Welcome to the 84th Hunger Games!


New Member
Welcome to the 84th Hunger Games!

25 years after the second rebellion. Everything was peaceful, lovely for the citizens of Panem. Until President Paylor stepped down. When the next President took place, some of the old acts were reintroduced. The main one being the Hunger Games. Only, a new rule was added to the Games. You can't volunteer for anyone. If your name is reaped, you are going into the arena. Also, tributes must ally with another. Though these allies are to be chosen by the Gamemakers. There's no way out of it unless your ally dies. But, there's an advantage to that. If both allies are still alive at the end of the Games, both will be crowned Victors. One male and one female tribute from different districts will be put together as allies.


- No godmodding or making your character invincible.

- You must be literate; at least two paragraphs per post, no text talk, proper grammar and punctuation.

- You must have read all three books, for this is based after the third book and we wouldn't want to spoil them for you.

- Your character cannot volunteer - they must be reaped.

- Romance is allowed, but keep it to PG-13.

- Cursing/Swearing is allowed, but censor major ones out please.

- You may make children of previous characters if they lived at the end of 'Mockingjay'.

- Don't just kill off another character, unless they are planned to die in the bloodbath. Please ask the user before killing their character.

- No one liners please. If you're having a bad day, we all understand that.

- I will roleplay the Gamemakers - decisions such as training scores, sponsors, gifts, etc.

- You must be nice to each other when out of character. Make your characters hate one another as much as possible, but don't hate on the authors.

- You may create up to two characters to go into the areana. You can make two more if you wish to create a mentor.

The Arena:



District One:

Boy - Ace Paget

Girl - Emerald Aimes

Mentor -

District Two:

Boy - Sage

Girl - Miranda Scott

Mentor -

District Three:

Boy - Scott Moore

Girl -
Ava Rose Menagerie (Xx-Katherine-xX)

Mentor -

District Four:

Boy - Aaron Odair Cresta

Girl - Victoria Garner

Mentor - Annie Cresta
(pyr0maniac - though I'll leave it open if anyone else wants to play her seeing as I already have four characters)

District Five:

Boy -

Girl -

Mentor -

District Six:

Boy -

Girl -

Mentor -

District Seven:

Boy - Alec Bennet

Girl - Madison Boisse

Mentor - Johanna Mason

District Eight:

Boy -

Girl -

Mentor -

District Nine:

Boy -

Girl -
Riley May Vienna (Xx-Katherine-xX)

Mentor -

District Ten:

Boy -

Girl -

Mentor -

District Eleven:

Boy -

Girl - Cecily James

Mentor -

District Twelve:

Boy -
Taylor Auode (WalkingDisaster)

Girl - Jay Mellark

Mentor - Katniss Mellark (pyr0maniac)



Character name:









Weapon/s of choice:



My Forms:

Username: pyr0maniac

Character name: Jay Mellark

Age: 14

Gender: Female

District: Twelve



Personality: Jay is a dedicated and determined person; once her mind is set on something she will go through with it no matter what the sacrifices are. Though she can be quite a hard character at times, she does have a soft sides which she really only shows to those she trusts. She's a hardworker as well.

History: Jay is the daughter of Katniss and Peeta Mellark, and she was born into a world where the Hunger Games did no longer exist. However, when she was five years old, they were reintroduced. Nothing could be done about it. Her parents didn't want her to become a career, and the facilities weren't at District Twelve for that sort of thing. But they trained her in the woods and the bakery when she turned eleven years old. Her survival skills were learned in the woods and her camoflauge and cooking (for if she would need to cook her own food) were learned in the bakery. This was all done in secret. Jay's younger brother, Rafael, just recently turned eleven, so he had just started to learn these skills. Katniss and Peeta feared her name being reaped, as there was a strong possibility that they would end up being mentors; they wouldn't want to prepare their own children for their most likely death.

Strengths: Jay isn't as good as her mother with a bow and arrow, but she can make some pretty decent shots. Her best abilities are stealth and speed. Her father taught her well with camoflauge as she is quite skillful with at, as being a part of stealth.

Weaknesses: Jay cannot use snares or traps. No matter how many times she may practise this, she cannot use them. She finds it easier catching prey with a weapon instead.

Token: Her token is the mockingjay pin her mother had. Jay was named after the bird, so it symbolises her and what her mother stood for.

Other: ((Nothing for now.))

Username: pyr0maniac

Character name: Ace Paget

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: One



Personality: Ace is a strong willed and controlling person and he won't let anyone try and put themselves above him. He's often seen as a leader. He enjoys bossing people around as well and he's quite excited about going into the arena; he believes he will win. When others try to boss him around, he tends to get a little angry as he likes being at the top and the leader.

History: Ace was brought up into a family who loved the idea of the Hunger Games, even if they would be sending their children into the death. His parents were both victors who had won the Games in previous years as careers. When the Hunger Games was reintroduced, his parents sent him straight to the training centres for the careers. Here he learned many skills including: sword fighting, knife throwing, hand-to-hand combat and so on.

Strengths: Ace is strongest with anything to do with a blade. He's great with knives, swords, daggers - name it! He's a pretty fast runner too.

Weaknesses: Ace hasn't got many weaknesses, but the main things are that he can't swim and isn't a very good climber.

Token: His token is a small pendant with his District's seal on. He's very proud to come from District One, so he hold this close to him.

Other: ((Nothing for now.))
Username: Aura

Character name: Scott Moore

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 3


Personality: Scott is shy but bright. He prefers to outwit his enemy and think strategically then confront. Therefore he comes off as manipulative. He can seem cold and distant but once he trusts you enough he'll let you see that he can be sweet and soft.

History: Scott grew up in a nice home and thought that he had a good life ahead of him until he was reaped. He grew up believing that the odds were against him and he still hasn't faced the fact that he is now in the Hunger games.

Strengths: Coming from district 3 he is moderately skilled with electronics. Scott is adept at camouflage.

Weaknesses: Fighting in general.

Weapon/s of choice: Snares and traps

Token: A golden locket with a picture of his mother and younger sister in it.


Username: Aura

Character name: Madison Boisse

Age: 16

Gender: Female

District: 7


Personality: Madison is outgoing, energetic, friendly, but also impulsive, stubborn and selfish.

History: Madison started work at a young age which has led her to develop a proficiency with axes and hatchets and with trees in general. Her home life was good.

Strengths: Madison has skills in identifying plants and other moderate survival skills. She is excellent at climbing trees.

Weaknesses: She cannot swim.

Weapon/s of choice: Hatchet

Token: A small bangle made of bronze with her district's symbol on it.


Damn, I was supposed to take 'weapons of choice' out but because my internet disagreed with me I forgot xD oh well, it will probably help anyway.

Username: jabberwocky19

Character name: Alec Bennett

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 7


Personality: Alec his headstrong and outspoken. He tends to stay quiet and observe everything around him. He has a silent arrogance about him and knows how to get under people’s skin. He knows how to charm and smooth talk, normally relying on his good looks and persuasive ways. Every bone in his body is just as strong as his mind. He can be calm in the worst situations, but can easily snap. He is a bomb ticking away to the end. He is a dreamer that can’t seem to find his own.

History: Alec grew up in the outer of District 7 with two loving parents and a younger sister, Natalie. His parents dyed from a disease going around the District 7 when he was thirteen and his sister was eight. Being five years above his sister, he took care of her as a father figure.

Strengths: Alec is good with his hands and a quick thinker. He is a natural with the dagger and has strong arms and legs.

Weaknesses: He tends to focus too much on his surroundings instead of what lay right in front of him. He is a fast runner but has trouble pacing himself; he can run hard for a small amount of time. He can sometimes act with impulse.

Weapon/s of choice: Dagger, but prefers to use is own hands.

Token: A necklace his sister made for him.

Other: none Username: jabberwocky19

Character name: Victoria Garner

Age: 16

Gender: Female

District: Four


Personality: Victoria is tough as nails, but like a candy has a sweet center. She is devastated to be picked for the Games, but is confident that she has the skills to make is far in the competition. Being that she has been trained all her life to a great extent, she is sure she will make it at least to the last five.

History: Victoria grew up in a wealthy family with two loving parents and two younger sisters. She grew up with an average childhood. Everything was practically perfect; she was a prodigy in fighting, her family was close, she had good grades and stayed out of trouble. Getting picked for anything so horrible as the games was completely alien to her and even the more awful.

Strengths: She is small in size and has swift movements. She can manipulate easily and knows how to get out of trouble. She had no problems killing at all.

Weaknesses: Victoria tends to over think at times and tries to hard to be perfect.

Weapon/s of choice: Whip or blowgun

Token: A golden bracelet, given to her by her mother.

Other: none

Username: WalkingDisaster

Character name: Aaron Odair Cresta

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 4

Appearance: He has his mom's dark hair and light skin, but his father's build, charm and good looks. His eyes are shaped like Annie's, but have Finnick's sea-green coloring.

Personality: Aaron likes caring for people. He can get too close too fast, and that can end up destroying him. He wears his heart saftey pinned to his backpack - very easy person to read. He has wit and humor and can come across as very charismatic. He has it all - brains, good looks, gentle temper, famous; beautiful parents - but he knows how to stay grounded, and can tell when enough is enough.

History: Both of his parents competed in and won the Hunger Games, his father holding the position as the youngest winner of the Games ever. Aaron's father was killed before he was born, but he's heard stories. His mother speaks of him rather fondly, and misses him so much it seems to hurt her. Since his father was killed, his mother has lived in quite a bit of pain and discomfort, being so traumatized by her Hunger Games. When Aaron was 7, he tried comforting her for the first time. Snifffing, she told him that it was the first time any one had successfully comforted her since her husband's death. Being the only one who was able to comfort his mother brought them closer together, and he really feels horrible that he may have to leave her like his father did.

Aaron taught himself how to fish so he could support himself and his mother. They were scraping for a while, but he finally figured it out and excelled. Everyday after school, he would go the docks, rent a boat, and fish well in to the night, selling the majority of it early the next morning. Deespite being from such a rich District, he learned from his parents' past endeavors the values of freedom, money and everything else worth having. Nothing comes for free - absolutely nothing.

Strengths: Both of his parents were in the Hunger Games in the past. He can swim, fish, and is good with any long bladed weapon.

Weaknesses: He gets attatched to people too easily.

Weapon(s) of choice: Trident, net, or spear. Anything he is familiar with.

Token: A small pearl with his annitials painted in gold.

Other: I hope it is okay I used Finnick's son...Does taht make Annie his mentor? =)

Username: WalkingDisaster

Character name: Miranda Scott

Age: 16

Gender: Female

District: 2

Appearance: Dark hair and eyes over pale skin. She is of average height and has a femine structure, but muscle to spare. Her eyes are deep-set, her eyebrows trimmed to an arch. He nose is very slight, with a mild point. She is beautiful, but with a strange mix of features and a sour attitude to go with it.

Personality: Miranda isn't very nice. She likes to give people a hard time for nothing, and is convinced that because she is from District 2, she has more privelages than someone from, say, District 5. She has a competitive streak a mile wide, and an ego to match. Her "sweet side" is probably the size of a freckle, and is never seen by anybody. It's not because she's self-concious, or traumitized in the past. It's just how she is, and she doesn't plan on changing anytime soon.

History: Miranda's life has been easy. Coming from a rich district, she had plenty of money and more than enough food. Her family had never been very close, seeing as she is the youngest of three siblling; her youngest brother being 9 years older than she. She has always been waiting for a chance to prove she is better than her siblings, and started training to be a Peacekeeper underneath her 28 year old sister. Two years after she began her training, she was reaped and forced to compete in the Hunger Games. She isn't upset, though. In fact, this gives her a chance to be far better than her siblings. Miranda is looking forward to winning.

Strengths: She is easily adaptable, and can pick up new weapons fast. A very manipulative girl.

Weaknesses: Miranda is difficult to get along with, and is always right in her own mind. It is hard to get her to realize mistakes.

Weapon(s) of choice: Knife or whip, but can and will use anything

Token: A blunt piece of scrap metal.


("Whoa, Dizzy!
You're roleplaying someone with boobs?!" ...That's a bit of a first, isn't it? xD )
Both of you are accepted! Once you finish your forms of course, Dizzy. xD I hope you don't mind me calling you that :) . Yeah, it's fine you've used Finnick's son! Annie could be his mentor, yeah :)
Okay, thanks, pyr0 =) And, no, call me anything! Diz, Dizzy, King, Disaster, Sassy....I'm not picky xD

Will you RP Annie? C:
We could probably start soon, I'd say we have enough characters. But I'll leave it another day in case anyone else wants to join.
I would appreciate it if you would :) We need a mentor for one, two and three if anyone would like to take another character or two.
Username: MaggieMyHeart

Character name: Cecily James

Age: 16

Gender: Female

District: 11

Appearance: http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/4713845/480/Picture-Box/girl-in-field.png?v0

Personality: Cecily is a smart girl, she's quick to think on her feet and make plans. But if the situation arises for quick action, she's pretty good there too. She is very charismatic and can be quite the schmoozer, she's good at making friends, and is pretty trustworthy. She likes to think she can talk herself out of anything. With a sort of stick to it attitude, she's pretty confident in her abilities.

History: Cecily grew up in District 11 so she knows a lot about plants and trees and the earth's natural side. A boy in her class last year (one of those kids you know of, but don't really know) was chosen as a tribute, he didn't last five minutes. Ever simce then, she's been secretly preparing. (not career, but making sure if she does ever get picked she can stay alive for a while) Nothing major like training, just coming up with different stratagies and stuff in the back of her head. Other than that she's had a fairly normal life working on her family's farm.

Strengths: Very strategical, charismatic, and knows her enviornment. Pretty strong from manual labor.

Weaknesses: trusting too quickly, deathly afraid of the bloodbath.

Weapon/s of choice: slingshot, scythe, anything with a blade.

Token: A woven bracelet that used to be the boy's, given to her by his mother.

Other: Nope, i'm good.

Username: MaggieMyHeart

Character name: Emerald Aimes

Age: 17

Gender: Female

District: 1


Personality: Emerald will do anything it takes to win, and she will. She puts on a sparkling personality for the cameras and the world, but shows no mercy to her rival competetors. She is not afraid of anything but being a nobody.

History: Emerald has lived the good life in district one. She's got a mansion, tons of money, but not happiness. She has wanted to win the games since she was 13, to make her stand out even more. She wants to be the talk of the district, and live carefree and bask in the glory of being a victor.

Strengths: Nice for the world, very pretty. Stone cold, and tough as nails.

Weaknesses: She can't cook or gather

Weapon/s of choice: Anything short range

Token: A tattoo of the district 1 emblem on her hand.

Other: no

Username: WalkingDisaster

Character name: Taylor Auode

Age: 16

Gender: Male

District: 12





Weaknesses: He can't seem to figure out long-range weapons and has a hard time trusting people.

Weapon/s of choice: Knife or hammer; anything short range



(I'll finish when I get a chance xD )

Username: jabberwocky19

Character name: Sage

Age: 18

Gender: male

District: 2


Personality: Sage is a narcissistic boy with more than enough confidence in himself. He has no doubt that he will win. He is one to work alone and with his huge ego at hand. With a smile he will take a life without a thought and sometimes enjoys torturing his victims.


Strengths: He is very strong and good with a sword or spear.

Weaknesses: He can easily let his ego get in the way and resents working with a partner.

Weapon/s of choice: Sword or spear


Other: none





Character name:

Ava Rose Menagerie











Ava was born on the late evening of September 5 to parents Lilith Rose Greenly and Jarren Luke Menagerie. She grew up being the quiet, shy little girl who always snuck around late at night searching for things that glinted or glittered in the moonlight. She had always been fascinated by the night and using her late night expeditions she became an expert on stars and sees well in the dark. She was 8 when the Hunger Games were reintroduced. At age 12, her first reaping, she had been forced out of her home as her mother was dying. Sobbing, she left her mother laying in bed. Just days later her mother died. Months later Ava had still not gotten over it and then she met Aaron, her first boyfriend. She got extremely close to him and when he was chosen for The Hinger Games that year she was devastated. Just two weeks into the Games he was killed. Yet again, Ava had lost someone she was close to. It was that day that she isolated herself from everyone, even her father. She began training hard hardly ever speaking. She spent a whole 5 years training and is proud of the killing machine she's become.


Her coldness and ability with hand to hand combat as well as knives and her ability tp see well in the dark.


Speaking of family and becoming close to others. As well as camouflage and long weapons.

Weapon/s of choice:

Herself and small knives.



Contains two pictures, a picture of her family and one of Aarin.



--- Merged Double Post ---



Character name:

Riley May Vienna












Riley was born January 4 to single mother Kaitlyn Ray Anne Vienna. She never knew who her father was just that he had abandoned her mother. She grew up being wild and carefree. In ways she was a tomboy but could be just as much of a girly girl. At the age of 6 her grandmother, whom she had been very close to died. Riley pulled through it although her mother wasn't quite as coping as Riley was. She sobbed for months and lost her job which forced Riley to get a job in one of the factories. She became a hard worker adding extra hours for more food. At the age of 12 she's been working for half her life and isn't even affected by being reaped, she knows if she keeps on working she'll make it through.


Hard worker, can use small sharp items well, speed, and smallness


Doesn't know how to use weapons very well.

Weapon/s of choice:

Small sharp objects.




Dizzy, Jabber, you're forms are accepted, when you finish them of course. :)

Katherine, yours are accepted too!

If you look on the first post, Chaos, it'll say. I think eleven and nine are the only ones needed to fill (guy characters). But it would be good if we could get another mentor or two as well. :)

Can I ask for no more female characters, please. We're running out of males to partner with them.
I would appreciate it if no more girls are created please, because I'm running out of male characters to be partnered up with all of them.

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