Welcome Back!

Millie heard the bell ring for classes to begin. She slid her guitar into its case, slinging it across her back. She pushed the tailgate of her truck back up and smiled at Robyn and Nate. "It was nice meeting you guys. I'll see you around, yeah?" Millie told them. She turned and headed into the school, stopping by her locker to put the guitar inside and grab her backpack. Millie walked into her first period class, a study hall free period. She scanned the room for anyone she recognized, though she knew the likelihood of that was low. Surprisingly enough, she saw Jaxx. Shrugging her shoulders, Millie slid into the seat next to him, smiled and waved.

@Fullmetal32 @Iskolde


Angelina Marie Taylor

Angelina sighed and spoke up. "Um..math." she told him. She mentally rolled her eyes at the thought of going to math. That was her least favorite subject in the entire world. Not to mention the fact that basically all the teachers knew her..and they weren't for good reasons. There was not one teacher in this whole school that didn't know her from last year. "Well anyways..what class do you-" she stopped because she was interrupted by the loud bell ringing throughout the building. Dammit! Class starts, she thought to herself. 


Jaxx waved back in delight to see a familiar face. "Hey Millie. I thought I was gonna have to sit through this class without a friend." Jaxx straightened his glasses which were kind of bothering him. "Did you get any attitude from the lady at the front desk? She was really getting on my nerves.." He said. "I didn't think I'd be needing it, so I left my trumpet at my apartment. I sure hope there's a piano in the music room. If you have your music period for eighth, we could play something together. I don't know many songs by heart, but I can improvise and harmonize." Jaxx turned to face the front of the room and leaned his head backward, resting his eyes. He took a deep breath and exhaled softly making an attempt to calm himself. "How have you been managing today?", he asked, turning his head to face her and make eye contact.

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Millie smiled, leaning forward in her seat to rest her elbow on her table and her chin on her palm. Her chocolate brown hair fell around her shoulder, framing her face. Millie. She looked at him, shrugging her shoulder. "Yeah, the front desk lady definitely gave me attitude. She seemed like quite the crank, I'd say," Millie responded, thinking back to woman who had practically half-ignored her, and half-barked at her when the lady spoke. Her ears perked at the words "my apartment." Did he live on his own too? Millie thought better to ask. If his story was anything like hers, it wasn't something he would readily talk about, especially by a complete stranger. 

"You play the piano and trumpet? That's awesome. I just play my guitar and the piano. But yeah, I think I have music that period. Most of the songs I know are either memorized or written by my own," Millie replied to second question. Her grandma had taught her to play the piano when she was really young. It was there way of bonding, what brought them close together. Millie taught herself to play guitar when she was older, using it as a way to escape the horrors of her home life. She shook the memories away and smiled at Jaxx, shrugging her shoulders. "Ok, I suppose. It's my first day, and I don't know anyone, so as good as that can be," she replied with a light laugh.

Jaxx laughed with her at that response. "I taught myself the piano, my father taught me the trumpet. I can sing a little bit, but I don't often." Jaxx instantly started realizing that opening up to Millie was very easy. He noticed how much he enjoyed talking with her even though he had only just met her.

Instead of waiting until eighth period, Jaxx decided to use his first period to go to the music room .Jaxx walked into the room with a smile on his face when he saw the piano. He waiting, being very attentive toward the door. He played around a bit on the piano trying to find the right notes for the song Hallelujah. He finally figured them out. As he played, he continued to say the notes out loud. "B, D, G, B, G, D, G, B, E, G.." He continued on for a little bit, humming the words as he went.

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Ryan Walker

Ryan started jogging to class, noticing he was headed the sane was as Ang. "Hey, we are in the same class... conveinent... Cop a spot next to me, I can help you with math and stuff." He said, jogging ahead to go and get a good seat. He was kinda neutral with teachers, but he did his work, so his teachers didn't hassle him much. His mind still burned with the thought of her, and he kept his head down once more, making sure his gloves were on ok. He walked in and sat in towards the back of the room, farther from the teacher's desk but not the back corner.


Sabrina Sanfield 


Sabrina was tapping her pen against her desk as she waited for her first class to start. History wasn't her favorite subject, but she wouldn't complain or get stressed out. Usually, she would be late to class. She claimed it was her being fashionably late. However, today she went to class almost too early. Maybe it was because of how much she wanted to leave this school. She had a bit of an annoyed face showing now. She was growing impatient. Not that she was ever a very patient person. Sabrina could only be patient if she was waiting for something she really wanted to wait for. Especially if it had a reward in the end. This History class didn't seem to have a reward in the end except for her knowing some useless people in history she didn't need to know to survive. Business classes were the only classes Sabrina really cared about, since she believed it was actually useful. It taught her how to become successful and how to get around in her life. Her gaze was like a hawk, watching every student come in the class to see who would be in it. Besides, she needed something to do and intimidating never disappointed.

Millie saw Jaxx leave from the music room, and shrugged, wanting to head that way too. She decided to stand up and follow, after all she had nothing better to do. She looked around the halls, following the signs to the music wing. She peeked into the room, where she saw Jaxx playing a bit on the piano. "I love that song, my grandma taught me how to play it when I was little," Millie said with a smile. She looked around the room, finding a guitar. It wasn't exactly like her, but it would do. She tuned it by ear before picking the few chords that go along with the melody of "Hallelujah." Millie looked up at Jaxx with a sweet smile and said, "So why don't you sing often?"

Jaxx smiled when she walked in. "Yeah, it's one of my favorites as well", he replied. "To answer your question, the reason I don't sing often is because despite my extroverted personality, I get horrible stage fright no matter the number of people watching", he lied. He wouldn't be telling anybody the real reason any time soon. Jaxx continued to play the song. "I can sing well, I just never have the guts to prove it." Jaxx took a deep breath and continued on playing while listening to Millie's guitar, which was keeping him on top of the right notes. "You can tell if it's in tune or not just by hearing it? I can tell when something is too flat or sharp, I just need to hear the note first." Jaxx started playing the the tune of the words of the song rather than the main riff.


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Millie nodded, understanding the whole stage fright thing. She used to be terrified to sing in front of anyone, but her grandmother taught her otherwise. Her grandma was Millie's number one fan in anything, and supported her through all the bad that happened in her life. So, Millie looked up to her a lot. She looked up from the guitar strings when he asked about her hearing the tones. "Yeah, I'm not quite sure how I do it, but for some reason I can," she answered, shrugging her shoulders slightly. She swayed lightly to the music to keeping  time, her nimble fingers move across the chords with ease. "So what brought you to a place like this?"

"A lot of things." He replied. "I had been moving a lot lately, and this place seemed like to nice area to settle in for a while." He chuckled a little bit. "Also, the rent is pretty low." Jaxx stopped playing. "Are we allowed to leave the school and come back? I want to get something from my apartment." He stood up and walked around the room. looking at the different instruments. "It's so nice in here. I love surrounding myself with music. I'm going to be a band teacher for middle school students when I get out of high school. I'll get my master's in Music Education, I'd be able to play anything." He said, still looking at the different instruments scattered around the room. "If there's a trumpet in here, I won't have to go to my apartment." He looked a little further, and found one. "Aha!" He got it out of it's case and put the mouthpiece in. "I'm going to warm up a little bit." Jaxx did a few different tone exercises, and finally his high note warm up. "I've been working on hitting 'Double G'. I can play up to a really high E right now, just two more notes. Double G is so high that it hardly sounds like a note. It just sounds like someone screaming. I wonder how trumpet and guitar would mix, I can harmonize, let's give it a shot." He suggested.


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