Welcome to the band! [Inactive]

"Allison We all have to start small." Her brother said from the drivers seat. "Maybe Alden will get you new members!" He looked at the road.

"Fat chance I've heard people here HATE music Alex" She said in a sour tone. "I can't believe they hate music." She looked around it was a sunny day in the town of Alden. People out and about, She did want to find new members Though. Maybe the gods will give me a easy streak? She hoped.
"Hey! Alexx!" She hit him, "pull over there's a girl she looks like she needs a ride." Alexx slowly pulled up next to the girl as Allison rolled down her window. "Hello you need a lift?"
"Guitars did you say guitars" gets in the car smiling "I've always wanted to join a band"
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