Washington High School: Student Chronicles



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Name: Tyrone "The Destroyer"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Grade: Dropout

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Social Group: Criminal/Outcasts


- A complete hothead and chaotic individual. Don't ever say something this guy doesn't like; he'd take a shit on your shoes before he hit ya. He has an incredibly creepy deep voice; making him ultimately the scariest SOB wearing the Mask at Hell Week. He absolutely loves explosions off all types, and already has taken the liberty of making use of his many chems.


+ Talking in all CAPS

+ Bad Chicks

+ Skateboarding

+ Shitting on shoes, and other crazy resources of torture.


+ Everything; even shit that he likes.

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spent ages looking for fitting pictures, since i only have drawings of them, lol

here are the weirdos i was talking about

if we dont move them to another school then these two will probably show up somehow anyway

''You're not very good at this, are you?''



Name: Rinne Eppark (However, she always spells it as simply 'Rin')

Age: (14-18): 15

Gender: Female

Grade: (9-12): 10th (I think. I'm not American, I don't know for sure)

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Social Group: Bookworm, I guess

Personality: A serious-faced girl who is barely ever seen without her companion, Aric, who she has referred to on multiple occasions as her 'familiar'.. whatever that means. She's known for speaking in a deadpan tone, and for her strange way of keeping a completely straight face no matter what she's saying, along with her strange habit of avoiding letting her feet touch the floor. She'll often stand on walls or tables, even using Aric as a platform on some occasions. (note: Never give her piggyback rides. Aric doesn't refuse them, but he does say she's actually very heavy, although that might be due to the bags she carries being full of heavy books) When you get past this though, she doesn't seem to be as serious as her appearance hints, often being the one to make terrible puns, and seems to joke around with Aric, even if she does keep up the whole 'deadpan voice, blank face' thing. Rin is a fan of reading, but doesn't like to admit a lot of these books are manga, since she gets ridiculed by Aric.

Like Aric, she seems to have a slightly more sadistic side, used when trying to interrogate people. Unlike Aric though, she does it based on books - she'll give them a choice out of several novels, light novels and comics, and the methods she'll use to..get information will be based on whatever they pick. That said, she knows she'd never go so far that she'd kill someone.

Likes: Reading, Aric, bad puns, anime/manga (Something she, for whatever reason, doesn't like to admit, probably due to Aric's teasing)

Dislikes: Salty foods, bugs, nosy people

''See, Rin? This is proof that this is all a conspiracy, created by energy drink manufacturers! You laugh now, but when we're all brainwashed so that all you ever drink is this crap, then I'll be there to tell you, 'I told you so'!''


Name: Aric Seong

Age: (14-18): 15

Gender: Male

Grade: (9-12): 10th

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Social Group: He's.. kind of popular, but still recognized as a weirdo

Personality: The complete opposite to Rin, he's always seen with a big, dumb smile on his face. He claims he always knows what Rin is going to say, and constantly finishes her sentences, much to her annoyance, especially when it wasn't what she intended. While he seems like a pretty laid back person, he tends to over-think things, easily getting paranoid and looking too deeply into stuff. He's the kind of person who secretly prepares for the zombie apocalypse, and believes in all sorts of conspiracies, and likes to think of himself as a 'detective' - even though he's terrible at it. Even though he likes to go around thinking he's doing a lot of the work, it's Rin who goes around finding information. Apparently, Aric has ran into Kasha before - says she always seemed to show up whenever there was something strange going on. As such, he's wary of her.

Likes: Writing, mysteries, night time, owls, Rin

Dislikes: Loud noises, authority figures (not because he's some kind of rebel, it's more that he just doesn't trust them), Kasha

''I made you ham sandwiches.''

''Did you use-''

''Yes, I used cookies instead of bread.''
Name: Gerald Wilson

Age: 54

Gender: Male

Grade: N/A

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Social Group: Joe's Family Butler/Bodyguard/Driver

Personality: Kind-Hearted to those he loves, sometimes overprotective, introverted, Loyal as fuck,



-The Joneses


-Spending time with his employers

-Fish and Chips




-Rudeness to himself or his employer


-People who stare at him too long

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.659436729ac3bf3f741c111b4b2e8200.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.659436729ac3bf3f741c111b4b2e8200.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Well, here goes nothing... Or, actually, something. Probably something horrible, I'm uncertain about how I'll do. But I might as well try anyway!

Appearance: ( It took me a while to decide whether I considered this good enough. Slightly ashamed, it's not my best, I could have given more detail, it looks cartoonish, and I'm far better at drawing animals than humans... But I guess this will do:

(Couldn't stand tall enough to get all the way in the picture, could you, Tazi? )

For a quick description; she wears glasses, has big brown eyes, reddish-brown and very fluffy/frizzy hair, and only stands 4'11". Dresses modestly and attempts to conceal her form, trying to avoid attention from her opposite gender... Or from those of her own gender that would also be interested in that way. Tazi hates romance. Of Scottish, Irish, and German descent.

Name: Tazi McJurvain

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Grade: 9

Sexual Orientation: Strait, but it doesn't matter much, Tazi is a hater of romance, of all sorts. I don't mean she hates the people to do romance; she sees those people as the victims, it's romance itself she loathes. That can be explained in her personality.

Social Group: I... Don't know? Tazi wouldn't call herself belonging to anything, but she might have a category. Not an outcast, she's actually pretty good at making friends. Not popular, though, unless 'Known/Popular for being extremely awkward and weird' counts. Nerd, and geek both probably fit, maybe, but she's still even odd for among those sorts...

Personality: First and foremost, Tazi has very bad temper. She's like a african honey badger stuffed into the body and mind of a short, 14-year-old adolescent human. Stubborn as can be, with a tendency towards rebelliousness, she may be young of age but is surprisingly mature of mind. Most of the time, she sickened of the immaturity she sees in her peers... And, immorality, too. Tazi may be hot-headed, and rebellious, but what she rebels against isn't the rules or her parents. (Not that she doesn't dislike her parent's rules sometimes.) She is more against the typical conscience and moral opinion of the students, and how none of them seem to be doing anything to help up the people who are cast off to the side and left behind. Her anger flares for those bullied that are not helped. Tazi is very emotional, meaning when she feels emotion of any sort, she feels a lot of it. If she's happy? Then she's practically skipping. Angry? Ripping people's heads off, figuratively speaking. Sad? Sobbing and crying over fried eggs. But, on the bright side, she's very loving, and makes a great friend. She dreads the thought of offending those who she loves (Especially if she feels respect for them, or admiration.) and would probably fall to tears if she figured out she ever hurt one of her friend's feelings... (Honestly, that's something I can understand, since I do the same thing as my character here.) Tazi isn't very focused on the drama going on at school. She thinks it's silly, and focuses more on other things... She loves animals. She REALLY loves animals. Obsessed with them, really. She especially loves the animals most people hate, for pity of their bad reputation. Since she was young, she's been studying and reading about them, so she knows a large amount about them. She detests the consumption of any animal that has not been treated humanely, either... She's not a vegetarian (Following the logic that, animals eat each other, so it's okay if she eats some animals, as long as they're given a good life and dispatched as mercifully as possible.) but will only eat kosher meat. Tazi hasn't the slightest care about the 'ranks' or 'pecking order' in the school, doesn't care what they call her or what others are... Doesn't matter how popular or mean you are, if you mess with Tazi or her friends, she will lecture. Yes, lecture. Like your teacher. Ferocious lecturing... And debate. Tazi loves debate. At least she's not trying to brutally beat people up, because honestly, she gets those temptations. She has a lot of testosterone for gender... So much, that she has a very faint, 'mini-mustache' on her upper lip, and her legs and arms naturally grown plenty of hair. And where most girls shave their legs, Tazi refuses to. And she probably always will... As I said, she doesn't care what people think. She never makes any attempt of putting on make-up, never tries to make herself look pretty, because she doesn't care. Tazi is more of a tom-boy, really, and detests wearing girly things... This includes dresses, revealing clothing, excessive use of pink or sparkles, make-up, and more. She likes to arm-wrestle, even though she doesn't always win, and will wrestle with her friends as well. Most of her friends are probably of the masculine gender, because she doesn't fit in to well with her fellow girls... But her relationships with these friends are just friendly, and probably nothing more. Tazi is a romance-hater (Despite her normally mature actions and how, despite her rage, she can manage a calm enough demeanor when debating, she will give immature hacking noises upon observing romance.) partially because of how she sees other people doing romantic stuff these days, she thinks it's silly. She's also a very dedicated christian, and thinks that God, if they plan for romance in her destiny at all, will introduce the right person in her life for it. And, no amount of evasion or avoiding will make them go away, surely, if the 'master of the universe' suggests them to her. That's why, if she ever feels any such affections for anyone at first glance, she'd avoid them, instead of being her normal, very friendly and out-going self. If they feel it for her and she does not return the emotion, she may be their friend out of pity for their feelings, but just friends. If they feel it and she knows she feels it back, she'll run if they so much as get close to her. Not that it's easy to run when you want to be around a person like that, but Tazi's mind and will has very different desires, goals and feelings than her instincts do... She dreads the thought of coming to be with someone who she'd regret making a relationship of that sort with. But already, she assumes no one would/could possibly desire her that way... Tazi thinks of herself as an 'average joe.' That is perhaps an understatement, she doesn't really look that bad at all. But perhaps she is nothing compared to the most attractive girls in the school... Of course, Tazi doesn't care, as usual. Most of the time, she's reading a book or drawing, trying to ignore her peers as much as she can, for according to her religion, many of them are very immoral... Plus, from her experience, the majority of them are unfriendly. Immorality is one thing, she can still be your friend and love you whatever your belief or sexuality. Being mean is another. Although, technically, by her opinion, lack of kindness is a form of immorality... Tazi is extremely creative, too, capable of making lots of things. Oh, and she keeps chickens as pets. Yes, chickens. In her backyard. And she cuddles them... Of all animals Tazi is obsessed with, chickens are very high on the list.Though she has a temper, and gets incredibly angry when she's angry, it never lasts long. No matter what you did, she won't be able to stay angry longer than a week, I bet. Grudge-holding is practically impossible for her; she'll forgive you eventually, whether you want forgiveness or not. On the negative side of her personality, she has a tendency towards bossiness, isn't great at hygiene, somewhat prideful about her arguments, and doesn't like sharing food. But like most people, she's pretty good at hiding her worse traits, so only her siblings (And she has many, many siblings) would know about the worst of her.

I guess to conclude, she's sorta what you call a 'White knight,' reaching out to help those who a picked on and teased, those who don't have many friends, ect... She also understands that those who tease severely were probably hurt in some way themselves, so some part of her still pities them. Only, she sounds like a teacher, or perhaps your mother, when she tries to lecture people for all their harassing of each other... That gets her nowhere, usually. Tazi is extremely protective, maybe over-protective, and tends towards loyalty. Her personality is somewhat comparable to a dog, actually, with the attention-needing and such...

Likes: Animals, her friends, chickens, Animals, laungage arts, her pets, Animals, science, writing poetry and stories, drawing, Animals, chickens. (Repetition is purposeful.)

Dislikes: Romance, immorality, dishonesty, pride, how many animals for consumption are treated, the fact that many people at school aren't very nice.

(Welll... Sorry for the big long post there, I often have much to say about my characters. I've had Tazi in my brain for a while now too, so she's had some developing time.)
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theres a lot going on, lol

basically its the weekend

and this kind of

purge thing happened

all these masked people running around

blowing stuff up

destroying stuff

killing people


welcome to washington! enjoy your stay
Yeah, I'm trying to read up enough...

This actually sounds like a fitting enough environment for Tazi, though.

She's not afraid to use a tiring iron in self-defense... Or a sledge-hammer. In fact, I think she actually wants to be attacked almost for that reason, she wants to beat people over the head with heavy things. I mean, she doesn't really want to in the sense that she'll feel sorry for them, but... Testosterone. That's all I have for you, wise of explanation.


Name: Gray Hudson Dallas

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Grade: 11th

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Social Group: Populars

Personality: Gray is very sweet and does not want to create any conflict. He is very chill and nice and will talk to anyone. See more in the rp(:














Name: Circe Bennett

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Grade: 12

Sexual Orientation: Bi Curious

Social Group: Popular/ Bad Girls


Circe loves Reading, Writing, and Witchcraft. She likes darkness and candles however was never considered “goth”. She is mellow and outgoing and loves talking to new people. She thinks love is a very strong power and tries her best to love everyone. Circe is very flirtatious and touchy. If you dont know her she seems very bitchy and cold but she really isn't at all. She has moments of bitchiness and rudeness and can hurt people with her words but doesn't like to do that. She can also be super deep if you sit her down and want her to be.


+ Witchcraft

+ Reading

+ Writing

+ Coffee

+ Alcohol

+ Smoking

+ Photography

+ Candles

+ Darkness

+ Stars


- Goodie Goodies

- Loud Noises

- Chocolate

- Indian Food

- Fighting

- Cheaters
Welcome to hell Washington high!

At the moment there isnt really school. Theyre in something of a hell week that I believe has died down so they're all at a house having what we would essentially call a sleepover.

El's character however is in New York so there might be a New York trip coming up soon for our charries.


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Hight: 5'7 Weight: 98 Pounds

Tattoo's: Multiple cute hello kitty tattoo's are littered on her hand.


Name: Sarah Mopp

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade: 11

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

Social Group: Popular/Scene


/ Sarah is a kind and loving girl usually, minus all the drugs and partying. Sarah lives in the Ghetto of New York, and feeds off the craziness. She's from the land until she dies, never wanting to leave. She can be incredibly rude at times, never afraid to say what's on her mind. \


/ She's in love with New York, and she couldn't imagine being anywhere else. She also loves a creative person, and feels open minded people give her better ideas about life. She loves to dress up in cute outfits, and changing her hairstyle from time to time. \


/ Dislike would be a strong word for her, but her main dislike would be Hell Week. She has heard of the horrors of it throughout the country, it usually hitting the ghetto's. Since she lives in the ghetto, her home may be in danger. Hopefully she can just enjoy her last years as a kid in peace. \



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Jade Rhine

Age: (14-18)




Grade: (9-12)


Sexual Orientation:


Social Group:

She prefers to be alone most of the time


Jade is a daring person who likes to be alone, she's awkward around people and is always getting bullied by the popular kids about how she is a loner with no friends. She has one friend and he is a college student who is a bad influence on her but she doesn't care. She got kicked out of 2 schools for starting fights and just walking out of class, she luckily hasn't been to jail.


•Bad boys







•Annoying people

•Being in a place for too long

•People touching her



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>''dislikes people touching her and being in a place for too long''

i have found kasha's long lost twin

jokes aside, hey! welcome to washington

there's weird stuff going in the rp so the characters might actually be moving to a different school, but it isn't planned out properly yet
Welcome to Hell Washington High!

Spooks, what time is it for you? I swear it has to be late for you xD .

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