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Millie Rae Hidy 

The sun shone down through her windshield, warming her face as Millie pulled into the parking lot for her new school.  She immediately noticed that her powder blue 1993 Ford Ranger was far different than the other  cars. Millie shook off the slight embarrassment. She loved her truck, and kept it as well taken care of as possible. 

Millie found a parking spot with surprising ease. She put on her parking break and took a deep breath. Her brunette hair framed her face, accentuating her deep blue eyes. She wore a simple pair of skinny jeans with a pair of black combat boots. Her scoop neck grey tank top left the watercolor cheetah tattoo across her collar bone exposed for all to see. Her three-quarter sleeve leather jacket covered many of her scars, but revealed the portrait pieces of a running grey wolf and sleeping red fox on her forearms. 

Closing her eyes, Millie muttered, "You can do this" repeatedly. Mille eventually gained enough courage to open her truck door and slide out, grabbing her back pack and guitar case as she went. She slung the guitar case diagonally across her back before slipping on the back pack.  Millie took a deep breath and began walking towards the school. She glanced at the other students standing outside and chatting in curiousity. Some noticed her, others not at all. Millie made it to the doors and slipped inside, searching for the main office to pick up her schedule.

(Open for interaction)
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Nathaniel Beckett


Nate had a strong dislike for car rides to school, the anticipation it built up in his stomach was not a pleasant feeling. When his brother was in the car he could somewhat bear it, but he'd already dropped the six year-old off so he was alone yet again. Nate had no idea why he got so antsy before school, it's not like anything would happen to him, unless he pissed off one of the popular kids. The platinum haired boy frowned at the thought of them. 

Pale hands tightened on a leather bound steering wheel as the school came into sight. Blue-grey eyes flicked across the parking lot as he pulled into it. No body seemed to notice the black Chevy Impala LT creeping through the lot. That's how he preferred it anyway, staying under the radar. 

Nate pulled into his reserved senior parking space, that had been painted to his liking with black and purple swirls making the concrete look like it was spiraling downward and his name written in silver at the top. Feet clad in black dress shoes hit the pavement and soon thereafter a body clothed in a white tee-shirt, with a brown hooded sweater over it and simple jeans, emerged from the Impala. You might look at him and think he belonged in that popular group he'd been thinking about only a few minutes before. The truth was, Nates family did have quite the sum of money, he just didn't feel like flaunting it in front of the rest of his peers. So, naturally, the group had rejected him and started rumors about his fathers business going bankrupt soon. Truth be told, Nate could care less.

(Available for interaction, currently in the parking lot by his car.)

Sabrina Sanfield


Sabrina pulled up to the pathetic school she dreaded this year. She tried begging her parents to send her to the academy she wanted to go so badly. Once again, they refused. Sabrina had a hard time understanding how high school increased her life experiences and skills. She stepped out of her MBW 335i convertible and walked towards the doors. Careful not to glance around too much, she instead followed and looked at others with just her eyes. Some were so nervous Sabrina almost felt bad for them. Almost. Others were acting like they were calm, but on the inside having a crisis. Sabrina had a talent of being able to see what people were really thinking just by the way they acted. Most were miserable they were here, and Sabrina was too. Unlike the depressed ones, Sabrina didn't show it. She remained emotionless and cold, remembering the tricks she learned to stay unruffled.

Once she opened the doors, the room went silent for a second. You could almost here a pen drop if it weren't for Sabrina's sharp heels clicking against the floor. No one thought Sabrina would be back. If she had it her way, she wouldn't, but thanks to her parents she's here again. Giving the mute students a glare, they hesitantly resumed their conversations. She walked up to her locker and opened it, then pulled out a mirror with a magnet on the back of it. Placing the mirror inside the locker, she took her time to observe the way she looked this morning. Her makeup wasn't too dramatic but it was the way she intended it. Her hair was down and styled casually. Sabrina wouldn't dare walk in on the first day with a bold, exaggerated fashion statement that looked as if she tried too hard. Then, she closed her locker after she was pleased with looking at her own reflection.
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Kylie Sheridan Maverick[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The very moment Kylie had awoken to the time 7:34 flashing in red on her alarm clock, she knew she would be late to school. It was only expected for her to show up late- she was always constantly scrambling for her bearings at the last minute. With a heavy sigh, she hoisted herself out of her bed and threw on a cream colored cable knit sweater and a pair of tired jeans. She didn’t even think about stopping for breakfast as she fled out the door, running down the street frantically. Both of her parents muttered words of goodbye as she sped toward school.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]After running for what seemed like miles, she had reached her school just in time, catching sight of some seniors parking their cars. She slowed her sprint to more of a fast walk, until she had reached the building with only a minute or so. Kylie took those few fleeting moments before the bell rang to reassess herself and then very calmly strolled into class, seating herself next to some older students. She had placed in Algebra 2 somehow, so the realization that she’d spend the rest of the year with seniors hit her like a painful pang in the face. She sank in her seat as she opened her brand new notebook, already doodling in the thin margins of the page.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She was even further embarrassed to figure out by checking her cellphone that her alarm clock's time was 10 minutes ahead, so she had arrived with ample time. This meant she was early and she looked like a complete and utter mess, but she couldn't be more indifferent. She simply laughed to herself rather loudly as people began walking into the classroom one by one. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px](Available for interaction, sitting in class.)[/SIZE]
Finally finding the office, Millie walked up to the small, older woman with horn-rimmed glasses behind the secretary desk. The lady was typing away on her computer, oblivious to the girl whom had entered the office. Millie tilted her head, and rang the bell on the desk, causing the lady to peer up over the top of the computer expectantly. Millie waved slightly. "Hi there, ma'am. I'm new here this year and was wondering if I could pick of my locker assignment and schedule of classes," Millie said, gesturing to herself. The woman looked back at her computer again, and began typing. Millie thought she was ignoring her, and was about to leave, but the woman spoke up a few seconds later.


"I'm Millie Rae Hidy," Millie replied. The woman made no more response and instead handed her a piece of paper with a schedule of classes as well as her locker assignment and code. Millie walked down the hall, studying the lockers until she found hers, number 189. Millie spun the code and slid her backpack inside, leaving her guitar across her back. She looked over her schedule and found that she had a free study period first period. Well, that was lucky, Millie thought, shutting her locker behind her. She folded the piece of paper and put it in her back pocket. Venturing back outside, Millie sauntered back over to her truck and pulled the tailgate down. She hopped up onto it to sit, and pulled the guitar out of its case. Immediately she began strumming and playing the chords to Ed Sheeran's "Lego House" and singing the lyrics softly.
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Robyn Rio


As she drove her car, Robyn whistled to the tune of a song playing in the car. She thought about the idea of having to see all of those people who would call her names and push her around. She detested it. Despite that, she went anyway. Soon she neared the school, and she already saw some of last year's bullies. When they saw her, they pointed, laughed, and showed crude names. She only turned the music up. She pulled her black Volkswagen Passat into the parking she had painted last year. It was of a pair of scissors cutting a ribbon. She got out, grabbed the leather satchel she used as a backpack, and walked to the office to receive her schedule for the year. It said she had American History first, but since it was still before school, she wandered the halls for a bit of time.

As she passed a third Hall, she heard music playing on a guitar to a familiar song. She followed the sound, until she reached the outside again, where a girl was playing. She walked over and stood at the backside of the truck, where she was playing. "You play well. I don't remember seeing you around last year, so you must be new. I'm Robyn."


Nathaniel Beckett


Nate had been busy fiddling with his phone when the sound of a guitar strumming entered his ears. Blue eyes glanced up at the expanse of asphalt before him and wondered around until they landed on the source of the sound. A brunette sitting on the bed of her truck, guitar in hand. He watched  her hands move across the neck of the guitar with a sort of fascination. 

Another girl approached the playing one, her hair short and distinctly blue. He saw her mouth move as she spoke, Nate himself was too far to actually hear what she had said but he was positive it was most likely a comment. He was also pretty sure the blue haired girls name was Robyn.

Nate slid his phone into the pocket of his jeans and pushed off his truck and began making his way over to the pair. He caught the last bits of Robyn's words, he smiled at the fact that he'd gotten her name correct. Nate shoved his hands in his pockets as he approached, but not beforehand running one through platinum locks. 

"Evening ladies," He greeted with a white smile,"That's some pretty nice playing." Nate motioned to the girl playing,"I'm gonna assume your new, because I've never seen you before, and introduce myself. The names Nathaniel, but the friends I do have call me Nate." 

Interacting with: Millie @Eternal-Weekend And Robyn @Puggie
Millie had just finished the song when a girl approached her. The girl had striking blue hair that Millie was slightly envious. She knew she couldn't pull off a style like that. "You play well. I don't remember seeing you around last year, so you must be knew. I'm Robyn," the girl said, shocking Millie with her kindness. Millie smiled and rested her arms on the top of the guitar. 

She was about to respond when another person approached. He was rather handsome, with striking eyes and platinum blond hair. He introduced himself as Nate, and Millie smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you both. My name is Millie. I moved here from Missouri over the summer."

@Iskolde @Puggie
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Nathaniel Beckett


Nate cocked his head to the side at the mention of moving from Missouri, that was quite a distance from Cedar Creek, Colorado. To be honest, Nate was always confused as to why anyone moved to Cedar Creek, ever. The town was a small, prejudiced place filled to the brim with snotty rich people who thought they were the best in the damn world. 

Cedar Creek had once been a simple mining town, a humble escape from the bustle of everyday life. But once gold was actually discovered the families that found it made it their mission to hide it from the rest of the world. To horde it for themselves. Hence the greedy and self-centered descendants. 

Despite their efforts, it still got out to some and an influx of new residence expanded the town to some extent. Those families that came and profited and the original families hated each others guts. So much so that they'd go to extents as far as hurting each other. Mayor Penn always made sure that didn't happen though.

"What made you move all the way to Cedar Creek, Colorado of all places?" Not that he minded that she was here. Nate actually liked getting new people. It gave him a chance to meet some more friends and to steadily build his revolt against the popular crowd. It wasn't a bad thing that she was pretty either. Pretty was good. 

The wind had decided to get slightly frigid all of the sudden, causing Nate to take his hands from his pockets and fold them across his chest. The hooded sweater vest over his torso wrinkled at the motion and he sighed, straightening it out before crossing his arms again. He bounced on his toes idly, looking oddly childlike as a result. 

Interacting with: Millie @Eternal-Weekend

At his question, Millie immediately dropped her gaze from his. She hated talking about her past now, and thus bit her lip in thought. She laid the guitar flat on her lap, the strings facing upwards. Millie gently placed her forearms on top of of the guitar and began tracing the outline of her running wolf tattoo on her left forearm with her right index finger. It was something she had taken up doing if she was nervous or anxious, a quirk of her. Millie took and deep breath and look back up at him. With a soft smile, she replied, "It's a long story. But I really needed new scenery. My grandpa used to live here, so I thought I'd check it out."

Millie had a slight Midwestern/Southern fusion accent that gave her voice just enough twang to be pretty adorable. Her family outside of her father all lived in the South, either owning or working on a farm. Millie spent a lot of time with her grandma at a young age until her father moved away to Missouri. Her paternal grandfather was the one who suggested Cedar Creek to her. She had never seen the mountains. Shortly before he passed away, he told her it would be good for her to do so.

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Robyn Rio


As the other girl was about to speak, another person showed up. Nathaniel Beckett, a senior here, introduced himself. She nodded to him, a couple of inches shorter. "Hello Nate, how was your summer?" She listened to the girl, now known as Millie, taking in what she said. "Missouri is a bit far from Colorado." She replied with a small grin. In her pocket, her large pair of scissors could be seen sticking out. She stood back and let the other two interact. She listened in, making small nods as she did. She had to agree with what Nate said, and noticed how Millie seemed slightly nervous, tracing the wolf on her arm. 

Robyn also had a tattoo, but it was of a name in calligraphy down her leg. "So what year are you coming in for, Millie?" She wanted to changed the subject so that Millie was no longer uncomfortable. It bothered her seeing someone nervous from a simple question such as that. "I myself am a junior." She switched arms the satchel was on so she wouldn't end up messing up her back. It wouldn't be the best idea to mess her back up so early in the year.

@Eternal-Weekend @Iskolde
Nate nodded at Millie's words, deciding not to delve further into the topic as he tell Millie didn't want to talk about it. He glanced over at Robyn and offered the Junior a smile. He preferred not to collaborate with his own class most of the time, most of them were those rich popular kids.

"Good. Mom decided to go all out this summer. It was pretty cool." Nate smiled, scratching his chin idly. He turned back to Millie when Robyn asked her what grade she was in, curious for the answer as well. Blonde headed Senior Aiden Greene's voice suddenly could be heard in the distance.

"Hey, Nathaniel! Getting your flirt on, huh? Glad to see you're starting to grow a backbone!" The boy laughed, as well as the rest of his friends around him. Nate just rolled his eyes and threw his hand up in the air in a sarcastic thumbs up. 

Interacting with: Millie @Eternal-Weekend And Robyn @Puggie


Angelina Marie Taylor

Angelina woke up with the sunlight beaming in her eyes. She groaned irritably and threw the covers off her body. What time was it, she asked herself. When she looked at the digital clock at the side of her bed, she sighed. "Time for school..."she mumbled to herself. She hated school and she didn't want to go either. But she had skipped a lot last year, so she couldn't skip as much now. 'Or I will get expelled' she repeated the words of the principle in her head. Well time to get up. Grabbing a tank top, black shorts and fishnet tights, she threw her clothes on and put on her combat boots. She knew that the principle would have her head, if he seen her dressed like this. So all she did was add here over sized red flannel over the tank top. 

After she had left the house, in just a few minutes she was already around the corner. Another block to go. After that, she was already walking in the school parking lot. Looking around, the cars seemed to be empty of people except for one. From the mirror, she could see a boy with white hair sitting in his car. But then he had got out. Hmm...wasn't expecting any hot guys to be at this school, she thought to herself and then turned her attention back to the school building in front of her. "Miss Taylor, its nice to see you." the princible had said with the most fakest smile ever. "Oh save it.."she told him and sighed. She was beginning to regret coming here. Hardly anyone that she knew was here. Every one of her friends had moved schools

@LoneSniper87 Here is a starting post)

Ryan Walker


Ryan woke up to the blaring of Avenged Sevenfold's Bat Country from his phone. He let it play as he got up and changed into a long black shirt and jeans. He quickly grabbed a Poptart and put it in the toaster, then went to out in his shoes and socks. He made sure he had everything and jogged into the kitchen, grabbing the cinnamon roll Poptart from the toaster and biting into it as he walked to his 2010 grey Shelby GT500. He got in and started the car, Poptart hanging in his teeth as he drove out and to school.


 He had one hand on the wheel and the other on his near finished Poptart. He stepped out the car, munching on the last bit of his breakfast, closing the door and locking the car. He spotted someone walking, then he realized it was Angelina. His heart fluttered for no reason and he shook his head. She was a troublemaker and on the verge of being booted out of school, why did he get all weird at the sight of her? He put his hands in his pockets and walked to the gate, brushing past Angelina, head down.




Angelina Marie Taylor


Angelina desperately looked around for a familiar face. She could not afford to spend the entire year being a loner. If she couldn't find another person that she knew, the principle would possibly make her life miserable just like last year. She was just about to give up looking, when all of a sudden she noticed a guy, head hung low. Angelina looked at him. The way he walked, was very familiar to her. Math class? Ha. No. Couldn't be. I always skip that class....Wait! I know now!, she thought to herself in an excited manner. Quickly following behind him she tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey I know you! Didn't you have mr. ward for History last year? Period 4?"she asked. 


Angelina hoped that he was the right guy. She remembered sitting down next a person that looked exactly like him. Slightly tall, short hair, same scars. I hope this is the right guy. If its not, im going to look like a complete idiot, she sighed. Angelina didn't want it to be one of those situations where she was wrong. Every time she had that situation it just made her embarrassed an angry. Its her usual trigger for just barging out of the school


Millie smiled at Robyn, thankful for the change of subject. “I’m a senior. I just turned 18 over the summer,” Millie replied, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. Suddenly she heard another boy yell across the parking lot to the platinum blond boy in front of her. She turned and frowned at the shouting boy who seemed to be picking fun at Nate. He seemed like a jerk, and Millie made a mental note not to associate with him. She picked up her guitar and began strumming the chords to Jack Johnson’s “Better Together.” She didn’t sing the lyrics, simply strummed to help her calm her nerves. She had never moved schools before, or lived on her own, or had to completely be an adult.

She looked up at the two people in front of her, realizing she had made her first friends in Colorado. It made her smile softly. “So what classes do you guys have first period? Somehow I was lucky enough to get a free period. I kinda want to explore during it. I have no idea where anything is in this school,” she stated with a light, melodic laugh.

@Iskolde @Puggie
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Ryan Walker


"Yeah... That's me." He said, glancing up at her. He extended a gloved hand to her, a slight grin on his face. "Ryan Walker, you were.... Angelina right?" He asked. She remembered the girl as never paying attention in that class, though she made the class more tolerable. It only she showed up for Algebra 2 more often...


"So... Last year, make the best of it?" He asked.

Sabrina Sanfield


Sabrina's icy glare followed every person who walked in front of her. It wasn't her fault they were going in the way of her view. Sometimes, the way she looked always seemed wicked. She didn't mind that, of course. She rather appreciated it. This way, no one would forget that Sabrina should be respected, or more like feared. She did enjoy that, though. Looking at the clock, she decided there was still a good amount of time before the first class started. Unlike most, she wanted the first class to start. Once it started, the other classes would come quicker. The sooner she got the day over with, the better. She was still a bit surprised she would have to go a whole year of this again. At least it was her last year.

Having her arms folded and foot tapping, she definitely looked impatient and aggravated, which she was. Time was going by way too slowly for her. She decided to do something to pass the time. Making use of her time, she started listening to conversations next to her. It would help pass the time and it would give her useful information. New students this year sadly didn't know about Sabrina. Eventually, they would know her name and reputation. Tapping her fingers against her folded arms, she looked as if she was just minding her own business. However, she was really overhearing what others near her were saying, They were speaking louder than the usual person who knew Sabrina was near, but they were just poor newbies.
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Ryan Walker


"Yeah... That's me." He said, glancing up at her. He extended a gloved hand to her, a slight grin on his face. "Ryan Walker, you were.... Angelina right?" He asked. She remembered the girl as never paying attention in that class, though she made the class more tolerable. It only she showed up for Algebra 2 more often...


"So... Last year, make the best of it?" He asked.



Angelina Marie Taylor

Angelina smiled, reached out, and shook his hand. Yes! Im not going to be a loner at this school, she thought to herself. But she didn't show how excited she was. "Yeah, im Angelina. Its nice to see you again." she said with a smile. When he mentioned school last year, she sighed. "I could have made it a better year, but I just wanted to have fun. And I think I may even continue that route this year." she said smiling more. "What about you? Did you make the best of it last year?"she asked. She felt a cold chill hit her skin, so she pulled her flannel over her body more. But it was her fault for wearing shorts, fishnet tights, and a tank top. But of course she had to match all the time. She was a picky perfectionist. 



Jaxxon Charles


Jaxxon got out of his Porsche that his father graciously gave him, and walked into the building, scrutinizing every inch of the main area. He walked up to the front desk where a lady sat at her computer looking oblivious to the fact that he was there. Jaxx cleared his throat, trying to get her attention. "Uh.. m-ma'am?" No answer. "Ma'am, I'm new to the area. This is the only school in town,  how can I register here?" The lady looked up at him with squinted eyes, and then back down to the computer in front of her. Really? I'm just trying to register and she's giving me this attitude? This place is getti- "Name?", she asked in a very monotone voice. "Jaxxon Charles, I'd like to register and pick out my sche-", she cut him off with the words "I know." Does everyone get treated like this!? She looked up him and handed him a slip of paper with his schedule and locker number. "Your first period is your free study period. Another girl walked in earlier and has the same thing. Do you play any instruments?" She asked. "Yes, I play the trumpet. The lady rolled her eyes and let out a groan. She snatched the paper from his hands and crossed out the Physical Education for eighth period and wrote in 'Music' with the Music Room number. "There, now go on, get!"


Jaxx walked off to his locker and set some extra supplies in there. He walked to his first period and set his stuff down. In the distance he heard some guitar playing and people talking outside. He left his stuff, as he would be returning soon, and followed the sound. Jaxx soon reached a group of people talking around another girl sitting in a truck bed with her guitar. He walked over and introduced himself. "Hi. I'm Jaxx. I heard you playing, you're really good.", he said to the girl in the bed of the truck.
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Millie continued to strum, watching everyone head inside for their first class of the day. She was happy the sun was shining and the air was crisp. She loved being outdoors. Just as she finished the instrumental version of that Jack Johnson song, she began into another favorite acoustic guitar song of hers, "Yellow" by Coldplay. Her fingers nimbly moved across the strings of the guitar as she softly sang the lyrics to the song. Millie's voice was light and melodic, hitting the notes perfectly as she sang. A light breeze caught her hair, pulling it to the side to expose her pretty face entirely. Her eyes were closed as she sang, otherwise she would have immense stage fright in front of these people. Just as she finished the song, Millie noticed another boy approaching. Jeez, I've never had so many people interested in my music in my entire life, she thought, watching him move closer obviously on the path to her and her two new friends.

The first thing Millie noticed about his appearance was his striking red eyes. She never knew it was possible to have red eyes, and the sight made her breath catch in her throat. Shaking the thought away, Millie strummed a few chords, assessing the rest of him. Like Nate in front of her, he too was rather handsome. When he finally reached their little group, he said to her, "Hi. I'm Jaxx. I heard you playing, you're really good."

"Oh, um... Thank you," Millie responded, meeting his red gaze with her own deep ocean blue eyes. She gave him a small appreciative smile. "My name is Millie, I'm new here this year."

@Iskolde @Fullmetal32

"I'm new as well.", He responded with glee knowing now that he wasn't the only one who was new. "I dabble in music too, I picked up the trumpet and the piano when I was younger. If you ever want to get together and play sometime, I wouldn't be against it." Jaxx looked up to the man standing next to him and studied him hard. He then looked back at Millie. He first saw her hair brown hair and full lips. "I have a class to go to. Some 'free study period'. I guess I'll see you later?", He said and turned around. He walked off to his first period.


Jaxx picked his stuff up off of the chair and sat down, setting his bag to the left of him. Jaxx didn't exactly have anything to study, It was his first day there. He took out a pen and paper and started doodling. He had no idea what it was he was drawing, but it was something to keep him entertained for a little bit. Jaxx finished whatever it was he was doodling, and rested his head on the desk. He waited calmly and quietly for others to show up.


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"Less fights, nicer teachers, all I can hope or now, right?" He asked, looking up and flashing a small grin. His hands went into his pockets and one came up with some earbuds. He put one in, then took out his phone to put on his playlist. "Who you got first, Ang?" He asked, glancing at her, then a bunch of other kids who arrived.


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