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Realistic or Modern Waterfront Incursion


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Several cruisers pull up in front of the docks, sirens blaring. Shouts are heard as medical mask-wearing police officers hastily climb out, toting guns and slamming their car doors. As they rush about organizing themselves, more vehicles belonging to the authorities arrive. New cops begin parting their cruisers, and the Coast Guard is now seen as being among their number. The latter climb out of their separate, bright-white SUVs, carbines and pistols in hand.

Midst the fierce screaming of the sirens and the distorted shouting of policemen and Coast Guardsmen behind their masks, one of the men waves for several officers to tag along behind him as he begins to descend upon one of dockside warehouse entrances. It's a cop; carrying a shotgun, and with three sergeant chevrons on his shoulder.
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Kingsley exited the vehicle, his shotgun clasped in his hands tightly. His sidearm was where it usually lay, in his holster on his right hip where he found it most comfortable. He examined his surroundings, taking it all in, knowing surely that he could be in for it already. His briefing was short, very short actually. He was tasked to contain a virus, but he was equipped for a night raid. Something was up, and he was sure of it.

He looked around at those who accompanied him. Like the briefing, his interaction with them had been brief and to-the-point as well. He waited for them to break the silence instead of himself, knowing well that he wasn't exactly the best at doing such things. He usually made it awkward and would usually make a bad first impression, so he was content with the decision.
The large corporal, who had by chance been among the first to arrive was already following his superior. Fumbling with his shotgun, he made sure it was loaded, slowly momentarily before speeding up until he was close to the Sergeant.

[bad post but not much time]
Fitting music? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyfNHlqymP8[/media]


The police sergeant stops momentarily, shouldering his shotgun and reaching into his vest pocket, producing a whistle. He brings it to his mouth and blows, and its piercing noise could be heard over the shouting. He waves several officers over to him.

-Corporal DeVito-

You approach the sergeant, and he nods as he goes about taking note of your presence. It seems two unrecognizable faces have showed up as well, armed exclusively with forty-fives. You're not sure who either of them are behind their respirators.

-Officer Hooks-

You hear the scream of a whistle, a signal for you to attach to the nearby squad. Many of the law-enforcement personnel are too busy scrambling about to individually address you.
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Nodding in return to the Sergeant, the Corporal peered around at the slowly forming group. DeVito ran his hand across his mustache several times, merely as a force of habit as he wondered why the lawmen were already being overwhelmed by confusion.

Inhaling deeply, partially in irritation and partially to prepare a yell, Cpl DeVito considered himself a big and loud man and as such figured he could get more attention then any whistle. "Form up!" He bellowed, raising a head to motion officers and guardsmen to rally to their position, "Form on the Sergeant! Let's Go!" He nearly screeched, his deep voice carrying even more than the first as he ignored the resulting soreness in his throat and huffed in annoyance.
Hooks made his way over toward the sergeant who had called the officers together, a particularly grim look plastered on his face. The scrambling about was unorganized and made him quite uneasy, yet he refused to show it. It made him so uneasy and put him in a mentally disheveled state because he wondered if he had not been told something, and as a matter of fact he reckoned that everyone hadn't been told at least something, considering the fact that he had been randomly called to duty and he had never been a part of an operation this large. It made him wonder if a riot had broken out, but that made him wonder why some carried gas masks. "Maybe they're going to use tear gas?" Hooks wondered, lost him thought.

He heard a booming voice which shook him from his deep thought-train, and he recognized a Corporal from the insignias present on his uniform. The Corporal instructed everyone to form up on the Sergeant, so he proceeded as told, making his way over to stand in line with the other officers that surrounded him. He sincerely hoped that the overall objective of this damned mission would be revealed.
Francis briskly walked over to the congregation of police officers around the sergeant, almost bumping into one or two people as he did so. He had already put his medical mask on, hiding the slight frown on his face. The sheer disorganization of this operation, whatever the hell this operation was, was mind-boggling. Of course, some errors and confusion are expected in any situation, but this was simply ridiculous.

Also, that brings up a good question, what exactly is this operation. We know that we have to deal with containing a virus and all that, but why are we armed like the goddamned military? I realize that the police force, on a nationwide scale, are fairly well known for excessive force, but this is pretty ridiculous.
[slightly rushed due to limited time. Two of the police are NPCs, btw.]


The police sergeant briefly looks over the five men he currently has called over to his control, beginning to walk backwards and giving a wave for them to follow. "Stay close," he exclaims, turning around and beginning to advance on the nearest set of large warehouse doors. Upon arriving, he gets in close and looks over his shoulder. "Cadby," he says to one of the officers, before looking over at the corporal. "And, er, you. Grab onto the door and lift it open when I say. Everyone else, prepare to enter." He backs up, raising his shotgun to the doors as one of the cops, now recognizable as Officer Cadby, crouches to the right side of the warehouse door and prepares to lift it.
Hooks, slightly confused about the order, obeyed, stacking up on the other officers, his shotgun planted in his shoulder firmly whilst he prepared to enter, wondering what lay on the other side. "Probably nothing, right?" Hooks wondered, attempting to reassure himself, yet his mind still wandered as he waited for the warehouse doors to be lifted.

His finger slowly began to ebb toward the trigger in anticipation, a habit he thought that he had gotten out of years ago. This time, however, he didn't stop it from proceeding, rather he let it rest firmly on the trigger, able to gain a slight amount of comfort from the position that he had usually never had to utilize.
Grunting in compliance, the large man quickly crouched at the door, hands gripping the left side, opposite Cadby. He knew it would not take much physical effort, especially with a second man. Tightening his grip and timing it with Officer Cadby, he raised and yanked at the door with full force in an attempt to get it open as quick as possible.

DeVito, immediately shoved his hand towards his revolver holster and aimed it into the entrance as he reached to pick up the shotgun he had put down moments earlier.
Francis took up position towards the rear of the formation of officers. He went over a quick last minute checklist in his head; Safety off? Check. Round chambered? Check. Things of that nature. Francis had, by this point, figured out that he was most likely going to have to kill somebody. He stood finger on the trigger, sighing and shaking his head quietly.

Francis's mind decided, as a lot of minds do in stressful situations, to make them even more stressful and think of all the rumors he heard about this disease, what it did to its host, what the host tended to do to uninfected persons, things of that nature. The one hopeful thought that swam about his mind that these things were rumors.

And rumors are never true.

[You guys can look at this if you want: http://www.radiolabs.com/police-codes.html ]


The metal door slides open as DeVito and Cadby lift it up. The view of most of its interior is blocked off by a row of stacked boxes on shelves. In front of them, there is a figure lying in a pool of blood, a clipboard on the floor next to him. The sergeant keeps his shotgun raised as he enters, throwing quick glances to the left and right.

He reaches down and brings up his radio, speaking into it. "Caution, there's a 10-54 at Warehouse A," he says. Meanwhile, Cadby simply mutters "What the fuck."

-Officer Wells-

Reports vary widely. Most of them involve cases of delirium, and sometimes behavior that leads to unintentionally infecting others. Although, quarantine forces describe them more harshly than the human rights advocates and the hospitals, saying that many just completely lose it and attack others.
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Corporal DeVito frowned, clenching his jaw as he peered over at the corpse. Holstering his revolver, he raised his shotgun cautiously.. It could not be guaranteed that they were alone in here. His glanced flickered momentarily to Cadby, before he peered ahead and took several steps forward.
Officer Hooks was a little stunned by the body, not making any sudden movements until Corporal DeVito began to step forward to examine the body. Not knowing what could be out there, Hooks stepped forward to assist his brother-in-arms, coming up on the left-side of the taller man.

"I'll watch your left flank, Coropral," Hooks stated firmly, examining the left side of the warehouse as he walked in unison with DeVito, chambering a shotgun shell as he went.
-Officer Hooks & Corporal DeVito-

Off to the left, the sounds of footsteps on the concrete floor is heard, slightly distant, although gradually getting closer. Upon giving it a close listen, perhaps two sets of feet might be distinguishable. The right side remains mostly dark and silent.

The sergeant kneels next to the body, feeling for a pulse and going over its wounds. He then speaks into his radio again, simply saying "Yeah, individual's 10-45D," before rising to his feet, keeping his shotgun at hip-level and glancing to the left. "Someone might be coming."
Nodding his appreciation to the other Officer, DeVito checked his own shotgun and make sure the chamber was loaded. Grunting silently as he heard foot steps approaching, he stayed mildly cautious of the silent dark behind him as his focus changed to the left.
Officer Hooks heard the footsteps coming from the left side of the warehouse so he raised his weapon in preparation. "We've got a 10-12, sounds like more than one," he said softly, making sure only his accomplices would hear him. For now, he kept his gun pointed toward where he thought the sounds were coming from.

"Sergeant, your call on what to do with this one. They may be armed, they may not be, but I say we take no chances," Hooks told his sergeant, knowing that it probably wasn't right of him to make such a call. He wondered if what was making the noises could see him...

Francis, still at the rear of the formation, observes the corpse's condition. He occasionally glances back up to peer off into the darkness. Generally in the direction in which the sounds are coming from.

The sergeant sighs, readjusting his shotgun up to shoulder-level, keeping it pointed to the left side. "Just...wait and see, alright? Hold position."

The footsteps get closer and closer as you hear their volume gradually increase, although their pace is slow. Eventually, two figures shuffle around the corner from the boxes, stopping when they see the group of policemen. Both of the figures are wearing fishery workers' uniforms with large aprons, spattered with blood, while also having their identities obscured by rags tied around their faces.

-Officer Wells-

The body appears to have long gashes across its chest, and its stomach is sliced in quite deeply. Along with that, you manage to tell that it suffered a good deal of blunt trauma from something.
Tom Dixon stands. He looks ahead and sees men armed with all sorts of fire arms. "Is this it?" he asks in a low voice. "Is this how humanity deals with problems? Guns!" I suppose. He moves on, a sad sullen expression across his face. He reaches a police sergeant after entering the first warehouse, and tries to speak to the police sergeant before being interrupted.
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Officer Hooks was taken aback by the sight of the two figures, their clothes spattered with blood and their faces concealed under rags. He wondered what the hell was going on this forsaken part of town as he lowered his shotgun, getting ready to speak up, but rather thinking better of it. Instead, he tapped the Corporal who was next to him, exchanging a subtle word.

"You've got this one," he told him, knowing that the Corporal had that booming voice with the appearance to put authority behind it, unlike Hooks who wasn't particularly good at shouting. Besides, the man was a Corporal; he'd probably know what to say.
(B0b needs to make more fitting entrances.)


The two individuals remain still, and begin raising their hands after they drop a knife and piece of pipe they were holding onto the ground. One turns their head looks to the other, speaking. "We did it; we made it out?"

The sergeant speaks up before DeVito has a chance to. "Identify yourselves!" he barks. They seem to flinch, but remain where they are. The other one speaks, now; "We just worked at the fishery here. We're cool. It's alright- we got out, yeah?"

The sergeant looks at each of the other officers, seeming somewhat confused. Then he resumes talking to the people, issuing an order. "Both of you come over here and face the wall." He looks over his shoulder upon seeing someone enter.

-Seaman Dixon-

As you go inside the warehouse, a police squad leader notices you and speaks to you. "Hey, we need you to run out and grab one of those jugs of disinfectant that they should be bringing out now. We need to douse these guys before cuffing them."
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"They look sketchy as hell," Hooks grunted toward the Corporal, not at all liking the looks of the two men. They were drenched in blood and were carrying knives, muttering to one another. If he had the choice, he reckoned he would have just shot them straight up. There's no telling where that blood came from, and he was damn sure it wasn't from working at a bloody fishery. No... they have done dirty things to get this far, things that Hooks knew were immoral.

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