We need to get this act together. [Through the Looking Glass]


Elder Member
Last week you ran stuff for Fluffy for like two hours, then scarpered.

This week, I overslept by an hour and a half, and instead of doing stuff for Fluffy and Andrew, you scarpered again, and didn't even tell me.

ST, you need to leave AIM on. Not just turn it on "around game time," you need it running on an internet-connected PC, 24/7/365, so we can leave you a message even if you're not there. You need to leave more messages than (and I quote on this),

Jacob Lewis 10:40 am

... hello...?

Jacob Lewis 11:08 am














SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMvv [Edited so as not to stretch screen]


With cheese

Well hello

You also need to not start the expectation of players being there at 10:45, so that by 12:30 you pack it in, when the player in question was an hour away from showing up.

I overslept. I'm sorry. But I'm here now, it's not too late, and the game could be happening if I could only reach you! ARRRRRRRGH!

This is making me tear my hair out! You said we could do some finisher from the stuff Nathan did last time during the week, and you never showed up. That and the complete lack of contact with you and the other players made me forget about the game. That's probably why I rolled over sometime around 9 AM and went back to sleeping. The moment I realized what day it was, I ran downstairs with backwards, inside-out pants on to get to the computer.
Pardon me if I was a wee but frustrated when last week you chewed my ass for having to cut the game short and basically got in my face about "Advance warning" and then, the very next week, you don't show up, your AIM is on, but you don't reply. What the heck was I supposed to do? Run something for Fluffy and Andrew? What would I run? You were going to talk to Andrew, the only thing I could've done was run something for Fluffy.

And I was trying to get your freakin' attention if you were playing a video-game full browser or something, what would you like my messages to be? A treatsie on exactly what we were doing twiddling our thumbs waiting for you? We had no idea what you were doing or what had happened, I had already waited two hours, would you have rathered I waited another hour to start anything just for you to show up?

I didn't have anything to run for Andrew, and I would've rathered run something for the whole group rather than just Fluffy again, but you didn't show up. Admittedly I dropped the ball on your whole 'Something special for Nathan' off hours RPing, but I had things dropped into my lap that week, including homework for college that needed to be done, I was going to apologize at the game which I was running despite having homework, yardwork, and a minor family event that day, but you didn't show within a reasonable amount of time.

Could I have done better? Yes. Could you have actually followed through on the same responsibility you bitched at me for previously? Also yes.

And I'm on AIM, but apparently you have the computer on but aren't actually at it, which is how it usually goes whenever I get on.
Andoriol said:
Pardon me if I was a wee but frustrated when last week you chewed my ass for having to cut the game short and basically got in my face about "Advance warning" and then, the very next week, you don't show up, your AIM is on, but you don't reply. What the heck was I supposed to do? Run something for Fluffy and Andrew? What would I run? You were going to talk to Andrew, the only thing I could've done was run something for Fluffy.
I dunno. Something. Anything to keep the players you have occupied. It's not like d20 where if you don't have at least three people it's a waste. Exalted makes it easy to run for as few as one. (I've also been trying to get ahold of Fabs to do Nathan and Andrew talking without needing you, but it's not been easy.)

And I was trying to get your freakin' attention if you were playing a video-game full browser or something, what would you like my messages to be? A treatsie on exactly what we were doing twiddling our thumbs waiting for you? We had no idea what you were doing or what had happened, I had already waited two hours, would you have rathered I waited another hour to start anything just for you to show up?
I appreciate that, but it would've been nice to see something waiting for me besides spam. Something like "We've been here X time" or something.

I didn't have anything to run for Andrew, and I would've rathered run something for the whole group rather than just Fluffy again, but you didn't show up. Admittedly I dropped the ball on your whole 'Something special for Nathan' off hours RPing, but I had things dropped into my lap that week, including homework for college that needed to be done, I was going to apologize at the game which I was running despite having homework, yardwork, and a minor family event that day, but you didn't show within a reasonable amount of time.
I would've at least liked you to have dropped a message or an email explaining that? :(

Could I have done better? Yes. Could you have actually followed through on the same responsibility you bitched at me for previously? Also yes.
And I'm on AIM, but apparently you have the computer on but aren't actually at it, which is how it usually goes whenever I get on.
Which is really how I think you should do it. If you leave AIM up, even if you're not at it, you can leave a message and someone can see them. I got your AIM messages.

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