• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧We Are the Champions✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Characters



✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Here is your character skeleton:
appearance *anime*
optional backstory
*read the rules*

RULES ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
1. If it takes too long for some people to finish their character sheets, being that I can finish one within twenty minutes, I will commence the role-play without them until they complete their characters, thus allowing them to post within the IC thread.

2. I expect everyone to provide the group with, at the very minimum, one post per week. This is something I keep up with and will inform you of should you come close to bypassing the seven day mark. I give each member three chances, the fourth being termination from the story where their position will be replaced.

3. If you are expecting a prolonged absence, please let the group know so that you can avoid losing one of your three chances and so that we can work around it in the story.

4. There will be profound language within this story, so if that is something you are uncomfortable with, then please move along.

5. One thing that I will not tolerate is the criticism of someone's character. For example, telling them that their character should react or act a different way based on what was read in their provided description because characters develop with time--it is inevitable.

6. Fade-to-black.

7. If you have read these and understand them, I expect to see your characters worst fear somewhere in their character sheet.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ ROLES
Principal/Dean: Taken Danoram Danoram

Counselor/Psychology: Taken Danoram Danoram

Mathematics: Taken Cracker Cracker

Science/Biology: Open

Humanities/History: Open

Engineering/Technology: Open

Literature/Languages: Open

Health/Nursing: Open

Business/Accounting: Open

Janitor: Open

If you have any recommendations for a role, please let me know. As they are now, each role listed above is seen in the sense as covering a wide arry of subjects. For example, the mathematics professor would be in charge of anything within the category of math, such as physics and anything else in relation.
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✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼​

Sakagami Inochi

Counselor/Psychologist: Inochi teaches many Psychology classes from Psych I and up and also part-times as the school's only Student Counselor.

37, August 19th

Male, Heterosexual

✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼​

Sakagami Inochi... a handsome man, he is. Tall, tan, and blonde of powerfully blue eyes, he carries himself with a gentle smile and notably good posture. Speaking of the blue eyes, they are drooped like that of a puppy's at the outer ends, giving him a rather innocent appeal. His teeth are perfect, ears always clean, and he dabs himself with a lightly scented cologne every morning before work to maintain his image. Inochi wears buttoned shirts, khakis, and fancy ties. (Height: 6'0")

Inochi is a gentleman; he is quiet when spoken to and listens well being that he is also the counselor of the college. As his eyes would have you believe, he is caring and forgiving, always offering smiles to those who look like they need them. Inochi always helps and asks questions before assuming even the most obvious of speculations. He helps students with their work should they ask him, and he even takes on odd jobs to help the other teachers around campus, craving activity. He loves to move, learn, and participate in every school event--anything to encourage his students to work harder. As far as romance revolves, Inochi is a single man and looking to date, marry, then construct a beautiful family... though, he's never thought of asking any ladies around work for a go.
✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼ ҉ ✼​

* Inochi smokes cigarettes.
* He thought he was gay when he was a teenager.
* He owns a dog named Bullett--german shepherd.
* Inochi has five sisters, all of which have at least one kid.
* He has been engaged three times to women who left him because he didn't move fast enough and made them feel unwanted.
* He's from America, born and mostly raised, but his parents are both Japanese. Inochi is also adopted.
* One of his sisters is actually in love with him--they're not actually related other than by contract.
* Inochi has a thing for red-heads.
* Inochi loves coffee and creme-filled donuts.
* Dominant women are a thing of his.
* His biggest fear is getting engaged again and it turning out to be a mistake.

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Nurse Fuyuko14ff4fd15945e42851e68376378105e1.jpg fa7e7173588c8426c8aefc7afd8320a5.jpg
Name: Ichiro Fuyuko

Age: 34, December 19th

Role: Health/Nursing; Fuyuko had originally gone to medical school but found himself on the path to being a nurse and teacher. Fuyu enjoyed children and figured he would give it a go to teach his heart out, and when the university accepted him he took on Health classes and the nursing position which he got teased for by his sister for being a guy school nurse.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual, Straight
Height: 6'0 ft.

Appearance: A very tall and lanky man, he has broad shoulders and chest but still remains the lanky figure he with baggy clothing only aiding in making him appear young. Fuyuko is a very youthful looking teacher for someone in his 30's if anything he still appears like he is the young man in his 20's so it can confuse many on his age. He has sharp features from a jawline to sharp and calculating blue eyes, he stands out in a crowd because of his pale skin and hair which is unnaturally pale for a blonde. His hair appears whiter than it should as he dislikes his pale natural blonde hair, he learned a neat trick from his sister to keep it a light color. His hair is straight, no ounce of frizz or volume to it, this is also a cue to his ethnicity. Odd hair and narrow or longer facial structure point to him being a foreigner which he is to some degree. He often hides his harsh eyes with a kind and welcoming smile, and dressing professionally in nice clothes or his old fashioned 'lab coat'.
Personality: Fuyuko is very open and accepting, for someone of his age he is quite gullible and falls into different situations easily may they be good or bad it depends. Fuyu is friendly and relatively nice to just about everyone, though he isn't exactly the chatterbox of a group, he is very chatty as he finds it fun to figure out different things about people as if it were a neat game. Fuyu has a very serious side to him, he was raised in a loving household but he picked up on how to handle situations based on priorities so he can be described as a fairly organized person. Fuyuko can often be quiet, though when he is silent it is because he is enjoying the moment, nothing comes off as awkward to him as he enjoys things too much. Growing up within a loving household and a strict household taught him something, manners. Fuyu is very kind and accepting, friendly to everyone, but a form of disrespect for illnesses, wounds, or anything relating to serious problems is something he will not stand for. Fuyuko, from having a younger brother unable to use his legs, gets deeply offended on a personal level when someone cracks an inappropriate joke towards a serious condition or event. He doesn't stand for it, and the thing about Fuyu is that he keeps a grudge, so the reason why he gets along with everyone is that some know better than to get on his bad side. Fuyuko isn't entirely scary, aside from his cruel-looking eyes, but he has his ways of informing others of his distaste towards something with obvious hints or subtle ones about it. Otherwise, he is a kind man who just gets snippy when mad.


  • Fuyuko dyes his hair, a neat trick he learned from his sister.
  • Fuyuko is the oldest of five children; three younger brothers, one younger sister.
  • Fuyuko's father is Japanese, his mother is from France.
  • Goes by Fuyu by his students or Mr. Fuyu; goes by Ichiro or Ichi from the staff he is close with.
  • Fuyuko was actually born with a twin, but sadly his brother did not make it.
  • Loves to involve himself with others, get to know them.
  • Traveled around often with his mother when young before settling in France.
  • Moved with his father to Japan when he was in middle school.
  • His mother died to complications during the birth of the youngest Fuyuko child.
  • Fuyu is terrified of being alone, which is odd for a man living by himself but it is his greatest fear, being left alone without anyone to turn to.

[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=Header] font-family:Orbitron; color: #e77185; background-color:white; border-top:10px SOLID white; border-bottom:2px SOLID white; //This is box the name is in. The line below the name it not in here. If you change the font here it won't work, you have to change it in the [font=] tag// [/class]
[class=Notes] //Above is the box surrounding everything The max and min height need to stay the same, and should be as big as your picture appear to connect the lines// [/class]
[Class=Notes] //Above is the Image it has a border to the right of it// [/class] [div class=Header]Haruno Ayame [class=Notes] //Above is the Name of the character, here is where you should change the font if that's what you want. Same for the body text// [/class]
Role: Biology Teacher; Teaches early Biology 1 classes and advanced classes with a more rigorous course.

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5 foot 3 inches

Personality: Ayame is the type to try to make any situation a party, no matter what it is, which is a reason her students often enjoy her class. She is talkative and energetic most of the time, but if she is annoyed or simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed, she can be sarcastic and snappy. Though that isn't that often. She is very understanding and kind to her students, but won't tolerate disrespect. She is also very intelligent and isn't easily convinced. Ayame is confident and optimistic most of the time, and even when she isn't, she usually will try to act like she is. If a situation demands it, she knows when to be serious and can be very compassionate. When others seem upset, she often feels responsible and makes it a priority to make them smile.

    • She was almost fired a few years back for a laboratory experiment gone awry during her senior class
    • Her greatest fear is that she will miss out on life, which is why she is big on enjoying life in the moment
    • She has only ever had one serious relationship, everyone else either couldn't take her seriously because she looks younger than she is or she just didn't think they were the one... and the aforementioned relationship ended with the man falling in love with her best friend
    • She left home early and started college to get away from her extremely religious parents
    • Before she knew she wanted to teach biology, she wanted to be a veterinarian
    • She adores animals of all kinds
    • She also really likes yellow flowers, but she hates roses
    • She can't stand chocolate...
    • She is a serious clutz and can barely leave a room without tripping on her way out

[class=Notes] //Above is the Scroll box for the Cs form is a basic scroll box I recommend to make its height appear to be ten pixels away from the bottom border of the border box Below is where you'll start to fill things out and replace the form with what ever you need it to be// [/class]

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Humanities/History Professor: Mai’s classes range from basic history to the study of human society and culture. Some of the topics that she focuses on are philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, ancient and modern languages, human geography, law, and politics





Mai is five foot eight and weighs around one hundred and twenty six pounds. Her overall appearance is one of soft and delicate beauty. She has soft facial features with slightly defined cheekbones and a button nose. Her eyes are a lovely shade of russet brown that appear almost red in color in some lightings. They’re wide and doe-like in appearance which makes her look younger than she is, much to her annoyance She has a small, slightly upturned nose and cupid’s bow shaped lips. Mai’s skin is a healthy shade of peach and blemish free thanks to good genes and expensive skin care products. She posses a head full of silky, black hair. The tresses are thick and wavy while they also reach her lower back. Mai has a lithe body with soft feminine curves. She tends to favor high end yet professional clothes. Pencil skirts and blouses are favorites of hers, along with chic pantsuits and heels.

Mai is charismatic and outspoken individual. She’s someone who doesn’t have trouble with meeting new people and making friends. She enjoys learning about others and their stories. Mai carries herself with grace and poise, she has a overall calm temperament. Despite this she is by no means a pushover. Mai is stern, especially when it concerns her job. Slacking is something she doesn’t tolerate or do. She’s a hard worker and head strong.

Mai is a little vain about her looks. She enjoys pampering herself and looking her best. The professor makes it a goal to look well put together wherever she goes. Mai is an intelligent young lady who values knowledge. She has a love for debating and discussing important topics with others.

  • Has two older brothers and one younger sister
  • Proud owner of a Maine Coon named Hana
  • Has traveled to many places in her life
  • Arachnophobia

Mai comes from an very wealthy upper class family who are very close to one another. Whenever they had the chance her parents would take time to spend with their kids. They’d even go on family vacations. Since she was a child her parents held high expectations for her, as for the rest of her siblings as well. They attended a private school and received further tutoring at home in things like music and horseback riding. In school Mai was at the top of her class. She was by no means a prodigy but instead worked hard to maintain her good grades.

Come high school graduation Mai was class valedictorian and received a full ride scholarship to the college of her choice. For the longest time Mai had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. She started out as a Foreign Language major but realized that she wanted to delve much deeper into it. With the help of an advisor she was able to find the Major that suited her best. Mai graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in History and an Associate’s degree in humanities. Mai traveled for a few years, teaching in a few places for returning to Japan.

coding by: diaphanous

Koizumi Yuko
Role: She is the Literature/Languages professor. She teaches various Japanese and English classes, for both language and literature. She also teaches a few French and Mandarin language classes. She has one of the busiest schedules, partly because she's the type that likes to keep busy, and partly because she really loves her job, and wants to teach as many students as she can. On the side, she gives private lessons to those few students that were brave enough to ask her - free of charge.
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8"

Yuko is quite tall for a woman. She has shoulder-length light brown hair that she usually keeps in a low ponytail at school, and dark blue eyes. She has a fairly mature look, and even when she was younger, many people thought she was older than her age. Her build is quite slim, and her skin is light.

She has a minimalistic yet classy look, with a preference for simple button-up shirts and long-sleeved blouses with either black, dark blue or occasionally white jeans. She usually doesn't wear bright colours. As for shoes, she is usually seen wearing low heels or flats, either in nude tones or black. She has also been noted to favour simple silver bracelets and necklaces. She also applies minimal makeup - it's usually just lip gloss, although she applies some light eye shadow on some days when she's feeling particularly happy.

Personality: Yuko is quieter than most, but she's definitely not shy. She tends to keep most things to herself, unless she deems it necessary to speak up. In class, she is serious and can be fairly strict on students, as she sets a high standard, but not to the point of being unreasonable. However, her cold-seeming demeanor does tend to intimidate students. Nevertheless, she often emphasizes to them that they are always free to ask questions. She's one of those teachers who can silence a class just by speaking; they mostly keep quiet either out of respect or fear.

She doesn't smile easily, nor does she frown much. She tends to have a very neutral expression, hence people may find it hard to figure out what she's thinking. When she does smile, it's usually just a slight smile, but it's very soft and warm.

  • She lives alone in a decent apartment that she rented. It's not too far from the university, so she walks to and from the campus everyday, as she wants the exercise.
  • She has an older brother named Koizumi Yuichi, aged 32. He's a software engineer.
  • It's unknown to many that she has never dated before, and it usually surprises people when they find out, partly because she looks so mature, and not bad-looking either.
  • Her native language is Japanese and she is highly fluent in English. She also studied French and Mandarin in university, and is quite fluent in both languages. She studied abroad in Strasbourg, France for a year and Shanghai, China for 6 months.
  • She doesn't really have many friends, because she's not one to approach people and chat. It's not that she's shy or uncomfortable around people; she just doesn't have the urge to socialize.
  • Her hobbies include reading novels (despite her seemingly practical personality, she loves fantasy and romance novels) and swimming. She doesn't have much time for either, however, instead dedicating most of her time to teaching.
  • When she's stressed, a scented candle will help to calm her. Her favourite scents are jasmine and mint.
  • She loves lemon desserts.
  • Her greatest fear is disappointing people, be it family, colleagues or students. This causes her to frequently overwork or push herself too hard.
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Name: Arata Katsuo
Role: Janitor
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5' 5''
Appearance: Arata Katsuo has quite a bit of wrinkles due to his old age. His face is long with a strong jawline. He has small brown eyes, a normal sized mouth and nose. Hair is white and no more on the top of his head, only on the sides. His posture is rather straight, a small hunchback, and he looks puny. For work he wears overalls with a different array of coloured shirts. He always wears a flat cap, besides winter, then he wears a scarf and a winter cap. Outside of work he can be seen in jeans and shit, but during summer he wears cargo shorts with of course a shirt.

Personality: Arata Katsuo is generally easygoing person. He smiles a lot, makes jokes and tries to cheer up people when he sees or feels that they are down. His kindness, warm personality and carefree attitudine lead many to think that he may be a dumbass or a slacker, which is wrong. Arata is serious and this can be seen through his work. Every time he does something he does it well and on time if needed, but he can be a perfectionist sometimes and takes things too far. When he gets angry, Arata chooses to settle down things in a civil way. He also has quite a bit of patience. At times he seems bland and boring.

- Arata worked a few other jobs like: post man, bartender, delivery man and now janitor (he never saw himself working as a janitor).
- He picked up the job of janitor because he had noting better to do with his spare time. "As a ritiree thing tend to get boring and repetitive".
- He knows a few other languages like: russian, french and german. He refuses to use these languages in public. He only uses them when need be.
- Through cars he met his best friend. He liked helping and working on cars, yet he never became a fully fledged car mecanic in spite of his skills.
- He used to have wife. Unfortunately they divorced due to unknown reasons and never got the chance to have kids
- Fears include: being useless, the sea, loneliness.
- Hates: in laws, people which lack manners.
- Likes sweets. He has quite the sweet tooth. Piano, cars.
- He may not have kids but he still is a grandfather for his best friend.
- With retierment comes a lot of spare time. His hobbies include: gardening, playing piano (he has been doing this of a lot of years but now he has even more time), looking after stray animals.
- When he used to be a bartender he was considerd the best around his block.
- He met his wife when he used to be a bartender. "She came and went like a car passing a motel".


personal wellness instructor
essentially just a p.e. teacher, but "personal wellness instructor" strokes her ego

okudaira , shion
affectionately dubbed "shi-chan" and "hachi" by some students and faculty, slightly less affectionately dubbed by others

or, as she prefers, "the eight year anniversary of my eighteenth," as of december 2nd

happily so

to double her chances at getting a date

( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ»
eye color:
her mother is american, and the blue eyes come from her

hair color:
reluctant to let go of her delinquent days, shion keeps a small strip of red in her bang

she can't help but wish she was taller

fashion sense:
she likes obscure graphic t-shirts and cargo pants that are ill-fitting in the waist, or sweats and big hoodies. she looks more like a sibling coming to retrieve a student than she does an educator, but she's trying to find a happy medium before she's fired for being unprofessional.

big dork
this super cute art is brought to us by pemprika (@pemprika) | Twitter !!!

charismatic - cheerful - passionate - easygoing - patient

spacey - disorganized - immature - goofy

shion is vivacious and effervescent, filled to the brim with an almost aggressive amount of energy. she remains fairly well liked among students not only because of her young age, but because mentally, she hasn't made much head way since her final year of high school. she's ditzy and hotheaded, but always optimistic, and strives to push everyone to do their best and enjoy themselves. this childlike enthusiasm prevents her from forming close relationships with those her own age, as she doesn't seem to prioritize things in the same manner as everyone else. she takes life at her own pace, but feels most herself in groups of people. she's not a very easy person to upset, but does not always immediately take an "adult," approach. despite all of her juvenile tendencies, though, she is a fair listener, and can put her mild stupidity aside to try her best to help.

🏏despite being a wellness teacher, and thus having to teach sex ed, she is a virgin with very little dating experience
🏏was leader of a girl gang in high school
🏏military brat born on a japanese base
🏏parents divorced when she was little; doesn't get on well with her mother
🏏has one older sister named naomi, who is a paralegal in america
🏏only pet (and friend) is her hermit crab, mako
🏏dubbed "hachi" because of her favorite number 8, and also because she is kind of like a dog
🏏fears never having any true, notable relationships or starting a family, inadequacy, and clowns


Touma Hideaki

Mathematics - Pretty much what it says on the tin; he's been working in this field for years, and he adores the subject with the passion of twelve burning suns.



Straight, but he wouldn't be ashamed to put on a different label if the right person walked by

5'8 and a half

Touma is huge, that much is apparent at a glance; the Scottish blood in his veins has taken over completely in the looks department. Thick, shaggy red hair styled by a ruffle from his hand and his beard, while thick, is immaculate, both in sight and touch; Touma takes great pride in both, but his greatest pride is his body. By breaking the stereotype of your typical nerdy mathematician, he feels that he brings a new surge of life into the subject and livens the class a little. Without a fail, he makes sure to work out daily, even for just 10 minutes, so it's no wonder how he's managed to keep such a muscular form. However, while his body is his pride, his height is not: he's extremely self conscious being shorter than the men around him, though he'd never dare admit such a thing.
Outfit wise, Touma adores his suits, and he's rarely seen without one.

While it seems that Touma's volume is set to max at all time, he's surprisingly gentle and mild mannered. He's the type of guy that would give the clothes off his back to you if you needed them, and he never fails to flash at least one smile to you a day. Though, he's a complete stickler for rules and deadlines; if you miss something or forget about it, he expects an apology right away, or at the very least for you to make up for the negligence shown. So, he's definitely not a pushover, and his students know this well. Touma is also known to be very passionate in everything he loves and he carries absolutely no shame in showing this, whether it be through merch or backgrounds, so for your own sanity I beg you not to question it otherwise you'll be stuck in conversation for hours. Finally, while he's not one to raise to anger often, he is very in key with his emotions and carries no shame in just letting you know how he feels. Whether you're a friend, or some neighborhood cat, if you have two ears and a pair of eyes, he'll vent out to you when he needs it.

-Touma can speak fluent Japanese, English and 'Scots/Irish English'. While he attempted Mandarin for a few years, he gave up due to no free time, but would love to restart
-His favourite colours are pink and green
-His folder for work is of Rilakkuma, and he may have more little goodies...~
-When he doesn't work out, his de-stressing go-to is cross stitch or embroidery
-Linked to the above, he likes to give out his finished pieces to those who seem interested
-While his father is Scottish, his mother is Japanese, and she married him after the death of her former husband. So, he's the only one in his family that is mixed race. Talk about confusing, oof
-He's the youngest, his two older siblings being his sisters
-Growing up, Touma was badly bullied for sticking out so much with his ginger locks and tiny frame. Due to this, he begun to workout at 16, and after gaining the frame he has now, no one has said a thing since, and it grew him a great deal of confidence
-However, he's now extremely self conscious, and for a while it led to an unhealthy cycle of working out and nothing else, but he's since gotten better and while still scared to lose the muscle mass he has now, it's not on the front of his mind now
-He's a big momma's boy
-He fears losing his mother and, on a more lighthearted note, fog
-He can sing!
-He's not a dad, but... Thanks to the internet, he finds the word 'Daddy' hilarious, and, unforunately... He has shirts and mugs at home with the term. Thanks, Internet.
-OH! Art by the talented Pikabu!​
  • 5hi6FEl.jpg

    NAMEx princess i. perkins
    NICKNAMEx perks, pip, hime-sensei
    ROLEx business & accounting teacher
    GENDERx female
    AGEx 32 years old
    HEIGHTx 4'9"
    WEIGHTx 138 lbs
    ▸ yes, you can say it: she's a dwarf. and don't worry about pissing her off; her short and stout stature's the least of her concerns. it's the scars that are her problem. in particular, the large scar that spans from the top of her head to the tail end of her spinal cord. that's become the point of insecurity with her body. fortunately, it's the only insecurity, because other than that, she loves herself. she loves her curly (and frizzy) black hair, her dark brown eyes (even with the dark circles that surround it), her chubbiness (stretchmarks and all), her light-brown skin and the sprinkle of freckles on it, everything. and she absolutely loves prettying herself up on top of that. all in all, she's a woman who takes care of her appearance. granted, she's aged, obviously, and has a few wrinkles and stretch marks to show for it, but she has her conscientiousness about her appearance for her graceful aging.
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Name: Enpu Tatemono
Role: engineering teacher
Age: 35
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Height: 182cm

Enpu has spent most of his life at his desk, with his pencils, rulers, blueprints of buildings, and calculations. Fascinated by laws of physics and construction, Enpu marvels at the world. He is fascinated by everything - from pencils to blueness of sky. Life is a never-ending source of wonder for him. Even simple items, such as newspapers, spark a fire in his eye. He doesn't only see pieces of paper - no, he sees a glorious poem of invention of printing machines, journalist organizations which work hard to collect information, a distribution system. Enpu looks for patterns everywhere. He's an idealist who believes in goodness of people. Yet, however, having suffered in past, he's not naive.
He comes across as somewhat withdrawn and softspoken, especially considering how much he works on his own, but it's easy to unlock his talkative mode. He enjoys debating other people, as he believes the world is run on exchange of ideas and opinions.

- a smoker
- he is pretty clean and organized. He doesn't experiment much with clothes. Always wears a simple brown suit.
- he likes to cook. He grows tomatoes at home.
- he's a big fan of poetry. Even writes some himself, but doesn't really show.
- every week he goes to a book club meeting.

While Enpu might look withdrawn, that hasn't always been true. He used to be very passionate and energetic in his youth. However, after his true love, his girlfriend at the age of 26 died in a car accident, he turned to his engineering papers, bridge models, technic constructions and technology for comfort. Memory of her still lingers in his mind.
It's not that he's asocial or a shut-in, but something in Enpu is always sad and lonely, and he carries that soft sorrow with himself. Will that change?
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