We Go Bump in the Night

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
In some children's lives they may spot a beacon of light outside their window. If the child is adventurous they would go out and see what exactly the beacon of light is. When they reach the beacon it appears to be coming from an egg. This egg contains their own monster. Their monster is based off of their interested, thoughts, and home life. The monster of a punk or emo child might be a scary looking evil monster while one of a small girl might be based off of one of her stuffed animals.

When the child comes in contact with the egg it transports them to what is known as the Monster World. This world has been divided into five parts and as more children come to the Monster World it will just keep expanding it. The five sections were created by five special children given the opportunity to create them since they were a special mark in the Monster World history. The first part of the Monster World was created by a girl from the Victorian era. It appears like a large house and is quite spooky. The second was a nursery-like area created by a young girl who has much love for everything. The third was by a surfer who created a beach paradise for him and his monster. The fourth and fifth world were created by twins simultaneously. There was a mosh pit like area created by the brother and a large kingdom created by the girl.

The girl was extremely selfish and wanted nothing more than to own everything and be loved by everyone. She beckoned everyone to her kingdom and created a militia of children to protect her and make sure that nobody could overthrow her. She has used her abilities as princess of the Monster World to keep anybody from leaving. If anybody wants to leave this Monster World now they must defeat this girl and her army. Hopefully nobody will get too worried....

(Information on the world and the monsters to come in the SU thread)
Nice backstory(better than what I could make. Love the shortness and straight to the point manner of delivery.) and premise
I find the idea intriguing. It allows a lot of creativity when it comes to the actual creation of characters and monsters.
I...have...the...PERFECT OC FOR THIS

I haven't used him in ages, back when I roleplayed him I only used him in X-Men RPs.

But he's PERFECT.

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