• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy (Now accepting)



Yay the fun part has finally come!

When I like your CS that means your accepted!

Feel free to add BBcodes, it's recommended but not enforced. Just thought you should make your CS look presentable. If you don't want to then it's totally fine! Please use anime pictures only. xD

You can create whatever creature you choose your character to be!

(creatures as in vampires/mermaids/mermans/gods/and other creatures you can think of!!)

Student CS


(First, last. Middle name if optional.)


(please keep it anime only, thank you!)


(High school age!)


(do you have a crush on someone?)


(how much do they weigh?)


(how tall are they?)




(What grade are they in)


(What species are they? Ex: vampire, a god of some sort, mermaid and any other species/monster you can think of..)

Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:

(No limitations)


(What club are they in? optional check the overview)


(What are they like?)

Primary Weapon:

(What weapon does she or he use during combat?)


(What powers do they posses? Don't make them too badass)


(optional but recommended)


(what are theyre likes and dislikes?)

Teacher CS


(First, last, middle name is optional.)




(Male or Female)


(Please keep it anime only, thank you!)


(What species are they? Ex: vampire, a god of some sort, mermaid and etc..)


(How much do they weigh?)


(How tall are they?)

Sexual Orientation:

(No limitation)


(What subject do they teach?)


(What powers do they posses? Don't make them too badass)


(What are they like?)

Add more if needed!

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Moka Hirabashi






17 (but she actually is 645 years old since she's immortal)





None at the moment


114 lb









Goddess of war


Dorm #?:

room 1 ,Raven Lee (

@The Unamed Beast )

Sexual Orientation:


Extra: She is the president of the student council


- Government Club

- Science Club

- Dance Club

-Art Club

- Dance Club



She is helpful, dauntless, humble and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. She is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she is often getting into trouble with the wrong group of people but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She isn't a force to be reckoned with. At times she is easy to talk to and at times she isn't. Moka is also very fun once you get passed her wall of terror that she has built for herself. She is pretty fun once you get to know here. She is rather loyal to all her friends and family. She can be a very loving, loyal, generous, caring, and fun person. She takes her work very seriously and she is very brave when it comes to many things since she has seen a lot through her years of living. She won't let anyone get in her way of doing something she wants to do.


Moka was born into a upper class family but even her family had problems. Moka has four other siblings including herself which is five. She has two other sisters who are much older then her and have finished their schooling. She has an older and younger brother as well. Moka's father is the god of war making Moka and her siblings and mother the god/goddess's of war as well. When Moka was growing up since she is 600 and something years old she had a whole lot of experience during her time. Moka had fought in many wars along side her father. She was never the one to follow rules so when her mother told her not to follow her father into the war. During the time she had come in contact with a horrid beast that put her in bed rest for about six months but when her father never came back from war since the war had still been going on she got up from bed and told her mother that she was fully recovered she went back in and fought, knowing that if she was scratched the second time from the beast she would be done for. But Moka couldn't watch her father and his men fall back in battle. Moka was a force not to be reckoned with. Moka's mother wanted her to be poised and very lady-like her two other sister and leave the fighting to the boys and her father. Moka refused and she was pretty stubborn so she practiced with her father and brothers all the time instead of playing dress up like her sisters. Moka had made a promise to her mother that she would finish her schooling before going into another war of whatever the future might hold. Moka was enrolled into Kinoshi Academy which is where her mother went during her teen years. Moka has worked hard in school as always trying to prove to her mother that she can do the stuff that others can do, since her mother always wanted her to be like her sisters and get arranged marriages.


Primary Weapon:

(Her sword glows a bright white when she uses it and it can only be used by her and works under her command)



(her whip only works by her command and hers only and it is black instead of brown like the picture.


- Thunder manipulation: she can create or summon thunder

- Light manipulation: She can create or summon any light resources to her advantages




Moka was born into a upper class family but even her family had problems. Moka has four other siblings including herself which is five. She has two other sisters who are much older then her and have finished their schooling. She has an older and younger brother as well. Moka's father is the god of war making Moka and her siblings and mother the god/goddess's of war as well. When Moka was growing up since she is 600 and something years old she had a whole lot of experience during her time. Moka had fought in many wars along side her father. She was never the one to follow rules so when her mother told her not to follow her father into the war. During the time she had come in contact with a horrid beast that put her in bed rest for about six months but when her father never came back from war since the war had still been going on she got up from bed and told her mother that she was fully recovered she went back in and fought, knowing that if she was scratched the second time from the beast she would be done for. But Moka couldn't watch her father and his men fall back in battle. Moka was a force not to be reckoned with. Moka's mother wanted her to be poised and very lady-like her two other sister and leave the fighting to the boys and her father. Moka refused and she was pretty stubborn so she practiced with her father and brothers all the time instead of playing dress up like her sisters. Moka had made a promise to her mother that she would finish her schooling before going into another war of whatever the future might hold. Moka was enrolled into Kinoshi Academy which is where her mother went during her teen years. Moka has worked hard in school as always trying to prove to her mother that she can do the stuff that others can do, since her mother always wanted her to be like her sisters and get arranged marriages.


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  • Basic Info


    Melody Rosemary Blake


    17(but is actually 113 years old)





    Dorm #?:

    Sexual Orientation:



    Melody is soft spoken, she rarely talks to anyone as she doesn't see the need to, she does like spending time with others and for some reason liked to play sports. Though she has a very nasty side to her, due to also being the goddess of nightmares she has a mean, cruel and sarcastic side.


    Sports, Magic, Dance



    How she really looks and how she appears in dreams


    How she appears to be


    Primary Weapon:

    Dream Sword can only be used by her


    Nightmare Sword can only be used by her


    Additional Info


    Goddess of dreams and nightmares


    Dreams: She can enter someone's dream and change it as she wishes

    Nightmares: Same as dreams, but then with nightmares

    Dream/Nightmare Manipulation: Depending on what tune she plays on her harp she can change a dream into a nightmare and backwards



Ender Egotarum






160 lbs.








God of Ice and Cold

Dorm #:

Sexual Orientation:



-Cooking Club

-Magic Club

-Music Club


Alert, Calm, Brilliant, Clever, Curious, Dignified, Eloquent, Focused, Helpful, Kind, Methodical, Organized, Realistic, Sneaky, Quiet.

Primary Weapon:


Ender has an enchanted Venetian war hammer that only he can use.It is so cold to the touch, that upon impact, most things freeze instantly and shatter.


Thin Ice:
Ender turns his body into ice making him virtually invisible, but easier to be damaged.

Glacial Blast: Ender sends a flurry of razor sharp pointed shards of ice out of the palms of his hands.

Arctic Boost: A large 30 ft. column of ice sprouts out from underneath either himself, an ally, or an enemy elevating them, or stopping abruptly to send them upwards. It has three speeds Slow, Fast, and Extreme. The slow version will rise up at about the speed of an elevator the fast version is about 25 mph sending the person underneath 20 feet above the pillar itself, and the extreme version skyrockets the person underneath it upwards at speeds of 75 mph and can launch the person up 100 feet above the pillar.

Blizzard: Ender cloaks a 25 foot radius in a freezing thick blizzard impairing his enemies movements, vision, and hearing.

Gelid Crafting: Ender can create objects and even sentient life for a short while. He can only make on thing at a time and the bigger the object or creature is the harder it is to make. Bigger creations also take longer to make and require more concentration.

Cryokinesis: He can control all forms of ice and snow.

Cold Aura:(Purely Passive) Ender is constantly emanating a cold aura which tends to make others uncomfortably cold around him. He has trouble doing things with water, yes even bathing, because it tends to freeze as soon as he touches it. Although, he can be in extremely hot water that would normally burn someone else because of it.




Likes: Being alone, silence, the cold, and a good fight.

Dislikes: Annoying or otherwise obnoxious people, heat, and people who are needlessly loud.

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Samuel J. Pentaghast(Bonus Points if you know that last name ;P)(Gods know him as Apollo.)


24(Is actually 7,000 years old)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-3_19-20-58.jpeg.0eaf1bf3135a0cf09d7eeb34e12197fc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-3_19-20-58.jpeg.0eaf1bf3135a0cf09d7eeb34e12197fc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


God of Music and the Sun


75 kg or 165 lbs



Sexual Orientation:





The power to control fire. He gains power from the Sun and Music. Example(s): Faster Tempo of a song, faster his attacks are. Brighter the sun, stronger he is.


Samuel or better known as Mr. Sam or Mr. Pentaghast is a very laid back person. He would be best described as a "Go with the flow" type of guy. He isn't very strict and always tries to make teaching fun, especially since he teaches the first period. He is highly intelligent and chooses his words carefully in certain scenarios. Due to his age he is extremely wise and has a lot of weight in all the pantheons. It is extremely difficult to tick him off and even harder to piss him off, but when you do, you will regret it, due to his... explosiveness....

Add more if needed!:

Sometimes he will help out with other classes, mainly Physical Education or the Combat Class.

Loves Music and Poems, and can play a plethora of instruments.

Is weaker at night due to the moon, but he isn't completely defenseless.

(I'll may edit this, but yeah, lazy so No BBcode for ye)



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Mina Tarini

Name: Mina Tarini

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual

Club: Art CLub

Primary Weapon: Pencil

Height: 5,38 feet

Weight: 120 lbs

Haircolor: Pink

Eyecolor: Red

Skincolor: Pale

Mina always had a talent for drawing. From a the age of 3, she was already better at drawing than most adults. Yet, her parents never supported her dream of being an artist, they found it too "dangerous and unsteady" for her future. They still were very loving parents, she had anything she needed, yet never got spoiled.

With 12, Mina saw a street artist. He was very old, but what he drew was amazing. Mina decided to speak with him, as she hoped he would teach her a little. He indeed did. He became her teacher, to whom she always went after school every day. He helped her to near perfection.

When Mina had grown 15, the artist became very sick. His last wish was to kiss Mina, which she found weird, yet after all she had done and after all that time spent with him, she fulfilled it. With that kiss, the dying man transferred his ability, the "Magic Draw" to her. He explained the ability and soon died.

Now, 2 years later, Mina has gotten pretty good at using her ability. She applied to this school to learn more about magic.

Mina is a very kind girl. She would never purposely hurt anyone, except she defends herself. Mina always tries to prevent escalations. She helps anyone in need, no matter if they were harsh to her before or even attacked her.

Mina is a very shy girl, she has problems starting a conversation and often is not brave enough to speak her mind. If she loses track of what she said, which sometimes happenes as she is easily distracted, she gets very embarrassed and usually flees to her room/dorm.

]Magic Draw

Mina has the ability to make anything she draws, existing or not existing, come true. It can be something alive or a object. A gas or a liquid. She just needs to draw it and then kiss her drawing, then the drawn object will appear in front of her. It does not matter on what and with what she draws it. Her creations, no matter how evil, never attack her.

If whatever she creates is erased on paper, it disappears as materialisation as well.


Mina is a great artist, she can draw almost anything.




Aratorio Lasarius




17(Is Actually 17, interesting Backstory if you find out)


145 lbs.








God of Blades

Dorm #:

Sexual Orientation:



-Cooking Club

-Gardening Club

-Science Club

-Government Club(If he Can)


Alert, Calm, Brilliant, Clever, Curious, Careless at times, Observant, Patient, Caring, Protective

Primary Weapon:

His Primary sword is ~Durandal~, Comes in various shapes and sizes but the blade is pure silver in color.


Sword Create:
Creates swords out of any material and their strength varies on his will, and Materials used.

Sword Rain: Sends a Sword shooting out at someone at a extremely fast speed. Strength Varies depending on sword used.

Lightning Slash: Slashes at a extremely fast speed as if the blade moved like lightning.

Sword Burst: Shatters a Sword and sends the shards spraying at the target with deadly accuracy and speed. Strength Varies on sword used.

Sword Mist: Shatters the sword's blades into super small and sharp dust and sends it out as a wave attack. Attacks as a giant Dust cloud, any part separated from the main body will most likely fall to the ground losing it's magic.

Sword Copy: Has a chance to copy another's sword but strength and ability varies.


WIP/Reveal as Asked for info about him.


Likes: Food, and friends and being pampered at times.

Dislikes: Being embarrassed by being teased, watching friends get hurt or picked on.​

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Name:nyveria bloodsoul

Appearance: (seen in attachment as I cannot copy urls for some reason)

Age: 17

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: none so far

Weight:119 lbs.

Height: 4' 6"

Gender: female

Grade: sophomore

Species: allimbic. (Shapeshifter, vampire,

goddess of night and arcane from her

mother's side all in one unique name..so there is no confusion)

Dorm #?: final dorm number if it is available and okay with @sprouhtt

Sexual Orientation: bisexual (likes girls...I am a guy using a girl character..but please don't tease...I like to honour the ladies XP)

Club: magic and science club (is this okay @sprouhtt ? If not I will say science club)

Personality: quiet, brave, strong willed, and yet ruthless but does have kindness

Primary Weapon: has 4 kinds of weapons each used in various situations her best one seen in attachement picture along with others

Powers?: shapeshifting (form seen in

attatchement) blood magic, arcane magic, flight via levitation. Energy manipulation (can feed off of aura energy as well as others as a source of food and to help her powers)

Bio: nyveria is a highly mysterious woman. She never liked discussing her past days in front of others as she contains memories of a tragedy that had befallen her entire family

And resulted in her quiet nature as well as what humans call ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) she tends to keep to herself but hopes to one day open up to the right girl and express what she keeps hidden (yes...nyveria is a lesbian....)

Likes/Dislikes: nyveria hates being made fun of about her height. As she says "being a shortie has a great many advantages inside and outside combat" Dislikes talking about her past from her days before the academy. Dislikes people messing with her pet named opal. (Attatchement down below) Likes girls (as seen above) Likes science.. studying magics of the world. Likes fish snakes and spiders and working in the laboratories. Loves natural areas like the mountains forests and oceans.

@sprouhtt (the creature with the wings and bleeding eye is her pet opal. Opal as aa big a s a 15 year old 5 foot 2 tall boy. Her weapons are a shuriken. Scythe battle staff and bow and arroe...both weapons are the same thing..just with two different appearances. The appearance of each weapon corresponds to her mood. The girl with the blood red skin and eyes is what she looks like when she shifts but has the wings of opal as well. And the girl with the white scythe is nyveria)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/halloween_adopts_7__closed__by_rittik_designs-d9ewd5v.jpg.370c5e558940c42350e2afcbef2468df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/halloween_adopts_7__closed__by_rittik_designs-d9ewd5v.jpg.370c5e558940c42350e2afcbef2468df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/AnimeRed.jpg.5327d588318880a76a8d91f7addf673c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/AnimeRed.jpg.5327d588318880a76a8d91f7addf673c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/zero_2_by_stalkernitro-d5z9od9.jpg.7591580e6b457849a0e2a6346171a140.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/zero_2_by_stalkernitro-d5z9od9.jpg.7591580e6b457849a0e2a6346171a140.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/giygas_tan_by_zetsubuobiri.png.cf8eb51bf700039bf1c973e34e190700.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/giygas_tan_by_zetsubuobiri.png.cf8eb51bf700039bf1c973e34e190700.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/halloween_adopts_4__closed__by_rittik_designs-d9ejniy.jpg.4045f10bf74570d4e3c29886ea0ace8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/halloween_adopts_4__closed__by_rittik_designs-d9ejniy.jpg.4045f10bf74570d4e3c29886ea0ace8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/halloween_adopts_1__closed__by_rittik_designs-d9e6cvu.jpg.f4c07a37032bd6db84787b2c0be8267d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/halloween_adopts_1__closed__by_rittik_designs-d9e6cvu.jpg.f4c07a37032bd6db84787b2c0be8267d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(By the way nyveria most prominent side is her goddess side...her vampire side is usually used for fast modes of travel while her shapeshifter side is meant for combat and or certain specific traveling)


Setsuna Gregory


Setsuna has waist length silvery white hair , pale skin and ice blue eyes. He has a slender build and a attractive face that contains narrow eyes , thin pale pink lips and a narrow nose.





(pm me)











Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:



Captain of Music club

Cooking Club


Mature , Serious , Kind , Responsible , Bad Temper, Sarcastic and rude when annoyed.

Primary Weapon:

Myrnastor - A platinum rapier which holds dust crystals. Dust crystals hold the power of the elements.


Glyphs -​

Glyphs have a variety of effects on objects, monsters, and people (including Setsuna himself). Setsuna often uses his glyphs for propulsion, as they have the ability to control motion, exerting push/pull forces on other objects, and acting as a solid surface.

Setsuna uses his Glyphs as solid platforms to leap off of during his descent. He also uses Glyphs as a solid shield or barrier. He is also seen using his Glyphs to accelerate objects through both the air and over surfaces.

Using Myrtenaster, he modifies these glyphs by changing the element of the Dust cartridge, giving a wide variety of effects. One variant of her Glyphs, called Time Dilation, appears to increase speed and reaction time. Setsuna is also able to confer these enhancements upon other people.

Another application of Setsuna's Glyphs is Summoning. He is able to summon foes that they have previously defeated in combat and bring them to fight for their side as ice clone but this takes massive amounts of Setsuna's energy and once the clone disappears Setsuna will collapse.

Ice Manipulation- Setsuna can create and manipulate ice.

Acrobatics- Setsuna is adept at acrobatics.


(optional but recommended)


Snow, Singing, Training/ Annoying people , snakes , the heat.

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djinnamon said:


Setsuna Gregory


Setsuna has waist length silvery white hair , pale skin and ice blue eyes. He has a slender build and a attractive face that contains narrow eyes , thin pale pink lips and a narrow nose.




(pm me)











Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:



Captain of Music club

Cooking Club


Mature , Serious , Kind , Responsible , Bad Temper, Sarcastic and rude when annoyed.

Primary Weapon:

Myrnastor - A platinum rapier which holds dust crystals. Dust crystals hold the power of the elements.


Glyphs -​

Glyphs have a variety of effects on objects, monsters, and people (including Setsuna himself). Setsuna often uses his glyphs for propulsion, as they have the ability to control motion, exerting push/pull forces on other objects, and acting as a solid surface.

Setsuna uses his Glyphs as solid platforms to leap off of during his descent. He also uses Glyphs as a solid shield or barrier. He is also seen using his Glyphs to accelerate objects through both the air and over surfaces.

Using Myrtenaster, he modifies these glyphs by changing the element of the Dust cartridge, giving a wide variety of effects. One variant of her Glyphs, called Time Dilation, appears to increase speed and reaction time. Setsuna is also able to confer these enhancements upon other people.

Another application of Setsuna's Glyphs is Summoning. He is able to summon foes that they have previously defeated in combat and bring them to fight for their side as ice clone but this takes massive amounts of Setsuna's energy and once the clone disappears Setsuna will collapse.

Ice Manipulation- Setsuna can create and manipulate ice.

Acrobatics- Setsuna is adept at acrobatics.


(optional but recommended)


Snow, Singing, Training/ Annoying people , snakes , the heat.

A male version of Weiss?
The Reicht Siblings

  • Name:

    Azazius Reicht


    seems 22 but has always existed.






    The creator. (That means he has created the world and everything around it. He is on the same level like a god)




    6,4 feet

    Sexual Orientation:





    The snap

    Azazius is the creator. THat means he can create things with a single snap of his finger. And he can as well destroy them like that.

    Mighty Creator

    Azazius has telekinetic abilities

    Ultimate Smartass

    Azazius litereally knows. No matter what you are talking of. He knows. And hell he will correct you if you make a mistake.


    Azazius is a very laid back person. He always has a claim on the lips. IT is hard to get Azazius mad, if you disturb his lesson, he will most likely make ridicule of you front to everyone.

djinnamon said:


Setsuna Gregory


Setsuna has waist length silvery white hair , pale skin and ice blue eyes. He has a slender build and a attractive face that contains narrow eyes , thin pale pink lips and a narrow nose.




(pm me)











Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:



Captain of Music club

Cooking Club


Mature , Serious , Kind , Responsible , Bad Temper, Sarcastic and rude when annoyed.

Primary Weapon:

Myrnastor - A platinum rapier which holds dust crystals. Dust crystals hold the power of the elements.


Glyphs -​

Glyphs have a variety of effects on objects, monsters, and people (including Setsuna himself). Setsuna often uses his glyphs for propulsion, as they have the ability to control motion, exerting push/pull forces on other objects, and acting as a solid surface.

Setsuna uses his Glyphs as solid platforms to leap off of during his descent. He also uses Glyphs as a solid shield or barrier. He is also seen using his Glyphs to accelerate objects through both the air and over surfaces.

Using Myrtenaster, he modifies these glyphs by changing the element of the Dust cartridge, giving a wide variety of effects. One variant of her Glyphs, called Time Dilation, appears to increase speed and reaction time. Setsuna is also able to confer these enhancements upon other people.

Another application of Setsuna's Glyphs is Summoning. He is able to summon foes that they have previously defeated in combat and bring them to fight for their side as ice clone but this takes massive amounts of Setsuna's energy and once the clone disappears Setsuna will collapse.

Ice Manipulation- Setsuna can create and manipulate ice.

Acrobatics- Setsuna is adept at acrobatics.


(optional but recommended)


Snow, Singing, Training/ Annoying people , snakes , the heat.

Do you think you could find a anime picture to go along with your CS? xD


Raven Lee


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/TKcdeYf.jpg.512a0cb9d4aadfa34bd4c0d77054eec1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/TKcdeYf.jpg.512a0cb9d4aadfa34bd4c0d77054eec1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Not at the Moment










Possessed soul (A soul that has been able to reform into a solid body but only by the help of a demon)

Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:



Raven is a kind girl that is a bit edgy at times. She is sweet as long as she is not angry. If she is angry then her Hell is released.

Primary Weapon:

Two daggers for dual wield. Able to harm anyone and anything


Demonic powers (Such as summoning demons and that stuff)







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Name: michella Yuzuki

(First, last. Middle name if optional.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Mich.jpg.d501760c562351e60c298e0cbbe63ca2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Mich.jpg.d501760c562351e60c298e0cbbe63ca2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(please keep it anime only, thank you!)

Age: 15

(High school age!)

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: none yet


Height: 4'0

Gender: Female

Grade: nine

Species: neko

Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Club: none yet

(What club are they in? optional check the overview)

Personality: kind, cold, loving to her sister, hate bullies, hyperactive

(What are they like?)

Primary Weapon: wip, and sword

(What weapon does she or he use during combat?)

Powers?: climbing, talking to cats,

(What powers do they posses? Don't make them too badass)

Bio: has a big sister but Michelle don't remember her she got seprated from her big sister when she was 3 she has a diffrent mom from her big sister her mother died whan she was only 13 she regrets her mother dying cause she was in a car crash with her arguing when she found out about her big sister her sister name is Lin she got an accepteing letter when she got there she found her sister lin

(optional but recommended)

Likes/Dislikes: Likes her sisstr, books, cats, cat food, drawing

dislikes dogs, bullies, boring books

@sprouhtt @The Unamed Beast



  • Mich.jpg
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Name: Ronnie Rick Road

(First, last. Middle name if optional.)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83ff06d2_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images(5).jpg.b695bd1348e51a4ee27b892d1d75f654.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110061" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83ff06d2_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images(5).jpg.b695bd1348e51a4ee27b892d1d75f654.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(please keep it anime only, thank you!)


(High school age!)

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?:none at moment

(do you have a crush on someone?)


(how much do they weigh?)


(how tall are they?)




(What grade are they in)

Species:half reaper half human

(What species are they? Ex: vampire, a god of some sort, mermaid and any other species/monster you can think of..)

Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation: Bi

(No limitations)


(What club are they in? optional check the overview)

Personality: Extremely hyper, fun,loves to spare and fight, loves to show off.

(What are they like?)

Primary Weapon: Scythe

(What weapon does she or he use during combat?)

Powers?: Whatever he kills he has a chance to absorb it's soul and gain its power( new power starts very weak)

(What powers do they posses? Don't make them too badass)

Bio:reveal through story

(optional but recommended)

Likes/Dislikes: Loves pumpkins

(what are theyre likes and dislikes?)



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Mashiro Shiina

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/painting_tutorial_video_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9ahfw3.jpg.c0e1fbd2b8a80accb665e698cf93bd0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/painting_tutorial_video_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9ahfw3.jpg.c0e1fbd2b8a80accb665e698cf93bd0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

  • Name: Mashiro Shiina

    Age: 17

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Weight: 120 lbs

    Height: 5'3"

    Gender: Female

    Grade: Junior

    Species: Demon


    Demon form

    no slide
    Demon Form
    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/04e7884cd355b07e625830f159aab513.jpg.fff0b17ec9d865973923391e699eed68.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/04e7884cd355b07e625830f159aab513.jpg.fff0b17ec9d865973923391e699eed68.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theda Nunnally

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/e5f55042ba194d3f93b8f0422431cb29.jpg.352e460e6e26968d568f838742f376e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/e5f55042ba194d3f93b8f0422431cb29.jpg.352e460e6e26968d568f838742f376e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name: Theda Nunnally

    Age: 23 (Real age unknown)

    Gender: Female

    Species: Geass

    Weight: 124 lbs

    Height: 5'6"

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual



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Amber Lee


@sprouhtt you are needed , he cosplays and fits better with girls




Pm me






Male , wants to be a girl





Dorm #?:

(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:



Captain of Dance club





Amber is a kind and nurturing person who can be seen as the mother of his three siblings. He loves to help those in need and has a soft spot for animals. He is also violent and has a quick temper which is so explosive that if you see it you'll think Amber was a completely different person which frightens his classmates and gotten him the reputation of someone you shouldn't mess with. He is Flirtatious and loves to seduce men he is attracted to ( all of you with attractive male characters better watch out). Amber is slightly vain and cares for his physical appearance greatly especially his hair.

Primary Weapon:

Ember Celica -​

They're a pair of Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlet. They appear as bracelets at first, but when activated, they cover Sage's hands and forearms gauntlets, acting as arm guards. The gauntlets have a golden color and the shells inside are red and orange.

The gauntlets' offensive function seems to be rooted in creating pulses of raw kinetic energy. They emit flashes of light resembling explosions or flames, and are capable of knocking enemies back great distances. However, they either have no solid projectiles, or the projectiles explode in contact with another surface.

The red shells probably explode on contact. This is further supported by the fact that enemies are knocked back, but lack exit or entrance wounds that would be characteristic of being shot with a solid object.

They also appear to be incredibly powerful, as a single punch from an already extremely strong Amber dented titanium.


Juggernaut: Amber's Juggernaut ability is the ability to absorb energy from the damage he's taken, and redirect it at his opponent, effectively making him stronger with each hit. His ability also causes his eyes to change color from lilac to red, which is a "side-effect" of his ability though it does occasionally happen outside of combat. When using this skill he draws power from his hair.

Fire Manipulation

Inhuman strength


Master Martial Artist.


(optional but recommended)


His siblings , his hair , dancing , drawing , cooking / snakes , people who hurt his hair and/or his family.

@The Unamed Character @NikkiStevenson
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Quinn Andianon Zeralackinz


  • Name: Quinn Andianon Zeralackinz

    Age: 16

    Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None (yet)

    Weight: Depends on form. 4.8 ounces Or 40 kg

    Height: Depends on form. 5 inches Or 152 cm

    Gender: Male

    Grade: Sophmore Or 10th

    Species: Fay

    Dorm: #3

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Club: Photography Club

    Math Club

    Music Club

    Art Club​

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Ki Cliffoak



(fun fact that took 1 hours)




None (yet)

Surprisingly not Luc.


108 lbs.




Female. The most androgynous you can get.




Enhanced Human. Schrödinger Loop (stuck between dead and alive. Don't worry this just gives her a certain power it doesn't do anything)

Dorm #6:

Kiyoko "Kiyo" Arata

Sexual Orientation:

Straight (she likes dudes)


Drama Club

Head of Math Club

Government Club

Science Club


Ki has a honest and logical personality. While she's sociable enough, she won't push to have a conversation if it isn't necessary, and has a bit of a sister-complex to her to see the best in people's talents without their own abilities. While she has a phenomenal reaction time, she has the rare ability to stay calm in any situation. Almost, too calm in a way. She's almost always present around Luc, and has a tomboy personality, a bit roguish but when she's able to, she's playful as well. Most of the time, she has this "restricted" sense of openness to her, and enjoys to see people have fun, even if she isn't having fun herself. She dislikes talking about herself, and prefers to more about other people.

Primary Weapon:

A scythe that is WAYYY too big for her. About the same size as Luc's, who's about as big as hers.

Power Negation: Her primary power is power negation. Ki is capable to nullify the power of others, making them unable to utilize their powers or ability as long as they are under her effect. She can control a radius of up to 20 feet around her, where in that specific area, unmarked by anything, anyone in it are incapable of using their abilities. This is called a nullification zone, and those with powers or superhuman/supernatural abilities are cancelled out as long as they're within that proximity. However, it always needs to be a radius around her. She cannot unleash a wave that nullifies attacks, nor can she make the radius an awkward shape pinpointing only specific people. It's just the entire radius.

The main problem with this is that just as much as it negates everyone else's powers, it negates her own as well, and she's unable to use her own abilities while there's a nullification zone present. It also proves very inconvenient for group battles, as she can restrict her own team members. While this can also prove as a "force field" for magical abilities coming her way, it won't negate things that are natural. The smoke coming from a fire, unless it's also being controlled, will pass in the negation field. Unless the weather is unnatural, it will also pass the field. Only unnatural and magic-caused attacks will be nullified in the nullification zone. It won't nullify physical skills that were taught as well, such as hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, etc.

Ghost Physiology: Ki can temporarily transform into a ghost, obtaining the traits of them (not the abilities). The applications she obtains with this is flight, adjustable invisibility, and her personal favorite, intangibility. While she's a ghost, in terms of flight, she can fly about as high as she need to. However, if she transforms back to a human, it's not like she can keep these abilities, and would end up falling. The weight of the fall is as much as it would do to a human, which would well enough injure her. In terms of invisibility, she can change whether she appears opaque to everyone else, which is common, or completely transparent. And the reason she uses it most is for intangibility, allowing her the capability to move through objects and ignore most of their physical effects. Because of this, and physical attacks pass right through her, so punching her or slashing at her would do nothing. However, energy or mystical effects (such as fire manipulation, etc, all that magicy stuff) would still effect her. Electricity is known to bring her out of her ghost form.

While she's a ghost, she cannot touch or attack anyone either. While people are unable to attack her, she's unable to attack them as well, making it inconvenient for her considering nearly everyone at the school is a magic user.

Enhanced Reflexes: This isn't really an ability, more of a passive skill that she has. Ki has extremely fast and enhanced reaction speed compared to that of humans. And not like most people that are associated with enhances conditions, she specifically is acute with her reflexes, allowing her maneuver around her every day life with ease. With her reaction speed, she can associate it with things like:

>Dodging Bullets : She is able to dodge bullets, though she can only dodge one bullet within the span of two OOC minutes, meaning if they were to fire any more she wouldn't be able to maneuver herself around them. With that, she can dodge a fast blow or anything that is usually sent at a high speed. She cannot take a numerous shots from many angles and directions within a short time period.

>Manuvering around complex attacks : Similar to the association with the bullets, she can easily navigate herself around complex attacks, especially ones that aim from all angles. However, if it was a constant barrage from every single angle, like mentioned before, within a short time frame she can't dodge it. Other then that, her reflexes can be used to catch falling objects extremely well, and react accurately and quickly to situations she is places under, in comparison to someone else without heightened reflexes. It becomes extremely useful while using power nullification, since while reflexes are enhanced for her, it was something that she also taught herself through physical means. To make up for her lack of strength, she uses her reflexes to her advantage while the powerful magic of others is nullified.

Bloodlust: Due to her troubled baclground. Ki very passively and rarely can project her aura in such a way that displays killing intent and bloodlust, especially in terms of aggression and brutality. With this, it alters her slightly physically, but mainly mentally, making her thirst for blood-spilling and any form of death. While this changes her intent completely, it amplifies things such as her ability in hand-to-hand combat becomes amplified, and her scythe proficiency is maxed as well. However, this can only happen when triggered by a specific trigger word (which shall not be spoken for no metagaming)

Where Ki lived, it was a large city where the diversity between creatures and humans, were very segregated. Everyone discriminated each other to some degree or length, and there were constantly shady figures that wandered through the night. Crime was often, and it was especially the neighborhood that she was in where it was the worst. Day and night, you could hear police sirens of both humans and creatures, who both had their own separate police force, screaming through the night. The taxi cabs were filled with sobs, while car rides ended with anger and distaste towards each other, occasionally even intentionally bumping into someone else's car just to spite them.

Ki was born a human with unique, bright green eyes. She lived with her father, who wasn't the richest man, but he loved Ki very much. Ki's mother worked in a company that mass-produced, and she's paid on quantity and not by quality. She usually stayed at her work place for a few days at a time, before she came home with her pay check. When Ki was old enough to walk, she had a habit of leaving the house on her own. While her father tried her best to keep her back in the house, it always failed, as she found a new way to exit the house. What she wanted to see most was the outside, and she wanted to see the outside world as it is, without the grey and the city buildings that she never saw in the used and worn storybooks that she had.

Her father got into gambling. To make up for the lack of money that they had, and the lack of money that they could get, he indulged his own sorrows into gambling. He was never proud of doing so, losing almost up to 5 days worth of earnings from their mother, Ocassionally, he won big and received so much money that they were able to be moved to a different house, but it was usually in that same day that he lost all that money. Because her father wasn't home as often, or at least as focused on her, Ki often wandered out of the house, in search of any green just like her own eyes. And as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

Ki was kidnapped by a group of radical extremists, all having the ability to use magic. Unlike the creatures and the humans that lived in discrimination of one another, the magic users consisted of humans who were altered in some way. While this seemed like a good group, it wasn't because they were good people that you deemed them as radical extremists. They believed that both the creatures and the humans were impure, especially the creatures, They believed that if the society was Utopian, and had humans all like themselves, it would've been perfect.

To create that perfect society, they needed to get rid of the creatures, which was where Ki came in. They easily caught her, who was very young at the time, and decided to train a human such as herself to be a killing machine. If they could use her to eradicate all of the creatures, she could also prove to be the defense of the entire Utopia if she was strong enough. The power that all of the group was diverse, but it was through alterations that this occurred, not naturally. They inflicted upon themselves harm, artificial pain, and trained themselves to gain this ability through long, tedious means (which goes onto the fact on how radical they were. They went as far as to hurt themselves for this cause). However, Ki wasn't willing of this. Trapped in the cold underground cellar that she might as well called a prison, Ki screamed to only have no one respond. She wanted to go home, and she didn't know why these people wanted her.

She was unwilling of every test that they performed. While they used acts of blessing and healing to alter their own abilities, if they were to do the reverse, they could create a tool of war. That's where Ki became stuch on Schrodinger's loop. Ever since she was only 5 who wished to see the world with eyes as bright as hers, she was thrown into a cellar, beaten and mistreated her in any way that they could, especially through the usage of dark magic, and extending torture before healing through biokinesis. This was where the Schrodinger's loop came in. It played out like this:

Ki was locked in a room filled with miles of ground for her walls, and the hallway to it was dug into the wall. First, they all casted together a spell on her, which would have prevented her from dying, but in the least, send her straight into a comatose before death, so they could heal her afterwards. She was unaware of this spell. They injected a poison into her first before leaving her, only fearing her faint screams as they left. When they left, Ki was left in a comatose state after hours of horrible pain before her "death". Being unaware, she was left in a comatose state, believing that she had died, but was soon brought back to life afterwards, only for more tests to be done. Explosion-based magic was used as well, which would have left her torn to bits. Yet through the healing magic, she was forced back to life.It slowly began to cause a malfunction in her existence as a human. Defying fate, her destiny to die was on the verge of being completed, though crossing onto another string the moment she was healed, repeating the process of torturing her to death, and then reviving her. In this process, she also had lost her right eye in another one of their "executions". It was Schrodinger's Loop, as she was stuck between being dead and alive.

Through this process, she did have abilities forced onto her. Through means of defense, she learned how to negate powers of others, which both would end the spell cast on her, as well as disallow any means of injuring her. While this was present, they finally freed her, but her state of mind was broken to a level where she was merely a slave. They trained her in means of hand-to-hand combat and execution, using creatures that they kidnapped on the surface as targets for her. Unaware of what was going on under the influence of those around her, she deprived the existence of many creatures oblivious to what was going on around them. Trained in hand-to-hand, martial arts, and the act of execution, she became the killing machine bound to be the destruction of the innocent city above.

However, they started going towards the impure humans, as well. They brought down people that they deemed as impure for their cause. Ki had already killed both her mother and father, before she realized what was going on. It was before she cut her father in two when he mentioned how her eyes were no longer green, before blood splattered on her clothing.

When they brought her to the surface, she kept those words in mind. While she struggled thinking herself, those words some how stuck with her, unlike any of the other things the victims had told her before their death. She spent her days silently committing mass murder among the city, the only peeps being the screams of creatures in physical anguish. She never had any time to see how much blood was on herself before she managed to wipe out even an 1/8th of the city.

It was raining, and her first task was to eliminate those in the group of tenements near the border of the city. It was while she was walking there that she saw her reflection in a rain-soaked window.

Her eyes were grey.

Struck with a feeling that she had forgotten something important, something strong enough to stop her from doing what she was doing, she abandoned her task. Returning early from the mission, the extremists were confused, asking how her clothing was not stained from the blood of creatures.

Resting the blade of her scythe against his neck, she told him that
maybe you need a bit of diversity in what you kill.

Negating the powers of the radicals in the room, they were reliant on their powers, helpless to flee from her. Slaughtering them one by one and slashing at their corpses until it became indistinguishable she ran as far as she could from the location of the bunker, into the next town nearby. Often having to scavenge for food, her hood above her head, she made herself invisible to the rest of society. She spent most of her time inventing her own math problems from the little they taught her in the bunker, and occasionally listening into classrooms. But unaware of her own ability, no one noticed her, or often drove her away when she was unaware that she was noticeable. Her powers were still uncontrollable at this time, so she often had a radius of nullification around her at all times. It's not like people would have bothered to attack her anymore, anyway.

Sitting alone against the alleyway, she was leaned up against the wall. Her hood was pulled over her head, when she saw a man's hand outstretched to her. Scared, the first thing she did was immediately refused, which only seemed to stir a confused response from the man.

"If you're really that desperate, you could always go on some online dating site..."

Her power negation cancelled out what was supposed to be this man's unintentional charmspeak and seduction, and it was the first warmth that she had felt in a while when she was embraced. Crying, he prayed if his curse was gone, which she could fully empathize with.

Both found and attended the academy to further master their own skills, as well as the first safe haven that the both of them have had in a while



A good debate


Calculus, or any form of math really

Snowy weather

Luc (platonic)

The sound of a stapler

Leading in group projects





Needles (Has a crippling phobia of them)

Liars (forgives Luc)



Analytical writing

Being ignored


Things deemed as "feminine"

(Fun Fact, under her hair there's a patch that covers her eye

She also wears most of the male uniforms, and for swimsuits she combines both of them

She's also experienced physically every way you can die, and often has hyper-realistic nightmares about them. She dislikes sleep because of her nightmares.

Ki gets about 2-3 hours of sleep when she can)

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Lucis Teivel



(fun fact that took 2 hours)


Appears 17


Hahaaaa, he doesn't believe in love.

Surprisingly not Ki.


128 lbs.




Male, and a hella attractive one of that.





Dorm #3:

Quinn Andianon Zeralackinz

Sexual Orientation:



Head of Drama Club

Art Club

Photography Club

Cooking Club


Lucais, or Luc, is a real heart-throb. He's a gentleman who seems to always look out for people, and seems to know just the right words to really get to someone's heart. That is, if he has one himself. Despite his gentlemanly, kind demeanor, what he enjoys the most in his life is gossip and manipulation. His friendly, prince-charming aura around him was originally a facade that soon became just a part of his personality. Luc has a constant fear of being disliked by those around him, particularly due to his history, and feels that it's a need that people feel affection towards him, whether it be in romance or platonically. He's an attractive male whose amicable, captivating personality seems to win the hearts of many (note, this won't be used over a lot of characters since I ain't going to force someone to fall in love with him. Since this is a school, I might start scenes with NPCs if that's allowed). However, it's only because of his desperation and need to be liked by others that it started. However, to the few people who he deems as his friends, he's a little bit more mischievous, but plenty more honest and caring towards them.

Primary Weapon:

A scythe that seems way to big for him, as well as his illusions

Enhanced Beauty: Due to being half-incubus, nearly all traits of Luc is pleasing to the eyes. He can use said beauty to affect others, which tend to be divided into two interlocking aspects. Under any circumstances, he remains to be physically and socially perfect (won't change him personally or his emotions, as well as knowledge and experience), without anything that would make him look unattractive physically. He's also well aware of how to increase his own appeal through words, actions, and even through clothing, but these are just simple details that enhances his own appeal. It doesn't effect people massively, as he doesn't have all the traits of an incubus, though usually at start, he appears to be an object of admiration. He could make someone like a complete stranger treat him like a close friend, or someone with more power to treat him as an equal (examples, these are examples). However, he still cannot eradicate the free-will of people, not able to make anyone slavishly devoted to him. It's just kind of that "feeling" people have towards him.

[Note, this is a physical trait. It's more of just a concept of someone thinking "oh, he's attractive". Kind of like if you met someone you really admired and thought was really attractive. You have your own opinions of them, but it still won't stop you from thinking that they're amazing at first glance.]

Charmspeak: Luc is able to compel people just through his voice. Like states earlier, hes only part incubus, so he can't fully control people by any means through mind control. However, when he asks of something through passive charmspeak, which is usually active, anyone being told seems to feel this compelling sense in them to do it, despite all sense of logic. While users obviously have a sense of free-will, there's usually a strong, compelling sense in whatever he says that usually makes it difficult to deny, even through reasoning (ex. he says that all cat's are brown. You have the right to disagree and you know that not all cats are brown, but there's a part of you that kind of agrees with him, despite all logic. You want to agree with him, but you don't since you know fact). He usually applicates this by compelling people to admit and act to their own selfish desires, have very limited control over altering another person's sense of logic and moral alignment, as well as telling convincing lies and forcing veracity by questioning himself.

[Note, this is a passive trait. He could use it actively, but that would mean he'd have to make direct eye contact and physical contact with the user, who could well attack him during it through means of self defense. If any of you read the Percy Jackson series, imagine what Piper does. ]

Short-Term Inducement: Okay, this sounds dangerous. Don't worry it isn't. It's literally a quality. Because of Luc being half incubus, a creature that changes itself to match the "perfect partner" of the victim, he is granted with short-term inducement. He himself is unable to transform into whoever his victim wants it to be, but he still has the same effects that it would have. He passively causes someone's mind to have a short-term change of emotions, sensations, and especially the concept of infatuation. Passively, it's just a sense that his moral alignment is perfect, as well as him being this "perfect" person. However, if he were to try and use this, it's through physical-touch that it would be the most powerful, able to induce a stronger , temporary feeling of affection and/or infatuation.

[Note. It says short-term inducement. As a passive ability, it's like passing by him and thinking "huh, he seems like a good person" right on the spot. When his presence is gone, you go back to thinking "wow, he's really shady". You can continue being weary, but during his near presence, there's always this part of you feeling admiration. Actively, you could go straight from hating him with a passion, to being tolerant of him, to hating him again. It doesn't restrict your free-will fully or temporary, though it does give you a change of mind for at least that moment.)

Illusion Manipulation: This is literally his only power. Everything else above is literally a physical trait. Please spare me. Luc can shape and manipulate illusions. Currently, he has mastered the ability of being able to alter the way that he herself is perceived, but he can't change and how the environment in a large area can be perceived, meaning that obvious faults can be detected among large environment changes around a group of multiple people. He can't create a complex and detailed world. Because of his mastery in altering her own appearance, he can conceal herself completely, meaning that she can even conceal the sounds of footsteps, her scent, and muffle any people who own some type of sixth sense. Though even if she appears different, it never changes what's actually there. So you feel like you just punted a cat, when you really seemed to kick his feet and grow really confused on why the cat seemed to be 128 lbs.

He also can create illusions outside of just how she appears, but in the end they're still just illusions. They cannot harm anything. They don't inflict and physical harm what so ever, no matter how realistic they appear. They can't inflict any physical damage.

(Warning, intercourse is stated a lot in the first two paragraphs. But not to an irregular amount, it's just necessary for the background)

Luc's mother was a succubus, and his father was a human. Usually, if any source of intercourse is engaged with a demon such as a succubus and a human, the victim is to die. However, unlike many succubi, she fell under her own selfish desire. She wanted to one day bear a child, someone that she could love fully and not cheaply love, only to have die immediately after just for her thirst of lust. And so she did. Luc was born, but because of his mother defying the decree for any demon such as herself, she was bound to be eradicated. Though the fact that she was able to bear a child herself was enough for her. Putting the responsibilities of the child onto the father, a wealthy young man in his twenties who wished for a family of his own some day, she bid them both farewell, happy enough that she was able to fulfill her own selfish desire to bear someone who could have lived their own free life. Disappearing, the father was in charge of young Luc.

However, his life was rather disappointing the moment that his mother left him. Because a succubus is a demon of lust itself, she was able to hit capabilities of affection, and, well, pleasure, that no other human was able to reach. The fact that he can never feel that sense again drove him insane. Often bringing women with him to his bedroom, usually through appearances and the fact that he was wealthy, Luc's young life was usually filled with neglect and unusual moaning in his father's bedroom. His father was manipulative, able to convince both men and women alike to do what he wanted, but mainly through means of money. His father wanted to fill the lust that he had for the succbus that left him, which could've never been filled from the start, so he continued.

When Luc was old enough to walk, he always had this sense of "charm" in him. Not to a gross way, since he's a kid, but almost the influence that an adorable puppy would have. Because of that charm, a lot of people liked him because of his attractiveness. However, a lot of people hated him as well. Whenever he went outside, he was greeted with both the sights of people who admired him for his own beauty, as well as people who despised him for it to. He often caused arguments between people wherever he went, being called a spoiled child for living with such a rich father and such beautiful features. He often came home with bruises or cuts from the neighborhood kids who teased and bullied him for being perfect, believing that if they were able to distort his physical features enough, that all the people that praised and admired him for being so beautiful would stop. His father occupied with his own greed for money and lust didn't realize the state of his own son, who, while living in such a wealthy household with everything that he could have wanted, was living a life so poor.

That's when he started to fight back. While all the neighborhood children bullied him, he ended one of those days with blood that wasn't his own on his fist. He got into a bad fight with all the kids, and while losing severely in a group, he managed a good hook and a kick as the child that he is. And he continued to fight with those people. While people grew to hate him more, a lot of people seemed to create false excuses for him, excusing him for these actions that should have been bad (like if an adorable puppy bit your leg. Some would think "Oh, he's scared, he's just defending himself!). He never grew up with a genuine sense of affection, rather it being a world where if he didn't defend himself, he was the first one to disappear, like his mother had. Whenever he tried to get someone to genuinely like him for who he is, he could never find someone who wasn't effected by his unintended and uncontrolled ability, even to the smallest degree. He grew up where his relationships with people were fabricated, and that the strongest that he had was people who hated him.

He grew to have a bad reputation with many people. He tried everything that he could to have people hate him at first, he tried stealing from people and bringing himself to the police. But while many, through their sense of free-will, argued to take him in, the fact that he kept trying to convince them that he was guilty, going to each individual police officer, his own physical traits affected each person differently, and ended up convincing them that he was innocent. Whenever he returned home, his father was either in the bedroom consumed by his own lust, or shouting over the phone. But recently, a lot of his "wives" found out about one another, and there household was consumed by conflict, people yelling at one another and occasionally even violent physical fights. It got so bad to a level where one of the wives was so distraught, she went as far as to kill his father. Witnessing this first hand in the kitchen, she went straight for him as well. But because he was part of an incubus, the moment that she was about to kill him, there was a glimmer of fabricated hesitation in her eyes. Snagging the kitchen knife she used in that moment, he stabbed her himself, a grotesque sight of blood spraying over his face, before there was a pool of blood around his feet from both bodies. He waited for the police to get there, and pleaded that he had killed the both of them.

The police deemed him innocent once more, as while he was being held arrested, they found traces of the woman's fingerprints on the walls along with his father's, showing signs of struggle. Deeming him innocent for acts of self defense, they let him go, despite how much he pleaded for them to lock him in jail, where he could live free of people who loved him only for his appearance, and hated him for it just as much.

Having no where else to go, he could only leave the massive city he was in for the smaller, quieter towns. It was then he decided, that if he couldn't make anyone like him for who he is, he might as well make absolutely everuone like him, regardless of who they were. He changed himself to match the expectations of others, believing that he could receive any sort of affection (no sexual things bro) to fill the lack of genuine affection he recieved from everyone else, that even if it were fake, it was still something that could've helped him. He hates himself for being born under a succubus, and hopes that one day, there would be a proper place that he could call home.

One day, he met a girl sitting leaned against the wall in an alleyway, as if trying to hide from the rain. Believing that she should be part of the fraudulent relationships that he has with people, he held his hand out to her, speaking provocatively if she desired to stay with him for the gloomy day. She denied him instantly, which surprised him. He offered again, though she kept denying him, insisting that he would leave her alone. For the first time in ages, someone used their own free-will to deny him, and he immediately embraced the girl, even if her denial should have been evident. Breaking down on the spot crying, the girl was confused on why, stating that if he was really that desperate he could' have probably used some online-dating site. He thanked her repetitively, pleading whether or not his own curse is finally gone. Sadly, the girl grew aware of what had happened, and comforted Luc to realize that it his own abilities haven't left him. However, unlike her earlier repetition of denials, she agreed that she would journey with him for now, seeing how she had no where to go herself.

Both found and attended the academy to further master their own skills, as well as the first safe haven that the both of them have had in a while



Staying organized

Lying (feels that it's necessary for him)

Cute hair accessories


Fountain Pens

Apples (especially golden)



Ki (platonically)




Germs (he's a germophobe he always wears gloves)

An unorganized room

People hurting Ki

Unnecessary violence

Dark Chocolate

Lying (feels like it's ruining him as a person)

His power(s)

(Fun Fact: He's really really good at singing, but he refuses to join music)

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