is a mix of warm brown, and sunny blonde highlights. She’s tall and thin, but with soft features, and a youthful face. Light freckles dust a button nose, which rests above pink lips and a wide smile. Soft, straight brows sit above her green eyes and dark lashes. Her skin is a perfect tan from many days spent in the sun’s rays. She has a natural beauty that very few possess, and is used to hearing the phrase “some people are just born lucky”. This is more true than she knows. Her style consists of a lot of light-colored, flowy garments and layers. She also likes to wear jewelry, and gemstones, and loves a good wide brimmed hat.

Personality: Naive, optimistic, believes strongly in fairness, intelligent but gullible, gentle, emotionally driven, very caring, doesn't have the most self confidence

Short Biography: Elowen has always had an affinity for nature, lucky to live out in the New York countryside, her parents the owners of a large apple orchard, Bell Farms. As a kid it was hard for her parents to ever get her to come inside, as she always wanted to play out on their land and in the bushes and trees that grew there. Growing older she gained hobbies like keeping her own garden and houseplants, along with helping her parents farm. She seemed to have a natural green thumb unlike anything her parents had seen before. Her true talents were not yet revealed to her, but her green thumb wasn’t just a coincidence. When it came to school she was well liked due to a quiet demeanor and cheerful attitude. She was a good student, but not the biggest social butterfly. She had a few close friends who shared her passion for the softer things in life. As a teen she started getting into some things that would make her your typical modern day hippie, like crystal and herbal healing, and believing strongly in astrology and our ties to Mother Nature. She liked to see the good in everything, even when it made her too trusting in others. She usually doesn’t learn from her mistakes, because of the hope she has for everyone she meets. This trust started to challenge her as she graduated high school and some of her expectations weren’t exactly what she had hoped. She was accepted into her dream college in New York City, and the stark contrast from the smaller town she grew up in was an exciting one, albeit a little overwhelming. She’s doing her best to make bonds with the right people, but some events that are beginning in the Big Apple may lead her to a group of individuals that will give her the life experience she needs to grow into her full potential as she comes to terms with what her true identity is and what she must become.
Name: Rael M. Nachtkrähe

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Race: Witch

Physical Description: With narrowed, domineering eyes and standing at 6’1”, Rael has quite a bit of a presence— though one could say that it wasn’t a pleasant one. His eyes are a dark, rich hickory almost the point of one thinking that they’re simply black pools, and his hair is almost equally so, if not, a more rich, prominent brown. Though the hair around his head is shorter, his dark curls atop is head aren’t so and tend to fall into his eyes if careless. His features are more chiseled and defined, complexion fairly pale and a sporadic collection of dark moles scattered across his body in various places. He has a rather lithe build more than anything— he seems quite slender but he has muscle in the right places.

Personality: He’s a bit of an egotistical bastard. He recklessly acts on his own whims and doesn’t take heed to what other people tell him— whether that be a good thing or bad. He has an incredibly blunt personality and will voice his opinions, which can sometimes be questionable or inadvertently (or admittedly deliberately) condescending. He lives and makes decisions that contribute to his own gain, whether that be survival or simply something akin to affluence.

Short Biography: He grew up a bastard child, his unnamed father long gone and his mother too wasted to care. To him, though, his life wasn’t a tragic one. Unfortunate to some people, maybe, but that’s how people learn and grow. He provided for himself a lot of the time, gaining his independence and capability to provide for himself no matter the means. He didn’t grow up completely without aid, though. His mother lived in more of a meager, community-driven neighborhood inhabited by mostly retired individuals, quiet couples and kind outcasts, so Rael was essentially communally raised when he had been too young to do anything to provide for himself. It came to the point where an elderly woman across the street was more his mother than anyone else, but she had passed away when Rael had turned thirteen, turning birthdays into a sad occasion for him. After graduating high school with flying colors, Rael found himself being accepted into to college-- where he'd meet his most unexpected destiny.

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