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Fantasy Wave Crashers (Riding the Waves of the Great Sea) IC [OPEN]



Ten Thousand Club


Riding the Waves of the Great Sea​


Nebulesse Hananui

A warm ray of sunshine peeked through the simple blinds of his window, falling upon the man's face. The warm embrace tickled his cheek, rousing the man from slumber.

"Mm.." he gently groaned, before his eyes sleepily blinked open.

The brown haired man rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Then he reached for his glasses and placed them across the bridge of his nose. Blinking once more, he glanced to the side. There on his nightstand was a piece of tanned paper. It seemed hastily folded.
Concerned, and with growing anticipation in his stomach he reached over and picked it up. Opening it up with the telltale crinkle of rough paper he read the contents.

Dearest Father,
Forgive your foolish daughter's insolence. I know you said it was still too soon. But my heart is telling me I must go. I will be going to Blue Wave Academy. Im older than most Academy students anyway! It's time, dad. Time for me to go. Please don't worry or be upset! I'll always be thinking of you.
Love always, your daughter forever,
Nebbie <3

It was hastily scribbled heart and all, but written with the obvious care and devotion of the girl he called daughter. Astu couldn't help but feel tears welling up. He sniffled a bit, pushed up his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. It was too early in the morning to be receiving attacks like this! Still, he knew this day was coming, but thought he had prepared himself for it.

After a moment of wistful calming, emotions pacifying, he lowered the note down to rest in his lap.


"Uncle, Uncle! Look look! My Qua Fashia! I've completed it!"
"Oh~? Show me then, little one!"
"You don't have to tell me! I was gunna do that already!! Here look - ahhhhhh!!!!"
Neb placed her hands very close to each other, with only about an inch or so apart.

The little girl was screaming, focusing extremely hard. Her piercing blue eyes were perhaps appearing even a bit more piercing than usual? Fixated entirely on the space between her palms.
The big man beside her stared in intrigue, fists on his hips.


She continued to scream, until...
Water formed between her palms. Tyburn looked impressed. But what happened next impressed him even more.
The bubble of water began to spin. Then it compressed, turning into nothing more than a singular ball of water, compressed to about a centimeter. This compression and spinning caused it to glow.



A laser-like hiss sounded out as the water fired out from between her fingers like a water spout. A beam of gold flashed across the man's eyes.

"Like a shooting star," he breathed.

Observing as the white-glowing water struck a nearby tree, and exploded a sizeable half-circular hole in it.

"AH-HA! Well done!! Well done, Neb!" Tyburn praised, eyes glittering. "Hm.. you compress water and fire it out with such intense pressure, just like a laser beam." He took a moment to analyze her Qua Fashia. "Yes. Hah. Interesting. Quite interesting. Nebbie, you remarkable girl! You're gunna be a menace across the 6 seas!" He praised, lifting her up, tossing her up as she giggled in delight by his praise. Then he rested the girl on his broad shoulder.

"HA HA HA! C'mon, let's go get dinner!"

"Mm!" Neb agreed, smiling ear to ear.

She was feeling especially full of herself! Proudful of her ability. It must've been a great ability! Uncle Tyburn praised it so!


"!!" Neb awoke with a start. The gentle, rhythmic sway of a boat beneath her an instant reminder of where she was, drifting across the ocean. It seems she had fallen asleep at some point.

Diing, diing, diing, diing.

The annoying sudden and constant pinging filled her ears. Demanding immediate attention.

"Huh?! Ahh!" The purple-haired girl scrambled around, hands grasping things and tossing them all over her dinghy. Finally she found it!

Pulling it up out of her colorful knapsack, she lifted up the Purple Jewel of the Sea.



Cried out the masculine voice.


She replied in shock.

Purple Jewels of the Sea were purple-colored orbs that allowed voices to connect to other PJs across vast distances. Some speculated they were created by someone's Qua Fashia a long time ago, and spread out across the seas. Others speculated they were just special artifacts that the seas themselves formed, due to their gemstone-like appearance. Others believed they were some sort of mystic items created by Underdwellers. But whatever the case, they were quite useful, although fairly rare.


Uh-oh, he was mad.

"How could you leave without saying goodbye?! You left in the middle of the night!"
He mentioned the night, because he was concerned for her safety, and if she was rested. Though that probably didn't come out in his tone.

"Uhhh, but daddy.. I said goodbye."

"What are you talking about? You didn't say goodbye in your letter."
He replied, a bit put off. His tone of voice sounded a bit hurt.

She thought back to that night.


Gentle ocean-blue eyes opened in the dark of night. With moonlight lighting up her room, Neb's feet plonked on the wooden floor, as she got up out of bed.

She quickly shoved some items into her pack that she had prepared earlier that day.

A moment later she stepped out of her room, the moonlight lighting the path before her, as she walked forward and sneaked down the stairs, stepping carefully to not make any noise. Wincing when one of the old wooden stairs creaked, pausing to see if it drew any attention.

Another moment passed and she gently opened the door to Astu's room. Pushing open the door, she peered in to the spacious study. Rows of bookshelves lined the walls, filled to the brim with various reading material. Most of which she had not read, despite her father diligently pleading her to do so. She simply had no patience for it.

She passed across the floor, passing by various trinkets, knickknacks, and other various trophies and artifacts that her father owned. Most of which she figured were brought back by mama as gifts or mementos from her adventures.

Astu's chest rose softly, as she stepped up beside his sleeping form, tucked warmly into his humble bed. She looked down at him, briefly observing her sleeping father, cementing his image in her mind. For she was not going to return for a very long time. His breath was warm and gentle. A small smile appeared on her lips. Those were traits said to indicate powerful water and good control; he would've made a good Wave Crasher. She found herself stalled by this realization, briefly finding solace in how proud it made her feel.

Then Neb picked up his glasses off of his nightstand and softly set her letter down, placing the glasses atop them. She turned back to her father. Another smile crossed her features, even while tears appeared in her eyes. They looked like little sparkling sapphires in her eyes. She bent down, brushed some of his shaggy brown hair, then kissed his cheek. "Goodbye, daddy."

With that, she pulled out of his room, but stalled for a moment longer in his doorway. With one last longing glance at him, she pulled the door shut behind her. Only quiet left behind, as the man slept soundly, completely unaware.


She heard a sigh come through the crystal. "Are you prepared? Did you take with you everything you need?" He asked, moving on with the conversation.

"!! Mhm! Yes! I made sure to think of what I needed and packed accordingly!"

"Good, good.." he mumbled, knowing his daughter. She tended to be a bit absentminded about that sorta thing. Common sense didn't come well to her. The girl who only thought of adventure and being a Wave Crasher. "Food?"

"Yup! I packed tons of it!" She answered, glancing about the deck. There were many bags filled with grapes all around the deck.

Even though he wasn't there, he could imagine what she had packed for food, causing him to sigh again. He knew of his daughter's intense love of grapes. Even though they were grapefolk, her intense craving for them was something altogether remarkable and unusual.

"How's the dinghy?"

"It's holding up! It's been faring well. Even rocked me to sleep.."

"That's good." He had been sorta worried about that. Their boat was small and fairly old. He had used it often to sail to nearby islands, but wasn't so sure about a voyage across seas.

"Okay.. daughter." He drew in a deep breath. "Do you know the way to the Academy?"

Neb froze at the question. Her mind went blank. She glanced around, and scrambled through her bag, trying to find the map she had packed. "Uhh..."

The man sighed. "There it is. I knew there would be something..."

"But dad! I-"

"Neb," he began, cutting her off. "Pay attention, I'll tell you the way."

"Yes! Thank you, daddy!"

Back on the porch, where he had been sitting, with his own Purple Jewel of the Sea sitting on the nearby table, a small smile appeared on his lips. "Okay, first..."

After he relayed the information on how to get there, making double -triple sure she had retained the information, enough to assuage his concern, he took on a more sterner tone.

"Be well, take care of yourself. Be vigilant. Train well. Keep your eyes and ears open. Be respectful and learn from your teachers. When you return, I want to see a girl who has surpassed her mother. Surpassed both of her parents. I love you, my daughter. I'm proud of you."

Her father's melancholic and serene voice brought tears to her eyes.

"Mm! I will, I will! I love you, too, daddy!!"

A subtle sniffle could be heard from over the Purple Jewel. "Okay, Neb, what do Wave Crashers always say?"

As he asked his question, her mood raised considerably. Sniffling and leaking tears, she recited the mantra, raising a fist up to the sky. "I hereby claim I'll live my life as I see fit! I will ride the waves of freedom! I will find my treasure! All this world is mine!!"

"-is mine!" Her father's voice echoed on the jewel.

And that's where their chat ended, the Purple Jewels both losing their glow, going dormant. The sudden cut-out of the jewels caught Neb off guard, and made her feel sad once again. But she sucked that back and smiled, looking up at the sky, heart full of adventure. She was glad her father had called. She had needed that one last chat. It had given her the courage to face forward.

"Yes. Yes it is yours, Neb.." Astu murmured to himself back on the porch, before lighting up his pipe and putting it to his lips. "Be sure to claim it; I know you can." He said before blowing a ring of smoke up to the bright blue sky he knew his daughter was looking up to at that moment as well.
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It had been a mellow journey across the Sunlight Sea towards the Great Sea. Oh, so relaxing. Above, the serene sky sparkled as blue as the peaceful oceanic waters she sailed forth on. These two seas were known for their mostly calm waters, so trade between the two was prevalent, and journeys across them was a common occurrence. To the point that both seas had earned the names the Sleepy Sea and Peaceful Sea, respectively.

"♫phu pu puu phu puuu
do doo do doooo
phu pyuu pu phyuuu
do dyu do dyooo♫"

Came a fun and gentle melody from a small boat, floating across the open blue.

"Phuaa~" Neb breathed out, eyelids closing, flute drooping from her lips, lulled by the tranquil waters.

Her head was filled with all the day dreams of being a great Wave Crasher she was having, that she almost forgot where she was! She had crossed over into the Great Sea some time ago.

"Whac! Whac!"

Came the quack-like bark of her seadog.

Seadogs were animals that essentially were sea..dogs. Household pets that could swim and breathe underwater. They were doglike in the front and fish-like in the back. For Hawk, he looked like a light blue corgi, but if a corgi had a shark fin and tentacles for back legs. He was absolutely adorable! But not very threatening.

The purple-haired girl gasped at the alarm, eyes shooting open, sitting up with such fervor to rock her little boat.

Then her eyes spread wide.

The Academy was in view, there on the horizon. Almost before the very landmass it sat upon. A twinkling monument unlike any other, that immediately captured your attention. As she sailed ever closer, its splendor grew and grew in her eyes.

It was a stunning structure. It was 2 parts humanity's greatest achievement and ingenuity, and 1 part otherworldly design.

The part that looked like it was made by human hands was the cleanest, pristineist white. Then there was the part that did not look like it was made by human hands. An otherworldly design and construction of twisted shapes and forms. Architecture that appeared more like Hydrokinesis than anything else. And perhaps it was.

The shape that gave the Academy its name. Architecture figured in the shapes of crashing deep blue waves. Elegant and commanding in appearance. Neb could only stare up in awe at the school. She had never before seen any building like this.

This was Blue Wave Academy.

She was going to go here!

Where the world's best Wave Crashers learned!

Her belly was filled with butterflies.

She couldn't wait!

She glanced to the side of her boat where Hawk swam along. His cute little face turned to hers, as if filled with the same excitement. "Lets go!" she exclaimed.

"Vvhack!" came Hawk's enthusiastic response, splashing along.



"Gold Laser!!!"

A purple-haired girl shouted, firing out a compressed laser of water, glowing a bright light as it whizzed across the opulent hall.

The woman at the other end lazily put up her hand beside her cheek, swatting away the laser like nothing more than swatting a fly. A small rectangle of water was there between her hand and the laser, which bounced off, flying harmlessly away and striking the back wall.

"Huh?!" Neb was flummoxed.

The woman clicked her tongue, briefly glancing where she knocked aside the attack.

"That's it? ..How disappointing." She said with a shake of her head.

Neb was completely stunned. No one had ever responded to her Qua Fashia like that. She hadn't seen anyone so unperturbed by it. It was as if all her hard work was nothing in the eyes of this woman! That made Neb feel sick to her stomach.

"To think that's the level your at.. What have you been doing all this time?" She sighed and righted herself once more, standing up straight, puffing out her chest, and bringing her hand up through her hair to brush it back in place, as if remembering to maintain her dignified disposition. Opening her eyes, displaying Sundrops within them.

"What a pedestrian attack. You call that a Qua Fashia? Very well. Then allow this loyal servant of yours, to discipline this apostate, I will bring back this wayward disciple into your chest," she said raising up her hand till it was right with her bosom.

"To toil and labor for one's Lord is the ultimate form of love and fidelity. To be free means to be slave to one's bestial nature. Freedom is sin. Devotion is righteous. Vassal of Sunlight, the Staff of Scourging, Serventra."

Along with the words she was saying, water appeared before her. It spread out, taking shape as she spoke. Until finally it took upon the shape of a staff. As she intoned the final words, "Staff of Scourging," then finally, "Serventra," a spiral of water appeared at the tip, forming into a 6-pointed star at the very end. "The Six Doctrines of the Day."

In her hand, was that of a noble and majestic, blue staff, that was befit of her exalted appearance.

Her Qua Fashia?!?! Neb thought anxiously.

She raised up her staff. And it glowed. "Be humble, my dear. That is the true path of the servant. Remember Qua Fashia are not special, you are not special. To be special is sin. The only special person is the Divine Light." The glow of her staff shifted to the star. Then spread to the tips of the star as water bubbles formed on each. Her own glowed, with the Sundrops within them glowing ever brighter. "Doctrine One. Rays of Sunshine. Falling. Is Her Love. Accept her love, accept her warmth. Embracing Sunlight~!"

The 6 bubbles simmered and boiled, like water heated on a stove. They glowed gold and suddenly fired immense beams of weighty water in the form of gold rays right at her. Neb could only stand there, still, shocked to her core. Her own eyes lighting up with pure gold from the attack, her body basking in a warmth as it grew...


"-Neb! Neb! NEBULESSE!"

"Huh~?!" Nebulesse came to, startled by the overly loud, masculine voice. She flicked her head around. She was rocking in the gentle waters of the ocean, sitting atop a surfboard.

Class was in session. They were out on the ocean beside the school. Blue Wave Academy was behind them.

Blue Wave Academy. The biggest school in the world. The school where aspiring Wave Crashers went. The school the boasted the best Wave Crasher graduates across the world. Oh yeah. She was apart of that school! She was in class right now! Professor Anchor's class, to be specific! A man ranked Sea King. He was a big brick of a man. Tall and beefy. He didn't fit your typical idea of a stuffy professor. And his appearance was mismatched for his otherwise patient and accommodating attitude. Still, today, a certain girl was trying even his patience.

Professor Anchor taught Wave Crashing 101. It was everything about being a Wave Crasher. One of the Academy's fundamental classes.

Professor Anchor
guy use.png

What had she been thinking about?... Had she drifted off, like she was want to do? What had she been dreaming about?... Had it been a dream at all? She couldn't even remember now. But for some reason, there was a subtle feeling of despair in the pit of her stomach. Though, it quickly dissipated.

Blue Wave Academy was white and blue. With much of its grandiose architecture being in the form of big blue waves. It sat on the edge of the Grand Peninsula. Touching the ocean. It had a string of well-maintained, well-built wooden docks out before it. Where many ships came and went, docking for various purposes. They were the boats of students, of teachers. Of dignitaries from across the world. Of merchants who came to the school to hawk their wares. People like that. It was called a school, but it was actually more like a cultural hub, where many many people gathered. Blue Wave Academy was just such an institution.

And Wave Crashers were everywhere.

The network of docks were also frequented by the Academy's students, as classes often took place in the ocean. Beside the beach, there were useful amenities for classes. A hut for food and other various classroom essentials. Stuck into the beach were a forest of surfboards, some hung stylishly on racks. Everyone had their own surfboard.

Neb's surfboard was of the night sky, filled to the brim with shooting stars. She had designed it upon arrival. The Surfboard Design Team had made it to her specifications. Then, she had been given it per admittance to the school. Just like everyone else.

"Nebulesse!" Came the annoyed voice of her teacher. He was staring at her with a frown. "Earth to Nebulesse! Are you daydreaming again? How much do you sleep? This is the... well the umpteenth time now! Are you even here? If you don't want to be, you can go. You'd think with graduation right around the corner you'd want to be paying as much attention as possible."

"What?! NO! No, no! I'm here, I'm here, Professor Anchor!" Nebulesse declared, somewhat fraught.

"Hmph. Then perhaps you can answer this question. Don't worry, it's a simple one. What's the most useful skill a Wave Crasher can learn?"

"Oh, I can, sir!" pipped up a boy, floating on his own surfboard nearby. "It's Hydrokinesis!" He answered proudfully, smirking, chest swelling up.

The teacher sighed.

"That's incorrect, Waylin."


The boy who answered prided himself on being an insufferable know-it-all. It seemed his hubris caught up to him this time.

The class laughed at him, happy to see him trip up and get a bit of well-deserved comeuppance. He deflated, sheepishly looking around.

Neb glowed. "Oh, that's easy! Wave Riding!"

The big man seemed pleased, or at least semi-impressed. "Correct!" He began. "Wave Riding! Or as we like to call it, 'Wave Crashing'! Now. That's why we're all out here today. With Graduation fast approaching, you'd think aspiring Wave Crashers like yourselves would at the very least want to be masters of this very useful and basic skill, don't you think?"

"Yes, Professor Anchor!" The students all chorused.

"Alright. Neb, since you answered, would you like to show us how to Wave Ride? Just as a refresher."

Neb grinned, her natural tendency to show off quickly taking over. "I'd love to, professor!"

She stood up on her surfboard, with all eyes on her.

"Okay. Class, watch as Neb Wave Rides."

With that, Nebulesse leapt off her board. (For Wave Riding with a board was like using training wheels. Pro Wave Crashers just used Hydrokinesis. After all, you didn't always have your board with you.)

"Hm. Great form." It was clear she had trained in Wave Riding from a young age. She was used to crashing waves.

Her feet hit the water and suddenly she took off. Taking the stance of a surfer -sans surfboard- her body skidded along the surface of the ocean, with a satisfying spray of water coming from behind her. "Yeaaaaaah!!!!" she caterwauled, raising up her hands, before assuming the stance again. She bent lower and picked up speed, with an actual wave rising up under her feet, as if 'carrying' her. Then she flew off the wave and did a twist, before landing back in the water with a satisfying splash, slicing through it with skill and finesse, turning back towards the class. She finished by slowing down as she arrived back to the class, turning and only spraying them just a little bit.

"That's some damn fine wave crashing!" Anchor said, with the class clapping.

Neb looked mighty pleased with herself. Or perhaps, the girl was just experiencing a rush unlike any other. The rush of being a Wave Crasher.

"Okay, now. Class, we're all gunna smooth out our wave riding, as well as some of our other fundamentals for graduation. And that'll be the class for the day. Actually speaking, everyone has done well over this year; there isn't much left to teach you in this class. I'm proud of you all."

With that, that's what they did for the rest of the afternoon.

At some point, Professor Anchor spoke with each student. As he said, generally speaking, he was proud of everyone's performance and progress. But still, everyone had at least one aspect they could improve on. It was this aspect that he spoke to them about. For each student he took them aside and discussed where they could improve. He told them to focus on that before graduation.

As the sun began to set in the evening Professor Anchor spoke once again at class's end.

"As you know, Graduation is coming up this weekend. If today's class was anything to go by, you're all great Wave Crashers! However, if you want to graduate then you each know what you need to focus on. Shore up those weaknesses of yours, and you'll graduate for sure! Okay, we won't meet again, so, get out there and..." The big man sniffled. He bent down and rubbed his face with the back of his hand. Looking up once again he said, "'Claim the world'!"

"Claim the world!!!" the class roared, fists raised up.

Graduation was this weekend.

Everyone knew what Graduation was. It was a school-wide tournament. Now you didn't have to win your fight to graduate. All you had to do was impress the staff and the Wave Crashers Union. If all went well, then you'd be given an official Wave Crashers license and your starter rank after the tournament.

Still, the coveted spot of Champion of Blue Wave Academy was on everyone's minds, otherwise known as the Azure Wave. Not every Wave Crasher could boast the title. But those that did were known far and wide. And it came with certain perks.

Who would it be this year?

Would it be anyone from the Student Council? Would it be those battlenuts from the Gánjyüün Combat Club? Would it be Anchor's Top Students? Or would it be any number of students who were "one's to watch out for" spread across the academy? Any one of those dark waterhorses that could shake up the Wave Crasher scene?

These questions were on everyone's minds. And everyone probably had their own hopeful in mind.

After class, walking the pristine white halls of the Academy, Nebulesse stopped at the bulletin board.

She pulled off the flyer officially announcing Blue Wave's Annual Academy-wide tournament, 'Riding the Azure Wave'. With a smirk, the girl crumpled the paper. "That title's mine!"
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"Woah, already?" Perri sighed, "How many people ya think are gonna be attending?" She asks Nebbie from over her shoulder, bent over to take a closer look at the poster. "I bet it's going to be a real spectacle."
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Blue Wave Academy had been what was essentially a mandatory stepping stone for Kame’s progress and true goals. Outside of classes, he interacted very little with the school as a whole, only doing what he absolutely needed to in order to pass and finally receive his Wave Crasher license. Yet sitting on his surfboard in Professor Anchor’s class, having to learn about the fundamentals of Hydrokinesis when he already had a solid enough grasp of the basics was a particular kind of frustrating to the young man. And yet, he still showed up to class, paid attention, and took whatever value he could out of Anchor’s lessons. At least on this last day there would be something entertaining.

Kame could’ve very easily awoken the sleeping Nebulesse, but what would be the fun in that? It was much funnier to see the Professor reprimand her in his own roundabout way. But he couldn’t blame the girl, they were so close to finally having control of their own journeys at this point, so class might’ve felt… like a fallen tree in the middle of their road to greatness? So when it finally came time for them to practice their Wave Riding, Kame had done his best to focus on what he actually needed to work on: being impossible to catch. Taking notes from Neb’s performance, he bobbed and weaved through the water, cutting his own winding and curving path against the wave rather than with it.

“Kame. If you want to stay fluid and untouchable when you’re riding, it's better for you to use the waves rather than fight against them”. The young man sucked his teeth, a little upset that the professor was good enough at his job to read him for filth. “But what if the waves are going in a direction I don’t want them to?” Professor Anchor paused for a moment, squinting his eyes as he pondered over an appropriate answer to the question. “You’ve got to feel it out”.

For the rest of the classtime, those words stuck with him. How was he supposed to make a decision based on how he’s feeling? What if he was upset? What if he was sad? Wouldn’t making a decision based on emotions be heavily impacted by how he treated his own? It would be something that Kame would continue to wonder about, leaving him checked out for the rest of the class. On his way out the Academy, he would stumble upon the same bulletin board that Nebulesse and Perri seemed to gather around, probably infatuated with the idea earning the title of Azure Wave. He approached the pair from behind, taking one of the advertisements for himself. “You’d have to be real confident in what you can do if you’re already claiming the top spot. You’d better keep an eye on your competition rather than fantasizing about victory.”
"Well, it's good to envision what you wanted and how you'd get it right?" Perri asked, mildly irritated. Did he really just walk over here to tell them what to do?

"Anyways, we've got at least two weeks to prepare, that's plenty time," totally.

Frickin' prick.

(she accidentally said the last part out loud)
The beautiful sea's lullaby played below her, waves pushing against the edge of their school. To themselves, they hummed along to match the lullaby below the balcony. Ashlynn watched the moonlight dance across the waves till she grew weary. Tomorrow will be as busy as today. Graduation weekend was always the busiest for the student council, and on top of that responsibility, parfait was her training for the tournament. Ashlynn also had to finish poster duty tomorrow. Hopefully, the teacher will excuse her absence. After all, when duty calls, one must answer. It grabbed the candle and left for its bed. After suffocating the light, it drifted off to sleep.

What an awful dream... most of it was hazy, but Ashlynn could easily assume what it was about. Parts of them wished they'd just stayed up, listening to the sea the entire night. If that wasn't enough, their daily rounds turned up a student's quarrel.

"You need to pay for that!"
"It was your fault that it broke, not mine!"

Ashlynn rubbed its temples as it walked up to the argument. As soon as they two saw Ashlynn their loud argument tapered off. Ashlynn's icy blue eyes stared at them both, waiting for them to explain the situation. Chiming up first was the one holding the remains of a board in their hands, split in two. "This person broke my board and I want them to pay for its repair."

"Only because you recklessly ran into me," the other retorted.
"That doesn't give you any right to kick my board!"
"For all I know, you could've been trying to attack me, get me out of the running before graduation!"

"Enough. You both are acting more like children rather than wave crashers. Power is not the only way to solve conflicts on the sea, you should keep that in mind. You," Ashlynn to the one with the broken board. "Be more careful in the halls and turning corners. Or at the very least, get better at dodging people. And as for the other one, you should understand when you've made a mistake and own up to it. I won't report either of you as long as you help them fix their board after class."

A collective, "Understood," came from both of them. She then took the board and, drawing on some water nearby, temporarily fused the two parts with ice.

"Given how this is your last class before graduation, I highly recommend you master wave riding if you want to graduate on time," Ashlynn did a once over, making sure that the ice would likely melt beyond being stable right before the end of class. It then handed back the board along with a flyer listing where they could repair it for free. Ashlynn then continued on their route.

While Ashlynn did its duties, it took a few glances at Anchor's class. Those students are in great hands, Anchor always had good advice. However, the one who keeps dozing off may find herself in troubled waters. Ashlynn couldn't help but find it funny it was those types of eccentrics that always seemed to impress the most. Maybe it's because they have the most to prove, or potential breeds oddity. However it worked, she knew one thing, this graduation was guaranteed to be interesting.

Eventually, she had finished all the rounds needed. Just as class ended it seemed. Many students were gathering around bulletin boards, clamoring about graduation. Ashlynn did feel a tinge of annoyance to see the sleepy oddball crumpling up one of the flyers she'd spent the day posting. Oh well, excitement often gets the better of people. Ashlynn would've turned to leave if she had not overheard the potential start of a conflict. It paused, glancing back at the group to keep on it in case of escalation.
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location: blue wave academy ; hallway : : : interactions:

The graduation tournament.

The mere whisper of it bent his stomach out of shape, leaving him with little appetite and jittery hands. In Nereus’ charge, jittery hands were a weapon of mass destruction.

From mundane objects to precious valuables, anything that found itself between the young prince’s fingers somehow slipped past them. His grip was about as useful as a flimsy, unlocked cell door which swayed with the wind, serving its prisoners a taste of freedom.

He’d fumbled papers, pencils, even his own water. The severity of it reached a tipping point when he dropped his lunch, scattering it all over the canteen’s pristine white floors. Rendering whatever mite of appetite he had left unsatisfied for the remainder of the afternoon. At the very least, he cleaned up after himself.

Now, stomach gurgling and whining at the absence of sustenance, Nereus swayed down the halls like a limp ghost, an uncharacteristically downtrodden look on his face.

Everywhere he went, students would be gushing about the Azure Wave and its esteemed prestige. There didn’t seem to be any escaping it. The excitement wasn’t all torture. Seeing his fellow peers bursting with ambition to achieve a goal was inspiring, even if a little daunting. Attempting to champion the Azure Wave never occurred to Nereus. He was cognizant of his own limitations enough to know it was out of reach for him. The thought didn’t depress him, however, anything rarely could.

Except for maybe an empty stomach.

Jay Kingfisher


It was the crack of dawn. Jay yawned deeply and sat crosslegged on his rental dingy, absentmindedly fishing in preperation for this afternoon's dinner rush. Graduation nerves were in the air around this time. That meant good business for his food stall from nerve-fueled students seeking meals for their after class training sessions. He should've been pretty happy, but those nerves were contagious. Jay would like to think he'd be used to it after 3 years at Blue Wave Academy. He'd be wrong - he hadn't had good rest since last week! and it was cathing up to him.

One second he was done flash-freezing a batch of freshly-caught salmon and placing it in his cooler, the next he was waking up covered in his own drool, using the cooler as a pillow. The sun was up well past the horizon. It was a few seconds before the dread set in: he was late to Anchor's class! By the time he'd returned the boat, secured his fish and grabbed his surfboard, he was sure he'd get an earful from Anchor. Thankfully, Nebulesse had been putting on a show with her wave riding, so he was able to sneakily swim to class, scaring a classmate at the back of the class as he quietly breached the water next to him.

"B-bro did you just swim all the way here with your surfboard underwater?" the same classmate asked.

"No, I was always here." Jay said, pulling out a handful of discount coupons for his stall.

"Yes you're right, what a silly question." They shook hands on it.

Jay was safe.

"Don't think I didn't see you get to class late, pal!" Said Professor Anchor when Jay got pulled to the side for his review. Dang it.

"Listen Jay, I gotta be honest," said Anchor, glancing at the bags under his student's eyes, "the best thing you can do is get some rest. You get too in your head about the specifics of water solidity. You've been doing great this year, and you're leaps and bounds better than the young man who set foot in my class 3 years ago. There's nothing wrong with starting as a low ranker. Wave Crashing is a life-long journey, and you gotta start it somewhere."

Jay could only sigh and nod. "I guess you're right, teach."

"Attaboy. You'll do great things one day Jay. Just take it wave by wave, ok? I better not see you in my class next year!" He said with a laught while patting Jay's shoulder.

So that was that. Jay found himself walking down the hall, ruminating on Anchor's words of wisdom. He was passing by Neb and co. when his food merchant senses started tingling. Walking his way from further down the hall was a tall, blue-haired student. His strut, his demeanor, his whole body language - he was sure of it, this man was going through a bout of hunger-induced sadness! One might think it ridiculous to learn to see these distinct traits, but it's the sort of thing that helped his grandfather run a shop that was loved by their small community. He quickly approached the student.

"Hey man sorry to bother you," he began, not at all quietly, "but you look like you're having a worse day than me. You wanna grab a bite at my food stall? It's on the house, no strings attached."

interactions: Klown Klown

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nereus b.png
location: blue wave academy ; hallway : : : interactions: jay Joludo Joludo

Merr must be weeks travel away from Blue Wave Academy by now, maybe more. It was never easy to estimate its location. The current’s unpredictable whims carried it wherever it wished with scant options for the floating city to derail it. He wondered what his family might be having for lunch. The chefs always prepared a magnificent spread of freshly caught fish and vegetables from their garden. Nereus’ stomach gurgled as he reminisced over the taste of their roasted salmon.

He hardly heard the commotion that swarmed the bulletin board down the hall, imagining sitting at his dinner table with a heaping plate of warm stew and grilled fish on the side.

“Hey man sorry to bother you,”

Nereus braked abruptly, nearly tipping forward on his toes when approached. He gaped as if suddenly aware he existed outside of his own thoughts, consciousness racing to fathom what he was being asked. Was it that obvious he wasn’t quite himself that even a stranger would pick up on it?

The mention of food shot stars into his eyes, now wide with a sparkling elation.

“Are you a psychic, perhaps?” Nereus asked, blatantly wonderstruck. The stranger’s kindness rejuvenated his spirit, a spring of cool, purified water. Though upon a second glance, Nereus thought of him more like a sunset. The warmth of his orange hair evocative of the apricot glow that coated the horizon. “I would love to try your food, though I must insist on reimbursing you! It’s generous enough that you’ve approached me to begin with.” His smile returned to his face, as glowing and princely as it always was.

Nereus’ head tilted slightly as he regarded Sunset once more, discerning slight tired creases under his eyes in the brisk observation as they walked.

“If I may be so bold to ask, what’s made your day so unpleasant?" He inquired, a genuine sympathy extended not only through words, but with a gently fixed gaze. "You mentioned that it seems I have it worse than you, but I somehow doubt that. Respectfully, of course.” Nereus punctuated the remark with a sheepish smile.
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krumbone krumbone Spiderverse Spiderverse

"Eh?!" Squeaked out Neb when someone spoke over her shoulder, glancing her way. "Oh, sorry! Were you reading this, too?!" She quickly pulled open the crumpled paper in her hands, fretting a bit. "S~sorry! I get overly excited!" She felt stupid for her action.

To answer Perry she grinned. "Everyone will be there!"

Riding the Azure Wave was a tournament. But it was equally a festival. People from around the seas showed up to see the new burgeoning talent. And this festival's importance and extravagance had only grown through the years. The fighters would be there, obviously. The younger students would be there, to observe how their Sensaves (Senior Waves) fought, and learn the lessons for their own growth. School alumni would show up. Teachers, parents, relatives, friends, and everyone-in-between. Including dignitaries of cities and towns across the seas.

The festival itself had other entertainment set up. Games and rides. Food stalls featuring delicacies from towns and cities across the oceans, that you wouldn't normally get to try. This was the one day you could eat food from across the seas. Established Wave Crashers would be there to showcase their own strengths on stages set up for such demonstrations. Merchants, from across the sea, with their stalls, set up to hawk their wares.

It was a crazy time. A true extravaganza. Truly, the tournament itself was only a small part of Riding the Azure Wave.

In fact, set up for the festival had already been deep underway for an entire month now. It was already possible to view the bones of the festival coming together. Props and decorations were crafted by the students, so when the day itself began, they'd get to see their work hung up around, and the students could feel included in the festival.

"Yep! A real spectacle!" Neb couldn't wait! She was literally shaking in her shoes. The boy that suddenly spoke up caught her attention. "Hmm..." She couldn't really refute his words. Putting things into perspective wasn't her strong suit. "I kinda struggle with that!" She chuckled. She wasn't really the type to hard focus on such things. "I'm very confident!" She announced, puffing up her chest. "I don't know if I can win. I don't think I can win. But I will win! That Azure title is mine! You two can go on praising me now," Neb said, grinning dumbly to the two of them.
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Perri sighed, "Man, you're really sure about that?"

She herself wasn't that interested. All things considered, no matter how flashy water could end up being Perri was content to miss out. She'd rather travel past the Academy's safety buoys again, not that she didn't do that every other week or two. Last time she was caught they ended up confiscating her boating license and giving her a hefty slap on the wrist. Unfortunately, they underestimated her underwater mileage.

Yeaaah, she just swam past them.

Selling shells and corals can be surprisingly lucrative with the local children. She always makes an effort to pluck the prettiest things she can find from the coral reefs near the Academy lagoons. Although....

Her favorite spot, far past the boundaries. A tiny island, just a speck in the great blue. Perri's surprised it hasn't sunk yet. It's the perfect size for one person, barely anything more. Apparently it's one of the remnants of rising tides, one of the smallest. But all the other islands are so flat, and the Academy so far, that it's almost just Perri and the endless ocean. Frankly, it's a pain to swim there, requiring at least several rests on the other somewhat larger desolate spots of dry sand that grow less and far less common.

Perri doesn't like to think about drowning much, in fact it's the last thing on her mind. But in the moments where she tires and flags, it's hard not to feel like she's reached her limit.

Is the view worth it? She likes to think it is.

"—Anyways, I don't think I wanna end up kow-towing to you juuuust yet. Hah, It'd be way too embarrassing if you lost. I don't even know if I'm going to be watchingI wonder if they'll have pickled squid like last time...." She puts her fingers to her chin and hmmm's in contemplation, throwing her head back to look up at the sky.
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Jay Kingfisher


Seeing him stop and wobble, Jay braced to catch him in case he fell. Thankfully, it seemed he didn't need the support. Still though, he kept an eye out in case the poor man fainted. On that closer inspection, his fellow student seemed awfully... elegant? noble, maybe? it made Jay more curious of his situation - he assumed folks with that kind of vibe wouldn't be walking around with an empty stomach. He made a note to ask later, the top priority now was getting this man some food.

"Nah man," he said, smirking at the psychic comment, "I just have a good eyes for folks in need of food." He walked alongside his new acquaintance.

Jay waved his hands in front of himself as if to dispel the mere thought of paying from the student's mind. "Oh no please, I insist. If my grandfather knew I passed you by just like that, he'd rise back from the depths and smack me in the back of the head. We're a community, we have to take care of each other, y'know?"

Jay stifled a yawn. Man, maybe he really did need that rest. He considered closing the shop early today... nah, he couldn't do that to his regulars. That was the spot for the folks he met during his short stay at the Gánjyüün combat club. Most of them would graduate this year; it's only right they go to enjoy it until then.

"Hm?" Jay's thoughts were interrupted by his colleague's fixed, gentle gaze. He was caught a little off-guard by this man's apparent genuinity. "A-Ah, well, it's just graduation nerves. They have me in a mess, I haven't slept well since last week. But I'm still getting my meals in. Can't say the same for you, though." he teased. There were more personal pressures wailing on him as well, matters of pride and self-worth, but that was not something to share right off the bat. He didn't even know this man's name! Speaking of...

"Oh! The name's Jay, by the way. Jay Kingfisher." He offered his fist for a fist bump.

Interactions: Klown Klown

nereus b.png
location: blue wave academy ; hallway
interactions: jay Joludo Joludo

Graduation nerves. Nereus could have guessed. The whole school was a simmering pot on the verge of a steaming, bubbling boil. Nereus had only glimpsed the students electrified by their excitement, beacons of determination boasting their assured victory. However comforted he was to have encountered someone similarly fraught with anxiety, it didn’t come without the slightest needle-prick of guilt. While his nerves presented themselves in disastrously unsteady hands, Sunset’s dilemma of abandoned rest was equally disruptive.

Embarrassment pinched at his cheeks when he's teased.

“Today was the exception, I suppose.” A bashful laugh breezed through him. “I must have been in Lady Luck's good graces for her to send you my way.”

Sunset introduced himself. Jay Kingfisher. A name which seemingly slotted perfectly with the other’s image, the centerpiece of a colorful puzzle. The outstretched fist is regarded blankly, Nereus unsure of its purpose.

Oh. Were handshakes different in the main lands?

“It's—” A hand wavered towards Jay’s, hovered uncertainly before Nereus delicately hugged both his palms around the fist. He nodded them gently as if solidifying the exchange, wearing the satisfied grin of someone who’d solved an impossible riddle. “It's an honor and a privilege, Mr. Kingfisher! You've quite the noble sounding name.”

“I'm Nereus Laz'Ofet of Merr.” His hands departed from Jay’s as the two approached the grand dining area, the smell of freshly cooked meals enticingly wafting from some already busy stalls. His stomach gurgled gluttonously, and his cheeks promptly ripened with heat. The flushed prince hid his shame behind his hand, chuckling lightly. “Forgive me, stomach fancies itself an impatient traitor today.”
Interaction: AzaleaWonderland AzaleaWonderland

Claim the world!

Imugi could hear the declaration loud and clear all the way from the burgeoning festival grounds, a final, hearty send-off for a class that was only nominally his own. Struck by a sudden pang of classroom unity, the truant balanced the long, wooden planks on his shoulder, raised his own fist and shouted the catchphrase back, earning him some odd looks that vanished as soon he turned to see what was making the hairs at the back of his neck stand up.

The delinquent's normal stomping ground was the roof of the school, where the ocean breeze blew the strongest. Sheer incessance in the face of nosy student council members, annoying teachers, and rival delinquents had marked out his territory well. But Imugi found himself elsewhere today, engaged in much more productive uses of his stolen time.

Riding the Azure Wave. Every year, Imugi watched the fights and ate the food, and every year, he helped set up and take down the festival grounds. Most of the usual volunteers were already well-accustomed to seeing the tattooed delinquent doing manual labor, but equally well aware of the temporality of their annual alliance. Soon he'd be back to dodging classes and getting into trouble like usual--in fact, he was dodging a class right then and there!

They worked well into the afternoon, ironing out the final touches on the weekend venue. As construction died down, the delinquent popped a squat and took out a thick tome. This was the last event of his graduating year, which meant...

Task #121: Volunteer for school events every year until you graduate.

Imugi struck a quick line across the item. One more task down, almost five hundred left to go.

Imugi passed like a ship on the ocean, parting the sea of students mulling around after class. Festival fever had the academy in a vise grip; it was all he heard anyone talking about. Even the folks over at the Comics Club* wouldn't shut up about it--and the writer of Warlock Fight just announced it would end in five chapters, right on the heels of Our Knight School's controversial conclusion earlier that week! Normally those folks would've been on it like piranhas on a paper cut!

He understood, though. It was the same kind of fey mood that gripped sailors at the climax of a chase: the familiar, intoxicating uncertainty of an ending--whatever that might entail. Even the discussion points were alike: food, fights, friends...


Would his family show up? Imugi doubted it. Short of a leviathan miraculously spawning off the coast Terracrest, the Hunter's Moon had no business making landfall in the Sunlit Sea. He wasn't too torn up about it, though. Honest.

Imugi's path stopped behind a familiar hairstyle. She wasn't his goal; she was just in the way (or as 'in his way' as anyone 30 centimeters shorter could be, at least). Which was weird. He hadn't pegged her as the type to stand around unless something interesting was going on.

...Which meant something interesting was going on, clearly.

"Oi, Orca. What's got you lookin' so hard?"

'Orca''s real name was Ashlynn, but Imugi only learned that after giving her the nickname in their first year. They came to the Academy at about the same time, both as special circumstances students, both without family names in the registry, and both as "people to watch out for" in the Academy. At first, he'd started calling her that because of her monochrome hair, but then she turned out to be killer in the water, so it stuck for him.

He followed her gaze to three students, flapping their gums about the tournament. They were all from Anchor's class, but Imugi didn't remember their names. He should've, but names were hard, especially when you skipped class all the time. No doubt he would have to come up with suitable sea-creature-based monikers for them as well.

"...Did she just call him a fuckin' prick?" Imugi snorted, "Bold move. Money's on the blue one, though. Best odds of gettin' a good swing in before you put a wall between 'em."

*Task #14: Join or found a student group.
Interactions/Mentions: AllTone AllTone , krumbone krumbone , AzaleaWonderland AzaleaWonderland , Spiderverse Spiderverse , Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

Normally, Liangshu would skip out on a basic class such as the one Anchor was teaching today. Today was just a little different though. It was either help prepare for the end of year festival or sit through a class with Anchor. Sure, he spent most of his time meditating on a board only to be interrupted by Nebulesse catching him with her returning spray, but it did give him time to think. He hadn't spent long at the academy, but it was already long enough for doubt to start creeping into him. No matter how much he trained both within and outside the Gánjyüün Combat Club, he just couldn't find out what he was missing.

Initially, he had been a fairly standup student, attending classes and seminars alike between continuing his training through activities at the Gánjyüün Combat Club, but as days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, he began to double down on his training specifically. Much of his mornings and evenings were dominated either by finding a quiet spot to meditate or practicing his forms. It probably also didn't help that he had probably struck a nerve with the student council for destroying various training equipment due to getting a little overzealous with practice. To combat this, he started sneaking to various isolated spots he found during his walks around the grounds to practice.

Still, the occassional dummy or sandbag would inevitably need to be repaired thanks to him needing something solid to test against. Speaking of tests, he had a lot to think about with the upcoming tournament and was pondering if he should even get involved. After all, there were some fairly large fish, and as with the nature of all tournaments, among the many competitors to enter, only one would claim true victory. Despite how decent he might consider himself, Liangshu was nothing if not logical.

Yet, he couldn't help but feel the pull. A chance to prove himself, maybe it would be just what he needed to finally have the epiphany needed to discover the last step he had been set out to take.

As those thoughts crossed his mind, he took notice of the people around the bulletin board. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Nebulesse was already talking about how she would definitely win. Overall this seemed typical, until Kame managed to get Perri to call him a prick for offering advice. Unsolicited and a little rude for advice, but still valid advice nonetheless. Still, the spectacle seemed to be drawing quite the unique set of onlookers, notable of which was Imugi who stood more a whole foot over him making casual conversation to the only person he shared a height with in that area. Liangshu remembers more than one instance of him being on the receiving end of Ashlynn's ire due to his afformentioned destruction of training equipment. After all, one of the first times he had to talk with her was when he managed to rip a punching bag off of the ceiling, with a chunk of said ceiling torn off with it.

Still he couldn't help himself from chiming in on what Imugi had said, "I hope any real fights remain reserved for the tournament for now. Though unsolicited, the advice is sound. I can think of plenty of tales cautioning against overestimating one's own ability."

Hopefully, he could leave his words at that for now. Whether or not Kame would press him for more details on the stories of his homeland, he didn't particularly care at the moment.
"Yeah, yeah," she groaned. Itching the back of her head, man she hated this. Of course she wanted to get stronger! Advice or whatever was good no matter how asshole-y or uncalled for- There just wasn't a point in attending the tournament if she was going to get flushed out one or two rounds in!

"— Are you even going to participate? In the tournament." A tad bit of Perri's wayward annoyance bled into her voice.

These people would probably do some recreational beating each other to near death or near death adjacent things anyway. She huffs, after grad she's going to get the hadal out of dodge. Ferrying herself home before scrambling across the world or something like that. She wonders if her pa and brother even remember her goddamned face. (The thought of that does not make her want to cry, not even a little.)

Going into the great big bad world after passing her D rank exam by the skin of her teeth! Sounds like a terrible idea but she has faith in herself. Life's always been about putting your faith in the right places, and vesting it in yourself is one of the most powerful things you can do. It's not like she's going to pick fights with colossal underdwellers just yet! (she plans on doing that after she passes her C rank)

She gives a cursory look over the crowd.

"...Oh, hey Ashlynn!~" She mustered up a grin that was charming yet plastic. If she were caught fighting it'd be totally cooler than last time, in which she was er... "rain dancing" outside during the last typhoon.
The storm didn't give up, to her disappointment.

Her roommates told her it would work.
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The delinquent's words were not rare to hear for Ashlynn. This one is always causing trouble, and if it weren't for the graduation preparation keeping him tame for the time, he'd likely have been the one they were chewing out in the hallway. Ashlynn couldn't help but wonder why all the promising students were bent on causing as much trouble as possible before leaving the academy. And that nickname again. Would it kill him to act a little formal? "Perri, Kame, and the other is Nebulesse. I stopped to make sure a fight didn't break out ahead of schedule. Some students get a bit impatient before the tournament," Ashlynn replied, glare fixed at Imugi. "I also hope you keep that in mind and make sure to save a hundred percent for the fight. It'd be a shame if you lost because you were still recovering from one of your brawls."

Ashlynn glanced back toward the group, the situation didn't seem to escalate any further. Especially with the new arrival of Liangshu, and since no punching bags seemed to be nearby, she would be safe to leave. But just as they turned, Perri finally spotted them and ignoring her would be rude. Ashlynn turned their head back to her before speaking, "Hello, Perri. It's nice to see you. Unfortunately, I have to be going but I wish you luck in training. And do try not to allow your roommates to distract you." With that, they continued onto their other many many tasks.

"D'aww~ I didn't know you cared like that, Orca~" Imugi beamed, completely ignoring the ice in the student councillor's gaze. He didn't have any especial beef with the student council despite their countless encounters, but he was well aware he wasn't particularly liked in general. "I'll keep it in mind! Just don't regret it if I'm the one eyein' you up from across the arena, 'kay?"

And then she left.

He glanced over at Liangshu, who'd just entered the scene. "Bein' careful's fine and all, but where's the fun in a fight you know you're gonna win? Gramps used to tell me the hunt's about the challenge. Otherwise you oughta stick to fishin'."

Speaking of fights with uncertain victors, he had a weekly release of Red Key to read, so Imugi figured he ought to be on his way as well.

"Anyway, if nobody's gonna show off, I'll be goin'. Hopefully y'all put on a good show this season~" A few steps away, he pointed at Liangshu and shadowboxed a surprisingly accurate, albeit unaugmented, mimicry of one of the basic punch combos of dragonfolk martial arts. "Especially you, Naga!"

Prologue~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Wave Academy's Annual Academy Graduation Tourney

Riding the Azure Wave

Nebulesse Hananui

It was a colosseum known around the world, a perfect accessory to the grand Blue Wave Academy, with its extremely iconic appearance -- a grandiose, circular whirlpool design. The top literally appearing like huge bright blue waves. Cheers roared from the colosseum that was jampacked.

Graduation day. The festivities were well underway. For those not in attendance of the tournament, they definitely still could hear it, as they wandered the festival's grounds, conversing, eating, and enjoying what else the place had to offer.

But in the colosseum, many students had already had their bout. Some had won to celebratorious victory. Others lost, tears stinging their eyes. Teeth grit in frustration.

The ring was a circular platform, and pillar, of solid white marble blocks, surrounded by water, with the water high enough to submerge the surface of the ring by a couple inches.

There were two ways to win, knock out your opponent, or send them splashing into the deep of the drink around the ring. It was a friendly low-stakes tournament between students, after all.

This time, two students who had clashed before stood in the ring. Their spars in class were pretty famous. Both wanted to win badly, but one wanted it more.

Nebulesse, and facing her, her opponent, Jiva.

Jiva waved her hands before her. Huge blue waves rolled up, spiraling around the purple-haired girl.

Neb simply laughed, hopped up onto the water, and surged forward. She surfed right through the rolling, cascading waves, a bright laugh on her lips. The crowd roared with the overly, flamboyant and energized display!

Jiva cringed, hoping to have swallowed up her foe. Most struggled to fight huge wave-like attacks -that was common knowledge as a Wave Crasher. Curse Nebulesse! She always found loopholes in their spars! But this time she would win!

Jiva rolled her hands together, making "building" motions, until she felt the satisfaction of building up enough water power. Then she blew a burst of surging water at Neb, who road through her previous wave right at her.

"Nuh-uh-uh, Jiva," Neb teased, wagging a finger at her. Then a droplet appeared at that finger tip.

"Manifesting a myth. Revealing a fairy tale." The water droplet spun and glowed a bright golden color. "Here's something only seen in legend! I'm bringing you now: Unicorn!"

She pointed her finger forward, and fired out her Qua Fashia, while still riding the wave towards Jiva.

'Unicorn', a singular bright golden beam of concentrated water, fired forth and pierced through her burst of water, catching Jiva by surprise. Unicorn easily shot straight through the blast of water, until it burst out right in front of Jiva, striking her dead center of her chest. With a pained grunt, it sent Jiva into the water with a satisfying splash. And with that, Neb's victory was called. Which she posed to wave happily up at the cheering crowd. She blew a few kisses to them.

"As usual, young Nebulesse hams it up," Professor Highwall commented where he sat in the Professor's viewing box. "But she showcased a mastery of her hydrokinesis and her form was impeccable."

"Hm, yep. That's Nebulesse for ya," Professor Anchor chimed in. "She lacks the precise control and direct power many of the other students possess, but she's working with something many lack -a powerful intuitive ability for the craft."

"Yes, always one to go against the grain," Professor Shrink chimed in, with a smirk of some pride in that fact. "It's a strength of hers."

"Hm..." the Headmaster hummed, stroking his beard. Headmaster Blue was the type to seek out unique talents. He had a discerning eye for such things. For some, they collected shells, others collected expensive trinkets or treasures, for him, he collected Wave Crashers.

"Well, at any rate, it looks like she's ready to become a full-fledged Wave Crasher to me," commented Shrink. Even though the tourney was still underway, there wasn't really any dissenting complaints from those around.

The festivities continued. With many other students stepping onto the ring, their footfalls splashing the water as they took center stage. These students came in all types and flavors. Their personalities couldn't be any more different. Some held resolve in their eyes. Some were as eager to be there as Nebulesse. Some were meek and scared. Some self-depreciating. All putting it on the line to graduate, and gain their Wave Crasher license. Or, in the case of some, to win the tournament it its entirety.

Some notable students who took the stage..

Anxela Deepmourne. "The Path of the Honor, Sword Cerulaxia, the Knight's Oath," she intoned before her opponent. Water bled out onto the blade of her sword, encasing it in a bright blue glow. The film of water surged around the blade, as she flourished it.

She was a promising young woman who was once on the Student Council, but wanted to gain better fighting skills dropped out of it to join the Gánjyüün Combat Club. A smart move. Her skills were on full display, impressing the crowd.

Vleġġa Deepmourne.
Unlike his serious sister, he carried himself in stark contrast. He walked out before the colosseum. He didn't ready his QF or anything. In fact, his hands were in his pockets, and he could only laugh at the proceedings. In the fact of some, you could say he wasn't taking the proceedings very seriously. Those that didn't know his personality, began murmuring to themselves.

Sadia. A dark horse amongst dark horses of the tourney. A simple girl with a broody visage, that no one expected to make it this far. She didn't even seem particularly interested in the proceedings, yet continued with them all the same. A unique Qua Fashia that took the shape of an umbrella that was quite hydrophobic. Needless to say, a hydrophobic weapon was quite a conundrum for most hydrokinetics. Most simply had no idea how to deal with her defense at all. The calm, cool, aloof way she carried herself made it seem like she was some sort of gloomy impregnable fortress.

Daoui Amani.
A younger student. On the verge of graduation due to being an honor student. A cold kid that scared many in the crowd. "Zhild uff Undérellev. Vask uff Defz Xinga Uvil. Le Zhuri." He said under his breath -not that many who understand what he said, even if they had heard him. The water formed over his face like a wicked horned mask.

And yet, many others were equally as intriguing! The tournament was shaping up to be one for the books!

Still, in the dark recesses of the ocean... darkness stirred unbeknownst to all those at Blue Wave...

Klown Klown krumbone krumbone AllTone AllTone AzaleaWonderland AzaleaWonderland Joludo Joludo JuniperBoi JuniperBoi Spiderverse Spiderverse Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
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They had no pickled squid, and no sparkling water in sight.

Perri watched as students began to step into the arena from her seat, water splashing under their steady feet. They all knew what they wanted, eyes on the prize. She groaned and gnawed on her grilled squid skewer.

She was not scared.

Her? Scared of losing? No way. She didn't balk at the thought of getting smacked with water, she was under in it daily! Submerged! The only reason she didn't sign up was that there was no point.

No point, no point, right. Perri ignores the vision of her in her mind's eye, proud in that gleaming arena. She didn't join because she didn't need to, there was no point, she didn't care.

Not because she was scared.

Perri chews her squid skewer up worse than a dog toy. She didn't get scared! Never!


She drops her skewer. Light shoots bright and casts the arena in gold, Perri gapes.

The crowd roars for Nebulesse, Perri's hands curl into tight fists.

She is not scared.
Mentions/Interactions: Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko , krumbone krumbone
Liangshu watched curiously, awaiting his own match, as Nebulesse effortlessly weaved through Jiva's attacks. Honestly, he likely would have done the same. While wave attacks were hard to defend against, defense wasn't the only way to protect against attacks. After all, his only defensive forms focused on redirection and evasion. He had found back home that trying to be defensive in a way to absorb attacks didn't work out with his short and thin frame. Still, the spectacle of Nebulesse riding her opponent's attacks effortlessly was eye-catching.

Then a single critical blow knocked Jiva out of the tournament. The forward golden beam, perhaps not all too dissimilar from some attacks in his Steaming Geyser form, pierced through any defense Jiva attempted to set up, and still carried enough power to knock her clean out. Despite his words the other day, he knew that as overconfident as she was, Nebulesse still was very capable. Perhaps it was just how he was, but gloating and overconfidence were never his forte. Perhaps that's why people acting as though they were superior or great rubbed him the wrong way.

Either way, Nebulesse's fight came to an end and he would inevitably have his first match. Perhaps it was nerves, but he couldn't banish a looming sense of dread in his mind. Not that he was worried about something big happening. No, Liangshu was worried about his performance. Time and time again, he tried to find that form that makes him unique, that sets him apart. After all, he may be an above average user in hydrokinesis, but he still lacked one thing almost everyone else here had.

A Qua Fashia.

Back home, people either developed theirs before training in Water Forms or reached an epiphany in their training. His case wasn't uncommon, but upon stepping outside the isles for the first time to the wider world, the reality of his situation had cultivated a strange sort of whiplash for him. On one hand Liansghu took pride in cultivating the unique form of hydrokinesis his home taught him and on the other he felt woefully inadequate due to the fact of how common it was for people to have such an ability. It also wasn't helping that as he grew closer to the tournament, closer to possibly graduating, he still hasn't discovered what it is he was missing. His instructors had warned him that he couldn't force the process through training and meditation, but they had also said whatever it was he needed to learn would be found out in the world, most likely at the academy.

The only thing that brought him out of his mind was the smell of what he presumed to be squid wafting in the air nearby. Sure, some people had brought food, but the fresh aroma of a squid, freshly grilled no less, brought his attention to Perri. While he noticed her, he could tell her attention was elsewhere. Her eyes solely focused on the arena, but he could tell by the way she stared with her mouth agape while her brows seemed to knit and her fists balled up tightly, she was worried about something.

Liangshu could only guess at what ailed her, but he didn't feel like standing on the sidelines, especially not after the other day. While he had no idea if she was even participating, he could imagine the unease she felt. Perhaps it was a sense of duty for interrupting, or the fact he didn't think anyone answered her question about participation in the tournament, but maybe talking to someone was just what both of them needed right now.

He also had a hunch that both of them had something the other lacked.

"I remember that back home, we would have tournaments. They weren't grand spectacles such as this, we usually hosted them in the dojos," Liansghu started. Once he was sure he had her attention he continued, "Not once have a won a tournament. I don't expect this time to be any different."

Perhaps he would be more convincing if he wasn't liberally eyeballing the grilled squid in Perri's hands, slowly realizing that maybe he should eat something before his match. Alas, he chose to go to the arena first and browse the larger festival later.

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