Inspired by the plot of the classic 1987 film Lost Boys directed by Joel Schumacher, this role play would follow a group of four runaway misfits whose lives were up turned after being turned into undead creatures of the night. Loosely following the story of the original film as well as taking elements from the 2016 comic from DC we would delve deeper into the mysterious history of Santa Carla California. Complete with headbanging music, boys with big hair, and creepy unknown disappearances perhaps there is more to this town that meets the eye.
Please note that besides the members of the Lost Boys themselves I would also like to include Vampire Hunters, the head vampire, a human family, perspective ( new ) Lost Boy members and perhaps other supernatural creatures such as werewolves to really bring this world to life.
Please note that besides the members of the Lost Boys themselves I would also like to include Vampire Hunters, the head vampire, a human family, perspective ( new ) Lost Boy members and perhaps other supernatural creatures such as werewolves to really bring this world to life.
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