Waterfords Academy for the Magically Gifted. {SU/Info}

Name: Prudence Hamilton

Age: Just turned 13 a few months ago.

Gender: Female

Power: Premontions. DEFINITION: The person has visions of the past or future, brought on by touch, sight or sound.



She wears a retainer, and is extremely pale and thin. Her hair is long and very, very thick.

Story: Prude grew up in a rich family. Her father was a businessman, her mother a hardworking cheesemaker. She lived in a mansion in the countryside in England with her 1 year younger sister. She went to an expensive school, and was scraping the status of the cleverest (academically!) there (when she was in the last year). She didn't exactly have a 'normal' childhood, and she matured early (parents too busy to come to concerts she performed in, too busy to take her to a theme park), plus she argued a lot with her parents. Her parents were powerful- clever yet cruel. They wern't exactly your 'normal' parents. Arguments were violent.... Beatings were regular. Once it was so bad that Prude ran away on impulse. She was eventually found after 1 hour, and it wasn't pretty. That is why friends matter so much to her.

She was 12 and a bit when she finally discovered her powers. She was being taken out on a trip with her parents (who FINALLY had the time) to go see a football match to patch up the family's relationship. Things weren't going too well on her team. That was when the football sped past her, and she suddenly felt very dizzy. She had a brief flash of a goal scored by her team in her mind, but then she flashed back into reality. It was strange. She thought nothing of it at the time, until after 5 minutes what she had witnessed before came true. After that, she had these visions regularly. She kept it silent until she had a vision, right before her holiday, of the ferry she was going on to crash into a huge chunk of rocks near land. All her previous visions were true, and she wasn't going to risk it. She started screaming when her parents wouldn't listen. When things got out of hand, they knew that something was wrong. But they continued onto the ferry. A day of trembling and shouting continued, to the point where she actually prepared a speech to say before she died. But then it happened. A titanic-like scene occurred, yet surprisingly, Prude didn't panic. She just blinked a few times, whispered 'I told you so', and took in everything going on. They were to evacuate the ship, and lifeboats were sent out. Luckily, they were very close to land, and some strong swimmers could swim to the shore (like Prude and her family). When the scene calmed down, nobody looked at Prude in the same way again. That was why she was sent here.

Crush*: None! ... Or so she says. Her mother warns her time after time to NEVER get married, but sometimes she can't help but to feel love.... But she keeps it secret.

Other: She adores video games, and cats. She is extremely intelligent, academically, but she can be forgetful and absent-minded out of class. She plays clarinet, piano and recorder and enjoys them. She also enjoys science.
Name:Michishige Shigure



Power:he can control blood (blood flow)

Story: As a young boy, Michishige would play around with his small animals, but whenever he touched them in certain ways they would faint or fall over dead, his parents were worried for their health, and his as well. He has learned to refrain from touching other people at all, but if he must, he will defend himself, he got into a fight at a normal school and hospitalized the other kid with his powers, this is why they sent him to the school for the gifted.

Crush*: None (he doesn't want to get into a relationship because he's afraid he might hurt that person.)


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All three accepted, and [MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION], you are allowed to post in first person, and the translator is a good idea, I'd prefer not to have a vampire.
Name: Brett Bearheart / Warclaw

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Power: Two souls in one body, Brett cannot control his ability. His power is to transform into a colossal grizzly bear. However, his animal spirit only reveals itself when it feels that Brett cannot survive in a certain condition or is in need of defending. He is also physically stronger, faster, and sensitive to movements around him. He also has a sharper sense of smell. Lastly, he posses an iron will, able to resist any magical attacks against him but he gets weaker and weaker after he stops resisting, the longer he resists.


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Story: An exile. In school, his dual wild aspect was... untamed. He was defensive, always, and he was watchful. He was always keeping an eye on everything that was happening since he was old enough to comprehend what emotions were. Several incidents happened in his schools where he's hospitalized several other students in bursts of defensive anger by feeling threatened when bullies tried to pick on him for his solitude. One day, his father turned on him, saying that he lacked the necessary discipline. Hence, beatings began. The last one his father gave, was the last thing his father ever did as the aspect with Brett consumed him and his grizzly second half became his body. The bear mauled and killed Brett's father and when Brett woke up in the hospital, he had been given the new surname "Bearheart". When he left, he knew the police would be after him, so he left his town with the clothes on his back. Starving and grieving, the bear took over. Fighting hunters and other wild beasts, the bear attained several scars that transferred over to Brett's human form. Finally, after a long travel, the bear arrived at the town of Loness. Exhausted, the bear withdrew and Brett was left on the floor in front of a school that took him in. They noticed him scarred and bloodied and gave him a room in the infirmary for the first month and a half. The authorities at the school have named his soul companion, Warclaw.

Crush: None

Personality: Brett is a loner. He typically doesn't have friends and doesn't make them too easily. He has hopes that the fact will change at this new school but he has his doubts. He is very defensive, standing up for people who are getting picked on and fights to survive. Warclaw, however, is destructive, devastating, and powerful. He comes out when Brett is threatened by wilderness, emotions, and or hostile surroundings. He is Brett's spirit companion, in all reality, and defends / supports him whenever Warclaw sees fit.
Although, there was a lot, and still is, a lot of racism towards the Japanese. And James has dealt with it for being Half-Greek. Would make sense if someone hates him for it. And honestly, I'm not racist towards the Japanese. I would love to go to Japan one day,
Name: Zane

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Power: Ability to control earth and fire.

Looks: View attachment 7554

Story: Unknown.

Crush*: None yet. But looking.

Other: -shrug- Goes to school full time and lives with his brother in an apartment complex next to the school.

Name: Jericho

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Power/Ability: Can freeze things, Make ice.

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story: Unknow.

Other: Lives with brother Zane.
Accepted rio.

Name: Jacque Merlin

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Power/Ability: Can see into the future.


Story: He was born in France, but not the fancy Paris type. The slums of France. The underworld. The horrible scar under the beautiful mask it had been advertised as. The street rats stealing cheese from dumpsters behind 5 star restaurants. This was his life before he moved. He saw one day his plane crashing. He persuaded his family not to go that day. The next day on the news it was told that their plane had crashed. Jacque told his mother and father and when they moved they sent him here.

Other: Nothing!
Name: Nrea Eldred

Age: 16

Gender: female

Power: Ergokinesis/energy manipulation (the power to manipulate all forms of energy with the mind. One with this power can keep energy as potential or cause it to release itself sporadically. They can take another persons energy away, thus weakening the other person or even killing them. One with this power can negate potential energy, thus keeping oneself and others in continuous motion. One with this power can even generate energy perpetually, and thus have peak stamina and/or release the excess energy to fly or shoot bolts, blasts or rays. Not easy to use. Users are extremely rare.)


Story: Got angry around family once when she was 10, and family died. Cause of death was never figured out by authorities, but she knows what happened. She was put into her grandmother's custody until her grandmother couldn't handle her sporadically floating or making things fly anymore, and she was finally admitted to the school.

Crush*: none

Other: She can't do any high-level things with her power yet. Has little control over it for now, thus needing the school.
Name: Gabe (Black Hair) Gabriel (Platinum Hair)

Age: Both 13

Gender: Males

Powers: Gabe is able to manipulate darkness. Like turn one's dreams into nightmares. Make them face their fears ten fold. Sometimes his powers would backfire on him. Sending him in a world of pain.

Gabriel can manipulate light. He makes nightmares into dreams. With his abilities he would try to make others happy in anyway he could.


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Story: Gabe and Gabriel were raised by their grandparents due to the fact their parents believed they gave birth to two freaks and regrets ever giving birth to such monsters. The boys grandparents on the other hand knew the two young lads have been gifted with such wonderful abilities. Gabe a few years later noticed his abilities begun to thrash out in anger and frustration he couldn't help but worry about them. Their grandparents decided to help them control their abilities they needed to go to school and with much luck found it. So now they begin their journey.

Crushes: None yet, but hope.

Other: Their Nicknames are The Scorn & Eon.
Name: Reyn Aerlen

Age: 17 since about a month ago

Gender: Male

Power: Able to control air and fire or 'heat' is what his reference is. Control of other elements is very limited, practically non-exsistant for now?


Story: Reyn was raised by foster parents who loved him greatly, no one ever knew of his ability to control elements, not even himself. But he did know he was a foster child given to these random but nice people. It was when he was about 16 that an older women told him of his ability to manipulate the elements, after telling his foster parents they suggested a school that was far off from here but wasn't an impossible distance. Reyn was scared and excited, he had spent his life around nature and never knew he could control it's elements. Now he was going to and was hoping for the best of experiences, whether it was for better or for worse.

Crush*:None but maybe in the future?

Other:He is usually shy and talks small with strangers but respects everyone as equals, even if it's in a modest fashion. Likes to be optimistic and is worried he wont impress who he's being sent to.

Name: Storm Bywyd

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Power: can shapeshift at will into any real-life animal as long as she knows what it looks like

Looks: thick, straight, long, flaming red hair, stormy (pardon the unintentional joke) gray eyes, tall, wiry.

Story: Storm's always taken care of herself. She doesn't know why she has no parents. Her powers were discovered last month, when someone took the bullying a bit too far. Storm traumatized the entire class by turning into a very large lioness. She's known about her powers all her life, but always kept them to herself. More may be revealed in RP.

Crush*: none (Storm's not romantically inclined. She's never had anyone she can trust, much less love.)

Other: She comes out of shapechanges wearing clothes, but for some reason they're always climate-appropriate white jumpsuits, sometimes with a coat.


Does the other shapeshifter mind? And for that matter, are they the animal kind or the change-into-other-humans kind?

Do you think the any-animal-at-will thing is godmodding, or are the reality and appearance restrictions sufficient?

And finally, may I still join, even though I'm late?
Name: Harmony Darkdragon

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Power: She can manipulate electricity


Story: She was born into a noble house hold, having the name Darkdragon is a proud feature your born into. Though, because of her strange mutation, her parents couldnt even touch her without being shocked almost to death. Her skill is a blessing and a curse, she can fix eletrical items, but if to angry or sad, she can explode into a vortex of shock. Due to this, her parents sent her to emotional therapy, making her pretty much impossable to get mad unless somthing horrific occurs.

Crush: None

Other: She is always carrying around metal whips that act like a belt, they are used as weapons because everyone knows electricity can travel through metal.
Accepted [MENTION=3494]Raevum[/MENTION], [MENTION=3578]Tetra[/MENTION], [MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION]

Also accepted: [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION], @lxlBunxBunlxl

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