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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting


The Reaper of lost Rp's
Have any questions or just want to chat out of character please post hear

Me and @Tylor guillory are co-gms of this RP
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Should Angellica let Leon know that Poseidon sent her as a Guardian Angel or should she keep it a secret from him for now

Either way works for me so I just thought I should get a second opinion
Hi there everybody! I wasn't too sure if you were still looking for RPers, so I put mine in the character submission page should you consider looking at him.
I changed Anthony's weapon because everyone decided they wanted the exact same thing after I did mine and we need variety.
Are you still accepting?

Also can I make a fallen angel if ur accepting still?
Okay everyone I have a question should I stop accepting new characters because counting the characters going to enter and the character that @Am2aM is going to make that will bring the character count to 18 or should I keep it open
Yea my character might need a good looking over I was making it and kept having to redo it so by the time I thought to check the overview I wasn't about to redo so my guys another race
Damn xD well I guess that's OK also can someone summarize what's happened so far I don't have time to read it all also can Steel and Fin be like old time friends/rivals?
Tylor guillory][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12159-xxluluxx/ said:
hdkshrfkjadshk Im here.

UM. IDK. Steele is a little bit of an asshole if you wanna deal with that c:
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Hahahahaha xD he's a pirate most of them are inpleasant Fins no acception

Well if youre up for it xD Sure

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