Water Baby [Inactive]

Princess Madanya Ava

Princess Madanya Ava Mahoon
Oceana submitted a new role play:

Water Baby - A roll play about the ocean, fantasy, and secrets around every corner.

Cordelia (Delia) has never belonged, she's always been the outcast, and being an orphan does't help either. The only place she finds refuge is the sea. But what Cordelia doesn't know is that there are people who are looking for her. Her life is about to change as she's whisked into an underwater fantasy meant for the fish, or those who are half fish. :wink:
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Today was just one of those days that sucked more than usual, I ran in the school with wet hair and wet shoes from running in the pouring rain outside. A puddle formed at my feet and I slipped falling flat on my face. A chorus of laughter filled my ears as I attempted to stand up, I failed.

Most of my life has sucked, I was put into an orphanage for fifteen years of my life. Finally I ran away and made myself a living, I bought my own small secluded beach front cottage, I even paid for my own education. But my life was nothing glamorous.

I regained my balance and held my head high as I walked to my locker, as usual there were hate notes taped all over it, all said the usual things, most of which I should probably not mention. At least I new this day would be a semblance of normal. But I knew that defiantly wasn't going to happen. I pulled the notes off my locker and opened it. Looking in my little mirror that was lined with shells I pulled my long dark brown hair into a pony tail. I sighed and made a silent wish,'somebody please save me.'
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