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Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)

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RPer who hasn't RPed in a long time

Callum Evert


The wasteland was quiet. Eerily so with only the wind howling whenever it picked up into a freezing blast. The air was thick and icy to any who ventured out into the desolated land. Above, the sky was coated in black clouds that tricked all into believing it was twilight when it was only mid-day. All around the ground was cracked and grey. Dead trees and wreckage littered the land with rusted cars, busted roads, and crumpled buildings. It was a wonderland to any scavenger that was brave or foolish enough to wander around. A single vulture rested upon one of the branches of a skeletal tree, waiting and eyeing anything it could plunge its beak into and feast.

Status/Mood: Emotionless & walking along

Start Location: A road within the wasteland

End Location: A road within the wasteland

Notes: None

Tags: None

Walking at a sedated pace along a ruined road, a single child went along without any hint of fear or emotion. He was grotesquely thin, almost like a skeleton, with skin a ghostly white. Dirt and mud covered his body with only a pair of tattered old shorts clinging to his body with a piece of rope. A mop of black hair framed his down-trodden face. Equally black emotionless eyes with a glowing circle of red were curtained over by his bangs. Upon his back protruded bones like that of a rib cage and long snake-like arms. There were ten arms in total; each with a rotting corpse grasped within a monstrous hand. Each corpse was progressively more rotten then the next. Most of them were human. Only one was that of a dog; the freshest out of bunch.

The Walking Grave. That was what he was called. A Cursed One born out of the fear of loneliness and abandonment. Each corpse was his and his only, so that they would remain with him forever. Once he was known as Callum Evert, but ten years of never ending wandering made his real name hard to remember. Memories of this life from before faded into the back of his mind. He stood upon the edge of humanity and monster. Neither one nor the other, but both.

He was driven by one desire: find more beings to be around. Calm the loneliness raging inside of him. Once he found a being that showed him kindness they were his... and
his alone. Nobody would take them away from him. If they ever tried to leave him whether by death or will, he would take them and never let them go.

So along the busted up road he trended; corpses either floating behind him or dragging across the ground.

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The sharp pain of something hard digging into their back woke Mona. Confusion washed over them, realizing that they were lying at quite the awkward angle, back arched and limbs splayed out in the small room they were staying in. Patting behind them with the elegance of a drunken whale, their hand hit a hard metal device and they immediately knew what it was.

Snatching the gold and bronze coloured gun, they let out a sharp breathe, wincing as their back hit the ground. They were going to be feeling that for a while. Lying there for a few more minutes, they decided to get up and start the day. Or night. They didn't know yet. Slowly climbing to their feet, they noted how stiff they were. That chase from a random cursed one didn't do good for their already injured leg. Glancing down, Mona let out a small hiss at the mottled bruises and dried blood that surrounded the lower part of their right leg. it seemed they passed out as soon as they found shelter, and didn't treat it. Not like they had any supplies at the moment.

Tentatively stretching their arms and legs, they grabbed their pack and peeked out the door of the old building they were staying in. Seemed clear. They scurried out with a slight limp, hand tightly clenching their weapon. As long as they were alert, they wouldn't need to run and rip open the wound. The old, broken road looked so foreboding...

"Oi, get out of my stuff y'little narf."

The redhead glared down at a small dust-coloured lizard, it's little head shoved nosily into her bag. Looking for food most likely. Though considering she didn't really have much for herself, the little thing would be fresh out of luck. It itself had been snuffling around for the last two minutes, Dana having been too preoccupied to actually do anything at the time, but now that she needed to leave it needed to scram.

"Hello?" Dana prompted, shuffling up to the lizard. "I'm not afraid to eat you, y'know. The more food the merrier."

Not unlike a small and unrelenting foghorn, the lizard opened it's mouth and released a loud sound of complaint. It's little legs scuttled backwards, propelling it out of the bag and around to look at it's attacker.

Dana growled.

The lizard decided it would be better off looking elsewhere.

Rolling her eyes, the hunter picked up her toppled bag and slung it over her shoulder, heading back to the decaying road. If even the fauna were clamoring for food then the area was pretty much useless to her. Next stop, hopefully somewhere less dusty.

Callum Evert


Callum froze mid-step as the sharp wind caressed a scent across his nose. It was a scent he knew well: the scent of humans. Both came from the same direction yet one was fainter than the other. Towards him they were traveling, and soon they would be upon him.

Status/Mood: Walking towards the figure, elated.

Start Location: Desolated road.

End Location: Desolated road.

Notes: None.

Tags: @Nudge or @KaiaWolf

Lifting his head up, Callum's sharp eyes caught the small speck of a distant figure growing closer with each step they took. Steps closer towards him. Man or woman, he didn't know. But did it really matter? They were coming towards him. And that meant he no longer had to be alone. But...

Was he alone?

Yes! He was so alone!

But he had his family and his friends with him. They were enough, weren't they?

NO! It was never enough! He needed more! More friends, more fAMiLy, MoRE lOvE! He NEeDeD

Feet moving once more, Callum continued forwards towards the distant speck that drew closer with every step. His eyes were no longer casting down upon the ground, but at the figure he would soon come face to face with. The overwhelming desire and craving to be near them driving him forward.


Dana's blade spun dangerously as she walked, metal glinting in the sun. It had become a habit to toss the thing into the air, and even more so to flirt with the possibility of getting a finger lopped off. Not the safest pastime, but she didn't have much else to do besides look at the bleak scenery during missions like this. Boring. As. Hell.

But soon enough she spotted a figure in the distance. Clearly humanoid, but it seemed so small... Maybe a child? Very short person? Of course Dana suspected it to be a Cursed One, but it was still too soon to tell.

As she got closer it was soon clear the thing was coming towards her. Very rapidly in fact. And multiple somethings- No, wait. Bodies of somethings were strung along behind it.

Definitely a Cursed One.

The very name in her mind sent a spike of adrenaline through Dana. She'd only fought one on her own once before, and it had been under Ben and her group's supervision. Out here, out in the open and with no ranged weapons, things could end very badly for the hunter. Sure she'd been trained for this, but...

Shaking the doubt off and tightening her fingers around her knife, Dana tried to walk as confidently as physically possible and continued forwards. The group would be proud if she brought this thing back, right?

Mona hummed as they looked to the sky. It was quite dark, clouds covering every inch of what they could see. Gripping their gun tightly, they started walking down the road. Their muscles were starting to hurt less, and their gait became less stiff as the pain left their body little by little. Mona was mulling over how they felt like, quite female actually, when they suddenly spotted a figure. Was that a kid? Or a tree? Wait, trees didn't move. Some things were sticking out of the figure, although Mona didn't quite see what it was.

Slowing down a bit, Mona raised the gun she held in her hands higher, adjusting her pack on her shoulders a bit as they neared the figure. That was definitely not human. Mona knew she wouldn't be able to take one on at the moment, needing to more bullets and the sun was not out to charge her weapon. Cursing to herself, She glanced back. The building she was in was far away now, leaving only a empty road behind her. Mona slowly started to move back. As long as the Cursed One didn't try to chase her down or anything, she could make it to the buildings, if her hurt leg cooperated.

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