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Fantasy Weekly Superhero Quota



Pumpkin Patch
You walk into a massive square building known as the Hero Headquarters, or HH for short. It has a ridiculous number of indestructible glass windows that make up its structure, allowing you to see outside in any direction. In the center is a large stone pillar that supports the structure. Surrounding the pillar is the food court. There's an entire second floor dedicated to various restaurants and cafes to choose from. The building is filled with hundreds of heroes going about their business.

To your left is the area to check out tasks. Complete with digital billboards and many receptionists to register you for your tasks, as well as to answer any questions about those tasks. To the right are the gear shops. There are weapon shops, suit shops and several gadget shops. To the rear are the sidekick shops, where many young heroes are waiting to be partnered with powerful heroes. Each shop has shopkeepers to help with choosing and paying for things.

The task billboards display the tasks for the week:

Civilian - A 2 story building is collapsing - 300 pts
Civilian - Someone left their lights on when they went to work - 10 pts
Villan - Tattoo - Pestering animals at a local petting zoo - 130 pts
Villain - Turret - Shooting endangered birds out of the sky in an open field - 80 pts
Villain - Tendril - On a civilian murdering spree in the streets- 350 pts
Villain - Silky - Stealing candy from babies in a mall- 200 pts
Villain - Dance Queen - Causing civilians to dance until they pass out at the square- 550 pts
Natural Disaster - The sky is LITERALLY falling above the forest - 2500 pts
Natural Disaster - There are live wires whipping around in high winds - 80 pts
Challenging - Villain Darkness is taking people's pants during a thunderstorm that is flooding homes - 1500 pts
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Caitlin Clive aka Dead Hand

Cait stretched her arms out and yawned after taking her first few steps into the Hero Headquarters. It was the first time she’d been there since registering to be a hero. She scratched her head through her hood and sighed, thinking about last night. Carol had spent most of the night waiting for Cait to fall asleep so that she could regain control over her new form and get back to preventing her sister from sleeping in any way a single ghost hand could. She’d done the same the previous night too. Cait glared at Carol’s ghost hand, it was floating peacefully beside her. Annoyingly peacefully.
“If only I could control you in my sleep too, huh? You’d hate that wouldn’t you? Heheh...” She said groggily, mostly thinking out loud as a result of her fatigue. Of course Carol didn’t respond, she couldn’t with Cait currently controlling her. Cait’s train of thought crashed once she stopped chuckling, her eyes growing heavier the more she watched Carol slowly bob up and down at a hypnotic pace in the air.

“Hey, don’t stand in front the entrance!” Cait heard a loud voice from behind her. She felt the weight under her eyes leap out as she was brought back to reality, scurrying forward and immediately pulling down her hood. Cait turned around to face the hero behind her- an embarrassed smile on her face.
“I’m so sorry, first day, little nervous, had a rough night...” she trailed off. Either she just imagined that or the person who was there had already moved past her and she didn’t realise- because there wasn’t anyone behind her. Cait shook her head, trying to get the sleepiness out, and started making her way to a more crowded area over by some billboards. She’d noticed the shops around her but luckily for her, her tired brain had managed to recall the information about how points worked. With no points, Cait decided it’d be best to just head straight into a mission as soon as she could- she’d have plenty of time to browse later.

A slightly more awake Cait located a free billboard. She wiped her eyes before scanning the words on the screen, shuddering upon reading civilian murdering spree. Currently Cait only had four ghost hands under her control, fighting someone capable of a murdering spree while she was tired and with only four hands was not the way she wanted to start, and potentially finish, her career. She kept reading, her eyes both lighting up and narrowing with curiousity at the next thing she read. Cait left the billboard and stood in front of one of the free receptionists, if she’d remembered right then they would be the ones who’d set her off to the mission.

“Hiya! How are you? I’d like to do the Silky mission? The 200 point one about Candy being taken from babies. He sounds like a real degenerate, huh?” Cait said as earnestly as she could with a bright smile on her face, all the while trying her absolute best to hold back a laugh. ‘Silky’ could very well have been a child too but Cait’s sleep deprived brain couldn’t help but picture a fully grown man taking literal candy from literal babies and being incredibly pleased with himself.
Interactions: Receptionist ( PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin )
Mentions: N/A
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Orma Harvinci

The cafeteria smelled of various scents as always, and it never failed to draw the somewhat abnormal eater out of her hiding. Her attire was nothing short of lazy, the sweatpants sagging and a drab grey to match her only slightly darker grey jacket with the hood pulled up. Her rather bored look peered around the headquarters, her exoskeletal jaw's of pure bleached white standing out from the dark interior of the hood. As she sighed and made her way inside the glass building she pulled out her own bag of food and made her way to look at the food available. A few heroes would watch in rather morbid curiosity, the jaws peering just out in front of the sides of the hood making for a rather bestial assumption to be made on what could live under such a hood. Opening the bag and exposing the pork rinds inside to which she responded by grabbing a handful and devouring them quickly. That side view was not helping the few stares she was getting, but feeling them she just pulled the hood down more on her worn jacket hoodie.

Just ignore it... just like I rehearsed... Ok so... Well, we got.... burgers as always.... or maybe a burrito or-- wait...

Her thought process was stopped dead in their tracks, even her jaws stopping in their crunching as she set the bag to pat her pockets with her hands. Thankfully? She had it, finding it in a jacket pocket. Unfortunately? She opened it to reveal her lack of funds, the last of it being spent.

WELL, SHIT... All my food is home.... shit..... well I can't just leave now can I? Ugh.....

Regretfully the rather wide-jawed woman swiveled and looked onwards to the task board, one she had mostly ignored for the damn near year she had been registered. Tomorrow, the day after, next week she would do something, convincing herself she needed to do something else or work on her second job. The excuses never ended, but here she was and the responsibility and reasons she decided to join were bearing down on her now. Much to the shock of the few staring, shoved the rest of the bag itself into her jaws and chewed pork rinds and plastic all inside and swallowed. She would decide not to use plastic as a power, letting it simply dissolve inside as she walked over to observe the board and weaving through the crowd.

Shit... stuff is crazy right now, killing spree and god damn skies falling? Half this stuff I wouldn't even know how to help... hopefully someone helps those people in the collapsing building...

When given an opening to approach the desk Orma would do so, hopefully gaining the attention of one of the receptionists, seemingly near another hooded figure separated only a few feet apart.

She is doing the candy person? Fair enough...

"H-Hey... you got any information about this... whatsit... Tendril? It seems like something that should be dealt with.... at least... I think so... so yeah... what are they about? What do they do?"

Interactions: PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin
Mentions: Stillsnow Stillsnow
"Hiya! How are you? I’d like to do the Silky mission? The 200 point one about Candy being taken from babies. He sounds like a real degenerate, huh?" The voice caused Bill, the receptionist, to look up from his computer. He was an incredibly short man in his late 40s with thin hair combed over in a poor attempt to cover their balding head. With a blank and emotionless expression that might convey their complete disdain for their work they replied, while typing away at his keyboard. "Silky, yes, hmm, OK, I suppose," came a voice that lacked any form of emotion. Bill gave Dead Hand the information on their location, which was a nearby mall.

Stillsnow Stillsnow
"H-Hey... you got any information about this... whatsit... Tendril? It seems like something that should be dealt with.... at least... I think so... so yeah... what are they about? What do they do?" said Maw, giving Marie a start, "Oh hoh, you startled me there lass. I like your costume," she said, giving a little wave of her hand, pointing to the bone jaw that stood out. Marie was an elderly lady. She had ribbons in her hair, a bright pink polka dot dress, and large round glasses. She continued on cheerily, "Ah, yes, Tendril. A tough fella. He's made of this tar-like stuff. Pretty durable fella, he can take a wallop. As long as you can wail on him long enough, he should eventually fall." She eyes her computer screen, "Be careful with this one, they don't move too fast, but getting out of their grip can be a right pain."

Sybil Sybil
Orma Harvinci

The active pointing to what the woman perceived as a costume caused the Orma's eye to twitch softly, a full-on reaction of a long drawn sigh or growl followed by walking off was currently being stifled and repressed. It was more difficult to ignore someone you needed to talk to, but soon enough the twitch ceased and she spoke up.

"I see... I will take that one then... it seems straight forward... I will take it then... what is the address? By the way... nice ribbons..." She points at the ribbons in her hair lazily and just barely moving her hand above the counter. With that she prepared to leave upon getting the location, turning to the one picking a mission and getting their own information right alongside.

"Good.... uh...good luck..."

Interacts: Stillsnow Stillsnow PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin
Mentions: N/A​
"I see... I will take that one then... it seems straight forward... I will take it then... what is the address? By the way... nice ribbons..." Said Maw, motioning towards Marie's ribbons, which brought a smile to her face. Giddily, she looked towards her computer, pausing for a moment to read. She turned back and informed Maw of their location in a nearby urban area, where Tendril could be found out in the streets.

Sybil Sybil
Caitlin Clive aka Dead Hand

Cait had seen corpses with energy comparable to that of the receptionist, she was surprised he was typing at the pace he was. As the receptionist was relaying info on Silky’s whereabouts, Cait noticed that the girl beside her had turned around and said something to her. The same girl who was taking on Tendril. The girl was quiet but Cait was sure she’d heard right. When Cait turned to look at her she immediately noticed the daunting jaw on the girl. Cait tried not to stare but found herself glancing at it as she spoke.

“Thank you, you’re braver than me- taking on that murderer. Lemme know how it goes after you win. I’m Ca- uh, Dead Hand,” Cait said, initially stuck out her hand, reaching for a handshake, but quickly retracted it and instead moved a ghost hand in its place as a question had just popped into her mind. She turned back to the dreary receptionist before she could forget it.

“So, just making sure, are you okay with the villains ending up dead or am I supposed to bring them back here alive?”
Interactions: Bill ( PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin ), Orma ( Sybil Sybil )
Mentions: N/A
So, just making sure, are you okay with the villains ending up dead or am I supposed to bring them back here alive?” came the question, causing Bill to look up from his computer again. After giving a sigh, he reached for a piece of paper and began reading from it in his monotone voice, "Here at the Hero Headquarters, we do not care what happens to the villains, or how, so long as they are stopped, and collateral damage is minimized. Points will be deducted for collateral damage. Do your best. You can make a difference." Bill looked up, waiting for the encounter to end, "Will that be all?"

Stillsnow Stillsnow
Orma Harvinci

As the girl turned at Orma she would note the pale skin, the eyes and the whole package contained in there. If Orma was a perceptive woman, she just might notice more than the tired look, but she lacked in the care department. Just a pale tired girl in her mind. This doesn’t mean she didn’t notice the glances, ones which made Orma subconsciously flex and move her jaw showing how the bone jaw was indeed attached on top of her lower face. Besides the jaw, the absolutely dull hazel eyes would stare into Cait’s eyes, the brown nearly sullied into a matte color rather than a dynamic eye color.

Regardless of her appearance, Orma watched the hand almost extend and then retract to extend a translucent hand and arm, Orma’s eyes watching it as it offered itself. She.... would just turn to the male receptionist when spoke in response to Dead Hand’s question.

What is with that damn hand.... looks cursed.... ain’t touchin’ that....

“So... dead or alive... good to know...Good l-luck Dead Hand....o-oh... and bravery... yeah that ain’t it...” She will give a nod of her head, pulling her hood down forcibly with one hand, a bit nervous with how well she spoke and her train of thoughts. Hell she was more worried about her poor speaking and conversation than her current mission!

Interactions: Stillsnow Stillsnow PauciloquentPumpkin PauciloquentPumpkin

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