We, the Forgotten Characters and OCC


Senior Member
Please post your characters below. I will add you to the accepted list as soon as I see it and update the lists. :)










Species list:

(These are only suggestions. If you know of another kyptid you would like to play, or one that might be interesting for someone else to play, feel free to message me, and I'll add it to the list.)


These are seemingly human creatures who are capable of transforming partially and/or fully into a specific creature. The most common are wolves (in Europe and America) and tigers(in Africa), but there are others comprising of almost any animal you can think of.

-Werewolf (unclaimed)

-Weretiger (Aella -
Played by xJobozx)

-Werebat (Kora -
Played by Moonstone)

-Werecobra (Zane -
Played by Centurion Tonitrious)

-Were___ (unclaimed)


A relative of the werefox, they originate mostly in Asia, and tend to have more supernatural qualities than their cousins. (I personally don't know much about these, so fill me in on more info if you wish. ^^; )

Played by 14hca14)


Commonly thought to originate from Hell, they are beings usually associated with darkness and evil. Although there are many variations of the species throughout the world, there are usually similarities from one to another, making them all considered one species.



Usually large reptilian creatures. Commonly can breath fire, but species have been found with other abilities and in different variations of appearance. Formerly thought to have only one form, but recent discoveries have found they can, and often do, take a human form.

Shadow Dragon- (Violet,
Played by Sage)

Red Dragon -(Davron,
Played by belbo)

Sea Serpent

Ancient sea-dwelling creatures. Rare by nature, as few exist at a time. Close relatives of the dragon. Tend to live in ship wrecks, and avoid contact with humans unless absolutely neccessary. They speak and ancient language that few can understand, but can speak through people's minds.

played by Nivrad00)


Creatures capable of shifting into any number of forms, ranging from various animals and creatures, and even imitating the appearance of another person at times! While very common, are sometimes hard to find, being as there is little indication of what they are unless caught shifting.

(Amber -
Played by Fire of Hearts)


Commonly known as Faeries. They are beings with abilitied, usually stemming from nature. Usually thought to have wings, but variations sometimes don't. Contrary to popular belief, they are actually of human size. (Smaller species are actually called pixies)

(Fal and Cal -
Played by Reisuke Houjou)


Their top halves are human, but they have tails like fish. Good swimmers, and tend to have excellant singing voices. Commonly accepted as very beautiful.

Played by Xx-Katherine-xX)


Creatures who originate in the area around Scotland and the rest of the UK Can take the form of a seal or a human. While in human form, they must wear their seal skins on their bodies. Legend has it that selkie must marry any human who steals their skin, but it's been a very long time since that has occured.

(Honovi -
Played by Moonstone)


Believed to be messaengers from the underworld, bringers of death, or even related to demons, they are actually simple messengers from the afterlife, entrusted with separating a dead soul from its body and guiding it to the afterlife.

(Chloe and Jin -
Played by Mnyuu)

(More species will be added when requested, or when I think of them)

Name: Amber

Age: 18

Species: Shifter


Crush?: No

History: She was safe being in the forest. Every forest animal you could think of, till she was caught. When she came to the island she was confused and for a while was just another animal. (Probably an under water wall with no way in or out so they couldn't get out. Since shifters can turn into fish lol.)

Other: Nope
(Sure, Sage! And you're accepted, Fire. Just give me a sec to add you both to the accepted list.)

Name: Honovi Camus

Age: 20

Species: Selkie

Appearance: http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee191/Destinys_dreamer/RP Characters/Time_of_dreaming_by_Red_Priest_Usad.jpg"]Honovi[/url]

Crush?: TBA

History: He grew up in a very close selkie pod, but was always curious about humans. He got

permission to live among them to research them, and lived well with them for much time.

Unfortunatly, his luck ran out one day when he was kidnapped, and found himself on the island

soon after. He's been here for about a month, and spends a lot of time fishing to include in the

provisions for the inhabitants. He wants nothing more, however, than to get off the island and

show his pod that, although he was trapped for some time, he's still safe.

Other: Is fairly knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects. Is also good with a spear.

Name: Kora Tate

Age: 16

Species: Werebat

Appearance: http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee191/Destinys_dreamer/RP Characters/girl18.jpg"]Kora[/url]

Crush?: None

History: She was one of the first inhabitants of the island, although exact order is unknown

because of not being in contact with everyone, and the high percentage of early inhabitants

dying from lack of survival knowledge. Most of her childhood is a blur. She thinks she has a

sister, and spent a lot of her early life being sold back and forth to various circuses and

side show, because everyone had difficulty controling her. Finally, she was sent to the island,

but never saw who it was thaat bought her. Has been here about a year, give or take.

Other: Considers herself the island sentry, but it's not exactly official. Though she's kind

of antisocial, she is very protective of the islanders.
Name: Violet March - Age: over 300 - Species: Shadow Dragon - Appearence: human form
Dragon from:
-Crush: nope -History: She was born over 300 years ago. She hatched in a cave, deep within a moist cave. As a baby dragon, she ate whatever her mother could catch. She enjoyed walking to the nearby town with her mother in their human forms. However one day the villagers discovered what she and her mother really were and they ran. The villagers killed her mother and badly hurt her. She escaped and lived on her own for a long time living as a human. She always left the town withing 10 years. One town, she was discovered for what she was again, and she ran again. Only this time she was caught and thrown onto the island. -Other: none ----------------------------------- ((Oh hey. you should have something to prevent the flying creatures from escaping))
(I was thinking that, but I wasn't sure what to have. A dome, maybe? If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them. I was mostly just assuming there was too much water between the island and another land mass for most creatures to easily fly across.)
((well there are dragons and they can fly for a long time. oh and maybe there could be a large dome surrounding the whole island? like the underwater wall is part of the dome?))
(Oh, yeah. That would work. And, yeah, I never thought about how good dragons are a flight. But, I'll go change it now, while I update the resident list.)
I'm going to play as twins.

View attachment 1745

Name: Fal : Cal

Age: 9 : 9

Species: Faerie : Faerie

Crush: None : None

History: Both Fal and Cal have been together since birth. They share a very close brotherly bond, and technically would have done anything for each other. Their mother's name was Aluria, and their father's name was Caelum. They had lived happily with each other, enjoying their youth and ignorance while they still could. However, they were captured when they decided to venture off and were never seen by their parents again.

Other: Fal and Cal are polar opposites, Fal being the hard-headed and prankster of the two, and Cal being the more calm and introverted. Fal had courage, Cal had knowledge. Fal has amber coloured eyes, and Cal has pale blue coloured eyes.
oh gooddie good! i adore this kind a roleplayz :P !

Name: Darvon

Age: 19

Species: Dragon

Appearance:dragon form:
http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime red dragon/VampireBloodrace1441/Anime Creatures/Inferno.jpg?o=14

Transforming into dragon form:
http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime red dragon/VampireBloodrace1441/Anime Creatures/Inferno.jpg?o=14

Human form:
http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime red haired boy/Kakashi-Pup/Hatake Revival/Hirogatsu Clan/Ryushi.jpg?o=15

Crush?: hmmm... let me think... let me get to know ppl!

History: he found bumps on his skin one day, huge ones of his back. he felt different. he then became a dragon. much before and after that is a mystery!!

he isnt all romantic, but dont you dare get him mad and he (of course) can breathe firee
(Okay, I have questions for both of you, before I accept you [You're both accepted, but I want to clarify a few things before I add you to the lists]:

Reisuke: I'm guessing you read my idea forum first, right? Because we (me, 14, and Nivrad) decided to go with the island idea instead, because we thought we'd have more to work with that way. I like your characters, but I wanted to make sure you knew what was going on first. You might want to tweak their history a bit, to make it fit better. Unless they got caught on purpose?

Belbo: What kind of dragon is he, exactly? Like with the were-creatures, I'm allowing multiple dragons because of there being different types, but that also means I need the type of dragon specified. I could always just put him as 'common dragon', if you can't think of anything.

And a note to everyone: I'd prefer the last dragon space to be filled with either a water or asian dragon, since they're both very different than the usual medeival-style dragons. I'm still willing to accept anything that isn't taken already, though... ^^; )
*Is angry at everyone for taking the dragon spots before I get here*

For the longest time I thought "kryptid" and "monster" were synonymous, but there's not really anything monster-like in your list. Perhaps some sort of large, giant-like humanoid could be welcome on the island; or just "giant," put simply. Sea monsters would also be cool; like the ogopogo (which is awesome because it's palindromic) or even Nessie him/herself. Possibly the Kraken, (or a kraken) too, either a serpent or a giant squid.

If we're talking about giant animals, then snakes would be a good addition. A basilisk (do you count that as a dragon?) or Naga would be awesome. Or any sentient animal. Doesn't everybody love sentient animals? OR sentient flora. I saw carnivorous trees on a kryprid list.

Going out on a limb with famous real-life kryptids, animals like Nessie, Bigfoot, the Jersey Shore Devil (I think), or yeti would be choices.

Going out on a limb with mythology, you've got hundreds of choices; I'm not even going to list them all. However, I don't really think you should include them either. They're not really kryptids. I think dragons and shapeshifters and the like are stretches myself.

If those particular kryptids get accepted, I'd be interested in playing a sea monster or a Naga, or both.

*is still a bit angry*
well when he gets mad he turns into a dragon, so yh he is a motion sensed were-dragon you could say :P

--- Merged Double Post ---

but he is fire... i luv fire!!!! e,e lol
(I think she meant the species of red dragon. It might seem obvious, but there are types of dragon(which I consider 'common dragons', personally) that are named for their color, rather than abilities or origination. I just didn't want to put 'red dragon' without giving you the chance to choose exactly which kind. I'll put him as were-dragon instead of dragon if you want, though.

Oh, and Nivrad, there's one dragon space still open. And I think sea serpents fall under 'dragon', so I can erase the last spot and make it a serpent, if that's what you want to be. And, no, kryptid doesn't actually mean the as monster. There are plenty of kryptids, like unicorns or elves, which are relatively tame in nature. But, I'll accept pretty much anything, as long as you're capable of playing it. I was personally tempted to make an NPC anthropophagus for abandoned character disposal, but I thought threatening to eat the characters of people who don't come back might be mean... And I'm sorry that you're mad. I could have asked you and 14 is you wanted anything reserved, if I had known we'd have gotten so much interest so fast. :( )
Two questions. First one, can we control two characters. Second, is a grim reaper a crypt? I've heard and I've been curious. If it is can I choose that?

(Now that you gave me a species, you are. I said before that you'd be accepted as soon as I had a more specific species. :P )

--- Merged Double Post ---

(I just replied to your visitor message about that, Mnyuu. But, yes, I'll accept that. "Kryptid" is a bit of a blanket term for almost anything that has not been proven to exist, really...)

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