Waterdeep Dragon Heist

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Candle Lane:

Approaching the warehouse, it stands at the back of an outer yard behind a high fence. A gate stands between the party and it. Here closer all can see the painted mark of the Zhentarim upon the door. No lights are visible through the grimy windows, and a strange silence still hovers over the area.
As the group approaches the gate outside the suspicious warehouse Garret "opens the lock". Hokk motions a finger in front of his lips to be quiet and sneaks up to the window. Just like you've done before. Make no noise and this all goes smoothly.

Getting to the window Hokk sees candles and furniture tossed about. He moves to the door, but it's locked. Turning to his party he calls them forward as he pulls out his great sword prepping for the worst.
Goldilocks feels like it's time for her to prove herself to the group. She cast a spell, sending a whisper of a sound to Hokk's ears, saying "Cover me, I've got this." She heads over, as quitly as she can with her thieve's tools in hand. Once there, she gets to work on the lock. After a bit of trying the mechanism, she almost fails but then hears that satisfying, telltale click. She whispers to no one in particular "Phew. That was close."
Fosco sneaks into the shadows stealthily...well, he thinks he does. Seeing the others staring at him, he thinks I'll need to work on that.

He watches Goldy pick the warehouse lock with his keen eyes for the dark, thinking he could have done it better. Probably. Better work on that too. Regardless, he spots four kenku moving in the warehouse as the door pops open, and grits his teeth ready for a fight.
After expertly picking the lock on the unlocked gate, Garret watches as the others approach the actually locked door to the warehouse and peer in the windows. Goldilocks goes up to the door and begins fiddling with her thieve's tools. Hmm, a woman of talents. Next thing he knows, the door is open and a group of startled Kenku are looking back at them. Garret sighs. "Okay, here we go."
As Goldy opens the door the Kenku are surprised and have weapons drawn. One falls in a slumber, the next singed by Werner. Hokk charges the one still up in a rage hacking him down.

He turns to hear the words Xanathar's uttered by one of two remaining birdfolk. these Kenku are just popping up everywhere... Hokk's comrades take out one of the final 2, Fosco then backs the last one into dropping it's weapon.

"So which door did you say the prisoner was tired up behind?" As Hokk looks to the Kenku out of breath.
Quick to the draw, Fosco casts sleep on the nearest kenku, quickly removing him from the fight. Being out of nonlethal ways to eliminate foes, he lands the killing shot with his crossbow on a second kenku, which the others had beat up first. The others eliminate one other meanwhile.

Fosco shouts at the fourth and last kenku, "Tell us what we want ta know and ye'll walk free!" He's not entirely sure he can keep that promise, but it seems to work; the kenku drops its weapon and provides some valuable information.

Fosco turns to his party. "Sounds like Floon's in the back. Obviously we should get him ta safety. But before we go to these sewers, whaddowe do with these birds? I'm no advocate for vigilante justice, but we can't quite trust 'em to go free. On th'other hand, I did promise one of 'em. What say you?" He asks, gesturing to all the others.
Seeing his erstwhile teammates spring into action, Wrecker raises his hammer and bellows, charging into the warehouse. In his haste, he neglects to defend himself, and the kenku gives him a nasty slash on his shoulder.
"Why does it always have to be violence?" Exclaims Sera in a sarcastic tone. She then rushes in after Garret and looks where she saw him shoot - and there it is all right, a kenku. Poor creature, being caught up in a situation like this! As she thinks this, a bright-glowing bolt of fire streaks out of her hand towards the raven like creature. And what do you know, it hits! The poor birdie seems quite singed by it. Goldy lets out a nervous giggle while covering her mouth. "Oops"
As the door opens and the startled Kenku reach for their weapons, suddenly one of them falls deeply asleep. Garret then watches as one of the half-orcs runs into the room and takes out another of the birds. Seeing an opportunity, he runs in behind Hokk and tries his best to deescalate the situation. "We've got 20 guys here, give up if you want to live!" One of the birds caws back something about the Xanathars and Garret realizes that the fight must go on. He aims his bow at the one who spoke and hits him square with an arrow. Then the same bird is hit with fire and finished off by the other half-orc. Have to remember to stay on the good side of those brutes.

The chaos continues and eventually the last non-sleeping Kenku surrenders. He implies that our quarry is somewhere in the back. Now, what to do with the pair of squawkers.
"I can do that for ya," Hokk says with a smile. Looking down at the Kenku as he ties each one up, "Listen to me now, just stay here until we get things sorted, ya hear? If you run, we will have no choice." Gently slapping one on the cheek. "I suggest we close up the doors and get after it then."
Garret watches as the big man ties up the birds, unable to help walking over and giving the knots a little extra check. Not too bad. "I agree. Let's find the fool and get paid."

The kenku flinched as Hokk patted the side of its face, eyes wide as it watched the group move around. As the other one slowly woke, it repeated in a thin nasally voice, "Tie up the pretty boy in the back room!"
"By all means, check it out." Garret pulls an arrow out of a dead Kenku. "And if whatever is behind that door isn't Floon, feel free to give it an extra thump on the head from me."
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Pulling back the tarp there's a young human man sitting there, looking beat up and the source of the ragging breathing. His description matches what Volo said yet there's a few things missing here and there ... His eyes are wide as he looks at Wrecker, seeing the blood and weapons -- as if trying to figure out in that split second friend or foe? Red welts circle his wrists, evidence of tightly bound ropes, he raises his hands to cower, covered in grime and surrounded by the lingering stench of rancid pickled herring, "Please Ser! I have nothing left to say -- but I assure you, if you were to release me, I could pay whatever ransom you'd request! Wouldn't even need to deal with the Watch!"

The man raises his arms trying to protect himself, "No! I'm Ranaer Neverember! I was trying to guide Floon home when we got jumped and the idiots thought he was me!"
"Good news: Wah here to rescue you." Wrecker sets down his hammer and begins helping Ranaer up. "Bad news: you're gonna stay with us for now."
"Ooh Neverember, huh? First time in a tight spot like this?" Asks Goldy as she pokes out from behind Wrecker's shoulder. "It's nice we found you too, but we originally came for Floon. Do you know where he got to? Do you know why they wanted him? That strange wizard figure Volo sent us!" She says all these with a single breath. "How inconsiderate of me! Are you hurt?" She asks after just a moment of thinking.
"Also if you tell us who mugged you, it could help. There's kind of a crime scene out here with varying gangs and races." Hokk says as he also slides out behind Wrecker. He steps out of the way to give Ranear some room.

"But should we check the other door or head upstairs? It feels good to be in a fight again" giving a satisfied smile.
A halfling head pokes itself into the small room. "Did I hear that it's not him?" Garret frowns. "The door outside is right there. Ask him if he knows where Floon is and let him be on his way. It looks like he's had quite the ordeal." He hesitates another few seconds. "He's also welcome to show his...appreciation...of our spent time and energy. If he's so inclined, of course."

Ranaer glanced down at himself after the spell cleaned him up, nodding appreciatively towards Werner. He straightened his clothes as he stood, attempting to answer everyone. "Unfortunately it is not the first time someone has made an attempt on me, however it is the first time an innocent has been involved. Meaning, I think the brigands thought Floon was me and thus carried him away for further questioning." He peered around the group into the main room, pointing at the dark leather wearing group, "Those were the ones that attacked us, then they in turn got attacked but another group -- I believe I heard Xanathar mentioned a few times."

Pausing he turned back to Werner, "Yes ... I am the son of Dagult Neverember, however it is a position that I do not gladly admit to."Even after the magical cleaning he still dusted himself off, "I'm unsure where Floon currently lives, he tends to rotate ... but I highly doubt you'll find him at any residence any time soon since he was grabbed during the fight while I tried to make my own escape."
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Goldy casts a simple spell, projecting her cheerful yet whispering voice into Ranaer's ear. "All right, let me ask again! Do you need healing?" She then smiles at him, clearly expecting an answer.
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