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Fantasy "We fight for a future without fear" - Zorro's Heroes CLOSED


✧"a wondering mind."✧
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
"Monsters, horrid, dangerous, evil - It doesn't matter what you call'em as long as you kill'em"

Role-Play Information
Open Date: Monday, Dec 30th
CS Due Date: Sunday, Dec 29th

On Terra, monsters exist and unfortunately, they're in abundance.
Luckily, there's a very popular job around, "Slayers". In this role-play our OC's will be
"Slayers" - humans who kill monsters, for one reason or another.
The role-play will begin with your OC's deciding to meet mine at a Tavern for a group mission.

This RP takes place in a magic universe.
Where magic is real and commonplace in society.
examples: healing spells, good luck charms, minor hexes, alchemy, and potion creation.
Along with magic, there are Gods and Goddess whom the people of Zorro worship.
The setting is high fantasy, not necessarily advanced in technology.
Think riding on horseback or flying around on a Pegasus.
Taverns and stone pathways. Large areas of forest and untouched land.
Bakeries and forges. Nobility, kings, and queens.

There are ten Gods worshiped on Terra.
Barren, God of Strength and Battle.
Myera, Goddess of Youth and the Sky.
Ada, Goddess of Nature.
Drow, God of Spells and Potions.
Noah, God of the Sea and Prosperity.
Ander, God of Animals and Bonds.
Imani, God of Wisdom.
Venom, Goddess of Curses and Malice.
Trinity, Goddess of the Past, Present, and Future.
Zo, God of Life and Death.

There are multiple types of human on Terra.
Normal, the most common type, no special abilities whatsoever.
Berserker, those who were visited by Barren sometime during their childhood.
Supernatural strength, durability and the ability to control and summon fire.
Angel, those held by Myera at birth. Possess retractable wings
and can summon blinding light from their hands. Enhanced durability and senses.
Touched, those blessed by Imani. Telekinesis, enhanced reflexes.
Fae, those visited by Ada sometime during their childhood.
Enhanced reflexes, ability to manipulate and control the earth.
Mer, those with the ability to breathe underwater and manipulate it. Blessed by Noah.

This is just a snippet of the lore for this role-play. I hope it intrigues you enough that you'll want to join.
If you're interested, plop down what type of human your character might be and their reasoning for becoming a slayer.
Also, don't be afraid to ask questions, I'll be happy to answer any <3
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My potential character ideas:
  • I may make a Touched human, who is an avid potion maker/alchemist and seeks to use monster parts in her creations. Rather than just getting other people to slay the monsters for her, she slays them herself to test out the durability/features of the materials she seeks and to test out her potions/transmutation magic.
  • I may make a Mer human who lives in a bustling seaside town and has an older brother that is a reknowned slayer. She seeks to follow in his footsteps, whilst at the same time try and find him since he hasn't been home in forever.
My potential character ideas:
  • I may make a Touched human, who is an avid potion maker/alchemist and seeks to use monster parts in her creations. Rather than just getting other people to slay the monsters for her, she slays them herself to test out the durability/features of the materials she seeks and to test out her potions/transmutation magic.
  • I may make a Mer human who lives in a bustling seaside town and has an older brother that is a reknowned slayer. She seeks to follow in his footsteps, whilst at the same time try and find him since he hasn't been home in forever.
I love both ideas! Whichever you choose, I'm sure I'll love. When I get a few more people interested, I'll put up the character sheet. <3
My potential character ideas:
  • I may make a Touched human, who is an avid potion maker/alchemist and seeks to use monster parts in her creations. Rather than just getting other people to slay the monsters for her, she slays them herself to test out the durability/features of the materials she seeks and to test out her potions/transmutation magic.
  • I may make a Mer human who lives in a bustling seaside town and has an older brother that is a reknowned slayer. She seeks to follow in his footsteps, whilst at the same time try and find him since he hasn't been home in forever.
Would you like to get a head start on character creation? I could PM you the character sheet?
Very interested and such here is my Idea!
-- A fae human who worships the god, Ander, for time from youth lived in the bustling woods with a rather large town known to "Be not the ones who respect nature, but give it the proper burial after". Tree cutting, hunting and yes monster slaying is common but after said actions its thanked or prayed to the gods for such things but, the people are known to give creatures especially a burial or some form of prayer after there death . Seeing the hunt of monsters as rather "Inhuman" in some parts and as well not blessed after made the character think more can be formed. That things could be bit more respecful, as all things come and go in nature and in some shape or form die, wishing they go in peace in the after life (Hense what my character will belive)

As such, becoming a slayer and reaciving the blessing from the "Waters of Ada" (Form of blessing/rituals for slayers from the town and other nerby settlements) and set off out to join many hunts hoping to give monsters from far parts the blessing they need after they inevitible death. His form of blessing is to take a part of the monster (Be it tooth,scale, bone,etc) and burn it to ash in a fire ignited by a small blue candle (my character carries) while praying, usually this would end up with the flames becoming green meaning, it worked.
Any chance the RP could accommodate a normal, non-fighting human who travels around with the monster hunters?
He'd be there to record their exploits and gather information/lore on the monsters themselves.
Hey! I have an idea for an involuntary berserker. I know, 'involuntary' the heck? I'll get to it, you'll see. But essentially, he was initially forced to become a slayer to survive; then Barren bestowed him to be a berserker without consent, simultaneously helping and condemning him to a life of battling monsters. :ghostxx:
Hell yis. I want retractable wings and shoot blinding light at monsters. I'm thinking that my potential character could be an Angel who became a monster slayer for fame, glory, and gold. Mostly gold.
Hell yis. I want retractable wings and shoot blinding light at monsters. I'm thinking that my potential character could be an Angel who became a monster slayer for fame, glory, and gold. Mostly gold.
As someone who's suffering from poverty in 4Suits, there can never be too much gold...
As someone who's suffering from poverty in 4Suits, there can never be too much gold...
As someone who's suffering from poverty in real life, I agree.

That's right folks, Nano is Birb's sibling, don't be bamboozled.
As someone who's suffering from poverty in real life, I agree.

That's right folks, Nano is Birb's sibling, don't be bamboozled.
Ya'll are bamboozling yourselves. I didn't do anything 8(

also guess we're birb duoing this time around
Very interested and such here is my Idea!
-- A fae human who worships the god, Ander, for time from youth lived in the bustling woods with a rather large town known to "Be not the ones who respect nature, but give it the proper burial after". Tree cutting, hunting and yes monster slaying is common but after said actions its thanked or prayed to the gods for such things but, the people are known to give creatures especially a burial or some form of prayer after there death . Seeing the hunt of monsters as rather "Inhuman" in some parts and as well not blessed after made the character think more can be formed. That things could be bit more respecful, as all things come and go in nature and in some shape or form die, wishing they go in peace in the after life (Hense what my character will belive)

As such, becoming a slayer and reaciving the blessing from the "Waters of Ada" (Form of blessing/rituals for slayers from the town and other nerby settlements) and set off out to join many hunts hoping to give monsters from far parts the blessing they need after they inevitible death. His form of blessing is to take a part of the monster (Be it tooth,scale, bone,etc) and burn it to ash in a fire ignited by a small blue candle (my character carries) while praying, usually this would end up with the flames becoming green meaning, it worked.
Lovely idea. Im excited to see the interactions our OCs will have.
Any chance the RP could accommodate a normal, non-fighting human who travels around with the monster hunters?
He'd be there to record their exploits and gather information/lore on the monsters themselves.
Why of course~. There's "common" magic he can know, healing magic, alchemy, potion making, incantations, etc. . . Nonetheless, i love your idea.
Hey! I have an idea for an involuntary berserker. I know, 'involuntary' the heck? I'll get to it, you'll see. But essentially, he was initially forced to become a slayer to survive; then Barren bestowed him to be a berserker without consent, simultaneously helping and condemning him to a life of battling monsters. :ghostxx:
I adore that, he'd contrast my character so well~. You'll see in the future. Wonderful idea.
Hell yis. I want retractable wings and shoot blinding light at monsters. I'm thinking that my potential character could be an Angel who became a monster slayer for fame, glory, and gold. Mostly gold.
IM GLAD~. I love your idea. Cant wait for the RP to start.
The Character Sheet is up~.

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