✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]


eyebrow queen

Kyle || 10:34am || Saturday

Kyle rolled over in her sad excuse for a bed, here's to another useless day. Mornings were the worst at best. Looking around her dump of an apartment was nothing but a reminder of her life. She didn't hate it but she always knew it could be better. As her feet touched the floor she saw a cockroach scuttle across the floor in front of her. They didn't phase her anymore. When she first moved to her apartment she couldn't handle them, but now they were a part of her everyday life. She didn't even bother to kill them anymore; it was pointless. No matter how many she killed there would be two more taking its place.

Cold shot up her bare legs as they hit the cold wood floors. Tossing her hair up into a pony tails she glanced over at the other side of her bed. Shocker, no strangers today. Strangers slept in her bed as frequently as she did. Letting out a sigh of relief she smiled to herself.
"Here's to another shitty day." She said softly as she lifted herself off the bed. Sauntering over to the fridge she found herself face to face with a fridge with a half empty gallon of milk, a jar of pickles and leftover Chinese food. Puffing a stray hair out of her face she groaned as her eye's gazed over the contents. She needed more food, but it was that horrid time between her next pay check and the check she just sent out for rent. Thankfully it was Saturday and she had the day off. For her that was a rare occurrence, but she wasn't about to argue with her boss about it.

Slamming the door shut she leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground. There was nothing to eat and she knew her bank account was drained. The odds of having enough money to buy a decent breakfast, or lunch at this point was slim. She knew she had to break into the small savings and emergency stash she had under her mattress. Breaking into it was the last thing she wanted to do. It was supposed to be her savings for her one trip flight to California, but it seemed to be dwindling quicker than it was growing. Lifting herself to her feet she strided over to mattress and lifted up the side. Slipping her hand into the opening she pulled out the wad of cash that consisted of mainly fives, tens, and the occasional twenties. All if was money she earned from working the pole. It was a shitty job, but it made money.

Leaving the cash sitting on the mattress she grabbed the first clean clothing she could find and slipped into it. It was time for some coffee and cigarettes. She pulled out enough money to cover her breakfast and a few groceries before slipping the rest of the cash under the mattress. Glancing around the room one last time she grabbed her purse and ran out the door. Closing her front door was the easy part, getting it open was another story. It didn't matter if you had keys or not the, damn thing won't open unless you know how to jiggle the handle correctly. Because of this she never locker her door anymore, besides it's not like she had anything good to steal.

Jogging down the stairs she paid no attention to the screaming kids, the couple clearly having morning sex and the the old guy who insisted on leaving his front door open as he sung Italian opera. Her neighbors weren't perfect or tolerable, but they were hers. She couldn't imagine living in this dump without them. They always made her feel like she wasn't as much of loser as she felt sometimes.

As soon as her feet hit the pavement, there was a cigarette hanging from her lips. Lighting it she huffed down the alley way to the old coffee shop that was only a few blocks from the apartment building. Blowing out small puffs of smoke like a train she eyed the people passing her by. God she hated this town.

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♣Gemma Harrison♣

Gem felt the cool morning air sift through her apartment and reached for the puffy blanket that she had kicked to the floor in her sleep. She pulled it on top of her, but the light blanket did little to keep her warm. Groaning in frustration, she was suddenly aware of a sharp ringing. Her hand reached over and grabbed her phone off of the nightstand. As she did so, she realized that she forgot to take off her watch and inwardly sighed. "Hello?..Yeah, this is Gemma....What?....So, she-okay. No, I'm fine, it's fine, you're fine. I'll be right over...Bye." She exhaled deeply and placed the phone back on the nightstand. The manager of the coffee shop she waitressed at had called her. Apparently one of the workers was running late and they needed her to help them. Usually, she would have refused, but she was too tired and drowsy in the morning for that kind of action. Life was just great, so great. She sat there for a few moments, soaking up the moment and taking in her life. After leaving her foster family, she had come to this neat but small apartment. Her neighbors were old or noisy, but nothing too dangerous or life-threatening.

Sighing, she got out of bed and ran a hand through her brown wavy-ever-so-slightly-curly hair. She quickly splashed cold water on her face and brushed her teeth. She put on some old clothes, which consisted of a black dress and an unbuttoned faded red plaid shirt over it, and struggled to put on a pair of black tights. She opened the fridge and peered in, eyes sweeping over her scarce supply of food. She drank some orange juice and snacked on a box of cereal. She had a habit of either intense saving or excessive buying with no in-between. Right now, she was in the phase of not buying and would continue to do so until she had enough money to buy a small hoard of supplies.

When she ate enough to not feel hungry, she grabbed her keys and phone, and shoved them into her dress pockets. She left her apartment and gently shut the door, knowing that many people would not be up at this hour. There was a middle aged couple living next door, and a single mother living across the hall. She hadn't ever talked to them more than once or twice, but felt close enough to be sensitive. She hurried downstairs and walked briskly to the coffee shop across the street. When she got there, she realized that there were more people there than usual and that she actually was needed. She pushed her way through the people and hurried to put on her apron. She tied her hair in a messy bun, which fell into a ponytail as she worked. She worked for almost two hours before the girl she was replacing came in. She smiled and heard herself say that it was no problem when thanked. She even took two cookies for compensation, which was incredibly stupid since she could've asked for money. She already smelled of lattes and cinnamon from being in there for practically two hours.

She saw Kyle walking towards the coffee shop, and was thankful that it was less crowded than before. She untied her apron and gave it back to the manager before walking to greet Kyle.

Damian's day had started with the ending of another work shift. How he had come across such a great job, he still couldn't fathom. He worked at one of the bars in the city and although it still wasn't great, it was better than most of greasy rat infested dumps. What Damian enjoyed most about his work was the environment. Over all the building wasn't much, neither was the service in fact nothing was overly that great about the place. But the owners liked to think that it was the nicest bar in the city so they tried their hardest to build a great franchise. That's why the employees needed to be the best in the business (honestly they were just mediocre but in the owner's eyes they were the best). Damian was one of the 'best' bartenders at Louis', he managed to get a job a year ago. "Thank God I look older than I am," he'd say on the subject of being underage.

This job was the reason why he was well dressed (in his opinion) and also why he always smelled of beer and other liquors. He smelled so much of the putrid stuff that strangers avoided walking too close to him thinking he was drunk because of the smell and the way his gait wobbled slightly. So there he was wearing black pants, a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal his tattoos and a black tie walking down the street. The people went out of their way to get around him but he had a cigarette between his teeth so mostly it was an okay day. He still didn't have his own apartment, he still didn't have enough money to get by and by the looks of the sky it was going to rain, but there was the familiar taste of smoke in Damian's mouth and that was the only thing he needed to make him smile.

Damian didn't know what he was going to do today. Part of the agreement that he had with his apartment roomie was that he would stay out of the house for most of the day and only come back for a few hours before his next shift to get some shut eye. He was musing over the possibilities when a homeless man shook a cup and asked for a few cents. Damian was accustomed to the sound of change swishing around in a plastic cup. The homeless were everywhere. Damian would probably become one of them soon if he didn't find his own apartment. Honestly, it scared him. He didn't want to be near all those good for nothing drug addicts, let alone be begging for money with them. All he wanted to do was smoke cigarettes and live life day to day.
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Eva Cassidy

Groaning, Eva rolled over, roughly shoving some of her hair out of her face, accidently smacking herself in the process. Nothing fazed her as she slowly blinked her eyes open. She hated mornings...Yawning, the brunette tried to roll over again, only to end up falling off her bed and onto the hard and cold wood floor with a thump.

Letting out a small shriek, she jumped up slightly, tangled in her bed sheet. Hopping for a moment she let out a muffled groan upon falling back onto her bed. When she stopped moving, planning on taking a breath, her phone went off. She let out a pitiful moan, trying to free her hand to grab it off her night stand when she froze, hearing her father move downstairs.

It was a moment later when she quickly snatched her phone, and shut it off, hearing her father pause. Letting out a breath as he moved farther away, she quickly flipped open her phone, calling back whoever called her.

"Hello?" she asked, her voice a whisper, not wanting her dad to come back. "Alright....Uh-okay, sure. I'll be there in two hours." she replied before snapping her phone shut. Sighing she stared at the wall on the other side of her bed and sighed, dropping her head to the firm mattress.

Forcing herself to get up, Eva quickly started getting ready. She had to be at the Wolf's Moon in two hours to do a shift on her day off, and she really didn't want to meet up with her dad downstairs. Jumping into the shower she quickly washed her hair, finishing in five minutes. She couldn't afford to waste water. Getting dressed and grabbing her purse, Eva hurried downstairs, praying she wasn't seen to whatever God was out there, if there was one.

Upon rushing out the door, Eva jogged down the block before double checking she had everything in her purse. With a nod t herself she started towards the coffee shop, planning on getting something to eat and drink before starting her shift in an hour.


"No...I said it's gonna be 35 dollars, deals a deal bro" was the last thing he said before getting a fist straight to the face. Great way to spend his morning, eh? Scott dragged his body up from the floor right out side the nasty ghetto. People cursing in all languages and people fighting. Just another day in his life. Started off waking up or in better terms sobering up. Eating much food he could tolerate and out the door in beat up vans and one of his many skateboards.

He knew clients were going to be hard it was, people like their weed cheap and no other reason. After nursing his bloody nose he chucked the board to the floor and started skating towards the local cup-o-joe place. After almost getting hit by a mini van and two taxi's he arrived. "Morning kids" he said sarcastically. Giving a happy smile to Kyle in paticular. Ordering a strong cup of coffee and sat down.

Still trying to wake up Kyle dodged a glance at Gemma who had just greeted her as she snagged the cup of coffee she had ordered. "Thanks." She muttered to the worker. Mornings weren't her favorite, everyone was always too happy or overly cranky. It's was all bullshit to her. It was the morning, nothing to be happy about and nothing to be cranky about. Taking a seat at next to Scott at a table near the door, she glanced over at him and noticed the bruise starting to form around his eye. "Hey hot shot. Nice shiner, try and charge someone to much for your cheap weed again?" She kept a joking tone to her voice as she sat back and closed her eye's for moment. She was still tired from her shift that lasted until 2am.

[Vincent Goodridge]

Vince was staring at his empty plate for almost fifteen minutes before he decided to call it a day. The fridge was also empty, as well as the makeshift cooler. Heck, even the water dispenser can only dispense dust for what it's worth. He was contemplating on whether or not he'd want to risk going to jail for stealing a pack of water bottles when Roarke sluggishly barged in his doorstep. Bald and drunk with a belly full of fermented grapes, Vince sometimes wonder where the hell did this sad, old guy get his daily poison. "Morning," Vince replied monotonously, not wanting to actually invite the bum in to stay. Roarke blinked a couple of times to clear his vision, then decided to stumble over to the small, plastic dinner table. He sat himself on the chair Vince was sitting on earlier, and laid his bottle heavily on the plastic surface. "What's for breakfast?" Vince rubbed the back of his neck, and walked over to the empty fridge. He pulled out a paper plate and set it on top of the table. "Help yourself." "There's nothing in there Vince," Roarke replied, his voice gravelly. "I know." Without waiting for a reply, he walked out of the door.


"I'm so f***ing hungry," Vince moaned loudly as he covered his head with a paper bag. He had poked two holes out for eyes, and realized it was a mistake when an old lady looked at him with malice. Whether it was because of his sailor mouth, or the paper bag on his head, he'll never know. What he does know for sure is that he had never seen an old lady look like that before. Last night, before his hungry mind and thirsty body decided to shut down, Vince had made a sign out of a cardboard box. Now, he's been wielding it like a stop sign in front of people's faces as he walked down the street. It said: "If I correctly write your actual name down, will you give me a dollar?" He had a couple of successes, partly because he wrote "your actual name" literally on a piece of paper completing his trick, and partly because the people took pity on this sad boy with his sad joke. "Damn, I should be a businessman. Someone hire me." Vince felt contented as a couple of quarters, and two wrinkled dollars slid down his pocket.

After a few blocks down, he finally arrived at the old coffee shop where he works during the graveyard shift. It felt weird as he took a step in, not intending to work, but to actually be the customer. Well, he had no other options. What could he get for just a dollar and a couple of quarters? As he walked towards the counter, he noticed that people were sneaking a look at him. Vince simply shrugged it off, not realizing that the stupid paper bag is still stuck on his head. "One Caramel Macchiato please? Just kidding. Just regular coffee. But if you insist on paying for the Caramel for this poor, hungry boy, I'll take it, thank you."
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"Oh so funny, and no it was 35 and we agreed on the price two nights ago." he took a sip of his coffee and reached in to his pocket. "He may have hit me.." pulled a bag of weed out. "I still got the weed." a smirk formed as he set it of the table and checked his wallet. Finding a pack of rolling papers. A little to casual he began rolling joints. "Shit Kyle you looked whooped, worked the pole again eh?" he snickered. That was cut short when Vincent blundered in obvious loudly.

"Hey, Vince what's up?" he asked handing him a fresh rolled joint. "This one on the house"


Hiking her purse higher on her shoulder, Eva used her hip to bump open the door to the coffee shop. Glancing around she noticed Kyle and Scott at one table and Vincent arriving minutes before her. Shooting the three a small grin, though she wasn't sure if they even saw her, she continued on her way to the counter.
"Medium coffee, cream and sugar with a blueberry muffin please." she said softly.

After paying and receiving her order, the brunette walked over to Kyle and Scott smiling slightly. "Hey guys." she said, her voice soft. "Mind if I join you?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee.



A young woman walked the dank cement sidewalk, on her way to her job. She had recently been called up by a local coffee shop that offered some great pay for her entertainment services, so she decided to take the job. A black cammy, the one with a sizeable hole near the bottom hem and a torn-up left strap, was what she wore on her slim figure, the ripped-up strap dealing off of her shoulder while her bra straps stayed firm in their places. Her black-and-white, plaid-patterned jacket was open near the neck and zipped down the rest of the way, dirty and frayed. It was a very special jacket that she managed to pull off with nearly any other outfit; she and that jacket had gone through a lot of blood {occasionally}, dirt, and tears together, and she didn't plan to toss it until it was f***ed up enough to not be wearable any longer, by any chance. She had washed it yesterday for the occasion she was heading to then. She had pulled on her black jeans, faded and ripped at the knees, and her trusty Converse sneakers, streaked with dirt and being the only pair of shoes she owned. They looked ready to fall apart, but they hadn't given out quite yet.

And, of course, her guitar case was slung on her back. It held her picks along with her instrument, the only decent, well-kept, and beautiful thing she had. She wouldn't dare allow it to get scratched or broken. It was her only source of finances, for one thing, and more importantly, among the only reminders that she had of her dad. If someone wanted that guitar, they would've had to go through Eve and her happy little
butterfly knife first. She kept it with her at all times, considering what happened to her dad, and just knowing the neighborhood in general. It was never a bad idea to have means of self-defense.

She walked at a leisurely pace, hand wrapped around the knife handle in her pocket, other resting idly in the other pocket. She already had an idea of where the place was, and followed the directions that passed through her head promptly. She arrived at the small shop only a little bit after it opened, when she usually came to her ever-changing workplaces. She entered the shop and greeted the cashier, asking, "
I'll have a black coffee. Oh, and would you be so kind as to let the person in charge know that the entertainer's here? Thanks." She paid for the coffee, having no intention of sweetening it. She liked the strong, bitter flavor.

She saw that there was already a mic and stool set up in the place, which she assumed was for her. She strode over to it and first sat down on the floor, opening her guitar case and tuning it to her liking. She chose a nice pick and also removed a jar, which she'd place next to her spot so that people could throw in tips if they felt like it. She then zipped it back up, deciding to start with some songs that she knew by heart, without lyrics. They were mostly soothing songs, and she decided that people early in the morning needed that type of tune more than lyrical, more intense music. That'd come later.

She placed herself on the stool and placed the mic near to her guitar so the sound would come out with a slightly clearer volume. She tested it, adjusting the distance between the mic and the guitar accordingly, and when she was satisfied, started her playing. She barely had to look at her guitar to start playing the sweet, calm melody coming from the strumming of her guitar strings. It was quiet, just what someone who just woke up would need. She played 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken' without lyrics as her first song, and as customers started coming in, she continued playing, fluidly moving from one song to the next. It was what she loved to do, and she certainly enjoyed doing it as more and more people came inside, and the small chatter began.

Before the lady at the counter could open her mouth to call for someone, possibly security, Vince heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! I didn't know you're here ball of weedy sunshine!" He took a seat on the opposite side of the table and reluctantly grabbed the joint. He knew he had told Scott that he doesn't smoke, but the man kept on forgetting. Oh well, maybe he can sell this one for a couple of dollars. "Thanks dude." Vince excused himself for a moment to order coffee. When he got back, Eva was already there, sitting with the group. With his paper bag still on, he tilted the cup to his lips, and grimaced slightly when the coffee came in contact with the paper. Hot, black drops fell on his shirt, leaving splattered stain marks. Vince calmly took off his paper bag, pretending that was all part of his plan. "And that is how not to drink coffee friends. You should all take notes." He ran a hand through his hair while taking another sip.
♣Gemma Harrison♣

Gem ordered her usual caramel macchiato and chatted with one of the staff members for a few moments after Kyle sat down next to Scott. Her coffee came in a minute and she paid for it quickly after seeing Vince and Eva come in. She felt the two hour shift she took finally hit her, and she felt drowsy and exhausted all over again. She took a few sips of coffee in a feeble attempt to wake herself up. She walked up to the others, observantly sipping her coffee. Vince and Eva had joined them, Vince with his paper bag and Eva with her coffee. She came just in time to see Vince's coffee spill. "Note taken," she replied to the coffee lesson, smiling as she took another sip of her coffee and sitting down. "Hope it's alright I join you." She was suddenly aware of the guitar playing, and realized that Eve was now here.
"You think it'd be bad if I smoked a joint here?" he asked. In Scott's eyes weed could and should be able to be smoked any where. "Nah I'll save it." he pocketed it and quickly got up to get some ice for his black eye. He sat back down watching Vince spill coffee. "Clutz of the year award goes too..." he drum rolled the table. "Vince and his coffee adventerous"
"Thank you, thank you," Vince replied, while attempting to bow dramatically while sitting on the cramped table. As if on cue, his coffee cup tipped over when he accidentally nudged it with his head. "Shit." The black liquid created a huge, dark circle on the middle of his white, splattered shirt. "Guys, this is not what you think this is. You see, I'm actually an artist, travelling around the world to display my art. This here," he pointed to his shirt, "is my painting of Scott, as you can see this is his black eye." He got up and grabbed some paper towels just as Eve began to play. "Thanks Gemma for appreciating my lectures. If you want some art lessons, let me know. They're 35 bucks for an hour."

Peaking one eye open as Scott talked she scoffed back at him, "At least my source of income is leagal." Shaking her head she sipped lightly on her coffee. It was true, neither of them made an honest living but her's was at least legal. As soon as she was about to close her eye's again she caught Vince spilling coffee on himself. Immediately a smile came to her face and laugh followed. It was moments like these that she lived for. Despite having a crap life her friends never failed to bring a smile to her face.

Shooting a smile at Vince she help up her coffee cup,
"Do I get a discount if I bring my own supplies?"



Grinning, Eva took another sip of coffee.
"I'll keep it in mind Vince." she said, checking the clock. She needed to make sure she'd have enough time to get to work. She hated working on her days off. "So," she started. "You display your art around the world? Where to next?" she asked, grinning. Even though it seemed awful, Eva liked her life. It was something that was hers. She appreciated that.

"Aren't you inspiring to us all?" Scott gave a slow clap and with nodding too. "Charge the same price I do but I have the greater goods, and my is legal...in California" he opened his wallet taking out a medical card. "It's legit and I can't get arrested if I don't get caught" his wallet was empty otherwise. "So what are you kids doing today? I'm going to work and going to the rooftop" it was a popular club amoung the ghettos.
"Well, since you're my friend, I'll give you a dollar off Kyle." Vince offered a smile, and mentally cursed his coffee cup for spilling the last of his hard-earned dollar. Well, that coffee cup can damn well go to hell with it's voodoo powers.Maybe that ugly cashier cursed it or something. Vince shifted his attention back to Eva, and paused for a moment. Where did he want to go? He had always wanted to leave this stupid place, and go somewhere else. Maybe in California. But then again, what will he do in California with no one but himself ? "Here I guess. I gave up being a travelling artist five seconds ago. Besides, I have you guys."

"This little kid is going to roam the streets like a hobo for the next,"
Vince glanced up at the clock in the cafe, changing the subject " 12 or so hours. Anyone want to be a hobo with me? But then again, maybe we can go to the rooftop or someplace else."


Eva laughed, nodding to Vince's answer.
"Nice to know." she told him before focusing on Scott's question. "Ah, I get to go to work on my day off in..." she trailed off glancing at the clock. "S***, right now." she muttered. "Someone called in sick at the Wolf's Moon, so I'm taking their waitressing shift before I get to work the bar tonight." she explained. "And if I don't want to be late, I need to leave." she said, tossing her coffee cup in the garbage bin nearby. "If anyone wants a drink, I'm sure I can get a discount for you, if you stop by tonight." she told the group.


As she played and looked around aimlessly, she noticed that there were quite a few people that she knew in the place. She watched Vince play off some spilled coffee, as he does, Eva, Gem, and Kyle chatting, and Scott being the sarcastic punk she knew him as. She watched them talk, continuing her music as the background ambiance. They seemed to enjoy chatting among themselves, and she was being paid to play there anyways, but she decided to answer Vince's offer anyways.

"Sorry, kiddo," she called over, "but I'm workin' late here tonight. Doin' my whole music thing." She paused her words, listening to her own strumming for a moment before speaking over to the rest of the group, "You should all come back sometimes today. It can get kinda lonely here when I'm without people I know." With a impish grin, she added, "And I could use some tips, too, if you're chill enough." Of course, she was kidding, knowing that they didn't have the money to do that for her, so she said it jokingly.
"Any one is welcome to the skate shop, it's nothing but stoners and skaters. We smoke, we skate and some times sell" he looked at Eve and smiled. "Come over some time. Vince after work I'll be a hobo with you and I'm down for the rooftop" he added with a sigh. He finished half his coffee and dumped the rest in Vince's mug. "Art supplies for the starving artist" Scott isn't huge on coffee, made him to jittery.
"No problem Eve. Be sure to remember old Vincent when you become a sensation, and give me back the five hundred dollars you owe me," he replied jokingly. He turned just in time to see Scott dump the rest of his coffee into his own mug. "Thanks man, you'll be my best-est hobo friend for like, the next twenty-four hours." Vince chugged down the coffee before it managed to miraculously tip over again. "I can stay here if you'd like. I mean, a hobo doesn't exactly have anywhere else to go," he offered to Eve.

Her attention went to Scott, who offered her to come to his skate shop sometime. She grinned crookedly. He was a pretty cool guy. She had tried weed for her first time with him, and was actually really patient with her reluctance about it at first. That was how she made friends with him, in fact. She enjoyed his company. She responded casually, with a hint of appreciation in her tone, "Sure thing, man. Weed's always fun when it's bein' smoked around you." She would keep that offer in mind. There were days when she couldn't find work that were what she called her 'free days', so she'd probably go when one of those rolled around. It'd probably be soon. Her first song ended, and she moved on to another melody that she had concocted herself, plucking and strumming fluidly on her guitar strings.

She heard Vincent talk to her, and she looked up again, hearing his joke and rolling her eyes. Yeah, like
she'd ever be a sensation. She didn't want to be, honestly; all that fame and the push of society would be an unpleasant way to live, in her eyes. But she did grin at it. Vin was pretty generous with tips.

She wasn't expecting him to offer his company, though. She glanced back at him, a slightly flare of surprise in her eyes. That was ... actually kind of sweet of him. She stumbled on her note for a minute and glanced back down with a slight
"Uhm", regaining her rhythm and starting her strumming again. With a slight chuckle, she said, "I'd like that, Vin. Thanks." She thought for a moment before saying, "But, uh, you can leave when you want to, just remember. I don't wanna keep you nailed down in your seat for the entire day if you get bored with me." She glanced at the neck of her guitar as she spoke, examining her fingers on the strings, before glancing back at him to know he got the message.
Kyle leaned back in the chair as everyone chatted about, casually she would laugh at a joke, but she never spoke up. She just let the soft music from Eve's guitar fill her ears. The music was calming to her, then again all of Eve's music was. It was like a god given talent that she had. But the word 'rooftop' cut through the music and stuck in her ears. Smiling thinly at Scott and Vince she said, "I'd be down for the Rooftop later." Shifting her weight forward she placed her elbows on the table and leaned into it slightly. Hearing the ceramic cups shift, she quickly eased up on the table. Ending up like Vince's shirt was the last thing she wanted to do today.

♣Gemma Harrison♣

Gem took another sip of coffee and listened to the plans others were making. "I'll probably go to the rooftop and stop by the Wolf's Moon or something," she said in reply to Scott's question. Saturdays were the days she liked to relax the most and she rarely had big plans. "Though I'll probably end up back here in five or six hours. I know for sure there's a girl sick today and I may end up being called back." She paused, evaluating her options carefully. If she worked the evening shift for the sick girl, she could potentially earn more money and she needed that extra money. But she needed someplace to stay before then. She smiled, almost ruefully. "I really don't have anywhere to be today."
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