We Will Live [Inactive]


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Britt-21 submitted a new role play:

We Will Live - Will you be a mach pilot?

It's the year 3356, March 15, Tuesday 8:00AM.
It's been a long time since 2015. That was when technology boomed. Everything you could ever imagine started to become reality. Robots, space cars, everything. By 3056, Earth had united as one peaceful race. We were on our to creating the first successful 'starship', Tera v1. After thousands of years of wars, murder, sickness.. All of it was gone. Medicine progressed farther than anything.

However, like all nice stories, there is an end to it all....
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Today is the day. The day to train those who have joined the mechs. Rayna stood in her grandmother's office. She left everything the same except the Paperwork. There was a picture of her and another soldier who seemed to be very hansome dispite his eyepatch. Seemed her grandma loved him enough to have him in a picture with her. Rayna smiled softly as she walked out of the office and to the troop's sleeping quarters. Her boots clicked on the floor as she opened the door and looked at the sleeping soldiers.

"Wake up guys, Its time for our first lesson today." she said loudly. Seemed she wasnt that loud enough so she went to each bunk and kicked the bedframes, waking up the soldiers "Get ready, eat breakfast and meet outside!"

@Kiro Akira

@Jaded Conformity

@Ghostly Banjo



@Jaded Conformity

@Ian Temero
As Rayna kicks his bedframe, he lies there a moment, confused. Where was I again...? Oh, right! Like that girl just said! First lesson! This is so exciting! I need to get up quick so I can be the first one there! I'll be early, and I'll get on the teacher's good side, and then I'll be the top student, and then I'll pilot my mech, and then I'll kick some monster butt, and then I'll---- his thoughts are interrupted as he suddenly gets a headache. He wonders why. He then realizes he had tumbled over the foot of his bed and on to the floor in his excitement. He looks around, embarrased.
Renshii who had already been awake just polishing one of his guns looked to the female and looked back. To him, he didn't need the lesson, he had been a mech pilot for long enough to know what he was doing and how long it would take for the rest of them to get up. With that, Renshii sighed and put his boots on wandering off into the corridor heading for the hangers. After making it there, he walked down the path watching a little boy rush past him scared terribly by something. He paid it no mind only smiled and laughed softly. He knew the chaos of the morning, some weren't morning people some were and the non-morning people were always angry in the morning. Arriving at his Mech he stood there and scanned the outside of it over. Glancing to the young teenager working on the Mech, Renshii smiled and moved over patting him on the head. "You've done well Night, take a rest. If theres any other repairs that are needed I'll get them done for you. She looks pretty tho, thank you." "Yes sir, I even made sure your Mech was reloaded." Renshii rustled up the boy's hair and nodded. "Good take a break." Renshii climbed up his Mech's legs and into the chest section where the cockpit sat. From there he started flipping switches as well as pushing buttons starting his Mech up. He wanted to make sure everything was engaged properly. Make sure it was all perfect. After the Mech booted up a voice came over a speaker behind his seat and echoed inside the Mech. "Shields 100% Energy levels 100% Weapons 100% Targeting Systems Active and 100% All systems are a go. Please standby for system check." A visual came up on his screen showing a loading circle with two small Mech's fighting on the screen. After the system finished loading the screen shut down and the voice came back over. "All systems have been checked over and are still at100% Mech is ready for battle." Renshii shut the Mech down feeling it drop back to a 'loading' position. Stepping out of it, Renshii popped open the forearm to check and make sure the laser was engaged correctly.

After checking his Mech manually he glanced around the hanger and smiled softly. So far everything seemed fine no alarms, nothing had seemed wrong. Sighing softly, he glanced to Night who sat by idly waiting for orders as to what to do. Renshii pointed off towards the cafeteria and shrugged. "She looks fine, theres nothing more to do with the Mech. Go get you some food. Maybe later on I'll teach you a thing or two on piloting one of those things." The boy lit up with a wide grin on his face and quickly rushed off to get himself something to eat.
Lesli's intercom crackled to life, a harsh "Get back here!" cracking through. Lesli growled and flicked off the intercom in her mech. This wasn't anytime to sit around and idly hope for the best, her family was on danger! "Systems now fully online. Energy array...online. Operating at 87%."

It'll do Lesli pushed forward through the closing gate, just managing to slip through with the last reinforcements before the gates sealed shut. The sight she was met with was terrifying: horrid looking monsters were being blown apart by the mechs while the ground forces were rushing to assist a downed mech. Bruiser was lying on the ground, helpless while Strider was rushing forward, sword and body dripping with crimson. Flicking on her intercom, she was met with a flurry of orders, cursing and a yelling Aidan. "Elizabeth!" "Get back, she's gone!"

Lesli stood idle and watched in horror as Strider was sidelined by a beastly four legged monstrosity. Strider fell and the beast started tearing it apart, with Aidan's sounds of pain coming through the intercom...

...save him...

With calculated proficiency, Lesli tore forward and kicked the beast off; it stumbled, but recovered and lunged at Lesli.

...displace weight...crush...

The beast fell limp as it's skull was crushed underfoot. Opening the cockpit, Lesli reached out...

Lesli woke with a startle as her bunk was kicked and John...or whatever his name was, hit the ground in his excitement.
Same dream... heaving a sigh she sat up in her bunk and ruffled her blue hair up before setting her green orbs on whatever-his-name. Wonder why he's so excited she pushed herself up out of bed and grabbed her old, frayed scarf, wrapping it around her neck. She nervously glanced at everyone around her as they got up, some slower than others; the whole situation made her uncomfortable. Doing her best to avoid everyone, she slinked out of the barracks and headed to the cafeteria, grabbing only a piece of bread before heading outside where they were to meet Rayna at for today's lesson. Picking a wall a bit off to the side, she slid down the wall and sat on the ground, staring blankly at nothing while she nibbled on her bread waiting for everyone to assemble outside.
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Allie shifted, pulling the blanket over her head as Rayna started shouting. With the kick to the bedframe, she sat up, her book and reading light sent across the room. "I'm up, I'm up!" She leaned against the palm of her hand, falling back asleep. She quickly remembered where she was, scrambling to attention. While she was an experienced 'Mech pilot already, she saw the training as an excellent oppurtunity to bond with her teammates. She pulled her shoulder-length hair into a pony-tail, to keep it out her way. She rushed to the messhall, hoping she wasn't late.
"You old bum, thought you were done with the drink?!" A stocky woman roughly shook a slumbering Aidan, who jerked to life and nearly threw his empty glass across the counter. "Wh-what...mmm..." Aidan slowly lifted his head off of the counter and lazily opened his one eye to a smooth counter. "Jenny what're you..." Aidan paused to nurse his throbbing head before spinning around in his seat to meet eyes with Jenny, the friend of his wife.

No, ex-wife. Get yourself together...

"What th' hell're you doing here? Or rather, how'd you get in here?" Jenny placed a hand on her hip, giving Aidan a very disapproving look. "Mia gave me the key, said to come check on you before your first day back with the grease monkeys. Figured you'd be in this state." Aidan heaved a sigh before pushing himself up. "Troops. You know that." he grumbled, standing up and causing Jenny to move away with a click of her tongue. "You know, better I found you like this instead of Liz. You know she-" "hates it when I drink, I know."

Looking down at Jenny, he cocked an eyebrow and gestured towards the door.
"Y'know, givin' me a condescending look isn't goin' to get you anywhere. The door's there if you want to continue that." Jenny shook her head and started toward the door, with Aidan right behind. Leading her out, he leaned against the door frame as Jenny turned around to face him outside. "Mia wants you to check up on Liz, she said that your little girl seemed a bit troubled about something." Aidan crossed his arms and cocked his head, "Why doesn't she come and tell that herself?" Jenny shrugged her shoulders, giving him a 'you know why' look before turning and leaving. Still mad then. Don't see why heading back in to the loving darkness of his bar, he shit the door behind him and went to work getting himself presentable. Throwing on a black shirt and blue pants, he threw on his coat before attaching his katana to his side and heading out the door.

It was pretty early morning so not many people were out, but he did run into a few people, some who'd give the old "Morning Strider (or Aidan)!", others who'd give a simple nod. He was pretty well known among the community, especially once he started running his bar 'Elizabeth's Haven', but his old reputation as a stellar mech pilot had been sullied by his slight drinking problem. Everyone who knew him frowned at his habit, but of course no one would ever say it to his face. Well, except Mia and Lesli, but Lesli was a bit more understanding of it given what they both went through.

Ah, there's the barracks...wonder where Liz is at glancing at the sun, he gauged the time and decided to head to the cafeteria. But as he neared it he caught a glimpse of Lesli sitting against the wall eating a rather meager breakfast. As he neared, Lesli seemed to snap out of her trance, giving a small wave to her dad. Aidan smiled and waved back, then went over and took a seat next to her. "Hey kid-o." Lesli looked at him sideways, then looked away, mumbling "H-hey Aidan..."

The two sat on silence for a moment before Lesli muttered, "You...smell like w-whiskey." She looked up at him and frowned. "Y-you okay?" Aidan looked back at her and hesitated for a moment before nodding and looking out towards the grounds. "Um...yeah. Yeah. What about you? Mia said you seemed troubled." Lesli shook her head and looked away. "Why'd you re-enlist? I don't want you out there." Aidan rose his eyebrows and chuckled, "I can say the same." Lesli sighed and shook her head, "But seeing as how you're so damn stubborn, I gotta get out there and watch your scrawny back. After all, who else will?" Aidan ruffled her hair, enticing a small laugh from her. "I am not scrawny! You are!"

Aidan laughed at that, and shook his head. "C'mon, let's go and catch some grub. I'm sure a piece of bread isn't gonna hold you." Lesli shrugged, and got up along with Aidan. "C'mon" Lesli followed behind as they entered the cafeteria, her chipper demeanor disappearing with all the people around. Lesli took a seat off to the side of the cafeteria while Aidan went off to grab them some food.

Hurry up... Lesli looked around, seeming a bit fidgety, especially whenever someone passed by her table fairly close. Please no one sit here...
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Tyo was already up, doing something on DAHAK in his garage. He "collected" it from outside the wall when it's peaceful out there. On the day he got DAHAK, he was looking around the place for scraps so he can made weapon until DAHAK scraped orange paint just lies on the ground, no one inside. He almost burst into tears because it's a proof showing that his father died. That's right. DAHAK is from Tyu's father. He savaged it and brought it back to his house garage for repairing. Now DAHAK is fully functioning and Tyu is doing something like upgrades to it...
Donovan had waken up earlier in the morning than usual. He had decided to go for a walk. Carrying a bag on his back, he marched out of the military building and walked into the streets. He stopped by a sign. "Smoking area" He read out loud, not knowing that they had specific places you could have a smoke here, having arrived from another town that was surrounded by a wall like this one. And with a small huff he drew a smoke from his pocket and lit it up. He leaned against the wall as he puffed back on his smoke. He thought for a moment, about everything. His Mech the Gladiator V30 was not originally his, it was his mothers, Haley Strom who got married to a person named Donovan Hunt. Before his birth The other Donovan Hunt, his father, had died of a rare disease. Donovan was named in his father honour so He was basically Donovan Hunt Jr. but never really told anyone that. Then he thought about his Sister who was older than him. Kate Hunt, she was a big role model for him. Until that day. The beast had attacked, he had only been 15 back then so he was not able to fight but his sister and mother were both mech pilots. His sister was crushed under the foot of the beast and his mother's mech had sustained too much damage, both of the legs of it had been severed. When she ejected she meet her fate squished into the palm of the beast, The beast later on left, leaving only a few living. Gladiator V29 was unfixable because the legs were crushed and no other legs were compatible with the system. That's when Donovan got to work, he developed a new system swore on avenging his Mother and Sister he combined the systems that both mech's used creating a system twice as powerful. Salvaging the legs from his sisters mech he combined them with his mothers mech making Gladiator V30. He thought back to those days and the reason he had come here. For revenge, so that he could get stronger and defeat the beast in battle on day. He finished his smoke and decided to walk to the diner. He walked in and sat at a table and looked at the waiter. "A beer and the meat platter please" he said. He waited for his meal to come and when it did he just started to dig in.


He finished his meal and was on the way back to the bunk rooms, He went inside and found a soldier waking up the rookies. He had already eaten breakfast and started to make his way outside, but before that he watched a rookie fall out of bed. He grinned a little before continuing on his way.

(sorry I'm late, references to the old rp, lol)
Rayna spoke up "Come on! Get up and get ready! Do not dilly dally!" she walked down the row again, kicking each bunk for those who are not yet awake "If you dont move your butts, you will have no breakfast and will starve till lunch!" she snapped. Though, she was blufffing. She wouldnt do that to her troops. Once by the door again, she looked at everyone "Any slower and i'm going to bring the hose in here to soak you all." Rayna liked being second in command. BUt thing was, the first in command had retired and she wasnt sure if she was ready to be first in command.
Lilliana was sitting in the cafeteria with an empty plater next to her and a small screwdriver in her hand. She carefully turned a tiny screw the last few times until it was snug. She then set the screwdriver down. Finished! She held her creation between her fingers, gently twisted the nob on its back several times, set it down, and watched the clockwork dog walk around the table. A confident smile played across her lips. Piece of cake!
Renshii wandered back to the rest of the group yawning and stretching. He was behind the female above him in rank and shrugged slightly slipping back past her and getting in line with the rest in the room. Renshii eyed the half sleeping people and shook his head sighing softly. It was rather boring in the mornings sucked terribly as did anything that didn't involve fighting mechs against other mechs or something of that sort. He glanced to the female and frowned. "So what are we doing to day lassy?" The female had been higher in rank but that still didn't change the fact she was still younger, why he listened to her as it was seemed unclear to him.
Unlike most, Sora as too tired to make it to bed so he slept in his mech. He woke feeling very refreshed and said "Hello, Rizer, how is my favorite and only mecha." He stretched a bit and then got out of his mecha. He walked to the Cafe to get some breakfast. But, then he realized he has to go check in back at the room and bolted. He got back in time to slip in behind Renshii. He said "Ren, anything happen. I really hope i am not in the wrong room."
[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]Renshii wandered back to the rest of the group yawning and stretching. He was behind the female above him in rank and shrugged slightly slipping back past her and getting in line with the rest in the room. Renshii eyed the half sleeping people and shook his head sighing softly. It was rather boring in the mornings sucked terribly as did anything that didn't involve fighting mechs against other mechs or something of that sort. He glanced to the female and frowned. "So what are we doing to day lassy?" The female had been higher in rank but that still didn't change the fact she was still younger, why he listened to her as it was seemed unclear to him.

Rayna looked at Renshii and she crossed her arms "Wait untill you're done eating with everyone else." she says, looking at him seriously "Go and eat before I starve you till lunch." dehydration was a different subject. She wouldnt take that away from him. Just the food "I'll explain later." she looked at Sora "And where were you? You were meant to be in your barracks!"
"I am sorry i fell asleep in my mech because i was too tired to make it to the barracks. My mech has some effects on me" Sora explained."I don't think we should spend too much time here as my watch says we are ten minutes give or take 5 minutes, behind schedule. I'm really hungry right now, and well rested."
Rayna glared at Sora "Then go eat if you're hungry!" she snapped, waiting for him to get his butt moving already. She wasted her breath just telling the troops to get up and go eat before she starves them
Renshii shrugged softly. "Not a clue went and checked on my mech a few moments ago and returned just before you did." He then looked to Rayna who was speaking to him with her arms crossed only to frown when she mentioned starving him until lunch. "That sounds terrible. But you should respect your elders and let me go eat anyways!" He grinned and snickered before patting her on the head and walking past her. "Food sounds nice right now as it is, I'll get back with you after breakfast." He enjoyed messing with her but knew he would hear the worse of it later on.
Sora didn't need to be told twice and hurried along. He ran like a free runner dodging between people and hopping over carts. He made it to the cafe and hopped over the metal rail that's by the entrance and slid into line. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long and got his food. He sat down at a table and began munching and drinking.
After tweaking DAHAK, Tyo headed to the cafe on the rollerblades attachment onto his shoes after putting on a helmet, elbow pads and knees pads and took his black and red backpack with him. He stopped at the front and took off the rollerblades attachment and put in a specific place in his backpack. "This place is crowded. Might be a while until i got my breakfast." Tyo thought to himself as he stood at the last of the line, waiting for his turn. A while later, finally it's Tyo's turn. He had some bacon and eggs and chose an empty table and sits there, eating his breakfast alone.
Sora finishd his breakfast and was finally thinking at full capacity when he remembered why he fell asleep in his mech. He was being informed about a special mission yesterday while he was tired and he over thinked it all to sleeep in his mech. He got up and ran double time to Reyna but came across Renshii and said "Uhhhhhh, special mission eat fast must find commander." Sora ran faster and caught up with Reyna and said "Special Mission, remember you don't train trainees today, forgot to tell you yesterday. It came from high up!"
Rayna looked at Sora "..I do train trainee's untill I hear it from a higher up, Sora." she crossed her arms "Hearing it from someone as yourself doesnt change anything. Just know that." she says, narrowing her eyes "Go and get ready." she then looked at Renshii "...You are not a senior, Renshii." she stated, watching him "..Ok....." she watched him go "Bring me something!" she yelled
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Sora ran off to go get suited up. If memory serves right they were to investigate something near what was Wall Elizabeth and apparently they'll be briefed after they've sortied. Sora got into his pilot suit pretty easily and grabbed his helmet, one thing he knows any mission near elizabeth is really dangerous. He walked to the hangar and hopped into the Raizer. "Pilot Sora innthe Raizer reporting for special mission."
Renshii waved back to her as if saying 'yea yea' and continued down the pathway. "I'll bring you back a waffle or something." He said then continued to the cafeteria. After he reached it he moved straight to the section that held the breakfast foods. He stacked his plate with french toast, pancakes and a few eggs before sitting down and eating.
Aaron leaned back from where he was sitting as he eyed the mech pilots. "They don't know what it is like when the only that has your back is yourself, not some sheet of metal." He brooded. "Some day there gonna climb out if there mech in a battle and get gutted." He mumbled. Slowly he dissected a egg. The only things Aaron ever looked forwards to was drills when he could blow off steam and a fight where he didn't have think. When those happened Aaron could care less about what happened to other people and lay off brooding for once. Now that he had come to think of it Aaron had been brooding up quite the storm.
FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT POSTING. DO NOT GIVE ME A HARD TIME AND SAY "Oh i'm left behind!" OR COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. IF YOU DIDNT POST HERE ITS NOT MY FAULT. If you want a update, Pm me. other then that...continue :3

Rayna headed to the messhall like everyone else since the troops in her barracks had woken up and took care of their hygine as well as going to get some breakfast. if anything right now, Rayna was going to need a partner till someone was in First In Command. So far, no one had filled that spot at all as far as she knew.
Jade was slow to start the morning after not getting a good nights rest. She'd spent half the night awake too anxious about the first day of training. She splashed cold water on her face which help wash away the last bit of grogginess "First day of training, sleep can happen later." She told her self while pulling her hair up into a high ponytail. She smirked to her self in the mirror before spotting a simple silver band that was tethered around her neck with a simple black cord. It was one of the few things she'd had to remember her father by. Jade reached up and held the ring in the palm of her hand "Just have to be strong." She muttered to her self before tucking the ring safely inside her shirt and setting off for the mess hall.

Jade had spent a little longer than most to wake up and get ready so she was one of the few stranglers that trickled in after the main group. She grabbed up a small plate of eggs, bacon and ham since proteins tended to last longer with out eating a lot of food. She grabbed a bread roll for good measure and moved to sit out side with the rest of the troops.

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