We Are One. (I am Number Four Based RP.)

((Oh! Umm... If you want to play more than one character, go for it I guess. ^^))

Blair eyed him for a moment, wondering whether or not she'd have to somehow make him forget what she just said. By the confused on his face, she was starting to wonder if she was mistaken, but just as she was about to make some kind of story up, he stopped talking, as if something had clicked with him. So, he was Number Seven. She had never actually met another one of her before, in an odd way, she was almost happy to meet someone like her. "I'm Ele-" She paused for a moment, realizing that it was safe for him to know her actual name, she didn't have to hide. "I'm Blair. Well, Number Two I guess you could also call me." She shrugged, before getting to her feet and picking up her helmet. "I'm fine, but my bike might be so lucky." She sighed, glancing over at it again. That thing was like her baby. "So, have you found anyone else?"
Dominic was flying again. His wings dipping into the clouds he flew next too.

The Sparrow was nearly half a mile below him, unable to fly the altitudes that Dominic's eagle form could.

They where making great time he thought, he had convinced the old Sparrow to leave some of there luggage.

Now he only carried a bag of clothes and coffee in his talons.

They had just arrived in New Jersey, a very strange city he discovered.

Every guy looked just like a Mogadorian, with there tan skin and spiked hair. He got a bad vibe from this place.

He swopped down and met up with the Sparrow on a building overlooking the ocean.

It had been a long time since he had last swam, almost 12 years ago. A water breather was a lot harder to change into he had discovered.

His mind wandered off about useless things while the Sparrow poked around the building.

The Sparrow hopped back towards Dominic, his head going every which way.

"I believe we can rest here tonight Dominic. I have a feeling we are getting close to one of them."

Dominic changed back into a human and put on his sweat clothes. He said nothing.

The Sparrow noticed,"Whats eating you now?"

Dominic hesitated, "I smell something in the air Sparrow."

The bird stared at him.

Dominic looked at him. Fear rising in his eyes, he said, "Its a foul smell."
"Damn, Mogadians." Rena growled to herself when she suddenly appeared by her motorcycle. She leaned down and picked up the motorcycle helmet she had set on the ground when the Mogadian arrived. Luckily, there had been only one Mogadian. If the three others were here, it would of been a lot harder for her to fight them. Rena slipped back onto her Ducati, putting on her helmet and starting the engine.

It probably wasn't safe for her to stay here any longer, so she took off again.

The sword began glowing a bright blue color, and she slammed her foot on the brake pedal. She took the sword out, and her eyes widened.

"Oh sh*t.." She muttered, quickly putting the sword away and zooming down the street at a very high speed. Those Mogadians were after her, and she had to hide.

She made a sharp turn, making the motorcycle drive down a narrow alleyway. There was a ramp-like board in front of her, and she smirked. Cranking the handle all the way forward, the Ducati went to a speed of 290 MPH. The motorcycle hit the ramp, flying into the air. As she was in the air, she made herself and the motorcycle vanish. The Mogadians that were on her tail stopped, and looked around quickly.

"She got away again.. That damned Number Five." One of them growled to the leader, who gripped the gun tighter in his hand.

"WELL FIND HER!" The leader spat, immediately dismissing the other Mogadians.

But little did they know, that she was already on her way to the next city.
(I’ll wait a bit, throw one in there a little later if needed. Also… is her bike of metals that I can control so I may fix it?)

Louis make a face of complete surprised, “I did not think I would be so lucky to find number two right off the bat!” He exclaimed. “You were who I was looking for because you will be next. Thank goodness we bumped into each other! Oh ugh…”

Leaning down Louis picked her bike up and looked at it as well, “well Miss Blair, my name is Louis. I am Number 7, but I guess I have already said that… and no, I have found no one else. By the way…” using one hand to hold up the bike, Louis reached into his coat and brought out the envelop, “would you by chance know where I can burn this? I have no such luck, or power, to do so.”
((Yep! :D ))

She grimaced when he said that she was next. She didn't like thinking about that honestly. Though she thought of herself as decently strong, she knew she couldn't take them on alone, look at what happened to Number One. She sighed slightly, before glancing up at the letter he had in his hand. "You couldn't have just burnt it with a lighter or something?" She asked with a smirk, but quickly took the letter from his hand. "You were suppose to get rid of this straight away you know, but I guess I'll do it for you." She gave an almost devilish grin, before she closed her right hand. When she opened it she was now holding a small, flame in it and she quickly took the letter and placed it within. The letter quickly turned into a small pile of ash, before she put out her flame. "And done." She smiled, before brushing off the ash.
They both decided to search Jersey a bit more.. thoroughly.

Dominic took the form of a black Great Dane and padded his way down the streets.

He liked being a Dane, it was always a head turner.

Especially with the Old Sparrow chilling out on top of his head.

They weaved in and out of the massive throng of people that covered the streets. Only stopping here and there to let some kid scratch his belly.

With his nose held high he continued down the street. His tongue hanging out his mouth and a single line of drool swaying back and forth as he walked.

Where are you taking me nose?

He walked into a alley, passed a few homeless drunks, and came out the other side.

The sidewalks on this street was much less crowded and the people seemed more..suspicious.

Guys with trench coats slumped against building, women with barely any clothes on hung around street signs, cop cars where rarely seen.

​Great, what is going on here.
Louis rubbed the back of his neck when he took the paper, “Yeaaah. I don’t have a lighter. I guess I never needed one. I couldn’t just throw it away.. I figured I would just keep it with me till I could destroy is.” He said, feeling a little guilty. “Ah, let me fix your bike though, sorry about that again.”

Leaning down he used his hands to correct the bent mental like silly putty in his hands. “So have your just ridden your bike everywhere? I have been trying to hitch hike my way around the world.” When he was done he handed the bike back to Blair and smiled at her. “and done.” He said, repeating her earlier words with a hint of laughter.

“So, I presume we need to find the others. The only problem is the world is a big place, I am honestly not sure where to start, I was just going to start going south.” Louis said honestly, picking up his grocery bag on the ground and quickly checking the contence. A squished Danish, but he will live.
Rena grinned just a little bit when she arrived onto the highway. Those Mogadians were pathetic. She escaped faster than they had found her. She wished she could of fought some more. She was always up for a good fight. But she needed to focus on finding the others first.

The engine in the Ducati made a loud noise as she sped down the highway, and turning off into another city. It was getting pretty late, and she was even getting a little hungry herself. She slowed the motorcycle down a bit, looking around at the shops to see if there was anything she could do. But she found none.

She parked the motorcycle once again, but instead of getting off, she sat on it for awhile. Thinking. She shook the thoughts from her head and stared up at the sky.

She just hoped the others would find her soon.

(By the way, Rena is in Kansas now.)
((This is probably my fault, for not making it clear and only calling it a bike, but it's a motorcycle. xD ))

He seemed alright enough to be around, which was a huge step for Blair seeing as she rarely liked anyone. She watched him as he fixed her bike with nothing, but his bare hands. "Thank you." She said with a smile as she looked over it for a moment. Good as new. A small laugh escaped her lips when he copied what she had said. "You know, you're not that bad." She flashed him a quick smile before getting back onto her bike and placing her helmet over her head. "I won it in a bet awhile back." She smiled proudly. "Never really walked anywhere since and honestly, not about to start now. If we want to find the others, we'll need to be able to get around fast. Care to join?" She asked, patting the back seat of her motorcycle. "Though, I must warn you, I drive rather fast if you haven't noticed."
"Hey Jacob!" Called his Friend from the beach.

Jacob looked up "Sup Michelle" he said waving at him as he effortlessly turned his surfboard around.

Michelle was one of his Friends from high school his family came to the states from france a few years back and for some reason they hit it off.

"Jacob You got a letter today mom told me to give it to you seemed kind of important." he yelled

Jacob stopped smiling and paddled himself up to the beach. "Any idea where its from?"

"Nah but the guy who dropped it off told me to make sure you got it ASAP, emphases on ASAP" he grinned is accent still strong.

Jacob took the letter and opened it. He nodded and crumbled it in to a ball and tossed it in to the water, where it instantly sank.

"Looks like i got to go man" he said as he picked up his bored and walked to his Jeep. "you want a ride?"

Michelle stood there confused. "what do you mean you have to go?" he said as he jumped in the passenger seat.

"Its my dad." He lied "got to go up to see him In NY." he lied again. He wasnt sure where he was supposed to go.

Soon they got to Michelles house. and they went in side. After explaining a couple of things to Michelles folks he packed his bag and took off.

After about 20 minutes on the road he thought to himself Why not? lets go to New York and see where we can go from there

He hit the freeway ramp that said 90 North New Jersey
(my apologies haha, thank you for the correction. Also… going to bed, good night! Also my RPing is really bad today so I hope to redeem myself later haha.)

Louis frowned, “Can I at least get a helmet? I really don’t want to drive around with that… my brain would like to stay inside my head.” He said, tapping the side of his head.

Gingerly he got onto the bike behind Blair, a little unsure of riding on it. He honestly never rode on a motorcycle before. The thought excited and scared him, more scared him after Blair’s comment of driving fast.
I might die before the guys chasing us get to me, he thought as he prepared himself.

“let’s stop at a shop somewhere to get myself a helmet. I am really good at controlling most of the ground under me, but no matter how you look at it, heading to the ground at 80 miles per hour will splatter me.” Louis laughed uneven at his own joke, “I don’t think the pavement needs to be decorated.”
He smelled them.

They where vile, simply disgusting.

A cross between pickled pigs feet and fish guts.


The Dane backed away, shaking his head back and forth.

He couldn't get the smell out of his nose. It was choking him, suffocating him. His eyes began to water.

Where was the Sparrow?

Thats all he could think about while he was choking.

Where is that damn Sparrow.

It grew worse, the smell seemed to move towards him.

It was after him.

Blindly the Dane shot off.

He heard cars screech and women scream.

He ran into walls and trashcans and light poles.

This smell was unbearable.

Then, it stopped.

Dominics wiped his eyes with his paws and quickly changed into a human.

He was in a ally, buck naked.

The Sparrow was no where in sight.

But, standing infront of him stood a tall figure.

He was wearing a black shirt tucked into black pants. A black leather coat hung over his shoulders. He also wore thick obviously steel toed boots, also black.

His hair was jet black and spiked.

He smiled a toothy smile.

In his left hand he held a massive gun.

His eyes where the blackest holes ive ever seen.



Rena sighed, taking off her helmet and sliding off of the black motorcycle. She began walking down the street, but stopped dead in her tracks when she heard multiple screams of terror. She clenched her fists angrily and dropped the helmet at her side.

"This things never give up do they?" She spat to herself, beginning to run towards the sounds. She slipped the sword out and leaped into the air, vanishing. She appeared on top of a building, looking down to see that a Mogadorian walking towards a boy.

Suddenly, her wrist began glowing again. Her eyes widened, and she gripped the sword tighter.

"Number Six.." She murmured, leaping down into the alleyway. She landed on the Mogadorian's shoulders out of nowhere, swiping the sword against his neck. The Mogadorian let out one last screech of pain before collapsing into a pile of dust. Rena kept her eyes on the ground, and than she turned around.

"It would probably be a good idea if you found some clothes." She said, crossing her arms and continuing to keep her eyes down.
Jacob felt it. The Warmth of the mark on the back of his forearm. "They've been Busy" he said as he looked at his watch.

Am I running out of time? he thought to himself as he slowly began to drive faster and faster.

They're starting to gather im probably behind... he thought to himself.

As The third number he should have been one of the first to receive the letter but seeing as how Michelle had to walk it to him it was no supprise that he would be late.

Jacob Sighed as he began to wive threw traffic passing up cars with a fluid motion.

"i should be able to get to new york in about a day...maybe before night fall" he grinned to himself as he blasted the radio

"yeah at least jersy"
Before he could say or do anything a deep burning sensation coursed through Dominics chest.

As the Mogadorian started to raise his gun, something dropped out of the sky and landed on its shoulders.

A girl..with a sword.

Very quickly she killed the beast, sending its ashes into the breeze.

She turned with her head down and said,
"It would probably be a good idea if you found some clothes."


He took a few steps and said "Follow me."

Then he was a Pitbull, walking infront of her.

he lead her to his stash of clothes, grabbed some in his mouth and walked behind a dumpster.

He changed back and promptly put his slobber ridden clothes back on.

Dominic stepped back from behind the dumpster, astounded by what he was seeing.

Another one.
Rena followed him, still with her eyes down. When he had got fully dressed, she flicked her bright blue eyes upwards.

"You look surprised." She began, placing her hands on her hips and staring at him for a few seconds. Her sword began glowing again, and she glanced down at it. She frowned, than looked back to him.

"If you don't already know, I'm Number Five. And if I am correct, you are Number Six?" She asked with a fierce edge to her voice. She gripped the sword in her hand, and leaned against the building that was next to her.

Dominics mind was racing at a hundred miles a second.

Where is the Sparrow.

"Yes, hi, hello, my name is Dominic. If we are sticking with the fancy pancy talk though then Number 6 is fine."

She leaned up against the wall.

That sword of hers is really trippy.

Where is that god forsaken bird.

Dominic sniffed the air, it seemed clean..well..as clean as it can get.

"Look, Number 5 is it? Its really good to meet you, and yes i know we are all supposed to meet up. And i am forever in your debt for saving me...but...have you seen my bird?"

Dominic asked with a cheesy, hopeful smile.
Rena raised an eyebrow at the word 'bird'. But than she remembered that Number Six had the power of nature. She shook her head slowly and crossed her arms.

"Sadly, no." She said, glancing around the skies to see if this so called bird was anywhere. Her sword began glowing again, and she stood up straight.

"We need to go. Those Mogadorians are still on our asses. It's not a very good idea to be staying in the same place." She began making her way out of the alleyway, and than she stopped. She had a feeling Dominic wasn't going to be leaving without his bird. She sighed, turning back towards him.

"Do you need a ride?"

"You go ahead, i have to find my bird. Where is a good place we can meet up?"

The smell was coming back. Luckily he was a human right now so it didnt affect him that bad.

His hands where shaking, his palms a cold sweat.
Rena sighed, and than nodded slowly.

"There's an old abandoned road that leads off the highway. Meet me there." She began, turning away from him and heading back towards her motorcycle. She picked up her helmet and slid it onto her head, than sat back on top of her Ducati. She swerved the motorcycle around, and headed towards the highway.

Seeing that the abandoned road was up ahead on the right, she turned and drove. She hoped that Dominic would find his bird soon. The Mogadorians were still in the city, and he could get hurt if he wasn't to careful.
((Don't apologize! It was my fault. xD ))

Blair smirked, but nodded her head. "I guess we can do that." She said with a small smile, before kicking back the kickstand and taking off. She took it slow, searching for a place to get him a helmet. Finally, after about an hour of driving around the ton, she found a small shop that was still open at this time and stopped out front. "Here." She said simply as she dug into her pocket before pulling out a small wad of cash. "Take it and by yourself the best damn helmet you can find." She smiled. "It's the least I can do seeing as I'm the one driving like an idiot." Slowly she turned around, facing him and handing her money towards him. "You should get something manly though, seeing as most people will probably think you're a wuss for riding on the back of a motorcycle while a girl is driving it." She teased.
Louis was happy that she drove rather slowly, but it won’t last long, until he gets a helmet anyway. It took a few hours to find a shop, but a few hours well spent. Because of the slow driving he felt like he got to practice not dying on a bike before they get to the real ridding. When they finally found the shop and Louis got off the bike, Blair tried to hand him some money.

“Ah, no its ok. I took out all my money before I closed my bank account. I honestly stayed in one place for a good amount of time, so I saved up a quite a few bucks. It was not smart to do so, I see this now, but I have a lot of money. So please do hold on to yours for right now.” As he spoke he pushed her hand with the wad of cash back towards her with a smile.

He laughed at her joke about getting a manly helmet, “Trust me, if you drive the way you say you do, I don’t think my manly pride will be hurt in the least.” He rubbed the back of his neck again. He realized that this was a habit, when he was nervous or unsure. It was more like the entire situation was a pretty dim one.

“I will be back quick.” He said as he turned away from Blair and entered the shop. When he opened the door he immediately located where the helmets were and looked them over. He felt dread come over him,
These things have sizes? He thought. He was going to need some help, he did not want to be alone for long.

“Excuse me, miss, can you help me?” He asked a lady as she passed by him.

After a few minutes of her finding the right helmet size, he choose a blue helmet with mountain tops on it. Before he went the check out however he passed by stickers on the wall, he laughed when he was the number stickers and picked up the one with 7 on it. He wouldn’t help it, 7 was his lucky number. Purchasing the helmet, sticker and a leather jacket as well, he placed the sticker on the front part of the helmet and smiled.

Jogging back out of the shop, Louis took off his back pack and put on the leather jacket. Replacing his backpack on his shoulders again, he threw on his new helmet and jumped back onto the bike. “Ok I think I am ready. Let’s get this show on the road.” He said loudly.
Jacob drove still. till he noticed the rumble in his stomachs. "Damn" he said as he pulled over. he got out of his jeep and went to the back fishing for something to eat.

This should do the trick. He said as he pulled a sandwich and a bottle of water out from the chest he got back in to his jeep and sat there enjoying his meal.

Once he had finished the Sandwich and half the bottle of water he began driving again. He checked his gas, half a tank.

"Alright, I can do that." He said as he started searching for a gas station to fill up at.
He watched the girl drive off, with dread swelling in his heart. Where would that bird have gone too? He was walking next to me & then i was in the alleyway & thats when the Mogadorian showed up. He could be anywhere in the city by now..dead or alive.

and with that thought he quickly turned into a pigeon and took to the skies

He searched for hours, under bridges, on top of roofs, in parks, up along the beaches. Dominic took many forms while searching for his friend. He was a pigeon, then a Basset Hound, then a black cat, then a snake. He could not find the Sparrow.

Dominic was human again and buying some chips from a gas station off the highway. Close to where he had to meet up with number 5.

He had cried, the Sparrow was the closest thing to a family he ever had. He left the gas station and walked towards the road, his hand in the chip bag.

His head was down as he walked. Contemplating on how he was going to find his friend.
Rena waited, leaning against her black Ducati. She had already sensed Dominic before he was even near her yet. She looked up with glowing blue eyes, and stood up straight.

"You're bird.. Did you find it?" She asked, the blue sword still gripped in her left hand. She had a weird feeling that the Mogadorian's were still around, but she couldn't pinpoint where they were at the moment.

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