We Will Live [Inactive]

"Ok launch, your mission is to check out the aberrants near Elizabeth. " said the Operator.

"Ok launching" Sora annouced.

The hangar doors opened and the Raiser rocketed out. He traveled at a few hundred miles per hour to the ruins of Wall Elizabeth. He was wondering just what would he see near Elizabeth. He decreased his speed sohe wouldn't ddraw that much attention. Then he saw three monster sized humanoid figures standing. They looked like mechas but, He saw that they had kind of a mouth. One apparently spotted him, it was purple and it's mouth opened it let out a fierce roar. The other two began to notice the Raiser. Sora was worried this may draw more monsters. Then Sora realized that there were no other monsters in sight could it be that they recognize this area as dominated by those aberrants. The Raiser turned around and went at maximum speed to outrun the other two monsters. The purple one was more persistent, yet it turned back when the base was a blur on the horizon. Sora began making his report when he got back.
Renshii ate his food quietly and looked up to the rest of the people who had entered and done the same routine as him. He hated how boring everything went in the morning, it generally sucked and seemed quite boring. He sighed softly and stood up when his plate was empty carrying it over to the trash before dropping it in then heading out for the mech station to toy around with his. Once making it there, he smacked the side of it letting the cockpit flip open then climbing inside and placing himself in the seat. "Ok, lets see. I checked everything this morning so lets make sure everything is still green light."

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