Advice/Help Weening off


owner of the bag
Weird question for a RP forum, but is there a way I can get the advantages of RP without... RP?

I just don't think it's fair for anyone else for me to use them as creative fuel, in a sense. Historically, I've only done RP to make characters and stories without heavy self-critique. I'm distasteful towards online communities and I've never been invested in characters that weren't my own or someone else's that I knew.

I want to write a character, I genuinely enjoy writing them, but I've always done it in the context of having a world already written out for me to the point it feels overwhelming to "do it myself." I can get more specific: he's a character who I played on several Pokemon "journey" RPs, a specific type of RP where you write a Pokemon Trainer going on adventures, just really indulgent stuff. You're given the setting and what Pokemon you can nab in each area. Sometimes there are missions and often there are locations with their own little lore blurbs, like a family-owned daycare off the beaten path or a winery that gives out berries to new Trainers. I guess the appeal is just being able to focus on a character without having to worry about building the world around them, since it's already there.

Unfortunately, I can't use what I've already written 'cause I've lost most of it.

I'd love to write my own novel one day, but I just want to do some dumb fun writing. How do I ween off RP as my source of dumb fun and start making and writing characters without the additional stresses of storytelling - any ideas?
Okay so for me I like to develop my personal writing and worlds not strictly through writing. I am not a fan of writing paragraphs of world building. My world building comes in the form of music (playlists for the characters, the world, the various groups) and visually through pinboards and galleries.

Then I use those inspirations to coble together ideas. I often voice dictate into gdoc first then edit after, it helps to get the idea out on paper no matter how you do it. Once it's down editing and expanding on that base idea can be easier.

Another suggestion is something else I do which is to start with a outline.

Outlining your novel can help guide you through the writing process. Even if the world at large isn't developed you can at least develop the beats of your story first, and then fill in the gaps when you begin to write. There are many books and videos on outlining a novel out there to get you rolling.

And honestly if you really hate the solo process . . . find a writing friend, even one other person to shoot ideas back and forth. My friend and I are writing two entirely different stories right now, but we shoot our ideas back and forth. Sometimes you do just need one other persons, or a very small intimate group.

cuz honestly the group / partner experience is addictive, its why RP really is so much fun. But you can get the same with a writing group / partner too! XD
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Outlining might be a lot for this but I remember using very rudimentary outlines, like bulleted points, for longer posts before. I love your idea of visual brainstorming... I'm definitely gonna try to apply that.

And I agree - I like bouncing ideas off people, about as much as I like thinking of ideas, haha. I'm at least trying to find some writing groups in the meantime before it's safe to go around socializing again 😔
I recommend joining your regional NaNoWriMo group and in Nov. during NaNoWriMo (whenever this pandemic ends) I would attend the in-person write ins. I have always enjoyed my groups write ins, it really is the reason I do NaNo and what makes the event so much fun.

If your group is like mine we have a discord so year round there are fellow writers to talk to. Some in my group are even published. During the summer there is Camp NaNoWriMo which doesn't generally do any in-person events but it is the summer writing event.

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