Welcome to the 84th Hunger Games!

I could make another male character if we still needed one unless AlwaysChaos was going to make one?
Thank you, SwimLittleFish.

Aura, if AlwaysChaos makes a male character, we will be fine. Thank you for the offer. :)
Username: Chaos

Character name: Kyyle Devlon

Age: 16

Gender: Male

District: 9


View attachment 5261

Personality: easy going, charismatic, adaptable

History: Comes from a typical home with two parents and older sisters (18/19), he spent his time goofing off and farming to help his family out some, plus loves a good day's work. His first tragedy would be the Reaping itself, so the boy's in for a rude awakening

Strengths: physic, can handle swinging weapons

Weaknesses: unworldly, inexperienced

Weapon/s of choice: sword/axe

Token: family ring


Username: Chaos

Character name: Quinn Bay

Age: 18

Gender: Male

District: 11


View attachment 5262

Personality: protective and strong willed, somewhat cold and calculating he wants to get through this for what's left of his families sake, but isn't all that sure that he can kill, let alone be the last man standing

History: Father died of illness when he was 13, leaving him to step up as man of the house to help take care of his mother and younger sister (now 13). At 14 he started going after small game, making traps and using knives, to feed his family. His one fear was his own sister having to go into the reaping, but turns out he should have been worried about himself

Strengths: making snares

Weaknesses: hurting youth

Weapon/s of choice: knifes

Token: younger sister's hairband

Are y'all even on girls and boys now? I'd like to put in a girl.

EDIT: And why is the 13th district exempt from the games? It isn't presumed destroyed anymore, I mean Coin was even going to be President at the end of Mockingjay til Katniss killed her.
Accepted, Chaos :) Thank you for signing up.

I'm sorry, asduskfalls, but I have asked for no more female characters. Unless you're planning to make both a female and a male, then I'm sorry. As for the District 13 part, I didn't really think about that.

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