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Fandom We All Know Life Finds A Way


Local Mushroom
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello, and thank you for popping into my little search thread here. I know this is a long shot, and there are likely not going to be many interested in doing a thread based on the Jurassic Park/World series. It has been a hot minute since I made a 1x1 search since I was away for a long break, but I thought I would try making a casual search after watching the Jurassic Park/World series again. I now have a craving to do a thread based on this dino world that always finds a way to go wrong no matter how hard people try to make it work. I am right now leaning more toward doing something taking place during the Jurassic World series (I haven’t seen the final film yet), but I can be convinced to have something towards a thread taking place during the original trilogy.

I am more than fine with doing Canon x Oc, but when it comes to myself I am leaning more towards Oc x Oc, but if you want me to write say Owen for you I am fine with that. However, that does not mean I want to only play Owen. I am hoping to double up so we can build our story. Add drama, and twists, and even rewrite a few things to our liking. Let us have fun with it, I want this to be more casual and fun so let's just have fun with it

About Me:
-I am 20+, and I use feminine pronouns (but I am not picky)
-I can write anywhere from 700-2K+ words. It all depends on what is going on in a scene. However, I am looking for something more casual so I don’t want to be putting any pressure on large posts.
-I can and will send all the headcanons, memes, ideas, etc. Please let me simp over your characters please, I am on my knees begging.
-I am chatty in OOC, if you couldn’t tell from the above bullet point
-I am comfortable playing different characters and am most familiar with the big three regarding shipping (mxm, fxf, and mxf).
-I enjoy romance and dark themes as much as the next person, however, I will not touch things like incest, rape, or content with minors with a ten-foot pole. It can be a part of a character’s backstory but I don’t want to rp it out.
-I prefer to plan over PMs or Discord (Which I can give if asked), but when it comes to the rp itself I am fine with a thread or PMs.
-I am ghosting-friendly, but I would prefer a little warning.

About You:
- No Minors please, I am in my twenties and would prefer if my partners were 18+
- I prefer someone who can write at least two paragraphs so I can have a little substance. I don’t expect novels for every response due to the casual nature of this search.
- I want someone who can collaborate with me. Build the story and add to the drama with me.
- Someone who is comfortable with dark topics, the Jurassic Park/World series does contain death and violence. You know with the consuming of people and such.
- I also want a partner who is comfortable with doubling, as well as playing minor NPCs that characters may interact with.
- No need to send me writing samples, just bring yourself to the fun this is meant to be casual after all.

Pairing Types I will do:
Oc x Oc
Canon x Oc

Sorry Canon x Canon folks

Possible Pairings:
Visitor x Visitor
Researcher x Visitor
Handler x Visitor
Handler x Handler
Researcher x Handler
Researcher x Researcher

These are just ones off the top of my head.

Note: These character ideas are not set in stone, and do not have to be used.
Keeping these guys gender-neutral so I can change as needed.
Sabertooth Handler: The sabretooth is the first mammal in the Jurassic World Park. This handler was called in to work with these guys due to previous experience in working with big cats. However, this pair of predators is more than they ever dreamed about. The Handler looks over a pair of bonded females who ended up protecting this handler when it all goes to shit at the park. They are not called in to handle the Indominus rex but trouble comes to them. They are only called in once numbers of handlers start dropping.
Indominus Handler: They once were a researcher who was present for the hatching of the Indominus Rex babies, nature told them not to interfere when one of the babies attempted to eat the other, but before they knew it that head stepped in and rescued the creature. This Indominus is very much the runt of the pair, and the handler has never directly interacted with her but she knows their face and voice well. At the time of the film, she is not nearly as big as her escaped sister, and the Handler is called in to help contain/recapture the beast. At some point, the runt is either released or escapes her enclosure.
From The Past: This visitor is no ordinary visitor, they were part of the original group of people who went to Isla Nublar twenty-two years ago. Their parent had managed to get them to come along during that first investigation, and they barely managed to survive that first run-through. Never again did they think they would be back again, but they couldn’t go when they were called about finding the remains of their lost parent. They just so happen to arrive when all hell breaks loose. Through a series of unfortunate events, they end up getting dragged into helping out, with the experience they have it can’t be that bad right?
Researcher: They are visiting from a foreign branch of the company, delivering data and DNA that their site was working on. Their branch had made hybrid dinos before, however, they were nothing like the Indominus. They just do things like making giant butterflies and moths. When they are there visiting, they get pulled into examining the Indominus with Owen to see if everything is all good. And they were horrified with what they saw in front of them. Luckily when all hell breaks loose they may know more than it seems, and they will get their hands dirty on the field.
Single Mom Here: This character is my only gendered character idea, though this could easily become a single dad situation. This single mom was just trying to go on a nice vacation with her kid. Get away from their troubles awhile, and of course, the little one wanted to go see the dinos. However, now she regrets caving to the charms of her sweet little one. But when her child gets whisked away in a glass ball ride no force on earth will stop her. And it certainly helps that she has experience with this shit after surviving the first island extraction attempt in 1997 plus the military experience might help too.
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Wouldn't mind another partner or two for this search.
Hello, and thank you for popping into my little search thread here. I know this is a long shot, and there are likely not going to be many interested in doing a thread based on the Jurassic Park/World series. It has been a hot minute since I made a 1x1 search since I was away for a long break, but I thought I would try making a casual search after watching the Jurassic Park/World series again. I now have a craving to do a thread based on this dino world that always finds a way to go wrong no matter how hard people try to make it work. I am right now leaning more toward doing something taking place during the Jurassic World series (I haven’t seen the final film yet), but I can be convinced to have something towards a thread taking place during the original trilogy.

I am more than fine with doing Canon x Oc, but when it comes to myself I am leaning more towards Oc x Oc, but if you want me to write say Owen for you I am fine with that. However, that does not mean I want to only play Owen. I am hoping to double up so we can build our story. Add drama, and twists, and even rewrite a few things to our liking. Let us have fun with it, I want this to be more casual and fun so let's just have fun with it

About Me:
-I am 20+, and I use feminine pronouns (but I am not picky)
-I can write anywhere from 700-2K+ words. It all depends on what is going on in a scene. However, I am looking for something more casual so I don’t want to be putting any pressure on large posts.
-I can and will send all the headcanons, memes, ideas, etc. Please let me simp over your characters please, I am on my knees begging.
-I am chatty in OOC, if you couldn’t tell from the above bullet point
-I am comfortable playing different characters and am most familiar with the big three regarding shipping (mxm, fxf, and mxf).
-I enjoy romance and dark themes as much as the next person, however, I will not touch things like incest, rape, or content with minors with a ten-foot pole. It can be a part of a character’s backstory but I don’t want to rp it out.
-I prefer to plan over PMs or Discord (Which I can give if asked), but when it comes to the rp itself I am fine with a thread or PMs.
-I am ghosting-friendly, but I would prefer a little warning.

About You:
- No Minors please, I am in my twenties and would prefer if my partners were 18+
- I prefer someone who can write at least two paragraphs so I can have a little substance. I don’t expect novels for every response due to the casual nature of this search.
- I want someone who can collaborate with me. Build the story and add to the drama with me.
- Someone who is comfortable with dark topics, the Jurassic Park/World series does contain death and violence. You know with the consuming of people and such.
- I also want a partner who is comfortable with doubling, as well as playing minor NPCs that characters may interact with.
- No need to send me writing samples, just bring yourself to the fun this is meant to be casual after all.

Pairing Types I will do:
Oc x Oc
Canon x Oc

Sorry Canon x Canon folks

Possible Pairings:
Visitor x Visitor
Researcher x Visitor
Handler x Visitor
Handler x Handler
Researcher x Handler
Researcher x Researcher

These are just ones off the top of my head.

Note: These character ideas are not set in stone, and do not have to be used.
Keeping these guys gender-neutral so I can change as needed.
Sabertooth Handler: The sabretooth is the first mammal in the Jurassic World Park. This handler was called in to work with these guys due to previous experience in working with big cats. However, this pair of predators is more than they ever dreamed about. The Handler looks over a pair of bonded females who ended up protecting this handler when it all goes to shit at the park. They are not called in to handle the Indominus rex but trouble comes to them. They are only called in once numbers of handlers start dropping.
Indominus Handler: They once were a researcher who was present for the hatching of the Indominus Rex babies, nature told them not to interfere when one of the babies attempted to eat the other, but before they knew it that head stepped in and rescued the creature. This Indominus is very much the runt of the pair, and the handler has never directly interacted with her but she knows their face and voice well. At the time of the film, she is not nearly as big as her escaped sister, and the Handler is called in to help contain/recapture the beast. At some point, the runt is either released or escapes her enclosure.
From The Past: This visitor is no ordinary visitor, they were part of the original group of people who went to Isla Nublar twenty-two years ago. Their parent had managed to get them to come along during that first investigation, and they barely managed to survive that first run-through. Never again did they think they would be back again, but they couldn’t go when they were called about finding the remains of their lost parent. They just so happen to arrive when all hell breaks loose. Through a series of unfortunate events, they end up getting dragged into helping out, with the experience they have it can’t be that bad right?
Researcher: They are visiting from a foreign branch of the company, delivering data and DNA that their site was working on. Their branch had made hybrid dinos before, however, they were nothing like the Indominus. They just do things like making giant butterflies and moths. When they are there visiting, they get pulled into examining the Indominus with Owen to see if everything is all good. And they were horrified with what they saw in front of them. Luckily when all hell breaks loose they may know more than it seems, and they will get their hands dirty on the field.
Single Mom Here: This character is my only gendered character idea, though this could easily become a single dad situation. This single mom was just trying to go on a nice vacation with her kid. Get away from their troubles awhile, and of course, the little one wanted to go see the dinos. However, now she regrets caving to the charms of her sweet little one. But when her child gets whisked away in a glass ball ride no force on earth will stop her. And it certainly helps that she has experience with this shit after surviving the first island extraction attempt in 1997 plus the military experience might help too.
I would love to do one. PM me.
Heyo! I’d love to explore this with ya! It gives me a chance to brush off the first (and only) oc I’ve made for this franchise, she could use the tune up < 3
Peachy.Q Peachy.Q I am excited to have you! I only have one fleshed-out character, so I get it. Would you prefer to discuss this further over Pms, or are you a discord person.
Heyo! I’d love to explore this with ya! It gives me a chance to brush off the first (and only) oc I’ve made for this franchise, she could use the tune up < 3
If you’re still looking, I would absolutely love to plot something with you. I can be any character for you. I dmed you. ❤️

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