Waterfront Incursion


Senior Member

Things are kept simple due to the shortness of this primarily action-based roleplay.




Physical Description:

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Name: Tom Dixon

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Tom Dixon stands at a near exact six feet. He wears a on-duty coast guard uniform which seems clean and some what new. He has short cropped brown hair alongside brown eyes and has a freckled nose. He isn't particularity defined with muscle, however he isn't weak nor malnourished. Generally he's just an average guy when it comes to his physical description.

Personality: Tom Dixon is a nice, joking kind of guy. He doesn't put up with unnecessary violence, and hates racists. If he is angered a new side of him is shown which is very serious.
"Tom Dixon" has been accepted.


-Coast Guard jumpsuit w/ seaman insignia

-Coast Guard cap, combat boots & tactical gloves

-Automatic carbine w/ four 15-round 5.56mm magazines & flashlight attachment

-.38 calibre stainless steel double-action revolver, capacity of 6 w/ 4 speedloaders [i.e. 24 shells]

-Soft bullet-resistant vest

-Gas mask w/ spare filters

-Handheld radio

-Zip-tie pouch

-Pocket knife
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Name: Kingsly Hooks

Age: 27

Gender: M

Physical Description: Kingsly is a well-built male with wide, bulging shoulders that are accompanied by powerful arms built for dirty work. He's not much of a muscle-head, rather he's a very lean man with a bite behind his attack. He grows a very short black beard that encompasses his mouth. His eyes are a dark brown, his hair is shaven incredibly short, and his skin-tone is an overall dark black.

Personality: I prefer to develop personalities as the story progresses. Is that okay?
That's alright.

"Kingsly Hooks" has been accepted.


-Marchtown Police Department uniform w/ police officer insignia & badge

-Marchtown Police Department cap & patrol boots

-Long 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, capacity of 6 w/ 12 buckshot shells & 6 slugs

-.45 calibre semi-automatic pistol w/ four 8-round capacity magazines

-Soft bullet-resistant vest

-Disposable rubber medical mask & gloves

-Handheld radio



-Pocket knife

Alysia Santiago

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guzeller-galerisi-1_14_53639d969606ee01a68e74d0.gif.311cd1aac10ca9c39c59757c46d7e24b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guzeller-galerisi-1_14_53639d969606ee01a68e74d0.gif.311cd1aac10ca9c39c59757c46d7e24b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Twenty three



Physical Description:

Alysia stands at around 5'4 and has a petite, slim frame with slight toned curves. Her skin is a pale golden caramel shade and her eyes are piercing electric blue. Her hair is dark raven brown, almost black, and the most prominent feature on her face is probably her full pink lips.


Alysia is incredibly unpredictable. You never know when it comes to her. Some of her traits include intelligent, sensitive, mysterious, and naive. Her personality changes quickly, and when you first meet her she may not exactly warm up to you so fast. But once she really gets to know you inside and out, Alysia will open up to you completely. If your break her trust however your chances of winning it back are slim.​



  • guzeller-galerisi-1_14_53639d969606ee01a68e74d0.gif
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"Alysia Santiago" has been accepted.


-Marchtown Police Department uniform w/ police officer insignia & badge

-Marchtown Police Department cap & patrol boots

-Semi-automatic "sporter" carbine w/ four 15-round 5.56mm magazines & flashlight attachment

-.45 calibre semi-automatic pistol w/ four 8-round capacity magazines

-Soft bullet-resistant vest

-Disposable rubber medical mask & gloves

-Handheld radio


-Pocket knife
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We are ready to start. New joiners will still be accepted for the time being.

You may make your first post-- presumably involving you exiting a vehicle and reacting to the police sergeant.
Name: Charles Dann

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Around 5 foot 11 inches, semi-muscular body, blue eyes, brown hair, short bull cut hair.

Personality: Guns-first, shoot first ask questions later, prefers assault rifles, mean attitude/ sarcastic
Name: Johnny DeVito [if i remember correctly this was a name i used in a past quilboar rp]

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Tall, around 6 foot 4 with a lightly colored pale skintone. Johnny is a broader, squared-off individual with short platinum blonde hair and icy blye eyes; his face rugged and blocky with an impressive handlebar mustache. Tattoos taint his pale skin, a multiple of them running up his torso and arms.

Personality: Vicious, macho and aggressive, Johnny is a man with patriotism in his core and shows fierce loyalty to his land and leaders. A strict and by the books individual, his oath to protect his homefront was one that may have been taken a bit too seriously, the man being very glorybound and somewhat prideful.
Well, good enough. "Charles Dann" has been accepted.


-Marchtown Police Department uniform w/ police officer insignia & badge

-Marchtown Police Department cap & patrol boots

-.45 calibre semi-automatic pistol w/ four 8-round capacity magazines

-Soft bullet-resistant vest

-Gas mask w/ spare filters

-Handheld radio



-Pocket knife

(ohshit didn't even notice you gav)

"Johnny DeVito" has been accepted. [if you want, you can turn down the rank.]


-Marchtown Police Department uniform w/ police corporal insignia & badge

-Marchtown Police Department cap & patrol boots

-Long 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, capacity of 6 w/ 12 buckshot shells & 6 slugs

-.38 calibre double-action revolver, capacity of 6 w/ 3 speedloaders [i.e. 18 shells]

-Soft bullet-resistant vest

-Disposable rubber medical mask & gloves

-Handheld radio



-Pocket knife
[sorry I took so long to join. I [kind of] quit ROBLOX [immediately] after discovering RPN.

Name: Francis Wells

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Francis is of average height, barely an inch over six feet tall. He has brown hair, though it is so dark that, if one did not look all that hard, it could be mistaken for black. His hair is somewhat stringy and often times falls over his eyes, which are [again] a very dark shade of brown. His skin is a sort of eggshell-like shade of brown. As far as tattoos or any other such markings go, he only has one. It's a simple triangle tattoo on his arm, about half the distance from his hand to his elbow. He doesn't really say what exactly it's for, but most take it to be a silent expression of religion or something along those lines. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and all that. His build is average with that of other servicemen.


Personality: Francis is a fairly silent person. He prefers analyzing a situation for its possible solutions and outcomes rather than yelling his way through them. Unlike most other people, he doesn't display his patriotism all that often. Of course, there is no doubt that he is one, but he doesn't go to great lengths to express it. Also unlike most other people, he doesn't always agree with what the government says. Again, he doesn't express these opinions, but one might notice that when certain orders are given, he might hesitate to execute them just a little bit longer than everyone else. That, or one might see a flicker of doubt in his eye, as if he's questioning; "Should I really be doing this?"
"Francis Wells" has been accepted.


-Marchtown Police Department uniform w/ police corporal insignia & badge

-Marchtown Police Department cap & patrol boots

-9mm calibre submachine gun w/ three 20-round capacity magazines & flashlight attachment

-.38 calibre double-action revolver, capacity of 6 w/ 3 speedloaders [i.e. 18 shells]

-Soft bullet-resistant vest

-Disposable rubber medical mask & gloves

-Handheld radio


-Pocket knife

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