We, The Gifted: Primordial


Kitsune. Vixen. Trickster.

Make sure you've read the rules before applying!

Keep all OOC posts in the OOC page!

Tyler Malbrooke | @Greentail | Weather Manipulation

Full Name | Ability

<insert image, gifs are permitted | strictly no anime>





Current Occupancy [if different than above]:




Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings:

Personality Strengths [3-5]:

Personality Weakness' [3-5]:

Overall Personality

Immediate Family: <they can have abilities unrelated to your characters'>

  • Mother:
  • Father:
  • Sibling(s):
  • Grandparents

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?


Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?



Tyler Malbrooke | Cloaking *

"The ability to conceal people and objects as well as protect against mental abilities"


| 9th April 1990 | 24yo.

| Female

| Heterosexual

occup. Importer

hometown. Deerfield, Illinois

current loca. Upper West Side, Manhattan



Tyler was born in Deerfield Illinois to an upper middle class family. Her mother, Penelope Malbrooke was a socialite who thrived off of gossip and early afternoon drinking. Tyler's father on the other hand was Calvin Malbrooke, the owner of a law firm, Malbrooke, Stern and Co. Though the personalities of her parents differed vastly, Tyler never doubted that they were in love; through all of the lies and blurred lines of their professional lives, the pair of them always had one another's back. By default this made Tyler a fairly popular girl at school, something that her mother came to expect of her daughter. They both had a very rocky relationship, often disagreeing on most topics; where Penelope valued appearance and social status, Tyler favoured intellect over the superficial. This is what drove Tyler to adoring her father and detesting her mother. Calvin was very business orientated and although he enjoyed a drink in the afternoon, he was careful not to let the habit affect his personal life. Tyler looked up to him and aspired to do something worthy but becoming a lawyer wasn't practical with Tyler's grades. Her father suggested that she help people in other ways, by becoming a nurse or a therapist and Tyler seemed taken with the latter.

After high school and being accepted into the college that her father attended, Tyler seemed set for the next four years. However, at the age of eighteen, her ability manifested. It started off as an infrequent annoyance; she would misplace an object or two but before long it escalated. Tyler would involuntarily 'cloak' things that were too large or valuable to be ignored, such as her car or the front door of the house. Only weeks before she was due to leave for college, Tyler confided in her parents and shockingly, they were ashamed. Whilst neither of them had abilities, they knew of them because Penelope's sister and Calvin's brother had developed an ability at a young age. Tyler soon realised that her parents had envied her aunt and uncle, to the point where they seemed to distance themselves from their daughter. Family dinners became silent affairs and after making the executive decision to forego college for a year, her parents seized the opportunity to wash their hands of her. So without any other place to go, Tyler
traveled to New York City to stay with her uncle Calder.

Calder Malbrooke was always considered a nuisance and very immature, predominantly because of the childish ways in which he would use his ability. He was capable of rendering not only himself but other people and objects invisible. As a teenager he would spy on neighbours, cheat on tests and steal small objects but with the disapproval of his parents came a desire to anger them further. Calder would steal from casinos and car dealerships, living a lavish lifestyle that other members of the family had earned through hard work. In a way, learning of this made Tyler feel much better about her own ability, which Calder soon took advantage of. He was involved with an Italian mobster who had an operation regarding cars and importing them illegally into the United States.

Without much prompting, Tyler was happy to accept the lessons that her uncle was willing to teach her and the only thing he asked in return was a favour. He would travel to Italy with Tyler, pick up several cars and after loading them into containers and shipping them across the ocean, she would hide them from the inspecting officers. Having only the capability to render a small number of objects invisible at a time, he needed Tyler to help him because she was capable of concealing countless objects and people at any given time. From then on, Tyler went into business with her uncle and received a generous payment for her efforts.




Despite enjoying the wealthy and consuming lifestyle that comes with breaking the law, a part of Tyler has always yearned for something more. Her current situation only occurred because of the rejection she experienced at the hands of her parents and ultimately, she would like to go back to the easy and normal life she had. However, this doesn't mean that Tyler lets that desire show. She remains hardheaded and refuses to back down since many of her clients are criminals. Tyler analyses a situation before acting and weighs her options, only pursuing opportunities that benefit her in some way. She can be quite sarcastic a times and rather flirtatious, but both are just variables of her heart-of-stone facade.

Personality Strengths | strategic, courageous, not easily shaken

Personality Weakness' | un-trusting, criminal tendencies, sarcastic

height. 5'6"

weight. 108 lbs

distinct markings/tattoos/piercings: nothing noteworthy


Immediate Family

  • Mother | Penelope Malbrooke, Human
  • Father | Calvin Malbrooke, Human
  • Uncle | Calder Malbrooke, Evolved Human


Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: Tyler's ability manifested normally during adolescence. Like most newly manifested teenagers, she struggled with control. She often cloaked things that she didn't mean too and of course hadn't learned to make things she'd hidden reappear.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: Though Tyler has previously used her ability to break the law, she sees this as just a means of survival. She would never harm another with her ability, even if it would mean making them disappear forever opposed to physically harming them. Tyler wants an ordinary life and if joining the fight to keep all evolved humans safe is what it takes, she's on board.


Grantham 'Grant' Maine | Electrokinesis *

"The ability to create and manipulation electricity"


| 7th May 1990 | 26yo.

| Male

| Heterosexual

occup. Lawyer

hometown. Houston, Texas

current loca. Los Angeles




Grant was born into a very snobby, wealthy family in Houston. His parents were crass, mean people who deemed themselves better than anybody else, especially ‘city folk.’ They admired the ‘olden days’ where their family had a considerable amount of power, though that all changed when the world became obsessed with modernisation. Though absent any extraordinary abilities themselves, they had no idea that the constant blackouts across town were due to their son. Manifesting at a very young age, Grant had a severe lack of control regarding his ability; he would accidentally shock his friends when they were play fighting and murder his pets when holding them for too long. However, Grant’s desire to not be touched did not go unnoticed and his parents had deemed him an anti-social disappointment.

Allowing him to stay in their home was more for their benefit than his, especially since the neighbours would talk about Grant’s disappearance. So Grant was forced to grow up in a very cold and distant home, where he felt utterly alone. That was until he met Annabel, the daughter of butcher. She was beautiful, sun-kissed and she too had an ability; where Grant could manipulate electricity, Annabel could restore it – she had a way with technology that couldn’t be explained. The traffic lights would change for her as they drove through town, her appliances worked entirely on their own and the security cameras of the local bowling alley would inexplicable turn off when she and Grant snuck in.

Throughout their teenage years, the pair of them took comfort in the secret that they shared and when they both turned twenty-one, they left Houston. Unsure of where they were travelling too, Grant and Annabel found themselves in Los Angeles, a place that was almost as beautiful as she was.

For three happy years Grant and Annabel attempted to make a life for themselves – something that they had wanted. Though that was until a group of men arrived at their home with the intention of taking Annabel away. They had forced their way into the home, subdued Grant and dragged Annabel out into their van – he never saw her again.




Grant has always suffered from a mixed concoction of emotions. Though he isn’t diagnosed with any disorders, Grant suffers from good days and bad days. After Annabel’s kidnapping, he searched for her for a year, always failing to – however, when he gave up on her, he also gave up on himself. Now all he has to live for is his work, something that does not bring him any joy. He feels as though he will never find love again but probably wouldn’t let himself if he did; in his eyes, nobody could take Annabel’s place.

Personality Strengths | determined, trustworthy, realiable

Personality Weakness' | bitter, cold, distant

height. 6'2"

weight. 122 lbs

distinct markings/tattoos/piercings: nothing noteworthy


Immediate Family

  • Mother | Petunia Maine, Human

  • Father | Carlton Maine, Human



Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: Grant's abilities manifested at a very young age and he discovered what he could do during a fight with one of his friends. For a long time, Grant was unable to control the currents and was forced to refrain from touching anybody because of it.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: For the most part, Grant wants to stay out of the conflict but doens't truly believe that he can. Whilst he doesn't want to acknowledge his ability, he doesn't want others with abilities to hurt people; so ultimately, he'll always choose good.

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Leo Elric| Ice/Freezing*


D.O.B: July 4th, 1992

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hometown: Denver Colorado

Current Occupancy: Albany, New York

Occupation: Reptilian Biology

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings: long scar down his chest.

Personality Strengths [3-5]: logical, quick reaction time, persistent

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: suppresses emotions, dry humor, stubborn

Overall Personality: Leo is level headed and let's logic rule over emotion. Despite this, he is good natured and just likes having a good time. Even if that means studying the genetic makeup of a lion. He is a good ally with the right role, but will chose himself over others if he has to chose.

Immediate Family:

  • Mother: Marry Elric (dead)
  • Father: James Elric (powerless)
  • Sibling(s): Linsey Elric (telepathy)

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: One day during winter, he was playing outside with his friends. They were having a snowball fight, and he realized that ,even when a snowball hit his face, he didn't feel cold. In the days that followed he learned more about his powers. In doing so, he froze over the for the made just days earlier.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: Good. He sees it as logical to help fight for their rights.

Biography: Leo grew up as a normal child, for a while. He was in the middle class and had two loving parents and an older sister. His grades were always outstanding. He never received a B as a final class grade once through highschool, but that changed in collage. He acceded in biology, so he chose it as a profession. After collage, he got a job at the zoo, but soon moved onto studying the animals as opposed to taking care of them.

He never told his parents about his powers, even when things got rough. This is mostly because his sister, Linsey, found out first. She helped mentor him, as she had gone through something similar with her telepathy. Because of the bond they share, they can communicate mentally farther apart than her usual range.

He now owns an apartment and is trying to live normally. Sort of. He does attack people who are against his cause. Non-lethal, of corse. But he has attracted more attention than he wanted.
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It's a great character. Just read the rules and I'll be able to accept him :)

Mikael Lawrence Novak| Mental Manipulation

"I'm an angel of darkness....GET AWAY!"



August 20, 1994






Mobile, Alabama

Current Occupancy [if different than above]:


Cafe Worker



Dean was born in Mobile Alabama, to a lower class family. His other Alena, was a florist and was very kind. She was a person that anyone could go to, she made sure all her connections with her customers were the best possible. His father, John Novak, was a simple woodworker and wasn't exactly very rich. When Dean turned four, he lost mother in a freakish fire. His father was awake while it happened, and it tore him apart.

After Alena died, John took Dean, and his younger brother Andrew with him basically moving around the world. So as he grew up he learned how to shoot, and kill. His father was an evolved human hunter, he killed them and turned their dead bodies in for money. When Dean turned 13 he showed signs of having abilities




Due to his very unusual past, Mika is a hard headed, and easily angered man. He has a tendency to show no emption, and not accept himself for who he is. Of course with the knowing conscious you killed your own father, even in self defense...it can change you. He is very protective over anyone he views as a younger sibling figure. He likes to think he is very charming, and naturally perfect. He is so blind to his own defaults he doesn't acknowledge them. He has a heated love for anything Rock and Roll, especially classic rock like ACDC, Aerosmith etcetera.

Personality Strengths [3-5]:

Charming| Deceptive | Kind

Personality Weakness' [3-5]:

His Demons | Easily Angered | Not To Easy t Work With




170 lb.

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings:

He has black feathers falling on his shoulder.


Immediate Family:


Alena Novak| Evolved Human (Plant Manipulation)| Deceased


John Novak |Normal Human/Evolved Human Hunter| Deceased


Andrew "Andi" Novak| Evolved Human (Telepathy)| Follows Mika (Age, 16)


Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: When he was 13, as it states in his bio, he learned of it when his younger brother was playing loudly. He implanted the thought of stopping it in his head and it happened.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

With no full control of the ability, we can't tell if he will. But stemming from his two uses, they would be viewed as good. He will not use his powers for personal gain however, if he harms anyone it is because they harmed Andi.



Hyun Ki Ahn | Space-Time Manipulation *.*

"The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including slowing down, speeding up, reversing, stopping, moving backwards and forwards through time and moving instantaneously through space"


|31st December 1992 | 21 yo. (looks as if he's still in his late teens)



occup. Cafe Butler/Famous Internet Singer (utaite)

hometown. Seoul, S. Korea

current loca. Los Angeles, California


Height: 5'7 and still growing!! (hopefully...)

Weight: 122 lbs.

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings: A birthmark shaped like a keyhole on his lower back left shoulder.

Personality Strengths: Positive, Accepting/Open minded, Adaptable, Patient, innovative/intuitive, resourceful

Personality Weaknesses: Credulous, Persuadable, Trusting, Lack of self preservation, indecisive

Overall Personality: Key (nickname*) is a pretty timid individual. He is more concerned about others safety than his own which usually puts him right in the path of the problem/danger. Can be playful and a bit childish once you get to know him. Very thoughtful and attentive to others emotions. He is the extremely reliable sort but since he's only human, will make the occasional mistakes. Tries to avoid conflict and physical violence at all cost. Considered the peacekeeper of the group. Though he is somewhat introverted, Key doesn't have a problem straying from his comfort zone in order to learn, discover, or try something new. A great listener that has the patience to put up with any and all sorts of personal complaints you want to to throw at him. He has an endearing air about him that attracts and causes people to trust him far easier. Has a strange thought process combining that of of a realist and an idealist which explains his indecisiveness. Pretty resourceful and creative. Is usually listening to music (headphones or ear buds), reading, or taking the occasional nap.

Immediate Family:

Mother| Cho Hee Ahn, Human

Father| Dae- Jung Ahn, Human

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: Deciding to walk home from school one day, Key had literally ended up stumbling into the future. What he had seen made him wish he hadn't. He has a fairly good grasp and exceptional control over his powers but whenever it does go haywire (rare but it happens), the results are almost always disastrous.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: Definitely good but with his naivety can be tricked into doing something evil.


With an extremely rich and successful father, Key was born into the luxurious type of lifestyle. When he was about the age of three they had moved to the Florida due to business purposes for his father's job. With a stay at home mom and three other extra caretakers, Key was well taken care of. As he was growing up, he had the best private tutors in every subject that could money could buy. He had a sheltered childhood since he was home schooled up until high school where his mother insisted that he attend public schooling to get a chance to make some friends his own age. Key's father had first refused but made a compromise with his wife that he would only allow Key to attend a private academy to which Cho readily agreed.

Key's overall school life was bumpy at first since his social skills were't really up to date but by the end of his first year had unintentionally made quite a name for himself. He was popular among the student populous because of his exceptionally high grade point average and lovably polite personality. But it was mostly due to his looks as he had that feminine boyish charm about him that had earned him many admirers from both sides of the spectrum. His gender was actually questioned several times in the following years he attended the academy. Surprisingly, he wasn't really all that bothered with the fact and even decided to play along by


. Though if you do directly confront him about it, he will say he's a guy and stubbornly disagree to the fact he looks feminine.

Key had also grown fond of music and had considered going into the career much to his father's great disapproval. Not really the rebellious type, Key decided to respect his father's wishes and instead made audio music video's on websites such as youtube and nico nico douga. Soon he became wildly popular among the Utaite community and was receiving steady payment for his continued activity by the recording company he had signed up with, via the internet.

When he had discovered his abilities, Key immediately confronted his parents and much to his surprise they both readily accepted it. He was more than glad that his usually stoic and slightly cold father had so quickly come to terms with such a surprising news. Though he knew that with the unstable relationship between humans and the others of his kind had, he would be putting his family in danger just by staying with them. Especially if the government were to find out that he had power great enough to manipulate time and space. So right when he had graduated, Key took the first plane ticket to London and had accepted his scholarship to Oxford. Several years later after obtaining his masters degree, he returned to the US but had moved to the state of California. There, Key lived in a high rise luxury condo in Los Angeles and works part time as a 'butler' in what could only be described as a classical maid cafe. Despite the fact that he could easily find a better job he still wanted to continue being a Utaite and would regularly upload videos. Key's overall fame has sky rocketed in last couple of months and his fans along with others are becoming more and more curious of his irl identity (He uses a fake name and the standard anime picture like most utaites).



(may be up for a little bit of editing later ^ ^

Ex: Of how he sounds like




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Yukino Chi Minko | Technology Manipulation*

"Manipulation over all electronics as well as control over the power within them."


"I think you are underestimating my skill"

D.O.B: October 28th, 1993 (Age: 21)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Hometown: New Jersey, NJ

Current Occupancy: Lower Manhattan

Occupation: Professional Hacker

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 160lbs

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings:


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Give me my fucking coffee."

Personality Strengths [3-5]: Intelligent - Upbeat - Optimistic

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: Cocky - Arrogant - Egotistical

Overall Personality

Yukino is an intelligent individual with a inflated ego. That doesn't mean he's mean or rude though, he's actually quite a sweetheart. He just thinks highly of himself. He always has an upbeat and optimistic attitude always looking on the bright side of things. He's got a sharp tongue on him and speaks his mind when he wants. He's a sarcastic son of a bitch, he always has a witty retort or some smart retort or comment. He treasures three things: his laptop, his iPhone and his music player. He's always seen with those three things and most likely his tool-belt that he uses to make things. A smirk can always seen on his face to match his cocky and arrogant persona.

Immediate Family:

  • Mother: Mina Yuna Minko [Human]
  • Father: Yamato Hina Minko [Evolved Human | Pyromancy]
  • Sibling(s): None
  • Grandparents: Unknown

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"I don't sugar coat shit."

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: Yukino came across it when he was on his beloved laptop. He noticed how it seemed to respond to him and he could see the waves of data and electric frequency waves. He toyed around with it out of pure curiosity and he found it could manipulate the data to his advantage. He tested it by seeing if he could shut down the cameras in his apartment lobby. Upon finding it successful he decided to keep it a secret.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

Most likely Good. He normally does things if it has a gain for him, he finds if society were to accept his kind. It would be beneficial for him, plus he holds a grudge against those working for evil.


Yukino was born to a common family his mother was a human while his father was evolved. A pyromancer. He was born in good ole Jersey, he went to public schools and lived in the middle class society. He took a liking to technology and had a niche for them. When he was in high school he started to dabble in hacking. It was for stupid things at first. Like hacking the school database to change his grades. He soon got better and almost at a professional level at 17. He became a delinquent and would help criminals who lacked a hacker for a small price. At twenty reality hit hard the government had tracked down his father as one of the Evolved humans. They sent men to take him away but his mother stood in their way and she was killed. With his mother dead and his father gone. The twenty year old packed up his things from his house and fled the state. He moved to New York and took up odd jobs and still had his hacking business on the side. All seemed normal until the day he found out about his gifts. Then the package arrived.

"So, things just got interesting."
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Camden Adrienne Petrov | Shapeshifting*

"The ability to change your appearance and adopt the vocal cords of the person you have shifted into"


D.O.B: May 6, 1991

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homoflexible (he is gay but is known to tease and flirt with women.)

Hometown: Atherton, California

Current Occupancy: Bellbrook, Ohio

Occupation: Dental assistant by day/Mortuary assistant by night

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 157.4 lbs

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings: Both nipples pierced, a tongue piercing, and larger and sharper than average lateral incizors and bicuspids (canines).

Personality Strengths [3-5]: Observative, honest, reliable, warmhearted

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: Sarcastic, manipulative, easily angered,

Overall Personality: Camden is a charismatic and charming young man. He is quite sociable, if only a bit sarcastic. He tends to be on the quiet side for the most part but is quite excitable once he is given an interesting topic. Camden also happens to be a bit conniving and manipulative, a trait developed from assuming the identity of others however it is thankfully rather mild for now. He is very observant and sometimes finds himself copying the mannerisms of others.


· Mother: Rebecca Petrov | Human

·Father: Daniel Petrov | Human

·Paternal Uncle: Peter Petrov | Human

·Paternal Aunt: Clara Petrov | Evolved Human (Telekinesis)

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: Camden had never thought of his ability to mimic voices until he shifted into the form of his uncle and realized that he could shift Into other people.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: He may start off evil due to not seeing any alternative but force before slowly accepting that there are otherways to make the general populace accepted the evolved human race.

Biography: Born in the small town of Atherton, Camden was raised by a middle class couple and his uncle. Daniel Petrov, his father, was the owner of a small Russian/Italian restaurant whom spent most of his days trying out new recipes with the family. His mother, Rebecca, a small town nurse for the pediatric wing of the hospital. However as much as he loved and respected his parents it was his Uncle whom he had looked up to and admired. Peter Petrov was a lean man whom worked as an interior designer, though it wasn't the man's job that gained a four year old Camden's attention. It was his confidence of all aspects of himself, his body, personality, and sexuality. It made the boy strive to more like the man. This made his rather popular in school, his abnormally high levels of confidence and charisma gave him many admirers and friends. Something his uncle thought slightly off-putting due to his nephew's near exact mimicry of his mannerisms and speaking. Though he never said it out loud, Daniel was rather jealous of his brother due to the attention Camden gave him and this eventually led to a fued between the siblings that left the poor boy feeling rather alone and resentful.

It was in high school that Camden finally accepted and make use of his talent for acting and mimicry by participating in a school play. It was after that he began doing impressions of famous people. many people often said that they were perfect and he sounded just like them. It was only after he graduated highschool and had been accepted to the University of Ohio that his abilities fully manifested. It had began with small changes that were minuscule at first, such as seeing a guy with green eyes and imagining himself with them before he suddenly has green eyes instead of brown, Or wishing he had one of those cute moles below his left eye that his friend Macy did before it appears.

Then a full shift happened on the day he met up with his uncle Peter after nine years of being kept away from each other. Peter had made an off handed comment about how much Camden looked like his father. The younger boy was repulsed, as he had resented the man ever since he refused to let Peter be a part of his lifem Camden began thinking about how much he was like Peter instead, both being nothing like his father. It was only when the older man gasped and shoved his phone into the boys face did Cam realize that he had shifted into an exact copy of his uncle. The freak out that insued was understandable and the older blonde tried to console the boy best he could even mentioning the boy's aunt, whom he did not know existed. Clara Petrov was Peter and Daniel's sister whom had somehow developed the ability to move objects with her mind. With this new knowledge and her home address, Bellbrook in Ohio, Camden has since united with his aunt and has begun helping him train his abilities.
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Yusuke Hanachimura | Memory Manipulator *****


D.O.B: July 13 1993

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Current Occupancy : New York

Occupation: Street Singer

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings: Whipped mark in his back

Personality Strengths [3-5]: Reliable,Honest, Kind.

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: Bad liar, hard to live up conversation, his past.

Overall Personality:
Yusuke always put his happy mask on whenever around his friends. He never show his true feeling except for the closest people. He has troubling live up conversation with stranger but not with some one who he comfortabe with. Yusuke also will change the entire memories of people he hate but he never use it for love.

Immediate Family:

  • Mother: Fubuki Hime, Human, 42 deceased
  • Father: Hibiki Hanachimura, Mental manipulator, 47 deceased
  • Sibling(s): Miyuki Hanachimura, Pyrokinesis, Human, 17 alive

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

When he alternating his father memories that make him suicide

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

For good

Very brief background

"FATHER NO..!" the voice of him screaming begging for mercy kept haunting him through Yusuke's dream eventhough he already alternating his past. Yusuke was torture by his father since childhood, and her sister were sold to businessmen. He moved to New york from Japan to search for a new life.

He failed to start his new life, he became homeless and don't have enough earning. At first when came to New York he became a thief, who stole people's money and alternating their memories but later on he was taught by a fellow supenatural user that stealing was bad and since then he bought a guitar and start his new life as Street musician.
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Aria Kalypso | Sound Manipulation (*

^_^ *)

~ The ability to manipulate sound and sound waves ~


D.O.B: 08/08/1994

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hometown: Brisbane, Queensland

Current Occupancy [if different than above]: New York

Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher Aide and Vet Clinic Assistant

Height: 5'2''

Weight: 50 kg

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings:

Has a symbol like so (as seen below) over her belly button but no one tends to see it due to her wearing clothing that covers her belly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01155393_ScreenShot2014-07-12at9.12.14PM.png.7382efcae2e20cbcaf84897758d7bd77.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01155393_ScreenShot2014-07-12at9.12.14PM.png.7382efcae2e20cbcaf84897758d7bd77.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality Strengths [3-5]:

~ Gives everything to protecting the people she loves

~ When singing she opens up and becomes more confident

~ Once someone proves their 'friendship' to her Aria becomes very kind and gentle

~ She helps others in a very motherly way

Personality Weakness' [3-5]:

~ Doesn't like to talk to others normally

~ Tends to have headphones on top of her ears

~ Speaks a little too honestly at times

Overall Personality

Many people like to say that she is very robotic and doesn't act human at all without showing any expressions. Though there are some people who have seen her at central park with no headphones over her ears and watching her listen to the sounds around her. Looking after her siblings feels like her responsibility even though there is someone there to look after them. Aria has a very motherly attitude even to those whom she doesn't know. She has a very straight forward attitude and doesn't like going around subjects and questions unless she really wants to avoid being asked that question. Unless the person reminds her of an animal or a small child she doesn't find herself going out of her way to go talk to them. Despite all of this Aria enjoys singing by herself when no one else is around and finds a secret joy out of helping others. (Yeah confusing with her rest of the personality but I can't describe it any better… She is a strange girl… -^ ^-)


(Sorry want to add this...)


~ the sea

~ Small animals and children

~ Singing

~ Listening to the sounds around her, not city noise just sounds.


~ People who can't take a hint

~ Liars

~ People who betray others

Immediate Family: <they can have abilities unrelated to your characters']]]]>

  • Mother: Celena Kalypso 45, music manipulation (unknown whereabouts, been missing)

  • Father: George Dulcine 50 (unknown whereabouts, never met him)

  • Sibling(s): Justin and Adrian Kalypso, twins and 18 years old lives with grand parents, silence manipulation and nothingness manipulation

  • Grandparents: Glenn Kalypso, 89 and Anastasia (Ana), 85 (Both are healthy and alive), Energy manipulation and Art manipulation

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

Aria learnt about her ability when she was getting angry with one of her siblings and she broke one of the glass ornaments with her voice. Thinking that it was just a coincidence the siblings never mentioned it and skilfully managed to hide the broken shards of the glass ornament. Time passed and the siblings found the hidden shard put away a long time ago and spoke about the events that had taken place that day. Looking at them Aria decided to testa theory that if she focused her voice on something she could do something to it. Testing the theory out Aria told her younger brothers to stand aside and focused on a soft toy that they had no other use for due to its disintegrating body. Focusing her sound waves to the soft toyAria shut her eyes and yelled out "FALL" and the toy had fallen to the ground as she had asked it to. Her brothers amazed only the slightest bit grabbed another toy a little more sturdy and durable from the last. Shouting the same command again Aria opened her eyes as she heard a loud thud of the toy falling to the ground. Hearing the loud thud her grandparents rushed into the room and noticed several toys that had been scattered around the ground. After showing the grandparents several different toys being thrashed about with Aria's voice the two of them accepted the ability as the family was such a family.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

There is no clear way of saying… She will definitely start off on the "good" side but depending on what happens she just might change...


As Aria was growing she lived her mother and two younger brothers at their grandparents place. Never knowing her father was Aria had always been looking out for the man that had abandoned the for of them. She resented her father even more due to him leaving her mother alone to feed and shelter three children. Even though Celena spoke fondly of her husband George, Aria never could find herself to like the man and knew that if she ever met him, she would show him a piece of her mind. After her 16 birthday her mother disappeared into thin air and never returned home. Her grandparents told them not to worry about their mother and she was sure to return. After waiting 2 years Aria decided that she was going to go look for her mother. Looking through her mothers diaries Aria found a page with good content but then her brothers snatched the book tearing the page along with it. Yelling Aria threw a tantrum the boys shocked from their sisters reaction apologised and promised to help. (This is the bit at the start of the learning of the ability and now going to afterwards). After looking through several books the twins found another copy of the same book but with different contents. Deciphering the book the family found out that it was possible that her mother was in New York. Being 19 years old Aria decided to go off alone to New York and find her mother. Leaving her brothers behind she went off to work as an kindergarten teacher aide and a vet clinic assistant. Which was alright for her due to her love of smaller children and such.​




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  1. Anna Sullivan / Electronic communication*
    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/4839cdcf74f6e6d15521803c07eaf7d3.jpg.0b1e1922cfb12ed5e86802f759a6d817.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/4839cdcf74f6e6d15521803c07eaf7d3.jpg.0b1e1922cfb12ed5e86802f759a6d817.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
    D.O.B: January 9th, 1990

Gender: female

Sexuality: Bi sexual

Hometown: Sydney, Australia

Current Occupancy [if different than above]: New York

Occupation: dancer

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 125 lbs

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings:

The body is covered in tattoos and peircings her belly button lip, nose and nipples are the ones she tells people and you can see, but have some others has chest tattoo and one shoulder covered as well as some on her arms and legs and feet

Personality Strengths [3-5]: she can hack into any electronic wave without trouble, loves people, always happy, honest.

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: she doesn't trust easily, loves to sleep, tends to overstep boundaries and stick her foot in her mouth often

Overall Personality

She's a very outgoing person who loves to help others. She also loves to get into trouble or "just have fun" as she puts it. She is a very energetic person who people tend to have a hard time keeping up with.

Immediate Family: <they can have abilities unrelated to your characters'>

  • Mother: unknown left when she was a baby
  • Father: drunk Anna doesn't know his abilities, he was always drunk when she was going up and/ or never around
  • Sibling(s): none
  • Grandparents don't know them

Q: How did your character come to learn about their ability?

A: they seemed to kick in when she hit 13 or so. She didn't really know what was going on at first, but has since learned to control them

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: she uses them whenever they seem to be needed. Tends to get on social media a lot when bored sometimes hacks into other peoples and causes mischief.


Anna grew up without a mom with no explanation on what exactly happened. Her father is a drunk whom she took care of her whole life. As a teenager she learned about her powers and has used them for little stuff here and there. At first it really seemed weird she would randomly have what looked like web pages pop up in her mind. She could see them and stream videos and parts of the internet people were on but couldnt control it. It would pop uo randomly throughout the day or night and made her feel crazy but she has become really good with her powers and seems to have full control over them now. When Anna got old enough she left home and moved to the states where she has lived ever since. She is now a dancer at a night club and lives in New York city.



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| ??????,????



|Home. Manchester,England

|Current Occ. Liverpool,England



Born and raised down in the United Kingdom,Conner was present with way to much money that he didn't know what to do with.He was a cocky,little boy from the minute he started talking and always believe that he should get his way,no matter the consequences others had to take to make it that way.If it was a new toy he got for Christmas that was the wrong color,he would get mad and throw it somewhere because of it.If he didn't like the way his breakfast looked,he would throw it down on the floor and not care whether or not someone got mad at him.Many teachers at school had plenty of complaints of his behavior and he was often kicked out of school,and remember...this was only elementary school!By the time he got to fifth grade,things have gotten even worst.Conner was known as a smart kid but,all of a sudden,he started to fail tests and everything because he didn't want to "work" anymore.Homework was never finished(Or even started),tests,if answered at all,was always a failing grade and the only thing he was good at was going home when it was time at the end of the day.He continuously started fights with other students and would make his mother cry,being the kind of person she didn't want her son to be.It was horrible to see him this way from his families perspective.

Entering middle school,Conner began to gain interest in sports(Not that surprising).In the school he had first attended,no one liked him because of his attitude and what not yet,not even that stopped him.He was the same old person he was before and always wanted more without appreciating what he already had in front of him.Yet eventually,that popular jock gang decided to add him in and accept him for whatever crap he was full of.He soon became the leader of the group and knocked down the previous one,which the ex leader didn't like very much.No one seemed to mind the changing attitude in the ex leaders behavior and honestly...no one really cared at all.So,that same day,he got ganged up on and beaten until he was put into the hospital for several bones that were broken and he was unconscious for a good while.You would have thought by this,he would have learn something right?No,Conner was still Conner the moment he got out of the hospital bed and went back to school yet,when he went back,it was as if he was knocked back down to the bottom of the food chain once again.Conner looked around as everyone's eyes looked as if they didn't want to go near him or even be his friend anymore.When the "gang" walked past,they just laughed and called him a couple of names while the previous leader was standing right in the middle of the group smiling at him,Conner knew they didn't know what had happened.Conner managed to squeeze past the grades with the many enemies he had...hell even the science club didn't wanna talk to him.

So,off to high school Conner went and it was as if nothing could have been worst than his middle school years but,hey...never say never.Yes,High school was rough but,he managed to get on top somehow and squeeze into a popular gang but,that's not what i'm talking about.His health and at home things were getting worst,this was never expected and blindsided Conner.Him and his mother were having an intense argument about Conner's behavior,it was getting on her last nerves.Conner yelled in a certain way and his mother fell to the ground.Conner looked at his mother and bent down on his knees looking at her.He looked at her and checked her pulse,she was breathing yet,she wasn't waking up no matter what he tried to do.He called the ambulance but,he didn't know what to tell them because he didn't know what had happen.All he knew was that they were in a fight and his mother just passed out onto the floor.Little did he know,someone came undercover to the scene and watched him from afar(Government?Pretty sure) and noted down some things before leaving.It was only him and his father living there now and times got a little rough.Even though all of this happened,Conner still kept his "Too good for anyone" attitude.That is until....his life to another darker turn.

Well,it was that time of the school year that everyone needed to get a little check up from the nurse of the school.Conner,of course,wanted to be a Rebel and get out of going but,it was mandatory to stay in the school.So,the line progressed and Conner had went inside the first of his little group.Sitting down in the chair,he let the nurse do whatever she needed to do.The nurse gave Conner a strange look when she took a small sample of his blood.Conner looked at her back with a raised eyebrow,he didn't know why she was looking at him like that...he didn't do any drugs(Hard to believe.).After she had went into the back for about ten minutes,the nurse had came back and asked him all sorts of weird questions about how he was feeling or what might have happened before.He saw no reason to lie and answered all of them with a no.She nodded worriedly and sent him on his way while telling all the others that she would check them first thing tomorrow.That very same day,the school nurse had left a message on the answering machine about seeing a doctor tomorrow.Conner and his dad were confused yet,decided to go anyway(Although Conner just wanted a free pass not to go to school).Now in the hospital,Conner was check on what seemed like everything then,the doctor took a bigger sample of blood and took his father into the hallway.When the doctor had came back,he looked straight into Conner's eyes and told him the bad news."Conner,i'm sorry to say this but,....you have cancer." was all he said before silent fell.Conner looked at the both of them and shook his head violently while saying no over and over again before bursting out of the doors and down the hall.He ran out into the rain and screamed before falling to his knees and sobbing for what seemed like an hour before his father came out and got him up and into the car,the rest of the way home was quiet and awkward.

The next night,Conner was walking home from a after school game and thought that someone was following him.He turned around but no one was there until he heard gunshots from somewhere up the street.He ran as fast as he could to his house but,when he got up the doorsteps,he saw his father lying there,dead.He looked at him and tried telling him to wake up but,he knew he was dead.He saw three other men with guns come up to him and try to grab him but,he slipped and ran away.Everything he had was now lost in the fire and now he felt alone and empty.Conner got into a car and drove as far as he could before he ran out of gas.He tried getting out of the car and going over to a hotel near by but,passed out before he could even reach the other side of the street.It was three days later when he woke up but,he was no longer in Manchester anymore,he had awoken in a hospital that was still in England but,somewhere further away from his home and was already enrolled into a brand new high school.Although he had many,many questions,he decided to just go along with it.From there on,he began to change his life around and start being nicer to people...his mom would have wanted him to be that way.The first year of college came around and Conner was accepted to the highest one of them all,which he couldn't even believe his own self.Life went on and Conner had made it out of college early because he skipped a grade.Life wasn't great because he still had to deal with having Cancer and dealing with feeling weak all of the time but,he pushes through.

Personal Information


|Height. 6'10

|Weight. 287

|Body Modifications. Tattoo's on his arms and legs.


Personality Strengths-


Personality Weakness-

Sneaky,Secretive,Sometimes Rude,Doesn't trust easily/enough.

|Personality~ (Not based on past)

Conner isn't the perfect or preppy person you may think he is.He doesn't care about "fancy" things and enjoys the small things life has to offer before trying to see the bigger ones.He loves helping people out with their problems and tries to fix the problem or make the person feel better than they were before.Trying to understand someone is hard for Conner yet,he remains patient in the most difficult situations.He's very careful with certain people who might be harmful and usually leaves them alone or tries to let them calm down first before he goes and helps them out.He's sneaky when he wants to find out information that no one else would give him or that someone is hiding from him.Usually,he doesn't let anything out because he feels that someone will slip up and tell some random person about his secretes then the very next day,everyone knows.He has a very small circle of people he trust and soon,even that will change since he's starting to have second thoughts about them."Don't hate,i'm a nice guy."

|Immediate Family~

-Mother: Jessica L. Kelis(44) Deceased.

-Father: Henry W. Kelis(51) Deceased.

-Siblings(s): None.

-Grandparents: Ann T. Taylor (65),John S. Taylor (75),(Mother's side.)

Q:How did your character come to learn their ability?


:From the three guys who had told him

Q:Will you character use their ability for good or evil?


:Conner will use them for good but,don't push him.

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Tristan Richard Irving | Persuasion*

The ability to force others to obey ones spoken commands


D.O.B: July 30th, 1983 (31 years old)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Current Occupancy: Long Island (Suffolk County), New York

Occupation: Financial Advisor

Height: 6’0” (183 cm.)

Weight: 185 ( 84 kg.)

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings: Has a small Leo symbol tattoo on the upper half of his right pectoral muscle.

Personality Strengths [3-5]: Hardworking| Patient | Shrewd

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: Devious | Opportunistic | Sadistic


Overall Personality: Tristan has always lived by the old adage of, ‘If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.’. So needless to say, he’s hard-headed and tenacious to a fault. But he isn’t all that bad…he’s also got a warm personality, a touch of a sensitive side and a rather contagious smile. But Tristan is a bit emotional, so he can fly off the handle and do things he regrets. Also, loyalty is a big deal for him: earn it, and he’ll make everything worthwhile…lose it, and prepare for abandonment.

Immediate Family:

  • Mother: Elina Irving | Normal Human
  • Father: Grant Irving | Evolved Human (Motor Function Control)
  • Brother: Tegan Irving (identical twin of Tristan) | Evolved Human (Persuasion)
  • Grandparents:

    Maternal side: Oliver and Felicia Reinier | Normal Humans -both deceased-
  • Paternal side: Jasper and Edith Irving | Normal Humans

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: Tristan’s twin sister first discovered her ability in her early 20’s and shared that information with him to see if he could do it too. Apparently the same ability, persuasion, ran through both of the twins’ DNA.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: So far, Tristan has used his ability only to further his personal goals, so he could easily go either way if the right motivation is provided. It is highly doubtful that he’ll either be purely good or purely evil.


Biography: Growing up in rainy Seattle with an evolved human parent and a carbon copy of himself as a brother was rather hard, at least according to Tristan. He had a pretty normal, run-of-the-mill life up until he hit puberty. That was when his father revealed a dark, hidden secret he had held back from his boys for years: his evolved human ability. Tristan’s father had shown them his power, hoping that if or when the twins expressed the same abilities that they would be less scared.

Fast-forward to young adulthood and Tristan living on his own in a modest apartment on the outskirts of Seattle. Out of the blue, his brother called him. Apparently something unusual happened to him, eventually leading to the discovery of Tegan’s ability of persuasion. He asked if Tristan had developed it too. After taking a moment to try it out on some passersby, Tristan realized that he too shared the same power. But it wasn’t actually that unexpected…they did share the same DNA after all.

Shortly after identifying and testing out his ability, Tristan got a notice from his employer that he’d be transferring to the company’s New York office. The branch in that state really needed someone of Tristan’s expertise, and so he packed up and moved all of his belongings to Long Island, New York. He’s only been here a few weeks, but New York’s already beginning to feel like home.
Jeff Harper | Illusions*


D.O.B: Ninth of September, 1975

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hometown: Bruges, Belgium

Current Occupancy [if different than above]: New York

Occupation: Enforcer for a crime lord

Height: 1m98 (6'6)

Weight: 95 kilograms

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings: A tattoo on his back of a red dollar sign.

Personality Strengths [3-5]: Unflinching, loyal, intimidating.

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: Cold, doesn't trust easily, doesn't accept compliments/flattery easily.

Overall Personality: People like to say that beneath Jeff's cold exterior, there's a warm and caring personality. People like this will usually be found in dark alleys and look like they've been beaten up by a baseball bat. Jeff doesn't care much for anyone but himself and possibly his boss, and although there's a sense of camaraderie between him and his "business" associates, it isn't the same as real friendship.

Immediate Family: <they can have abilities unrelated to your characters'>

  • Mother: Ann Janssen, 63, Normal human
  • Father: David Harper, 67, Normal human
  • Sibling: Donald Harper, 40, Normal human
  • Grandparents: Dead.

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

Some punks tried to beat him up when he was 15, and while Jeff put up a fight, he was quickly getting cornered and practically being beaten into a pulp. He wished someone would come and beat them up. Nobody came, so he made it sound like a police car was coming. The punks ran away as fast as they possibly could, and that's how Jeff learned about his powers.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

Usually evil, sometimes just to fuck with people. Since he can't kill with his ability, he carries around a pistol instead.


Born on a rainy Summer day, the ninth of September 1975, David Harper had a path planned out for young Jeff Harper. Go to a good school, be a good kid, get good grades and succeed his father as CEO for the export company he would take over when his father passed.

From a young age, however, he was rebellious and unruly. When he was five, he used to throw mud at passing cars, which were usually quite expensive. When he was nine, he even bullied a boy so badly the boy's parents had their son change schools.

When he was fifteen, just after he discovered his powers, he joined a gang under a man named Nikolai. He quickly became the man's right hand, as he could win many fights using his power. Although his power couldn't hurt people directly, seeing a punch directed at your face made you block high, while he had in fact punched low.

Nikolai moved to New York because of some "issues". Jeff, 23 at the time, quickly followed, flying first class as Nikolai had quite the reserve of cash.

In New York, times were rough. Although they certainly had no cash deficit, the two didn't have the respect they had while in Bruges.

This was rectified after they took over an entire fighting ring with just the two of them. Nikolai didn't have powers, but was smart on the financial and managerial side of things.

Jeff made them see things that weren't there, like say... A SWAT team barging down the front door, sounds included. Enough to make sure they were in defensive positions facing towards the front door, so he could sneak in from the backdoor and either knock them all out or simply shoot them.

The survivors were picked up by an actual SWAT team, with Jeff nowhere to be found.

For the next twenty years, they solidified their position in the New York underworld as a gang, selling drugs, organizing fight clubs and fighting local gangs.

This day, although their influence is limited, the Red Rumblers are something to look out for, because rumor has it that they've got a powered human as leader.







| Home. Chicago,Illinois

|Current Occ. Same.

|Disk Jockey


Ian was born as an orphan.Giving up when he was a newborn and,as the doctors inspected,was abused before he reached the orphanage doorstep.Abandoned half of his life and only got to see the inside of that building and school,Ian was a bit depressed because he got to hear other kids stories about how they went to parties and sleep overs and theme parks while he got to do chorus all day long.He saw the other orphans get picked and went to a good home while he sat there and watched them walk right passed him.Though,it didn't bother him that much that he didn't get picked,he did hate the fact that he was going to be the only one there soon.A few months passed and yes,Ian did get adopted...but,to the wrong family.This family was even worst than then his birth one though,the only thing that was different is that they didn't want him to go away.He was badly beaten and raped just for the pleasure of the two adults in the household.If he didn't clean the whole house in time,the beatings would happen all over again to the point where he was unconscious for the longest time and wasn't taken to the hospital.

This went on for a couple of years with it getting worst since then and even more painful than before.Ian was beyond tired of it but,he didn't know what to do,he was too weak to fight his stepfather off.He still had enough courage one day to not do anything he was told to do and yet,this time was different.The step mother tried to call his stepfather but,instead of Ian trying to run away and hide,he choked his stepmother but,...not by touch.He didn't know how he was doing it,he was just wishing she would choke and...she did.He stopped and brushed the thought away quickly before he heard gunshots fly passed him."What are you doing to her you freak?!" was all he heard from the old man.Yes,he was shot in the arm a few times before he caught hold of his feet got away as far as he could.He didn't know how to drive so,he was stuck walking.He arrived at the adoption home hours later beaten,bloody,and hurt.All the anger and rage was held inside of Ian and he had enough of everyone and everything...He didn't even know what had happened to his stepmother or if she was ok.All he knew was that he had so much anger that some of it just slipped out and he did something he would have never guessed he could do.Life went on though,and people kept on picking on Ian because of different reason,though he tries is best not to hurt anyone with it again....he can't help it anymore,sometimes he literally goes mad.He's living by himself on the quiet side of town and has a decent job that he loves..though there's always that one person that tends to piss him off at the wrong times.

Personal Information

|Height. 6'2

|Weight. 179

|Body Modifications.
1,2,3,4 tattoos.


Personality Strengths-


Personality Weakness'-

Short tempered,Impatient,Independent.



Ian isn't a wild,crazy,serial killer but,he also isn't the guy that you can just push and throw around like a rag doll.He doesn't take all that fake crap and people who just want to F up his life "I don't need that.". When you see him,he can look as if he's going to kill someone sometimes but,that's not true..you probably just caught him in a mad mood or on a Monday.Ian smokes but,not alot to be called an addict.He drinks as well but,that's only if there's a party or on a special occasion so,don't ask him all kinds of different questions about why he smokes and drinks because he will get irritated if you ask him questions pertaining to the same thing more than once.Please don't piss him off to a point where he cant' control what he does next,to many people have experience that.Luckily,he hasn't gotten to that point yet but,so many people almost tapped that area "Just don't do it....".He's sick and tired of people telling him how to live his life..it's his,not yours."I don't tell you how to live your life so,you don't tell me how to live mines."

Immediate Family~

-Step Father. Westly F. Quinn.

-Step Mother. Arthia H. Quinn.

-Sibilings. (None)

-Grandparents (Unknown.)

Q: How did your character come to learn their ability?


: From thinking his mother's death in his mind and seeing it happen.

Q: Will you character use their abilities for good or evil?


: Ian has a short temper and when people upset him,he does use his powers in an evil way.He will try to use them in a good way,he has before.

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Ryu Yong Gi | Telepathy*

"The ability to read and hear the thoughts of others"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01e3a7b7_Photoshoot12.08.13.jpg.d73c1b2f1f4839a99f70e40a37b23679.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01e3a7b7_Photoshoot12.08.13.jpg.d73c1b2f1f4839a99f70e40a37b23679.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

D.O.B: 18th of June 1995 | 19 years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hometown: Busan, S. Korea

Current Occupancy: Reno, Nevada

Occupation: Writer and painter

Height: 5'8

Weight: 124 lbs

Personality Strengths: Positive, honest, hardworking, open minded, patient, respectful.

Personality Weakness': Distant to others, hard to gain his trust, quiet, easily scared, pushes himself too far.

Overall Personality: Ryu prefers to be on his own, as he use most of his time writing or painting by himself in his apartment, he has a hard time opening up to anyone, but treats everyone with respect. He will try his best not be get too involved with anything, but will not brush anyone coldly off, or run off when he's already involved in a situation. Ryu hates to give up and those who do give up and will work hard to achieve his or other's goals. Despite Ryu's love to be alone, he feels lonely most of the time and wants to get involved with others, but is too scared due to his ability, and keeps his distant instead. He will not speak up in a group, but will speak to maybe one or two if he has an idea or thought.

Immediate Family:

  • Mother: Han Eyun Gi| Human
  • Father: Hwang Sung Gi| Human
  • Siblings: Chu Ji Gi |older brother| Human

Q: How did your character come to learn their ability?

: Ryu learned his ability when he was in high school and could read the minds of his classmates and teacher, he heard everything they thought at once and ran out of the classroom, unable to go back in as he realized he could not only read the thoughts of his classmates and teacher, but everyone around him. He doesn't like his ability, as it makes it harder for him to get into large crowds, but he has gained more control of it now than he had earlier.

Q: Will you character use their abilities for good or evil?

Ryu will rarely use his ability at all if he does not feel forced too, or accidentally reads anyone's mind. However, if he is forced to such a situation he will try his best to use it for the better good.


Ryu was born into a family of doctors as he was the second son of the Gi family, but despite all that Ryu pursued his own dreams to become an artist and a writer. His mother and father did not accept this in the beginning, but did not comment on it as they knew their own son's stubbornness and relied on Chu Ji to take over the family clinic over in Busan. This was close to when Ryu realized he could read and hear the minds of those around him, and heard the thoughts of his parents disapproval when he suggested an art school over in America. Ryu did not know the difference between thoughts and spoken words at that the time and began talking back to their insults and denials, as his parents realized that he was different the rest. They did not think that his ability to read and hear their thoughts to be fantastic, but rather a way to destroy their privacy, as everyone loves to have their own thoughts to themselves, and rejected Ryu and his ability. His parents debated on whetever or not sending him away, but his older brother, Chu Ji, did not reject Ryu and brought him with him to live with him, as they lost all contact with the rest of their family.

A couple of years later Ryu tagged along with his brother over to America, as his brother finished his studies and had gotten a job offer over in America. They both abandoned their family clinic, as they had no contact with their family, and moved to Los Angeles, California. Ryu was allowed to go to an art school, and met a few new friends and learned to control his ability better by training along side Chu Ji, despite him being a normal human. A couple of months went by as Ryu fell in love with a guy his age, and worked up the courage to ask him out, but before he had the chance to he managed to read the guy's mind. It was to ensure himself before he did anything stupid, but was devastated by the result, as he was heartbroken, and his ability got out of control and read all the minds in the university at once, making Ryu faint due to all the thoughts that was transferred to him at the same time.

A few more years passed, as Ryu was no longer in the school and refused to go outside the apartment except if he had to work, and had gained trust issues, and became a bit social awkward. Chu Ji found it difficult to be with Ryu as he was no longer what he was before, and completely forgot that Ryu was able to read these thoughts. With a heavy sigh, Ryu decided against his own will, to move over to Reno, Nevada, a far more quieter place than Los Angeles, and told his brother that it was to pursue his dream of becoming a professional writer and painter. Chu Ji barely let him go, as Ryu has lived on his own for a few years, talking to no one except his brother that comes over to visit and a few works associates, as Ryu managed to become a somewhat known writer and painter under the penname: "Yon Sang Chul". He now lives in a small house on the outskirts of Reno, where his closet neighbor is about one kilometer away.



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Noah Yukimura | Phasing*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Character.png.4b91fa3e89925bcb0bd035fc6c8fe333.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Character.png.4b91fa3e89925bcb0bd035fc6c8fe333.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

D.O.B: December 27th, 1993

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hometown: New York, New York

Current Occupancy: Same as above

Occupation: Instrument Repair

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 170 lbs

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings:

Medium size burn scar on upper right hemisphere of chest. Easily hidden by shirt. Discussed in Question 1

Personality Strengths [3-5]: Intuitive, Understanding, Willing to give second chances, Cautious

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: Cautious, Cowardly, Impatient, Witty/Sarcastic

Overall Personality

Noah is someone who understands friends and people. He is the kind of person who listens rather than talks. However, Noah is cautious. He is hesitant to try new things or engage in risks. Even though he is someone who is willing to give second chances and give a shoulder to cry on, he always backs away from a fight. Should any violence break out, you can't rely on him to stay with you. While Noah is a nice person, he does have a crude sense of humor and sometimes gives smart a** responses.

Immediate Family:

  • Mother: Mary Yukimura
  • Father: Samuel Yukimura
  • Sibling(s): Kent Yukimura , Louise Yukimura
  • Grandparents: Laura Kimura, Daniel Yukimura

Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

Noah found out about his phasing ability when he was young. It first occurred around 13 years old. His feet would phase through things uncontrollably and the result is constant tripping. The phenomena left after a few weeks once he learned to control it but then it went to his hands and he was constantly "dropping" things. Unfortunately, one day while handling boiling hot water in the kitchen with his mother, his hand phased through the pot handle and the water spilled onto his chest, leaving a burn/scar.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

Noah uses the ability as he see's fit. Sometimes he uses it to pull pranks on people who deserve them and doesn't get caught. He often uses it to repair instruments as his job though.


Noah grew up in a mediocre household. When he first discovered of his ability he decided to keep it a secret, afraid of how his family would react. Noah was worried that they might not trust him with his phasing ability. As Noah grew up, any accidents with his ability could be easily blamed on other things such as accidentally dropping a cup. Noah also grew to appreciate music and has a hobby of playing the flute. He found that he could also phase objects too and used it to help repair instruments. When Noah left his home, he moved into an apartment and got a stable job of repairing instruments. Noah often uses his ability to get out of sticky situations when no one is watching. He almost got mugged in New York, escaping his attackers by rounding a corner into a dark alley and phasing through the wall to get away. Noah also spends some time swimming and training his breath control under the excuse for being able to play longer on his flute in one breath. However it is mainly because of a limitation to his phasing ability. When phasing his head and/or upper torso, he can only stay phased for as long as he can hold his breath. Noah only phases openly around people he feels comfortable with, such as theses who can keep his secret, or other people with abilities.



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Ching | Pyrokinesis *

"the ability to generate, manipulate and/or absorb fire"


D.O.B: April 14th, 1993 | 21yo

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hometown: Osaka, Japan

Current Occupancy: Manhattan, New York

Occupation: Art Student/Mangeka

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 140lbs

Distinct Markings/Tattoos/Piercings: None


Personality Strengths [3-5]: Reliable, Loyal, Kind

Personality Weakness' [3-5]: Hotheaded, Brash, Headstrong

Overall Personality

Hotaru is the 'nice guy' type. He's sweet when he wants to be and he is fiercely loyal and protective over those close to him. He always puts those he cares about before him. Their needs more important then his, but by no means does he let people walk over him. If anyone tries to take advantage of him they are quickly straightened out with a swift tongue lashing. Along with his fire-y persona he is a total hothead and looses his temper very easily. He's brash and headstrong and normally jumps in fists blazing before thinking. He's not too headstrong that he wont listen to reason, he's not stupid he's quite wise. He also has a creative side and is quite talented in drawing and animating. He's got a smart mouth which he runs quite often and it normally gets him in trouble. He strangely likes the smell of art supplies and erasers. He prefers the color orange and has a habit of caring around a zippo lighter for power purposes.

Immediate Family:

  • Mother: Yumi Ching | Human (40yo)
  • Father: Ryoko Ching | Evolved Human - Water Manipulator (46yo)


Q: How did your character come to learn of their ability?

A: He was messing around in his room when he flicked his hand. An edge of a bed table caught ablaze, which he quickly put out before further damage was done. He quickly went to his parents and told him of his discovery. They explained the best as they could and soon his father was teaching him how to harness his ability.

Q: Will your character use their ability for good or evil?

A: Good, Hotaru has not an evil bone in his body.


Hotaru was born to a well to do family. His parents were slightly strict and always made sure Hotaru did well in school and had a comfortable life style. In return Hotaru did well in school and was even the captain of the soccer team and leader of the school's art club. When not studying Hotaru used his free time drawing Manga, he hoped to get his works published one day. When Taru found out about his ability he was quite freaked and immediately ran to his parents. They sat him down and explained everything he needed to know. Still shaken Hotaru went through his day to day activities and soon graduation came around. He was accepted into a school in America, a high end art school. He bit farewell to his parents and moved to New York. He had the money to move into a small one bedroom apartment and attended school in the city.

@Syelle is this okay?
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Great characters guys! All Accepted. I've updated the character list located on the first post of this thread as well.

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