Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]


The Ultimate Enigma
TechnoDragon submitted a new role play:

Welcome to Hell. - Will you escape? Or will you become the Council's pets?

Hellgate Prison

If you've been sent here, then you know exactly why. In 2009 Supernaturals were discovered among the human race, and they were immediately the new 'cool kids.' Local counties set up Schools for the supernatural so they could get a focused education on their abilities and other basic concepts humans took. In 2014, the humans took control. A man named Sorez spoke up. He was mysterious, and just loved the name Sorez. Sorez was a human, and he spoke that...
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Raven sat in her empty, cold room with a thin blanket and a flat pillow. The halls echoed with footsteps of the hundreds of guards and the clanking of fingernails against the metal, stone cold bars. The bars were so thick, heavy and abnormal, even the toughest supernaturals in the history of mankind couldn't escape unless they took it to the extreme.

Raven, however, could break these bars if she was in the worst mood you could ever get her. She played with a rock that fell from the cement walls. She clanked it against the bars, as the cold bit into her skin that enraged Senthuriax. "Calm yourself..." She grunted, as it was emitted into the hallways.

Coughs were embraced in the hallways from the illnesses. Small screams and wells of anger were also heard throughout the dark corridors. Without further notice, Raven had her ears perked for the 8:00 am bell to go off. She was hungry for food, and wanted to spend time studying the guards' posts and what they had their eyes on at all times.

Because Raven was sick of this place.
Declan sat quietly in his cell, breathing into the cold air slowly. His cell was implanted into the wall, padded with special walls that prevented his telekinetic powers from activating. His eyes were closed, and in the quiet air, he heard a clanking sound. He opened his eyes and walked forward to the small space in his door that allowed him to see into the cold corridor beyond. These cells were the most secure in the world, very few supernaturals posses the ability to break these bars, and even to do it, they had to go to the extreme. The clanking sound had come from a cell a little ways down the hall, where a supernatural Declan knew grew restless of imprisonment, a shapeshifter named Raven.

Bide your time Declan. Soon you will be able to take control of this place. Just wait. The quiet voice in the back of his head spoke whispers of success to him, and he sat back down on his bed. Waiting for the bell to strike. When it did, he would be constrained and rolled to the lunch area by guards. The helmet he would be forced to wear was made out of mind impeding materials, so he couldn't begin a riot with a thought. Closing his eyes, he awaited with patience the bell.
Vladimir Dymon.

The relaxed snore coming from the man in his twenties was sure to annoy a few other cell dwellers next to him. His cell was comfortable, if anything, often filled with lush things to keep Vladimir repressed. His weaknesses had to be his laziness, or extreme need to be in a rich environment. If not, the second Vladimir was let out his cell, he'd be gone in a flash. Literally. Little did he know, his cell was bombarded with cameras, and items sprayed or lined with certain chemicals to slightly numb his mind into not using his powers. He's never noticed, and if anything, he's heavily drugged when he stays in his cell. Vladimir curled up in his sweet smelling but 'drugged' fluffy blankets, it's often hard to wake him up now-a-days because Sorez believed personally that it's best to have him sleeping as long as possible. A line of drool eased from his mouth as he turned over to his side.

Rose Derlington.

Shortly after locking her helmet on to it, Rose gave the Frankenstein of a motorcycle built by her 'Mumi' and 'Paps' a silent goodbye. Going through the normal process of going through various metal detectors and even a few that the scientist didn't know about, she calmly headed to the woman's locker room that was normally deserted. There, she did her normal rounds of combing her hair into a tight bun and cleaning her sunset colored glasses. Swiftly opening the combination lock and swinging open her second home, Rose reached in and pulled on her white lab coat over her teal turtle neck. She didn't really favor the lab coat, it hung below her knees and the sleeves always had to be folded or they'd hang over her hands.

Rose then closed her locker, picked up her bag and headed to her mini office. It was sort of small, but it was better than a compacted cubicle. On they way, she gave a few of her co-workers a few nods and 'Good-Mornings', occasionally passing on files to be delivered or offered coffee. Finally reaching her office, she put down her bag, checked her computer for a few moments before grabbing the classic clip board of hers. She paced back and forth, thinking hard over the soft clicks of her short ankle heels. She soon walked out her office and pulled keys out of her pocket, locking it for good measure. Rose then decided to go and visit some of the supernaturals, probably ready to burst out the moment of the bell. She should have asked for tea from the woman who offered to make her coffee.

Walking until the facility became more hardened and bland, she was soon joined by two heavily armored guards. Since she was travelling to the 6th level, were all the high leveled supernaturals were contained by strong metal or counter effective gear to keep them subdued. Rose passed by a supernatural who stared back at her. She remembered a few of them, some especially that frightened her on the first day of her getting out the 'coffee runner' district of being a scientist. Most of them looked ready to go to breakfast and such, some so heavily chained and locked that they didn't even bother looking over at her pass. As the guards above her made idle chatter, she joined in faintly.

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Raven's ears picked up a faint chatter within the distance. The white cloud in front of her that was caused by her breath floated out in front of the female. The heels of a scientist was passing by. "Ahhh sh*t." She groaned lightly punching the wall in anger. Soon enough, the two cameras in her cell blinked a red, as they were immediately fixed upon her. "Calm yourselves." Raven muttered, before the echoes of the heels drew closer.

She remembered when she was chained to the walls due to her insanity, and pure strength. Her eagerness of escaping... But now it has faded. Luckily, Sorez has realized that keeping in her restraint only made her even more angry, and increases the level of an immediate escape. It was at least a good 15 minuets until that bell rang for pure enjoyment of the suspended sunlight and limited food.

At least, the prisoners had food. Without a doubt, Raven clutched the rock and slithered into the dark corners of her small, dirty cell. Her aged boots quietly tapped on the floor's cold surface. Her crimson hues fixed upon the bars of the cells, as the feeling of escape and vengeance raced through her thoughts and memories.
Daniel sat there in his car parked outside of the facility. He was more than hesitant to enter the building. He began a 'conversation' about the pros and cons of working in this facility again. "There's a good pay and you get to see some new stuff righ-" Daniel was interrupted by himself when he began to shout to himself "You're wrong! It's all the same thing some looney with an ability, that's all there is to the pla-" he interrupts himself with "These are people you are talking about here." and begins to pull into the road and enter the facility parking area now having set himself on edge.

Heading through routine with a heavy wave of paranoia as always checking his pockets and shoes at the metal detector 4 times until he finally goes through. He takes his notepad and lab coat out of the locker and makes his way to his cubical, making heavy eye contact with anyone who even has them at the corner of their eye. Once at his cubical he throws himself into the seat looking back 3 to 4 times and looking up at the 2 cameras that currently faced away from his cubical to the bottom left of the office. "What a pain, huh?" Daniel exclaims before tearing his pen from his desk and scratching down the names and aliases of the patients he plans to 'visit' today as he hums a tune that repeats itself after exactly 20 seconds.

Daniel reluctantly moves to his first station as he usually starts off at his worst patients, the ones he would put under a list of behavior from rude to pleasant or indifferent. He was on his way to level five to wake the sleeping beast Vladimir for a barrage of questions.
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Perking his head up as he heard footsteps approach, Declan began reaching out with his mind.

He felt only once presence of importance: Doctor Rose Derlington.

Then the mind dampening walls kicked in, Declan cringed in pain for using his powers. As the footsteps got closer, Declan approached the front of his cell and stared at the approaching scientist and guards. He began speaking to the women quietly as she got closer.

"You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition's given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Doctor Derlington? And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure *insert where she came from here*. What is your father, dear? Is he a coal miner? Does he stink of the lamp? You know how quickly the boys found you... all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars... while you could only dream of getting out... getting anywhere... getting all the way to Sorez and this prison."

He smiled. Quoting Silence of the lambs was Declan's favorite way to begin braking people. And if he did this right, this women would be his ticket to success. His way out. But first, he had to brake her.
Vladimir Dymon.

Vladimir was soon on the cold floor, still snoring. In response of his skin coming into contact with something low in temperature, his blood-shot eyes blinked open very slowly. With a frown on his face, he shakily, wiggled free from the blankets, pulling himself to his feet. He stumbled back somewhat, his head hanging as he swiped the blankets aggressively and slammed them onto the bed. The secret cameras planted into certain objects instantly darted in his direction. Vladimir turned his back towards the bed and let himself fall back onto it, pulling his knees to his chest. As his eyelids fluttered to a close, he let out a low groan. Well, that wasn't pleasant at all.

Rose Derlington.

"Ahhh sh*t."

Rose was slightly caught off guard when she heard the sudden words. Oh yes, that subject... Raven, was it? Watching her punch a wall and the cameras in her cell point toward her, she felt a flood of assumption go to her mind. As the other slithered back into a shaded corner, Rose peeled her eyes away casually. The guards besides her seemed awfully stiff, and she knew why. If anything, Rose was perfectly comfortable being on the sixth level as if on any level.

"You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste."

Ironically, the guards stopped first to eye one of the most notorious supernaturals. Rose kept walking forward for a bit, a little too lost in her own thoughts to mind the bluenette for a moment. Stopping after a while, she pushed up her glasses as she made eye contact with the other. Quickly, she pulled a red pen from her pocket and began to swiftly scribbled down something others couldn't see unless they were behind her. Rose kept quiet until he finished speaking.

"A rube? Be honest to yourself, Amora, you can do better."

She said, shaking her head in pity. "Do you ever stop to think what's coming out of that pathetic pair of lips you have on your face? If anything, one of the reasons that keep me here is how you desperately try to entertain me... You do make me laugh, all this nonsense spewing from your jaws."

Rose didn't flinch as she walked up towards the cell. The guards pointed their weapons firmly at Declan, just in case he wanted to harm the petite woman.

"Usually, I do come to say more to you when you have your moments... But alas, I believe it is far more efficient for you to discover your thickness yourself this time. Really. If anything, I'm disappointed with your attack. Try again."

"Well Madame, it's not like I have much choice of attire being in... This, place." He was not surprised his Silence of the Labs quote didn't work, it was overused, despite being his favorite quote of all time.

"Entertain? Nonsense?" He let loose a psychotic laugh and an instant later let a steely look plaster his face.

"I kill people by convincing them it's what THEY want to do. Do you really want me to go my hardest? You are a rare specimen indeed." He eyed her small body with a smug smile.

"I don't think I'd even need to use my powers to break one of your... stature." He took only a moment to speak next.

"You have attracted my interest Ms. Derlington. For better, or for worse, we will see. We will see."

When they began walking away, Declan thought of something else, he must ask her.

"Ms. Derlington? Can you hear them? The voices? The voices promising death, and speaking whispers of insanity?" Declan burst into insane laughter, as he often did when he heard the voices. Everywhere he heard screams and whispers of insanity, death, and destruction.

"DO you hear them? The devil's promise? The devil's curse?!" His laughter turned into a cackle, and he fell into the back of his cell, grabbing his head. Eventually, his cackle died into quiet laughter, and he began to let go of his head.

He had gone into a fit of madness, and the voices had consumed him. If it wasn't for the mind dampening walls, he might have driven prisoners in the cells around him into a similar version of insanity.

Declan cracked his neck, angry at himself for losing his composure. He sat back on his bed, awaiting the guards who would take him to the lunch room. Plotting and pondering.

Rose Derlington.

"If anything, I'd rather hear their babbles of complete rubbish than that cackle of yours. Charming, Amora."

Rose muttered to herself, writing a few more things down before nodding at her guards and walking the way she came. It'd be best to leave the bluenette to himself right now, or uh, with his voices and whatnot. Insanity has always been something Rose hasn't had an opinion on, and for her, it's something not meant for someone to have an opinion on. You either have it or you don't, regardless of your consent. ... It was interesting.

Peering into the dark cell from a distance, Rose tried to pick out a familiar figure, Raven. "Taurloc?" Why not do some work today? Since she was a rather diligent scientist, she got want she needed to do done early like some others would.

Raven heard the conversation. But soon enough, that wonderous bell rang. "Dr. Derlington better get used to this..." She grunted, before the cell doors opened throughout the halls, as the walls of the corridors were coated with hundreds of guards, that led to the staircases. Raven, however, was displeased as her cell door didn't bother to open, and hearing her treacherous last name be called from in front of her was irritating; as it was called by Dr. Derlington.

The rest of the prisoners fled the corridors into the lower levels and Raven hung into the bars and peered into that wretched woman's optics. "Can I help you?" She grunted, kicking the rock behind her.
Daniel makes his way to the 5th level at the speed of a sloth thinking of the possible outcomes if he were to enter the cell. As soon as he was finished thinking the elevator had hit a stop at his destination. Overcome with a sense of emptiness, Daniel, now felt devoid of all emotions just a meat-suit on his way to another meat-suit that in some way, shape, or form the same as him. "Let's do this..." He swipes his card and enters the room next to Vladimir's. It's an observing room a one way window and a mic.

"Good morning, Vladimir. I hope you haven't been sleeping too much, or you will make my notes useless. I will slip a note through this slot and this note will have all my questions on it." takes out scratch paper "I would like you to answer these questions verbally, honestly, and please don't get sidetracked." says Daniel in an unbearably calm tone.

The note has these questions written on it :

  1. "Did you have an occupation outside of Hellgate? If you did have an occupation, please tell me all about it (Reminder: STAY ON TOPIC)"
  2. "What are your thoughts on the council? Answer honestly."
  3. "Do you think that you deserve to be in here?"
  4. "Have you been feeling lonely?"
  5. "If you had the chance to talk to anyone right now who would it be?"
  6. This question is partially scratch off "If you ha- your abilities an- I ent--ed the room w--ld -ou kill me?"
  7. "If you had to pick an element from the periodic table, which would be your favorite?"
  8. This question is written so heavily the part of the paper is torn at the end. "Do you think I do this for my entertainment?"
Vladimir Dymon.

Vladimir was in the middle of drifting off to sleep when a calm voice shook his from his entrance to dreamland. He twitched, speedily snatching a pillow and pressing it over his ears in a pointless attempt to shake that voice from his mind. Listening to "whats-his-face"'s voice telling him of some questions and answering, he glared about his room. He sat up just in time to see the note slip through the mysterious slot. He blinked his eyes sleepily, sluggishly throwing the blanket over his body as the bell rang. Oh sh^t. Vladimir walked over briskly and sat down on an worn chair with a cushion on top of it to make it comfortable. Through the wake of his sleepiness, the chemicals started to still and fade in order to keep him sober enough to answer the questions without falling asleep. The slight slur and slang seemed to prove that he was still numbed.

2."Did you have an occupation outside of Hellgate? If you did have an occupation, please tell me all about it (Reminder: STAY ON TOPIC)"

Eight effin' questions? Vladimir yawned, scratching the back of his neck as he did. His voice had a gravely edge in it like always, very low and almost calming itself. "... I was a dancer. I danced for peeps. Sometimes on a pole, if you know what type I dancer I was." He said, grinning at his joke. He wasn't actually a full time stripper. Just half of the time, for fun.

2."What are your thoughts on the council? Answer honestly."

"The council...? Oh yeah, yeah yeah... I guess they're a'ight... Some of them, though, fine as ever. I think they know I want to bang one of their gals, so they just send me you instead."
He said with a small chuckle. "Not like that'd change anythin'..."

3."Do you think that you deserve to be in here?"

"Not even," Vladimir said, rolling his eyes. "You seen these nut jobs 'round here? I ain't ever put my hands on another person like they do, mmkay."

4."Have you been feeling lonely?"

" 'Have you been feelin' lonely?' .... For sure, yeah. A lot. I like how they decked me out with this lil' cell for no apparent reason, but y'kno, I can't find me a crew in this prison, you feel me?" Vladimir shook his head.

5."If you had the chance to talk to anyone right now who would it be?"

" 'If you had the chance to talk to anyone right now....' Beast-boy. Rather do a one on one than speak to him though."

6. "If you ha- your abilities an- I ent--ed the room w--ld -ou kill me?"

".... 'If you h... your abilities an... I .... the room... .... kill me? Uh, bro, there's something wrong with this part."
Vladimir said, investigating the note a little harder than the other questions. "... I don't know. I don't kill people without a good reason. I can't say." He said, his tone very serious.

7."If you had to pick an element from the periodic table, which would be your favorite?"

"I dunno, I hated that sh*t. Just choose one of the elements with a really big name."

"Do you think I do this for my entertainment?"

"... I think you do it for the money, honestly. I sure as h-ll wouldn't give no type of f*cks about learning about my possible oppressor's past life." Vladimir said, flicking the note back into the slot and getting his basketball. "Can I go stuff my f*ckin' belly now?" He asked, looking at the ceiling, blanket still wrapped around his upper and lower body. He was wearing a simple white tank top and torn jeans. He opted out of wearing those bunny slippers given to him, secretly to dull his speed inside or outside the cell, and just go with his gym shoes.

Rose Derlington.

Rose didn't deflate or let Raven off as the bell rung, pondering for a moment as people, guard or supernatural, began to fill the halls. "... Do you believe I'm unhinged? But I just don't know it?" She said, not liking to say the word insanity. She's heard from others that even the most stable people can become nuts. It was a little frightening, to be honest. She asked the question very softly, leaning in a bit more so others wouldn't hear. Especially a certain supernatural bluenette for worrying her about the matter of craziness in the first place.

Sighing as three armed guards stepped into his cell, Declan didn't struggle as he was cuffed and burdened with a mind suppressing helmet to stop him from using powers. He was marched out of his cell and towards the dining hall. Declan saw Rose talking to Raven and gave Raven a slight wave and crazy smile as he passed the two.
Raven stared at her with her gleaming, crimson eyes. She watched as the man named Declan passed by, and barely followed him with her eyes. Raven then turned her attention to Rose, with a slight chuckle. "I think you are secretly burning inside. You are just waiting to get one of the most annoying, most crude and dirty-minded a**hole you can think of and torture the sh*t out of them."

Raven was pissed already, and you could tell a bit of Senthuriax's circuitry was popping from her veins. "Now.... I am very hungry. And I want to eat. Or are you going to keep me in here and piss me off?" Raven hissed, not moving an optic away from Dr. Derlington.

Rose Derlington.

Rose's voice fell dramatically as Amora passed by, staring at the passerby with a slight raise of the eyebrows, listening intently to Raven's words afterwards. Is that so? Torture? Out of all things, torture? She never favored torture, be it in movies or just for negotiation of supernaturals. She's always been assigned to verbal negotiations if need it be for a certain being, but never physical... It made her a little more weary on the subject.

"Now.... I am very hungry. And I want to eat. Or are you going to keep me in here and piss me off?"

Rose nodded faintly, understanding. "Very well. Thank you for your... Input." She said, gesturing for the guards to escort her finally. She was joined by two different one as she lumbered off elsewhere to get out the path of hungry supernaturals, watching the more misfortune ones having to be torn out from their bindings only to be put in more to have it safe for others from their wrath. Rose began to write very quickly, a little itch at the back of her mind of this.

Raven smirked. "Any time...." She glared at her, and then faded into the coldness of the hallways. Making her way to the breakfast cafeteria, she took a good look at her surroundings. The volume level was nicely pitched for a secretive conversation if she needed to have one with anyone that might be smart enough to escape this Hell hole. Literally.

She quickly darted her optics to the food bar, grabbing a metal tray and getting in the line. The line moved rather slowly and as each minuet passed with growing hunger, Senthuriax became concerned for Raven and tried to push out. 'Relax, a**hole... That won't do any better. Sorez will put me in a tougher restraint and a more isolated cell and that won't do us any good.' Raven hissed in her head, and scanned the cafeteria.

Slowly but surely... The line progressed.
Declan's eyes scanned the cafeteria, looking for possible people that would be of use while mounting a mutiny. His eyes fell on Raven, and noticed the darting of her eyes, focus of her pupils and sweat on her brow. She was searching for someone, and that thing inside of her, Senthuriax he thinks, was trying to escape. He would need to be delicate with this, Declan couldn't allow his on motivation to show.

He approached Raven casually, he already had his food, so he walked alongside the line to get to her.

"I couldn't help but... overhear your conversation with the "great doctor" earlier."
Raven kept her neck stiff and heard the insane man approach her from behind. "Of course... You're Declan. A curious young man indeed." She responded with a sigh. She scooped certain foods onto her tray, and lightly pushed the bulky man in front of her to get a move on. Furiously, he turned and looked Raven in the eye, inspected her smaller stature in which she was about a half foot shorter than the man. "Go somethin' to say?!" He spat, growling. "No, but your slow a** is pissing me off and I'm f*cking hungry."

Due to her Notoriety level, the prisoner stood down and continued his way until they got out of the line. She realized Declan was still following her, and she sat at an empty table. "Is there something you want, Declan?" She inquired, furiously eating at the food.
"I will call in some guards to let you out to eat, Thank you." says Daniel before a clunk of the mic is heard on the other side. Takes out notepad and gathers up all of the information to be learned from this study. "What a moron!" shouts Daniel whilst grasping his head in both of his hands just to release them into a frenzy of wild arm movement. He turns the mic back and tells him "Please leave your personalit-" coughs " Personal belongings in the room as you go to lunch..... Yeah..., thanks." he exits the room turning off the mic again. Daniel taps the nearest guard and tells him " Release cell mate B14 for lunch." without even waiting for a response from the guard.

He makes his way to the 1st floor once again.

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Declan bent down and and whispered into Raven's ear "I know what you're planning. And I just so happen to be planning something... similar. I also know about Senthuriax's current situation. It's struggling to escape isn't it? It wants to be free. I could free it now if I wanted. It only takes the minimal power that can get through this damn helmet. Then, you'll have no chance at escape. Your pupils have dilated, I can see that sweat on your brow. You're nervous aren't you?" Tormenting always made Declan feel flamboyant. An evil cackle escaped past his lips, and he stared hard at the girl in front of him.
Raven's pupil took a different shape as she heard his words. Pushing her tray downward on the table and she stood at him, staring with great annoyance and anger in that wretched man's eyes. "If you even think about annoying me further you will find yourself impaled within the very walls of this hell hole. Ask the people who have... I'm sure they'll fill you in on the severe pain they've gone through." Raven groaned at him, her veins popping up, and Senthuriax filling himself with adrenaline almost magically. 'Relax, Sen. He's just trying to get in our head... He wants you to sacrifice yourself to make a distraction, and free himself.'

Raven explained, and glared at Declan. "I know what you're trying to do, Declan. And it's best for you to not get in my business unless I wanted you to."
"Hmph. You do realize, what I spoke, was the truth? I can move your consciousness aside and let your, uh, "friend" out, even with my currently minimum power. And if you attack me, the helmet is set to come off. I'm sure you wouldn't like that... Now would you? Heh. Now, I don't think you DO know what I'm trying to do. I'm seriously trying to enlist your help. If you won't help me, I can make your life miserable." Pure glee shot through Declan's whole body, this was his favorite part.
Raven was reaching the limit of her anger levels. "And I can do just about the same. I will make you just as miserable. I will stand back and kick my feet up with a beer in my hand while I watch Senthuriax skin your body." A few spots on her body grew metallic plates, especially her eyes began to accumulate a bright red. "So I warn you, Senthuriax is not to be released unless I want him to. All he does is f*ck things up." Raven growled at him, hoping this idiot would stop his nonsense. "So, if you plan on escaping this hell hole then fine. You can do it yourself. You'll just let Senthuriax out of his cage every chance you get.
Vladimir Dymon.

Vladimir yawned as the other kept talking, not actually bothering to listen to what he was saying. He decided to go splash some cold water on his face and such before the guards headed up here. When they did, they slipped on metal anklets and bracelets on him to slow down his movement and subdue his metal manipulation. He did feel any different when they did, and often found the bracelets to be rather stylish to his liking... It was almost like Beast-boy's dog tag he wore constantly. Vladimir was then escorted by the two guards, not minding the silence by chatter of others on the fifth floor. Getting in line, he yawned passively as he held his metal tray, literally piling about everything onto his plate. The food wasn't bad, and knowing his appetite, it was better than starving. He was oblivious to the swirling intensity gaining not too far from him, lost in his own thoughts, slowly growing sober from being away his sleeping paradise.

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