Story Weave of Fate (Story so far)


New Member
I'm GMing a campaign currently and felt like chronicling the Story so far to get my ideas straight and so that my Pc's can catch up if they miss a game, or even just remember what happened last game. those not in the game are free to comment and read.

Our story takes place in Kith Kanaan a continent that was discovered over a thousand years ago, the world was much different back then though. when we first settled on this continent The dragons emerged from their lairs bored with long life and intrigued to find new toys to play with. They quickly took over as our lords, but their interests were not set in the well being of those races they ruled. War and horrible games at the lives of the mortals were had for sport.

Eventually as the boarders of the lands grew closer and the information traveled freely across nations, uprising grew eminent. Weapons were forged and items devised to topple the dragons were used when war finally turned away from disputes of boarders and turned towards overthrowing the power of the dragons.

Long years past before the dragons were no longer a threat and yet the hunger for revenge still stirred in the nations, contests were held to slay the dragons and gain great honor, items were crafted from their scales. Finally as the age of dragons passed on and a new age started the nations agreed to stow away the weapons in the tomb, honoring those that lost their lives for freedom.

Now it is Present day and dragons are but distant rumors and fabled creatures, known as feral monsters. The Nations stand peacefully, each with their own lands and united against the savage demons of the south and the wild forests of the north. But our true Story begins with Adventurers, 4 of which have just entered the Trade City of the Shire.
Our heroes, Brennin Brightmane, Feldarin Ironskin, Jack and Rupert have been in the Shire for over a week now when they each receive summons to the Brotherhood of the book, an order that chronicles the past, present and future for their god, Orion. He is told to come at the end of the world and judge those who shall be worth of the afterlife and who shall perish with the world. They are to Meet with Ralyn, one of the Oracles.

The Adventurers arrive and talk amongst themselves for a time before being invited in to meet with Ralyn, a blind man who seems to notice your presence and the things around him through some mystic power. "I want to hire you all for certain tasks. You all have a certain Quality that intrigues and thus is why you were summoned." He looks over each individually with his clouded eyes.

"There is a growing haze of darkness to the east, scouts have tried to gather information upon it but never returned. I have my heart set on a group of adventurers that have worked for the shire in the past but each of them seems to have taken up root in the Shire. I need you to visit each and rekindle their adventuring spirit."

He hands them a list with 3 names: Hammamir the Shaman of west lake, Ksathra the Fighter Smith near town square and Eirwyn the Fey bard of the inverted Jester Tavern near West Wood.

He continues on to say "They will need someone versed in stealth and knowledgeable about traps. I have someone in mind for the job but acquiring her aid may be difficult. The Joshuite Church has been getting donations that were stolen from high priced homes in the Shire. They obviously cant be implicated in the thefts and thus are attempting to stop who ever the thief is."

Ralyn Offers the party a Note with his seal on it. "Give this note to a Paladin Named Cleric at the church and stop the thief for them without killing her. She will be the help the other 3 will need. I suggest going after her first, as the church has sent an overzealous Paladin after her who will most likely take her life, she cant help the other 3 if she is dead. I'll pay you each of course. 2000 gold piece, 500 for each of them that you've convinced.

The Group all Agree after a few more questions and head to the temple and richer district of the Shire to find the Temple of Joshua. They find the Paladin Cleric and offer him the note. He reads it critically and eyes the party unsure if he can give over his assignment to this group. After some convincing however he agrees to let them take over and offers them the information that he had gathered so far. It seemed that the thief had been using an alleyway to get to the roofs and to not be noticed. He was planing of waiting for him there.

the Adventurers go to the Alley and inspect just what is going on, noticing the high walls and how Rupert and Brennin could not stale the walls they decided to stay at the bottom, Brennin and Jack return to the Joshuite Church to ask Cleric for a scroll of grease, which he reluctantly provides. when they Return Jack Notices a Rope hanging near the back of the alley that none of them noticed before and curses Rupert and Feldarin for not taking better guard. Jack rushes to the back and some of the stacked boxes on the side of the alley collapse as a Net is shot out and traps him and Rupert. Jack wiggles his way free and Cuts the Net before rushing to climb the Rope. They notice the thief peer over the ledge above when they begin to climb the rope and feel it moving as the thief tries to cut through it and make it drop.

Feldarin and Jack get to the top and slash at the Thief, making HER retreat with her injuries while trying to knock them out with a crude Sap. She tries to flee when its obvious she is outmatched but Jack pursuits and risks being attacked to try and knock her out rather than kill her. they lower her down to the Alleyway and inspect her body to make sure she will live and that she has no valuables before bringing her to Ralyn. He offers to return her to the Joshuite Temple for them but informs them that she only needed to be saved from the Paladin, not brought to him as proof. The Adventurers agree and bring her to Cleric, who takes her under his care and tells the Adventurers that they best keep quiet about the thief being from the Church, offering them a bribe to keep them quiet, which they take and look over their list of targets to find their next task, settling on the nearest, Ksathra the fighter Smith
The Adventurers head to town square and walk west to the Smith, asking a few for directions and getting a few funny looks. They finally discover why when they Arrive. A large Beastly Creature greats them when they enter the store, somewhere around 8 ft in height, sporting Tentacles like that of a Displacer beast, Horns like a Minotaur and shaped like a werewolf. Getting past the initial stunning sight they are greeted friendly like by the beast and start to talk about him going out to adventure. They Advice against threatening the monster and hear him out as he mentions he cannot go back into the lifestyle of adventuring until he gets a special order of ores from the south that should have arrived a week ago. He shows them a thin bladed dagger that he says shall be the prototype and test of his skill using the ores, the dagger's blade snaps as he shows it to them, being so thin it cannot hold its own weight.

The Adventurers agree that they could find the shipment and get it to him but in exchange they would get the finished prototype Dagger. With the smith's agreement they start their way south and ask merchants that come along the road what lays ahead. They heard Rumors of Bandits taxing passage but learn that it is a solitary Minotaur on the road that is demanding payment to pass, why none of the local defenses have been sent out to dispatch the evil seemed to be that the territory the Minotaur was on is disputed at the time and thus under neither the north nor the south's need to keep it safe.

The Adventurers quicken their pass along the long road south, traveling for 2 days before sighting the Minotaur and finally deciding on what to do. There first attempts to speak with the beast from afar failed due to the creatures stupid nature and harsh temper as he prepared to charge. The Adventurers ready for such an event charge forth, First Brennin Smiting the evil being and gashing him nearly in 2, than Jack, Using his speed to attack the Minotaur because it can regain its balance and Finally Feldarin Darting forth to split the beasts head from its neck, leaving Rupert grumbling that he had to walk all this way just to be outdone by the others.

Searching the Blockage of junk they find the items it has taken as payment so far today and push the rest of the rubble off the road before continuing south in search of more bandits or the shippement of ores. A full day's walk later brings them to a crossroads where a few carts of goods are parked on the side of the road and enjoying the company of fire, food and drink, selling wears in exchange to eachother and camping while they wait for the minotaur to be dealt with, its becomes evident that there are no families here, only merchants that can afford to waste their time on the road in order to save a little coin. Declaring that they defeated the minotaur causes all the Merchants to Cheer and Celebrate the Party with food, drink and shelter for the night. The next morning they are offered Transport back to the Shire as well.

Once returned they visit the smith once more to be informed that he is busy working the ores that had just arrived and would not be ready to give them their reward for another week at least. Learning this the group turned to their List of Tasks and Pick out The Bard Eirwyn, setting their sights on West wood and the travel ahead.
The Adventurers Venture to the boarder of west wood and come to the tavern of the inverted Jester and meet with a foot tall mouse with butterfly wings. The fey Bard. They try to talk her into going back into adventuring but she informs them that her instrument a small magical flute was stolen and she is offering 4000 gold if anyone could retrieve if for her. She's heard that others around town have been losing random items but this one item had personal value to her and was enchanted as well.

The Adventurers smirk to each other at the secondary income source and all agree to go and find this thief. Jack being associated with the Shire's underground knew that the top dog for the thieves Guild had just died and that his ghost was said to be roaming the town stealing items at unrest. They decided to go and get some holy water and head over to the Rats nest tavern in the slums to the east of town to investigate a bit more.

The Party members stick out like a sore thumb in the Slums, most the patrons of the bar are too drunk or down on their luck to care luckily and while Jack tries to bribe his way into the back room where the secret deals go down. The Tavern Bartender seems less interested than the patrons on who goes where and just as Jack goes to open the door it swings wide and a group of people step out, clinging and trying to please the Girly Man at the head of the pack.

The girly man notices the out of place adventurers and stops his group before sending them on ahead and motioning them to take those around the bar. He approaches the Adventurers with a grin and talks with them, getting to know just what they are here for and laughing as they mention they got holy water to take care of the ghost. He informs them that Shorty the half ling that was head of the guild faked his death to try and quit the underhanded lifestyle, but his thieving is an addiction and he cant stop himself. He informs them that shorty left without telling him he was going to quit and that he is pissed. As the Adventurers prod further he breaks down into anger and sadness about it revealing finally that He was in love with Shorty and is in fact a Girl and pregnant with Shorties child.

They are told that shorty would probably go after 1 of 2 targets next and thus the group splits up and watches over Zhokora's enchanting smith and Darius's weaving shop. Speaking with both of the shop keepers to warn them about the thief beforehand. As night starts to Pass Jack and Rupert Notice a Light inside the waver's shop, slowly moving about. They Watch and wait for the Thief to come out, soon seeing the light go away and Jack quickly runs around to the back side of the shop, only to be distracted by a frightened boy in the dark streets, claiming their are monsters out to get him. He tries to ignore the boy and shoo him off while looking for any signs of the thief. The boy starts to cry and Jack Tells him to run off to Zhokora's smith where a Paladin (Brennin) would watch over him. The kid starts to run off only to have Jack start to slowly clap at his performance in order to distract him, assuming the boy was a decoy.

Meanwhile at Zhokora's Smith the boy runs up to Brennin still claiming that monsters are out to get him and that he cant find his way home, The Paladin however sees through the disguise and offers to take the boys hand to help him before squeezing it and calling shorty out for the halfling he is. As the thief tries to get away he's told about his lover who everyone thinks is a man and how she is pregnant, how the Paladin could know all this information confirmed in him that it must be true and he struggled all the more to get free, claiming he must go back to her. Before letting go however Brennin asks for the flute that was stolen and Shorty tosses down a map and key to where the things are hiding before running off into the dark.

The Adventurers venture off into the farmlands to a burned down house near the fields, following the map they find a cellar buried under the debris and unlock it with the key, finding themselves a small storeroom of goods, some of which have value. they clear the store room out and the next day return to See the bard and get the reward for returning her flute and getting her promise to return to adventuring. she plays them a tune before they return back to town and visit Ralyn, getting paid for 3/4 of the people having been convinced and only the Shaman of west lake Left to Secure.

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