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Fantasy Welcome To Amber Academy For The Gifted And Special


Gotta start somewhere, huh?
Character Sheet















Character Sheet

(My Character is an actally anime character and her info is based off of another character i made)




(Her Human and Phoenix Form also alittl gif of her)













·Reading fantasy books

·Playing the flute


·Lilys and sunflowers


·Cute, small animals or any animal



·Rain and water

·Not getting sleep

·Being stared at

·Being teased about her height

·Yelled at or scold

·Sour food







·Smart but oblivious at times

·Loyally and protective

·A HUGE tsundere

·Will stand up for others



Find out in the rp


Using the element fire to her will.


Her talking red panda named miki ( xD )



·Natsume doesn't have full control power and her power is basically based on her emotions so if she lost control of her emotions or power she would possibly injury or kill someone.

·When natsume loses control of her power or emotions she does anything possible to lock herself away from everyone.

·She does have a few softspots that can be used against her but she never tells anyone what they are so i guess you have to find out what her softspots are.

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Character Sheet









Spencer and Aria


??? and ???


female and Female


18 and 17


Not sure and Human

















Sour things

Brain freezes



Tech (besides her phone)

Sour things

Brain freezes



Spencer is kind, caring and friendly. She is very protective and she will try to keep you out of danger even if it costs her life. She looks like a normal girl and basically is she's picky loves shopping and tries to make everything feel Good.

Aria tends to smile even when she's sad. She is joyful, Kind and can be a bit shy other than all of her small flaws in her personality she is outgoing, confident, energetic, Adventurous and a little bit shy at times. the only thing that you shouldn't do is make her mad Preferably because doesn't like arguing. Aria can get aggressive almost like a magpie (Yes that is where she got the nick name Maggy from).


??? and ???


Not sure and none



(Is this okay @SkyDust101 )
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Appearance/description: has strawberry blond hair, ice blue eyes, a fair complexion,is 4'11

Name: Frost


Gender: male


Race: snowman


The snow, reading, journalism,art,poetry,gaining knowledge,etc


Manual labor,the heat,acting,singing, the dark,snakes,talking,etc


awkward,intelligent, silent,fun loving,quirky


Copyright, find out in the RP


-can turn into a snowman

-can blast snow(not ice)

-can only die from aging or heat related causes when in snowman form


-frost is very secretive about his snowman side

-tends to create poetry when he's alone

-is afraid of a lot of things

-once frightened he melts (but frost can regenerate)


Name: Elijah

Surname: D.Grey

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Z-z-z-zZombie?!


  • Rock Music
  • Hot 'Babes'
  • FPS'
  • PC Gaming
  • Guitar
  • Not Rotting
  • Full-Contact Rugby


  • Rotting
  • Brains
  • Brain Eating Stereotypes
  • Asparagus
  • Law & Order
  • Phallus Robots
  • Heroes
  • Bad Memories

Personality: Elijah is all round a rather.... well, ironically lively person for someone who's dead.He permanently carries an electric guitar on his back, more often than not treating it like an extension of himself, it's something of value to him, a 'memento' from his life, and at the same time, a treasure to his death. He's an odd man with odd tendencies first and foremost, looking for anything to keep him preoccupied from realization that he's dead. His fault is often his virtue, clinging to what he remembers of his life.

Bio: Elijah D. Grey, born and raised in the UK; generally plain guy all around, until a rather dangerous occurrence, a foggy night, dark shadows cascading in England, the screeching of car wheels slipping on ice. He dove forward after spotting a small child in the street, unmoving. Instead of her untimely death, it was his. And only a matter of days later, he woke up in his grave, clawing for escape. He got out after aide from that same girl he'd 'saved'. She could only offer him a slight sigh as he pulled himself out of the hole in the middle of the night. Apologizing repeatedly to him. "Sorry... you died unnecessarily, this was all I could do. She was a zombie as well, apparently that night she'd attempted to end herself. But, knowing that someone lost their life to save hers, she'd came upon the decision to do something with her unlife at the very least.

Just like her, he eventually came to terms with this, and continued his pursuit of ROCK! But it seemed school still existed in this case, a new one for him. G'dammit!

Power: He's Dead. That's seriously it. Just typical zombie stuff


Other: He's sort of a jackass. As a brit teen, he's also watched far too many bad movies to the point he never stops with his rather.... idiotic quotes and punchlines.
Sebastian Verlac



Quick bio

Sensitive and sweet once he lets you in the carefully constructed walls built around his heart.



(Shadowhunters are a hybrid of Humans and Angels)

He is only 1/3 Phoenix.

Likes:Other Shadowhunters, Redheads, Fire, Darkness, people like himself

Dislikes: Bright stuff (His eyes are sensitive to light) , Mean people
Appearance/Description: Rin is around the height of 5"4 with waist-length black hair, often tied up in a traditional Samurai ponytail, she has black eyes (extremely dark brown, considered black). She wears a plain set of a deep blue kimono and hakama, underneath black robes with white trimmings. She wears a silver sash with two uchigatana sheathed on either side. Often carries a leather magic bag.

Name: Rin

Surname: Seta

Gender: Female

Age: 131 (appears 14)

Race: Half Balance Dragon-Half Weather Spirit


  • Traditional Japanese sword fighting (any type, actually)
  • All martial arts
  • Reading
  • Studying
  • "Breaking god-forsaken conceited egos,"
  • Many types of culture
  • MMORPGs/Video games (surprisingly)
  • All types of supernatural arts that do not include aren't Rated MD (mature dragons)


  • Loud, rude, and obnoxious anybody (thought there are sometimes a few exceptions)
  • Pollen and dust (allergies!)
  • Those who think that she is younger than she actually is
  • Designated bed-times
  • Those who have are short-tempered/bad patience

Personality: Rin is quiet, patient, serious, and somewhat of a bookworm type of person. She can be quite modest, often refusing praise, insisting that there is often "a knack to it". As a person who dislikes sugar-coating things, she tells people the truth, even if it is harsh. She draw an extraordinarily fine line between those who are allies or foe, making it so that nobody is 'neutral'. When her patience wears thin or if she is in combat with an enemy, she is ruthless, and often won't stop until they are exterminated, whenever that happens, she is oblivious to many of her surroundings, making her seem out of control.

  • Quiet
  • Relatively patient
  • Serious
  • Modest
  • Rather straight-forward

Bio: Heh-heh-heh... Not yet~ (To be RPed, if that's alright)


  • Can manipulate the weather and surrounding temperature
  • Is able to sense things in the air, making her reaction time impeccable
  • Minor abilities of the opposite powers of others in the area, powers strengthen if those around her have more power (example: gains some fire abilities if someone around her has ice/water based powers) This is often considered a bother to her, but you can't do much if your father is the dragon of balance
  • Can grow 'angel' wings at will, though they are look more transparent and are actually 'weather spirit' wings (she hates it when people confuse the two)

Pet: None


  • Ambidextrous
  • Doesn't understand modern day slang too much, can lead to embarrassing mistakes
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Shizuekana said:
Appearance/Description: Rin is around the height of 5"4 with waist-length black hair, often tied up in a traditional Samurai ponytail, she has black eyes (extremely dark brown, considered black). She wears a plain set of a deep blue kimono and hakama, underneath black robes with white trimmings. She wears a silver sash with two uchigatana sheathed on either side.
Name: Rin

Surname: Seta

Gender: Female

Age: 131 (appears 14)

Race: Half Balance Dragon-Half Weather Spirit


  • Traditional Japanese sword fighting (any type, actually)
  • All martial arts
  • Reading
  • Studying
  • "Breaking god-forsaken conceited egos,"
  • Many types of culture
  • MMORPGs/Video games (surprisingly)
  • All types of supernatural arts that do not include aren't Rated MD (mature dragons)


  • Loud, rude, and obnoxious anybody (thought there are sometimes a few exceptions)
  • Pollen and dust (allergies!)
  • Those who think that she is younger than she actually is
  • Designated bed-times
  • Those who have are short-tempered/bad patience

Personality: Rin is quiet, patient, serious, and somewhat of a bookworm type of person. She can be quite modest, often refusing praise, insisting that there is often "a knack to it". As a person who dislikes sugar-coating things, she tells people the truth, even if it is harsh. She draw an extraordinarily fine line between those who are allies or foe, making it so that nobody is 'neutral'. When her patience wears thin or if she is in combat with an enemy, she is ruthless, and often won't stop until they are exterminated, whenever that happens, she is oblivious to many of her surroundings, making her seem out of control.

  • Quiet
  • Relatively patient
  • Serious
  • Modest
  • Rather straight-forward

Bio: Heh-heh-heh... Not yet~ (To be RPed, if that's alright)


  • Can manipulate the weather and surrounding temperature
  • Is able to sense things in the air, making her reaction time impeccable
  • Minor abilities of the opposite powers of others in the area, powers strengthen if those around her have more power (example: gains some fire abilities if someone around her has ice/water based powers) This is often considered a bother to her, but you can't do much if your father is the dragon of balance
  • Can grow 'angel' wings at will, though they are look more transparent and are actually 'weather spirit' wings (she hates it when people confuse the two)

Pet: None


  • Ambidextrous
  • Doesn't understand modern day slang too much, can lead to embarrassing mistakes
Name: Mavis

Surname: Jinx

Gender: Female

Age: 106 (looks 16, maybe 17 in a certain light)

Race: Elf-human hybrid

Appearance/Description: Mavis is quite tall, but her build is still appears fragile and petite. She is thin with soft, medium-sized hips and a small chest. Her lavender hair is cut in a pixie cut (unlike the picture) and, despite her several hair clips, strands always seem to fall into her face. The girl's eyes are wide and bright blue, more sea-colored than sky-hued. Her ears, of course, are pointed, but she typically tries to hide them with her hair. Her hair often has bright-colored feathers braided throughout. Mavis' other features (hands, feet, nose, etc) are all small and childlike. Her outfits consist of crop tops and short skirts or shorts. She loves to show skin and doesn't find this sexual.


Likes: Children, Animals, Nature in general, Painting, Calming music, Listening to other people, Watching the clouds, Daydreaming, Sweet foods

Dislikes: Darkness, Being told to talk, Staying indoors, Math, Being forced into situations, Meat

Personality: Mavis is an innocent soul with a curious mind. She is typically viewed as childish and shy. Actually, she is mute, and she can not speak. She is kind to everyone she meets, but she is terribly sensitive when someone insults her, her friends, or her work. She loves to "mother" her friends by making sure they are eating enough and keeping up with their school work. She is timid around strangers, but she can be brave when she needs to be.

Bio: Mavis was abandoned as a toddler and adopted into a human family. They, of course, died off, and she has learned to be alone, ever since. The female has always been mute and very cautious. She discovered this school one day and immediately applied, hoping to make new friends and learn about other creatures. She doesn't know much about her own species, either.

Power: Mavis can speak to plants and influence them to grow as she wishes. Because of this bond, she is hurt when people kill creatures of nature without a good reason.

Pet(optional): N/A

Other: Mavis carries a white board around with her constantly with several different markers, so she can share her thoughts with others. Forming a friendship or relationship with Mavis takes a lot of patience. She's bisexual.

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Name: Jailene Cardinia Marie

Surname: De Aubergine

Gender: Female

Age: 1215 looks 15

Race: Fallen Angel

Appearance: see picture attached

Likes: Cotton candy, friends, sunshine, puddle jumping.

Dislikes: Caterpillars, liquorice, thunder, darkness.

Personality: Shy, sweet and secretive.

Bio: Was abandoned at an early age, always finds a smile though!

Power: Atmokinesis (weather control)

Pet: A dormouse called pokey

Other: N/A<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.2c657ef436ac25b87b578c0186213f5e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.2c657ef436ac25b87b578c0186213f5e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 2
•Appearance/Description: Short, fine white hair, with bangs framing her face around purple-blue eyes and unnaturally pale skin. Her regular attire consists of a closet containing only black, purple, and grey. Never skirts or dresses, and mostly tight dark pants, and cropped purple tops.

"Long hair is too hard to manage, and skirts take too much away from the capabilities of the body."

•Name: Catie Nyxlin

"My biological first is Catie, and I'll let it pass. But call me Cat, and I owe your face an introduction to my fist. Just...call me Nyxlin!"

•Surname: Spinnet

"Rather boring, but it's not like I get a choice."

•Gender: Female

"Just because I'm a woman with...assets...don't mean I have to act like one!"

•Age: 15

"Yeah, call me the crazy freshman, I don't care. Heh, I'd say its quite accurate, actually..."

•Race: Nyxlin is a Death Spinner, meaning her soul has moved on, yet her body is still remaining and aging on earth. Granting the capability to communicate with those in the world of the dead (who has moved on/where someone living currently is), though greatly weakening her physical body, and the information is sometimes more than she bargained for. Therefor, after one gone-awry attempt before, she refuses to use it.

•Likes: Darkness, honest people, the colors black, white, silver, and grey, piercings, the cold, silver jewelry, older boys, and lasagna.

•Dislikes: Red heads, the colors pink, yellow, and orange, custard, macaroni, cheesecake, and talkative girls.

•Personality: Outwardly, Catie Nyxlin is a bit of a rebel. She does whatever she thinks of in the moment (as she never plans), and hopes for the best turnout. If things get rough in a relationship, it's nothing her fist can't figure out. As for as what she says...I guess you could call it a disorder, but Nyxlin speaks her mind. She's not just assertive, but whatever Catie thinks of someone comes flying out of her mouth. I guess being this way has taught her not to feel much embarrassment. Earlier I said 'outwardly'. Inwardly, she cares too much for everyone, every word stings, whether it be her own or another's. She yearns for a real relationship, for someone she can love and trust, but is afraid to get into something serious.

•Bio: Catie never brings up the topic of her parents or her past, but when she's questioned, she insists she's from a small town in Canada, and that her parents are rich and retired, and she doesn't wish to say anymore because it isn't relevant.


-Darkness: Though rarely needed, Catie has the ability to cover sources of light in a room (not outside, but windows, light bulbs etc.), with a black cloud, to plunge a space into impenetrable darkness.

-Black Fire: Similar to the fire we all know, but instead of burning, and leaving a plant crisp and brown, black fire drains the life of small living objects, and would change a flower from budding to withering in a matter of seconds.

•Pet: Simply called Raven, this bird comes and goes as he pleases, alighting on Nyxlin's shoulder when he wishes to stay, and evaporating into thin wisps of black smoke when the other world calls for him. http://i.imgur.com/QFzfacJ.jpg

"To be honest, I know nothing of Raven. Or even how or why he came to me. I can't make him stay, but he always seems to be there when I need him. He's got a sly mind of his own, and I respect him, as he does, me."

•Other: Catie can't keep a secret to save her life. Or anyone else's for that matter.

"It's not my fault! They're the one who told it to me in the first place!"
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@ApatheticOutlook hmm, I'm not the author so I can't actually do anything; but this will most likely be accepted... I think... Admittedly, you should probably use the Power section to elaborate on your abilities, and perhaps apply restriction, for example how the Black Fire works, same with Creating Darkness

I apologize for anything I've missed, could you direct me to the power section? This is my first time using this site, and my computer failed me this morning, so I've had to resort to using mobile. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back home and using a laptop, and I'll edit my character then.

Oh my god. Never mind.

I took me a while to comprehend that-

I'm such an idiot, I know you mean now. *stalks away awkwardly*
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ApatheticOutlook said:
I apologize for anything I've missed, could you direct me to the power section? This is my first time using this site, and my computer failed me this morning, so I've had to resort to using mobile. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back home and using a laptop, and I'll edit my character then.

Oh my god. Never mind.

I took me a while to comprehend that-

I'm such an idiot, I know you mean now. *stalks away awkwardly*
:P I feel mean now

Accepted and no need to worry just fix your character sheet abit ( :) )


Musicomar4 said:
Name: Jailene Cardinia Marie
Surname: De Aubergine

Gender: Female

Age: 1215 looks 15

Race: Fallen Angel

Appearance: see picture attached

Likes: Cotton candy, friends, sunshine, puddle jumping.

Dislikes: Caterpillars, liquorice, thunder, darkness.

Personality: Shy, sweet and secretive.

Bio: Was abandoned at an early age, always finds a smile though!

Power: Atmokinesis (weather control)

Pet: A dormouse called pokey

Other: N/A
Accepted ( :) )


Chexxx said:
Name: Mavis
Surname: Jinx

Gender: Female

Age: 106 (looks 16, maybe 17 in a certain light)

Race: Elf-human hybrid

Appearance/Description: Mavis is quite tall, but her build is still appears fragile and petite. She is thin with soft, medium-sized hips and a small chest. Her lavender hair is cut in a pixie cut (unlike the picture) and, despite her several hair clips, strands always seem to fall into her face. The girl's eyes are wide and bright blue, more sea-colored than sky-hued. Her ears, of course, are pointed, but she typically tries to hide them with her hair. Her hair often has bright-colored feathers braided throughout. Mavis' other features (hands, feet, nose, etc) are all small and childlike. Her outfits consist of crop tops and short skirts or shorts. She loves to show skin and doesn't find this sexual.


Likes: Children, Animals, Nature in general, Painting, Calming music, Listening to other people, Watching the clouds, Daydreaming, Sweet foods

Dislikes: Darkness, Being told to talk, Staying indoors, Math, Being forced into situations, Meat

Personality: Mavis is an innocent soul with a curious mind. She is typically viewed as childish and shy. Actually, she is mute, and she can not speak. She is kind to everyone she meets, but she is terribly sensitive when someone insults her, her friends, or her work. She loves to "mother" her friends by making sure they are eating enough and keeping up with their school work. She is timid around strangers, but she can be brave when she needs to be.

Bio: Mavis was abandoned as a toddler and adopted into a human family. They, of course, died off, and she has learned to be alone, ever since. The female has always been mute and very cautious. She discovered this school one day and immediately applied, hoping to make new friends and learn about other creatures. She doesn't know much about her own species, either.

Power: Mavis can speak to plants and influence them to grow as she wishes. Because of this bond, she is hurt when people kill creatures of nature without a good reason.

Pet(optional): N/A

Other: Mavis carries a white board around with her constantly with several different markers, so she can share her thoughts with others. Forming a friendship or relationship with Mavis takes a lot of patience. She's bisexual.


Accepted ( :) )
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Is it alright if I join in? ]]



A pale-skinned, slim male teenager with a height of 5'4" and weight of 111 lbs. Has relatively short ombre hair of dark purple and faded blue around the tips, with a long fringe covering the left grey eye. Wears round, semicircle-framed glasses. Often seen in a loose sweater, a different kind each day depending on his mood, with a collared white button-up underneath and dark jeans or pants for the bottom of his outfit/ school uniform underneath.

(temporary picture appearance)















  • Observing things
  • Art
  • Sleeping
  • the Sky
  • Music of any kind
  • Eyes
  • Dry humour


  • Off-key notes
  • the Sea
  • too Crowded areas
  • his Motion-sickness
  • Wasting energy
  • Miasma
  • Presumptuous, impertinent beings
  • eating Squash/ his sister's cooking


Isaac is at times not very intelligent in general knowledge. He does enjoy things such as mystery and the tedious subject of literature, though he would drift into long-period procrastination at some point with his usual slothful and easily distracted demeanor-- sometimes leading him into stress a day before the exams. Despite his relaxed appearance, he could be a bit eccentric with his sudden and random antics, but it is mostly his way of expressing affection to others. If something or someone were to intrigue him, he might seem nosier than usual. Not to mention, he acquires brilliant stealth even without his ability. Hence, he could even slip into one's closet easily-- obviously not searching for Narnia. Isaac could be seen as a pervert that way, but he would only shrug carelessly while bluntly stating, "Eh, what's there to lose when you can use your power into it's utmost capacity?" and would probably be socked in the face without hesitation. His power can be looked down on, but he doesn't really give a damn about that and would either way prove others wrong for underestimating it. Having a serious side to him as well, Isaac can be quite earnest and when the situation calls for it especially when it regards his allies. His loyalty could be impressive as he could keep secrets hidden or even lie effortlessly for a friend. That is, if Isaac actually finds the reason understandable.


(will be hinted in the rp if that's bueno)


  • Invisibility - Basically he himself and anything he touches will turn invisible at his own will, same goes for turning back visible. He is still present and is vulnerable to attacks nonetheless, though let's not underestimate his speed and witts when the time comes for combat.
  • Flight - This ability is only limited regarding on his behaviour. (eg. When tensed/gleeful, Isaac can shoot up in the air easily.)


Bo, a black-eyed pig-nosed turtle.



  • Bo was initially Isaac's older sister's pet, but Isaac was mostly the one taking care of it.
  • Isaac's pansexual.
  • The only instrument he's good at is his voice.
  • No doubt he has some stolen property in his belongings--
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SilentB34R said:
Is it alright if I join in? ]]


A pale-skinned, slim male teenager with a height of 5'4" and weight of 111 lbs. Has relatively short ombre hair of dark purple and faded blue around the tips, with a long fringe covering the left grey eye. Wears round, semicircle-framed glasses. Often seen in a loose sweater, a different kind each day depending on his mood, with a collared white button-up underneath and dark jeans or pants for the bottom of his outfit/ school uniform underneath.

(temporary picture appearance)















  • Observing things
  • Art
  • Sleeping
  • the Sky
  • Music of any kind
  • Eyes
  • Dry humour


  • Off-key notes
  • the Sea
  • too Crowded areas
  • his Motion-sickness
  • Wasting energy
  • Miasma
  • Presumptuous, impertinent beings
  • eating Squash/ his sister's cooking


Isaac is at times not very intelligent in general knowledge. He does enjoy things such as mystery and the tedious subject of literature, though he would drift into long-period procrastination at some point with his usual slothful and easily distracted demeanor-- sometimes leading him into stress a day before the exams. Despite his relaxed appearance, he could be a bit eccentric with his sudden and random antics, but it is mostly his way of expressing affection to others. If something or someone were to intrigue him, he might seem nosier than usual. Not to mention, he acquires brilliant stealth even without his ability. Hence, he could even slip into one's closet easily-- obviously not searching for Narnia. Isaac could be seen as a pervert that way, but he would only shrug carelessly while bluntly stating, "Eh, what's there to lose when you can use your power into it's utmost capacity?" and would probably be socked in the face without hesitation. His power can be looked down on, but he doesn't really give a damn about that and would either way prove others wrong for underestimating it. Having a serious side to him as well, Isaac can be quite earnest and when the situation calls for it especially when it regards his allies. His loyalty could be impressive as he could keep secrets hidden or even lie effortlessly for a friend. That is, if Isaac actually finds the reason understandable.


(will be hinted in the rp if that's bueno)


  • Invisibility - Basically he himself and anything he touches will turn invisible at his own will, same goes for turning back visible. He is still present and is vulnerable to attacks nonetheless, though let's not underestimate his speed and witts when the time comes for combat.
  • Flight - This ability is only limited regarding on his behaviour. (eg. When tensed/gleeful, Isaac can shoot up in the air easily.)


Bo, a black-eyed pig-nosed turtle.



  • Bo was initially Isaac's older sister's pet, but Isaac was mostly the one taking care of it.
  • Isaac's pansexual.
  • The only instrument he's good at is his voice.
  • No doubt he has some stolen property in his belongings--

Accepted ( :) )

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