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Waugh's RP Idea Emporium


The Scion of Balance
Not going to make this any longer than it needs to be. The following shall be ideas, some more fleshed out than others, for roleplays that I have. If any of them stand out as something that you'd like to play with me then feel free to either message me here or contact me via Private Message.

*Note: Striked through ideas will need convincing to do as I've already started my quota for that roleplay with others.

**Note: Though this is a 1x1 search I would not be adverse to expanding any of these plots into a small group roleplay.

Enchantress x Angel

This idea revolves around am enchantress who is placed into suspended animation only to wake up hundreds, if not thousands, of years later to fulfill her destiny. Awakening to a ruined temple, she is greeted by an Angel of Conflict who has fallen from grace and has come to reflect there while fighting off intruders both human and otherwise. What sort of fate ties these two together? Well if you are interested feel free to private message me so that we can work out the details because that is basically all that I have for this one.

This concept is open for either a male x female or a female x female pairing. I am content playing either role and will likely only accept one roleplay for each role so its a little first come first serve.

No More Heroes

A medieval fantasy roleplay, this one revolves around two super powered individuals as they come to terms with the fact that they failed to save the world from the Dark Lord and how they survive in a world where there is no hope of resistance.

This one is sorta Avengers inspired. What becomes of heroes who have nothing left to loose? Well for one they stop pulling their punches. So this is to be a darker more bloodly super hero story set in a fantastical medieval setting. Depending on which type of characters we decide to go with will determine how we start and I don't have much more than that in mind. If you'd like to roleplay this then feel free to contact me here or via private messages. Like before this concept is open for either a male x female or female x female pairing. I am fine playing either role.

Vampire x Human

A post apocalyptic medieval setting. The humans fought to the last but their civilization crumbled under the forces of the Vampire Lord. Those that survived retreated behind high walled fortress' where they determined to put up their last fight but it never came. The Vampires were not so witless as to kill off them all. Instead they left these settlements, culling the herd whenever they needed to be satiated.

A thousand years has passed. The human fortress' have become isolated cities, none aware of the others existence. And yet one girl shall have her eyes open. To be shown the world as it truly is.

This is a vampire x human pairing. I am fine playing either the girl or her vampire abductor. This one is more specifically a male x female pairing. Contact me if you are interested.

Sorceress x Apprentice

This roleplay would take place in a fantastical medieval setting and would revolve around a Sorceress who has taken up residence outside of a small town. She tends to the needs of the people as best as she can and makes something of a reputation for herself. That is when her to be Apprentice's parents catch word of her and bring their daughter to her to be "cured" of her magical infliction. Thus the two are introduced and our characters get to know one another.

I have more details to spill if anyone is interested. This is of course a female x female paired roleplay. I am fine playing either role though have a preference for the Sorceress as there is a plot twist I'd like to include and it is better handled from the role of teacher.

Witch x Familiar

Still an acolyte, the Witch seeks any means in which to become a full fledged member of her coven. In order to do so she seeks to impress her Mistress by finding the hidden tomb of an ancient Witch/Warlock in hopes of finding the font of the Ancient's power. What she discovers is not some artifact as she had originally assumed but an assassin and the right hand of the Ancient Warlock/Witch, who had been placed in suspension. Seeking to bind these being as her familiar, the rest of the roleplay would revolve around the secrets uncovered about the Ancient Warlock's identity.

This roleplay can be played out either as a Female x Male or Female x Female. As before I am fine playing either role. If you are interested feel free to PM me or reply here.

Android/Homunculus x Human

To take place in either a medieval or futuristic setting, this pairing can revolve around several different plot ideas. Perhaps Homunculi make for ideal and expendable companions for adventurers? So what happens when an adventurer starts to developing feelings for his/her homunculus? Or maybe cutting edge technology has allowed for androids to be categorized as a synthetic organisms? So what happens when a Cop/Bounty Hunter teams up with one of these non-human beings?

This is open for either male x female or female x female. As before I am open to playing either role and either gender.

More to come....​
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If you have any different ideas that are in the same vein as those mentioned above, please don't hesitate to reach out and contact me. Just kinda want to roleplay again and so am open to suggestions as well ^^

New idea added. Private message me or leave a post here if you are interested in roleplaying.

Another new idea for your consideration. If anything catches your interests above please contact me either here or over a private conversation. If nothing really catches your fancy however but you have a suggestion don't hesitate to bring that to my attention either ^^

Another new plot! Feel free to leave me a message here if you are interested in anything you see or send me a private conversation ^^

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