Welcome back stranger, why don't you stay another night?

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
As you get lost during your travels you one day find an object that resembles a key on the floor. As you pick it up and look up you notice a strange door giving a feeling of safety and comfort. For some reason you are compelled to open the door as your mind begins to feel at ease, as you open the door you are instantly flooded with a warm candle light and the laughter and noise of others in what appears to be an inn. You instantly smell your favorite your favorite foods as you see a white polarbear sweeping the floor in the bar. "Welcome back stranger, How were your travels?" said the inn keeper instantly gathering your attention as the door behind you closed. "Dinner is almost ready. Shall I bring it up to your room. It is exactly the way you left it." you nod back to the innkeeper as you seem tired. "Oh . . door why don't you stay another night and rest up?

I would like to welcome everyone back to The Wayward Inn where we will be staying for good this time this. The site is still getting reorganized as we got more RPs and members to settle in but everything is there. If you don't see your RP on the main forum or The RP Archive at the top of the site please PM me immediately and it will be restored. If you have any other requests like a name change or any thing else(forums/rps/etc) please post in the office.

If your staying on the inn please post here :) ....


Slowly lowering the previously-brandished grade-A Rebel's Pitchfork of Insubordination, the third guest slowly enters the Inn. "No foes to be found here, I suppose. Hard to believe the war is over, if there ever was one. Politicking, bah. Leaders never fall; they leave that job to the common soldier."

Aye, I'll be staying here, that's for sure. Stabbed the wrong people, I did. Also, this place seems nice, which is always good.
Idiosyncrat said:
Slowly lowering the previously-brandished grade-A Rebel's Pitchfork of Insubordination, the third guest slowly enters the Inn. "No foes to be found here, I suppose. Hard to believe the war is over, if there ever was one. Politicking, bah. Leaders never fall; they leave that job to the common soldier."
Aye, I'll be staying here, that's for sure. Stabbed the wrong people, I did. Also, this place seems nice, which is always good.
I don't consider voicing your opinion as backstabbing . .I guess some people are just assholes.
*Crawls out of his gutter knife in one hand and dismembered leg in the other* <<.>> Hmm looks like a nice place to go and have a drink now and then!
"Say, Isaac? I have a question."

"What is it, Miria my dear?"

"Where'd this Inn come from? Weren't we on a train?"

"We must have arrived and they dropped us off here."

"But I don't remember stopping."

"Why that's simple, my dear! They didn't want to disturb anyone, so they didn't stop the train first."

"That's amazing, Isaac! So what do we do next?"

"Well, we were doing a train robbery.."


"So we got on the train."


"And now that we're here we can rob the place!"

"That's it! Let's go, Isaac!"

"But of course, Miria my dear!"
ALERT! Change your passwords if you're using the old one still! I cannot stress this enough at this time!
Idiosyncrat said:
Nae, I didn't backstab anyone. Pitchforks are too unwieldy to use for that purpose.
Well, you can still stab them in the back with it, though...it's just that most pitchfork wielders are noisy, angry peasants that couldn't sneak up on a deaf, unconscious, old man.

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