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Alex sighed and looked at Damian with a raised eyebrow;he was about to take the comment as an insult and punch him straight in the nose but,he didn't.Calming himself down,he set Aly down on the ground and held onto her hand "She's fine and I don't think that's necessary hun."he told him with a smirk.Damian was interesting to him but,he probably couldn't take it anywhere else than friendship...although he wish he could sometimes.When he gave a compliment to Aly,Aly hide behind Alex's leg and looked down not liking him very much."It's alright Aly."he said to her and patted her head then looked towards Damian."You shouldn't smoke,it's bad for you."he told him before taking his cig and smoking it himself before giving it back and blowing the smoke to the side with a smile.He gave Damiian a kiss on the cheek then walked past him not forgetting to give him a little slap on the bottom."See you around hun."he told him then looked at Kyle and nodded"It seems to be that way."he said and laughed then shrugged before turning back around and picking up Aly then going into the coffee shop to get her favorite drink and food.
♣Gemma Harrison♣

Gem tensed a little as Vince hugged her; she wasn’t a hugger and felt uncomfortable whenever anyone decided to do so. “What?” she hissed at Vince. “What-what plan? I didn’t-“ But he had released her and was already backing up in the direction of the entrance. As the cashier came out with a mop, Gem glanced back at Vince with an unamused look that said: Really? A mop? She’s going to murder us with a mop?

Gem looked insulted as the cashier gave her the mop. Although she took it, she put it on the side and refused to mop with it. In her mind, she was already planning ten thousand ways to get this girl fired permanently. Then the cashier spit and Mija stepped up; Gem knew that something was about to happen. Her friend was tough and very capable, with the ability to fight (an ability that she herself did not have). Gem watched the fight with one eye and absentmindedly began mopping with the tool she had set aside. If the cashier was going to fight, then there would be no one to mop up the spilled coffee. As Mija sat back down, Gem had placed the mop again to the side, had sat down, and was slowly wiping some coffee off the table with some napkins. "She did," she said, agreeing that the cashier had needed some sort of punishment.
"Did he..." Damian's forehead creased as he stared at the coffee shop. "What just happ- he touched my butt. And smoked my cigarette." One of his hands was lifted palm up by his waist in a wondering position. "He's got a kid with him and he can act like that? He's a weird man." He wasn't exactly sure what was going on in Alex's head when he did all that stuff. It was flirting, but was it joke flirting or was it something Damian should really be paying attention to? He pushed it out of his mind for the time being.

Damian breathed a laugh and turned towards Kyle. "Where we you going? And I suppose I'll ask this time if I can come with you." He grinned then added quickly, "Please say yes." If Kyle didn't want him around he could stay at the coffee shop with everyone else, but there were a lot of people and his cigarette was almost out and he wanted another one.

She raised her head from her arms, and slid off of the chair cautiously, lightly stumbling to her feet. Her bruises over her neck, stomach and shoulder ached with spiking pain. She ran a shaky hand through her hair. Blood from her split lower lip ran down her chin and to her neck. "Guys," Mija stated, attempting to get their attention on her. "Do any of you have a napkin?" She asks, placing her thin fingers over her mouth harshly so it will stop some of the bleeding. She winced, her lip throbbing, making her feel a bit lightheaded. Mija didn't think she would be able to dance today. Alex walked in with his little sister. Mija loved children, even though they were a pain sometimes. She smiled, teeth tinted.

Her teeth were tinted red because of the blood flowing from her lip into her mouth. Quickly, she licked her lips and teeth, looking cleaner than her was, though there was still blood dribbling down her neck.
"Hola, niña. Hi, Alex." She greeted them both with a warm smile. Mija's knees trembled, and then buckled, and then trembled again. Her bruises were making it hard for her to stand on her own two feet, but the resilient girl furrowed her brows and dealt with it. Her smile turned into a slight frown, the angry kitten face returning to her features since she wasn't seriously infuriated. Mija pressed her fingers to her lips harder, preventing bleeding though the throbbing feeling killed.

Alex smiled happy that Aly was turned the other direction and didn't see the little play he put on with Damian.He chuckled at Aly as she sipped on her milkshake getting the whipped frosting on her nose.Looking on the window,he saw Mija come in and she was looking...rather crappy,he instantly wondered what had happened to her.When she came inside,Alex stood up and insisted her to take his seat."What happened to you?"he asked wiping her lip with a cloth and telling her to hold it there. He grabbed the First Aid kit from off of the wall and fixed Mija's wounds then medicated her cuts and wrapped the gauze around them afterward.Aly looked at the girl across from her and was a little afraid."Sont be afraid Aly,it's MiMi remember?She does really look like her because she's injured but,it's her I promise."he told his sister trying to comfort her while getting Mija into a comfort state.he sighed and closed the kit box then stood up sitting beside Aly in the booth that they were all in " Now,tell me what happened to you and why it did."he demanded to know this time.He didn't like when any of his friends got hurt and was very protective over them when it came to situations like this.He was also the one that they would come to if they had any injuries since Alex was going to head to medical school when it was time to.Waiting for an answer,he sipped a little of Lay's drink as she ate the mini pancakes that she had.

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