Warriors of the Warp (Reboot) [Inactive]


Speaker for the Voices
TimeSplitter submitted a new role play:

Warriors of the Warp (Reboot) - In the Warhammer 40k Universe, who will arise the victors?

(Rebooted for @Enox)
~~Brothers, Sisters, Sinners, Heretics, Venerable, Purged, all! All companions in bindings now, as far as companions go.

A grand battle laid before you, once, where you were to fight to the death for your Emperor, your Warboss, your Ethereal, your Warseer, your Hivemind, your Chaos God, but it was all ripped away from you.

Preparing for battle, a great storm brews above your heads as you think of the blood you will spill, and then suddenly, a flash of...
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Brother Daeva was just about to thrust his lance into an unfortunate Ork that had gotten too close when it happened to him. The searing light was mostly ignored, however, he was much more concerned as to where his squadmates were, where his enemies where, and why the landscape was almost entirely barren. He looks around for a moment, hoping to get some answers, though as he views the land around him, he sees others like him. Well, not entirely, they were still his enemies, Chaos marines and Orks that entered his sight in a flash of daemonic light. Normally, he could been quick to bloody his blade against such filthy creatures, but his time as a Grey Knight told him something was wrong... The Sky was blood red and threatened a storm, the ground was cracked and lifeless, and the way they got here was obviously entwined with some foul magics. He shuddered to think of what it could mean, hoping against hope that his theory was incorrect.

Regardless, he shakes his head, he wasn't about to go down without a fight, though just as he readies his Bolter to rain upon his targets, he noticed a few of them had... teamed up? A Ork Shoota and a T'au firewarrior were defending themselves back to back against a wave of tyranids in the distance. An Imperial Guard Sentinel was being attacked by a team of Dark Eldar Mandrakes and a Chaos Terminator. Daeva could hardly believe his eyes, he had only just arrived, but it seemed as though the conflict had been going on for a while for such unlikely alliances to be forged. Almost shaking with a righteous fury, he heaves his force-halberd and grips it tightly in his hands, he decided he would bring the reckoning to a land of betrayers.
Brother Deviln had just arrived on the scene of the battle entering late because he was away on another mission moments before. He troopship he was arriving in just unloaded him the rest of the space marine on board were being dropped off elsewhere. The first thing he noticed the sky was red he took his time examining the possible causes and the one that came to mind first was magic and a large scale one at that. Before he noticed he was surrounded by four Ork's trying to get the drop on him they all approached him at the same time unlucky for them they were all melee units so he quickly dispersed of them all using one attack where he extended his blade and spun around in a circle attacking and beheading them all at once. He took some more time examining the sky for any other causes just to be sure.

He stopped looking at the sky and decided to set some objectives for himself the first was link up with other space marines and the second was to exterminate the betrayers. Linking up with other space marines was very easy as from where he was he could already see some. He started to head for one in grey armor with a force-halberd as he was the closest he was cutting down any who opposed the space marines in his path. When he got near the space marine in gray armor he asked "Brother how go's the cleansing" with his hand tight on his sword ready for the fight ahead looking around at the general chaos on the battle field and the strange alliances that seem to have been founded between solders.
(OOC: I was kinda waiting for Enox to make an introductory post, but I guess hes waiting for a bit)

"Slow as always, brother." Daeva responds quickly, using his force-halberd to point towards the battlefield that lay out before him. "Heretics and Xenos are always so painfully slow to eradicate, but eradicated they will be soon enough. Have you seen any Chaos Sorcerers on your way here? That might be the cause of this Emperor-Forsaken place." Daeva says as he surveys his surroundings, taking account of the small skirmishes breaking out as far as the eye could see. He was still rather confused about how such odd alliances would have taken place, but he was sure that some sort of daemonic power was at work, and he was determined to find and eradicate its source.
(OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post. Life problems and writer's block are a deadly combination. I'll try to post regularly from now on, but I promise nothing.)

On the distant planet known only as Tassdan, a battle raged. The legions of Chaos clashed with savage Tyranids. Bolters fired, swords cut flesh, and screams of pain echoed throughout the large valley. The forces of the Dark Gods were fighting a losing battle, as the never-ending swarm forced them back. In the center of the carnage, the self-proclaimed "Death Knight" Precklon Dragonspit fought a gargantuan group of Tyranids. The Death Knight appeared to be winning, as he slashed, cut, stabbed, and shot, whatever came too close. A particularly brave Hormogaunt attempted to leap onto the him, and was impaled on Precklon's Hellblade, its blood splattered on his armor as it snarled at him one last time, before becoming still. A foolish Termagaunt made the mistake of getting too close, and was rewarded with a bolt to the head. As more Tyranids joined the fray, hellish light was forming above above the Death Knight. Just as a Warrior raised its scythe-like arms to stab Precklon in the back, the light completely enveloped him, scorching, and blasting back all Tyranids close to him. An agonizing jolt of pain ran through Dragonspit's body, causing him to groan in pain. Within a few seconds it was over, and the Death Knight appeared on a barren landscape, where several battles took place.

The foul stench of the Warp was seemingly everywhere as Precklon regained his bearings. The lifeless land seemed to stretch on for miles, and the sky roiled and twisted. Hundreds of small battles took place on the plain, where things were not quite as they seemed. The first thing the Death Knight noticed was that odd alliances were brokered between races. An Imperial Guardsman and Eldar Guardian pressed their backs to each other, as waves of Ork Sluggas closed in. A Chaos Space marine and Tau Firewarrior attacked a Hormogaunt and Space Marine Terminator. The second thing the Death Knight noticed was a group of Ork Shootas, and Howling Banshees charging at him. Precklon jumped to his feet, and fired a few bolts at the squad.
Grokar Worldsmasha, Warboss of the Worldsmasha WAAAAAAAAAAGH! currently WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!ing it up on Nix IV, was not a happy camper. Oh, the day had started out well enough; he'd gotten some teef from a few of the boyz and bought a zoggin' good Squig Slushee, he'd added some more spikey bitz to one of the Wartrukks (painted black for extra 'ardness), and he'd lead the boyz into a fight that even Gork and Mork would have found impressive against those Dark Pansy gitz. It'd been a right pain in the foot draggin' them Dark Elfdar boyz outta hidin', but it had been worth it to get a propa fight!

And then something happened. Zog if Grokar knew what, but it caused him to suddenly be in this new place filled with a whole lotta skirmishes and not a single battle. Grokar had lived for a while, and he'd learned some things about when stuff happened; if it was a Weird something, and there weren't no Weirdboyz around, it usually meant them Chaos Boyz were behind it.

Normally, Grokar would have found this very interesting (a.k.a fun), but there was a rather significant factor preventing him from doing so; whoever was behind this had interrupted his WAAAAAAAAAGH!! His boyz were gonna krump each other without him around! After all that time preparing, and now he had to build from the ground up! He had to start from zoggin' scratch all over again!

The Ork Warboss roared in fury, charging at the nearest enemies (a group of Guardsmen). He'd krump all of these gitz as a warm up, and then he'd hunt down the Chaos Boyz that ruined his WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!, even if he had to blow up the zoggin' planet to do it!


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