We Are One. (I am Number Four Based RP.)

Number Five: Rena.

It was a beautiful day today. The sun was out, and everything was quiet. But that wasn't what Rena was focused on. Her bright blue eyes stared forward, scanning the grassy plain in front of her. She had sensed something moving in one of the shadows, and she was prepared to fight whatever it was. Pulling out a long, glowing sword, she waited and listened. Silence. That was all she heard. Maybe the shadows were playing tricks on her again.

"Damn." She cursed under her breath, putting away the sword and turning towards her black Ducati motorcycle. She slipped onto the back of it, starting the engine and driving down the road.

She slid on a pair of black Aviator sunglasses, and than disappeared down the road. What she didn't know, was that something was there. Waiting, and watching her leave. A creepy grin spread across the person's face, and than he vanished into thin air.
Number 7-Earth, Louis. Seattle, Washington.

Louis loved the rain, which is why he loves Seattle. He loved listening to the pitter patter on the stone. It soothed him; it made him feel in control of his surroundings, it made him feel safe, secure, hidden. Leaning back on his chair, he shifted his gaze form his window and looked around the one room apartment. As soon as he could he moved away from his parents, working a full time job around the city. He liked the independence from people, he liked being to his thoughts.

Leaning back towards the window, Louis opened it up a bit and took a deep breath of the wet air. He had to work tomorrow again, not that he minded. He liked his job, he liked working and helping. Plus the job paid which contributed to his independence. Regardless, he felt like a big change was upon him, and he hoped that is was not going to be something dangerous.
Number Six: ​Dominic

Dominic never felt more alive then when he was high in the sky. The wind underneath his wings, the clouds floating just below him. It made him feel, free. He didn't have to think of his old life and the monsters that chased after him, it was just him, the old sparrow, and the open sky. This time he was a falcon, fast and agile, soaring above the lesser birds.

He plummeted downwards towards the street. The wind blowing over his feathers, his heart steady pumping. He let out a glorious yell, and then pulled himself back up right before he would have hit the pavement.

He flew into a alley and changed back into his regular skin, the old Sparrow not far behind.

He changed into the clothes he had stored behind the dumpster and quickly headed out into the busy sidewalk.

The sparrow flapped and landed on his shoulder. The Old Sparrow spoke to me then, saying, "You know Dominic, one day you're going to kill yourself doing that."
((Just so everyone knows, you can have those letters sent out now, just make them up I guess as long as they say that everyone needs to find one another.))

Number Two: Blair

Blair stared down the large, burly man that stood in front of her, denying her access to the bar. "I'm sorry young lady, but you're not old enough." He said with a husky voice. She growled to herself, but didn't bother making her move. She knew better than to start things with humans, especially in public, she had to remain unknown and taking down a bouncer would surely raise an eye or two. With a deep sigh she turned back around and headed towards her motorcycle that was parked nearby. Right about now she was mentally hitting herself for having her ID say her real age, why didn't she put it as twentyone? The age on the ID was the only thing that was correct about her. As of right now, she was going by the name of Elena Fahey, a name she randomly got offline. Her once black hair was now dyed a deep burgundy color and though she liked it, she hated living as someone else.

Quickly she jumped on her bike and made her way back down the road leading to the house she was currently staying at. It wasn't the best place, but it would do for now. Awaiting her arrival was a small brown envelope taped on the front door. Nothing was written on the front, giving her no idea where it had come from. Slowly she pulled it off, eyeing the area around her for anyone that could be watching her. With one quick motion she opened it up and pulled out the letter that was inside. She read it twice, just to make sure she was reading it right.

"Dear Number Two,

We are informing you that you must find the others, there is no other way. The only way to win this war is altogether. Though number one is dead, you all should still be able to do this, but you will need to focus even harder now. Failure to find the others will surely mean death. Fight as one, win as one.

That being said, we cannot tell you the whereabouts of one another as that is too dangerous. You will know when you are by another member, but you have a short amount of time to get to them so be quick. That is all we can say for now. Please destroy this letter when finished reading."

Blair stared at it for a moment, wondering if what she was reading was real or some sort of trick. It wasn't signed by anyone or gave any clue who sent them out, but she knew she had to follow what was said, whether she wanted to or not.
I didn't really have a home. I lived amongst the animals or sometimes in ally ways with homeless people. I was constantly on the move, moving to a new city any time i just heard of something suspicious in the last.

Tonight me and the sparrow were standing infront of a metal barrel, its insides aflame. I gazed into the flames, arms extended so to warm them up.

His mind was else where though, on the letter he had found this morning. Well, the sparrow had found it underneath the great willow tree that we so often made our bed under.

He brought me the letter and dropped it at my feet.

I picked it up and read it, "Dear Number Six,

We are informing you that you must find the others, there is no other way. The only way to win this war is altogether. Though number one is dead, you all should still be able to do this, but you will need to focus even harder now. Failure to find the others will surely mean death. Fight as one, win as one.

That being said, we cannot tell you the whereabouts of one another as that is too dangerous. You will know when you are by another member, but you have a short amount of time to get to them so be quick. That is all we can say for now. Please destroy this letter when finished reading."

A silence fell.

My breath, cool whisps in the air.

My hearth thumping.

The Sparrow broke the silence, "Its time Dominic."
Rena cranked the handle of the motorcycle, speeding faster down the road. After a few minutes, she arrived at a normal suburban house that was about 2 stories high. She parked the black motorcycle into the driveway and walked up the porch steps. She spotted a note on the mat, and she leaned down and picking it up carefully. She opened it and read the letter that was inside.

Dear Number Five,

The time has come. You must rejoin forces with the others, or else this war will never end. I cannot tell you where the others are at the moment. That is up to you to find them. You must immediately set off, since there locations could be farther away there yours. There is no more time to waste. Hurry, Number Five. Before it's to late.

Before she tucked away the letter, she noticed at the bottom of the page, it said something in small letters.

Please, burn this letter after reading.

Rolling her eyes, she threw the letter into the shadows, and flicked a finger. Immediately, the letter was swarmed by a dark aura of darkness, and destroyed. Seeing there was no point in going inside her house, she turned back towards her motorcycle and sped off once again. She had to find the others.

(I so read up on I am number four and my first post was so silly haha. I understand more of what will happen now.))

Louis rose his head from watching the rain when he had heard rapture on his door. “Coming.” He said loudly, getting up from where he sat. Opening his door the mail man handed him a bunch of ads and a random envelope. He thanked the gentlemen and opened the letter, reading the content. Sighing he realized what this meant and his earlier fear now became very real. He had no way to burn this letter, but the next time he go the chance he will do so.

Walking back into his apartment he pulled out everything he would think he needed. He was now about the head to life on the road. He wondered if he should steal a car. Nah… That would be breaking the law. He could just hitchhike for a while. He will have to close up his apartment and call his job and tell them he was quitting. He needed to disconnect his phone and get rid of all signs he was here. He was a fool to even stay in one place for long.

Throwing on a heavy coat, Louis placed a small backpack on his back and then thought better of it and put it on the floor. He thought that maybe he should leave in the morning. No, he picked up the backpack again and sighed out loud. He needed to find everyone as soon as possible; it was the only way to assure no one else dies. They need to find Number 2 before anyone else. He only hoped that everyone found each other before any of them was killed again. Whoever sent the letter knew what they were talking about, only together will they survive.

Leaving the room he went down stairs and handed his key too the lay up front and told her he was leaving and apologized for the inconvenience. Soon after he completed all other tasks he needed to do and then dropped his phone into a trash bin.

, He thought, time to catch a ride.
"So, tell me Sparrow, where to now?"

The Sparrow rested on my shoulder as i walked down the dirt road.

They where somewhere in Oklahoma, i had concurred.

Walking aimlessly, hoping to feel something that would lead them to the others.

They had both agreed they had to find number 2 first, she was the first that would be in any real danger.

When they got to Number 2 then they could easily find the rest.

Or so i hoped.

"Just head North Dominic, all roads lead North." The Sparrow exclaimed, ruffling his feathers.

"You know, we could make faster time if i could fly," I started to protest, "But noooo, we had to pack ALL of our crap. I highly doubt we will need any of this when we find the others."

The Sparrow made a noise that could possibly have been a sigh.

"You aren't going to wear the same stinking clothes every day child. Besides, would you be able to part ways with your wonderful coffee?" Asked The Sparrow, picking at me.

My Coffee.

My wonderful, wonderful coffee.

"Shut up you old bird." I was agitated.

The Sparrow laughed but made no remark back, instead he flew off into the high grass beside us. He was gone only a second, he reemerged landing on my shoulder with a thick juicy worm in his beak.

He swallowed it whole, exhaled, then shut his eyes.

that little worthless ball of feathers, he knows how starving i am.

"Screw that."

I dropped my back pack and shook the bird off my shoulder.

I shook out of my clothes and fell to my knees.

When i hit the ground, i was a predator.

A lean, fast, hungry mountain lion.

i looked back at the Sparrow and flicked my tongue out.

The bird yelped and flew into a tree.

yeah thats what i thought.

I turned and darted into the brush, to find my prey.

This is my element, this is where i am strong.

No other monster could hurt me here, i was King.

or so i thought...
(Where did i use first person? With the Sparrow? Don't you think it would make more sense with the Sparrow? I dont want confusion between the two.)
((Okay, now I'm confused. You are using first person by saying things like, "i looked back at the Sparrow and flicked my tongue out." Instead of third person where it would be more like, "He looked back at the Sparrow and flicked his tongue out." Do you get what I'm trying to say?))
(ahhhh, im understanding now. When i think of first person i think of "Donovan want food. Donovan Hungry." said Donovan. But now i know what you are getting at)
(Dear God xD so no first person! Check! only second and third ^_^ got it! im still new to this thing, so bear with me)
((Only third! xD Second is that weird, "You come to a fork in the road and you decide to go right." It's weird. Lol And that's okay. We all gotta learn somehow, right? ^^))
Rena cranked the handle on her motorcycle again, going twice as fast as she was before. A few cars honked at her as she cut through the lanes on the highway, cutting other cars off.

"Okay.. I need to find Number Two first. Maybe on the way, the others will be there too." She murmured to herself, adjusting the black motorcycle helmet that was on her head. She made a sharp turn, and continued to drive forward.

5 hours later..~

Rena carefully parked her motorcycle under a street lamp, slipping off the Ducati and taking off her helmet. She smoothed her blonde hair, than gripped the helmet tightly in her left hand. The street lamp above her flickered madly, going out when she looked up at it. Grimacing, she walked down the street, sensing that Number Two was around here somewhere.

"Where could Number Two be?" She asked herself, looking around the darkened street.
After burning the letter with one quick motion of her hand, she set out to find the others. Blair wasn't much of a people person, but she knew this was the only way, she just had to bare with it. After hours and hours of driving, she finally found herself somewhere in Washington. She stopped at an old hole in the wall bar and slipped inside. Asking for a drink, the bartender surprisingly didn't ask for an ID, just handed her the strongest thing they had. She downed it in seconds before gesturing for another. She knew she probably shouldn't be drinking at a time like this, but it was the only way she was going to deal with people.

Suddenly she felt a burning pain shoot through her shoulder and she winced. A few people gave her odd looks, but she quickly vanished into the bathroom, before anyone could ask anything. The pain was starting to grow stronger and when she checked her shoulder in the mirror, she gasped. Her tattoo was starting to glow a bright blue, much like how her leg did when number one died. That had to mean one of the others was nearby. Without a second thought she through her black blazer on and ran outside, quickly hoping on her bike and taking off.

The farther she drove, the more her tattoo hurt. She had to be getting close to someone.

((I was thinking that she'd find Louis first and then the two could find Rena.))
(Would you like us to take on multiple characters? I am more than willing to do so.)

Louis had only gotten a few cities over through hitch hiking over the few days. For some reason he was a rather intimidating looking guy and people were weary of giving him a ride. Regardless, he was making some kind of progress. He supposed that was better than nothing. Deciding that he needed to get something to eat, he proceeded to walk around town looking for a grocery store. When he did find one, he got himself a couple danishes and two bottles of water.

Walking out of the store, Louis opened one of the danishes and began to snack on it. Suddenly his neck burned. The burning sensation startled him at first, but than it hit him why it was burning. Placing the Danish back into the bag he began to power walk a direction, he was not sure which, just one. When his neck grew warmer he knew he was getting closer. Soon be broke out into a run, his back pack bouncing on his back.

Soon he ran around a corner and straight in front of a bike. Louis gasped in surprise and tried to jump out of the way before they crashed.
((What do you mean by take on multiple characters? Like, play more than one number?))

Blair was driving like a bat of hell, ignoring all the speeding signs she flew past. She had only one thing on her mind right now and that was to find whoever was making her shoulder burn. Suddenly something appeared in front of her and she quickly swerved, trying her best to avoid hitting whatever it was. Instead she found herself on the ground, her bike a few feet from her. She growled, taking off her helmet and tossing it to the side. "What is your problem!" She hissed, glancing over at the person she just nearly hit. Within seconds her shoulder stopped burning and something dawned on her. He had to of been another number! Slowly she glanced over at her bike, the front of it had a few dents in it, but nothing major. "Are you... Are you one of them?" She questioned, not sure how else to phrase it.
(Alright. I'll just make one of those alien guys try to kill Rena or something heh.)

Rena continued to walk down the sidewalk, her boots making a loud clapping sound. Suddenly, a black light caught her attention. She pulled a little bit of her jacket down, showing her wrist. Sure enough, the black swirl on her wrist was glowing brightly. This could only mean one thing..

A loud explosion like sound echoed in front of her, and she ducked just in time to see a bullet fly just above her head. She put one hand on the ground, looking up to see one of the Mogadorian's aiming a bright red gun at her.

"Hello, Number Five." He grinned, showing rows of razor sharp teeth. He shot at her multiple times, but each time she dodged with lightning speed. The Mogadorian began getting angry, and he shot at her twice as fast. But she dodged every time.

Eventually, he stopped shooting and began reloading his gun with red bullets. That gave Rena just enough time. She chuckled to herself quietly, opening up her hands and closing her eyes. The wind became stronger, and shadows formed on her fingertips. When she opened back up her eyes, they were completely pitch black. The Mogadian was done reloading, and began to shoot at her once again. She began running at him, leaping across the entire street while dodging at the same time. She pulled out the glowing sword, and sliced his shoulder, making him screech in pain. When she landed, she had vanished into thin air. He turned, than looked frantically around to see where she would reappear.

Out of nowhere, she flew past his face, slicing the sword across his cheek. And than, while in midair, she disappeared again. The Mogadian screeched furiously, continuing to search for her again. But of course, he wasn't going to find her. Silently, she appeared behind him, and he didn't even seem to notice. She reached the sword in front of his neck, and slit it quickly. He turned to dust, and blew away in the wind. She sheathed the sword, and took a few steps back into a dark alley.

As soon as she entered the dark alley, the shadows closed in on her, and she was gone.
(Yes, so all the number got played! Just a thought haha.)

When the Girl fell over and he got unscathed, Louis looked to see if she was ok. She got up and threw her helmet on the ground and bounced a few feet away and started yelling at him. “I am so sorry! I was in a hurry and I did not look, are you ok?” He asked. The whole ordeal made him completely forget his tattoo.

When she paused in her rage and looked at her bike, something changed in her entire demeanor. Suddenly she turned around and asked him if he was one of them. Them? “Them?” He questioned, not quite catching her drift, “Look, are you ok, I am really—“

When Louis reached back and rubbed his neck he remembered that his tattoo has stopped burning and he had stopped mid sentence when he caught onto the meaning of ‘them’. “I uh… Number 7.” He said, it could be interpreted either way. If she really was a number, she will know what he means, but if not she probably had him mistaken for someone else.

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