• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic We Only Attack Ourselves


idgaf honestly
*Replace the first image with your character image. Realistic images/artwork preferred. If you aren't sure about whether or not the image would be acceptable, just ask me.

*I would love to see a writing sample but that is not required although preferred.

*Keep it simple with the backstory. No Mary-Sues please.



{slide=center | [bg=white][img=http://i.imgur.com/9J0iavd.png][/bg]}[bg=black][font=Roboto][color=lightgrey][justify][sh]General Information:[/sh]

Written Appearance Goes Here:


[b]Full name:[/b] First Middle Last
[b]Gender:[/b] Male/Female
[b]Age:[/b] Number
[b]Species:[/b] Race
[b]Orientation:[/b] Sexuality[/side]
"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem

[b]Eyes:[/b] Color
[b]Hair:[/b] Color
[b]Height:[/b] 0'0"
[b]Weight:[/b] 000lbs
[b]Physique:[/b] Words
[b]Notable features:[/b] Words
sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit

m qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"


[centerblock=65][accordion=bcenter]{slide=center | [font=Roboto][border=2px groove black][bg=black][color=white][size=7]BIOGRAPHY[/size][/color][/bg][/border][/font]}[border=2px groove color=black][bg=white][color=black][font=Roboto][b]PERSONALITY[/b]

1+ paragraph(s)


1+ paragraph(s)


If Applicable

[row][column=span4][centerblock=65][accordion=bcenter]{slide=center | [font=Roboto][border=2px groove black][bg=black][color=white][size=7]AFFILIATION[/size][/color][/bg][/border][/font]}[border=2px groove color=black][bg=white][color=black][font=Roboto]
Who you know/associate with/relationships etc.
[/font][/bg][/border]{/slide}[/accordion][/column][/centerblock][column=span4][centerblock=65][accordion=bcenter]{slide=center | [font=Roboto][border=2px groove black][bg=black][color=white][size=7]EXTRA[/size][/color][/bg][/border][/font]}[border=2px groove color=black][bg=white][color=black][font=Roboto]
Any other pertinent information (I.E. - Weapons, equipment, loadout, quirks, abilities)[/font]
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Name: David Charleston

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personality (However long you want-At least a paragraph preferred): David is a very determined, yet outgoing person. He has no real goal other than to survive, and he will do this at any means necessary, even robbing other Understreeters. He is a savage, evil man, willing to kill at a moment's notice. He won't do it just for no reason, but if you have a granola bar that he wants, I'm sorry, but you're dead. He these things survive.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49b9a42c_AddictionTreatmentforTeens.jpg.adc159a9781734cbf32f9d682734331e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49b9a42c_AddictionTreatmentforTeens.jpg.adc159a9781734cbf32f9d682734331e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation (optional): Unemployed, though he will work in one of the many Factories if he needs the money badly. He will also do work for local gangs, both in the Upper Streets and Under Streets. There's crime everywhere, and it sure as hell pays.

Backstory (At least a paragraph): David was born in 2082. He was born in Richmond, raised by only his Grandparents, because both his father and mother were currently in the Service in Mexico. He grew up boringly, until 2085, when he was completely orphaned. His Grandparents died of H.E.F., and both parents had died in Mexico. This left three year old David to one of the many Hospitals in Richmond. He lived in a Hospital until 2093, when he ran off to New York City. He didn't like the Hospital. What was the point? He wasn't even infected. He lived as a poor child beggar, until he was fifteen, at which point he began working for the Factories. He stopped working at seventeen, and bought a Apartment in the City with his earnings. He lived there for two years until he didn't have cash for rent. Because of this, he went to the only place that would take him for free - The Under Streets. Home to Mutants, Poor, Zeds, Bandits, and luckily rarely patrolled by the Greathlem. It is also said to hold one or two Ghost Cells. He knew to get land in the Under Streets you had to take it. So, he bought a nine millimeter and three magazines with the last of his money, and he began his descent into the Under Streets of New York. This is where his story begins.

Relationships/Affiliations: None.



  • Addiction Treatment for Teens.jpg
    Addiction Treatment for Teens.jpg
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Name: Cyclinder (Previously Anna Jillowin)

Age: 2 years as a robot. (26 as a human previously)

Gender: Consciously Female.

Species: Robot

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personality :

Since transistioning to a robot body, Cylinder's personality has been dulled out, if ever seen. Memories are hard to recall, and Cylinder has learned to stay concealed and not release personal information, for judging could sometimes determine life or death. Even though Cylinder is concealing and seemingly emotionless, the robot will not kill or attack someone that is not ready or doesn't deserve it. It still has a sense of right and wrong, programmed into the intelligence factor of it's "mind".



Occupation: N/A, Free roamer.

Backstory (At least a paragraph):

Cylinder's previous human form had been Anna Jillowin, a female at the age of 26. She had been seperated from her family, since she had caught H.E.F. Anna knew what could or would happen, and didn't hesitate to translate to robot. She had found no reason to wait, other than the idea of immortality and what lay beyond it. Since then, Cylinder was roaming the city and boundaries, not encountering many, but the people it had seen ignored the robot.


N/A Currently

Extra: Retractable guns attatched to wrists, night and heat vision, able to withstand extreme temperatures, and strong armor. A extremely hot laser can emmerse from the middle optic surrounded by the other optics on the face.
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Aris Dunners




General Information:



Name: Aris Dunners

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Species: Human Ghost

Orientation: Gay

Aris looks like the hell he's lived through most of his life. His clothing is scavenged from bits and pieces, his equipment from what little the Ghosts could spare.

Various mementos from his life decorate his outfit, each one of significant importance to him, even if they no longer work or serve no obvious purpose. This includes the dusty, cracked goggles always on his head.


Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 153lbs

Physique: Underfed, but muscled.

Notable features: Scar down his right side

He stopped concerning himself with his hair after the first year on the streets. A decade later, after being taken in by the Ghosts, he allowed his dreads to be tided up and shortened, but is generally protective of it. Afterall, hair is the first thing HEF takes from you.

His beard itches, and he used to shave given the opportunity (and a clean blade) but these days it's starting to grow on him, no pun intended.


Aris is no longer the scared, shy little seven year old caught on the streets during the early years of the Conclusion. After a decade with the Ghosts he knows his place, his skills and most importantly, himself. He has had his fill with bullies and those only out for themselves and has little patience for such. If humans are to survive then they need to start looking out for each other.

The militaristic environment of the Ghosts has shaped Aris. He respects authority, and chain of command although will still stand up for the little guy if he sees an opportunity. For the most part his beliefs and Ghost's align and he's made a life for himself.


Aris's parents died in the early panic after the Conclusion. He survived on the streets, moving between gangs of other orphans or alone, scavenging and avoiding the roaming packs of Ragers, and somehow avoiding infection.

In his late teens he stood up to a couple of Azure soldiers who were beating a small boy they had accused with theft in the middle of the street. A fight broke out and nearby ragers and even citizens were drawn into the battle. Amidst the confusion a small patrol of Ghosts who had noticed his actions pulled Aris out, and they made an escape before Greathelm reinforcements could be called in. After testing and finding him clean he is offered a place with them.


Frontline footsoldier/scout. His experience surviving as a child/young teen serves him well, along with the additional training he's received.

Adopted by the Ghostwalkers. Has several friends he's grown up with, but generally keeps to himself and goes where he is ordered.

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[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]Can I join?

Sure idc we need more players. if you're still interested, I mean.

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