Warriors Divided!


New Member
Thunderclan has taken over all the territory, after the other three clans have died out. They are living all around the great lake now, their territory huge. They are thriving, until fighting happens within the clan and they spilt apart. Now, a new clan, Skyclan is formed. They have divided the territories in two, Thunderclan with the old Windclan and Thunderclan territory, and Skyclan with the old Riverclan and Shadowclan territories. Will these cats always be at war with each other, or will they become allies, and help eack other?


Warrior Name:











Just follow the website rules!


Skyclan Ranks



Medicine Cat-

Medicine Cat Apprentice-






Thunderclan Ranks



Medicine Cat-

Medicine Cat Apprentice-





My Form

Warrior Name: Rainglow...Is Rainstar now.

Age: 45 Moons

Gender: She-cat

Description: A beautiful silvery color cat, with a feminine head and long slender legs and body. She has short fur, and dark rain drop shapes on her left shoulder. She has few scars on her back and sides. Her eyes are a soft baby blue mixed with a hint of gold color.

Rank: Leader

Clan: Skyclan

Personality: She is a cat, with many leadership type personalities. She is usually kind and helpful, but does have a bit of a bite to her and is not afraid to use it. She can be stern and is sometimes stubborn.

History: She has lived in Thunderclan all her life, but decided to leave for Skyclan with the other cats, and Starclan told their Medicine Cat she would be leader.

Kits: None, but would like someday

Other: She needs a mate or crush if anyone wants to be hers. 
My Form

Warriors Name: Lionclaw

Age: 37 Moons

Gender: Tom

Description: A handsome lion colored pelt, with multiple scars and a scar over his right eye. He is a very big and a muscular cat, and is usually twice the size of most full-grown tom cats. He has deep green eyes, that will show dissapointment or anger when he is dissapointed or angry with/at you.

Rank: Deputy

Clan: Thunderclan

Personality: He is a very brave and courageas cat. He is willing to die for his clan, and will do anything to help. He is a very helpful cat, and always tries to help everyone.

History: He used to be in Riverclan until it died out, and then he joined the last remaining clan, Thunderclan. He proved his loyalty and he was made deputy when the Leader had died.

Kits: None, but would like

Other: He needs a mate or crush if anyone wants to be his. 
My Form

Warriors Name: Mousetail

Age: 25 Moons

Gender: Tom

Description: A small and lean, grey cat with dark orange eyes. He has many scars and a long one running down his side that stick out. He has a white patch over his eye, and four white feet.

Rank: Warrior

Clan: Skyclan

Personality: He is a playful and spirited cat. He likes to have fun, and enjoys hanging out with apprentices. He always is helping everyone and is just very friendly.

History: He was one of the group of cats that broke away from Thunderclan.

Kits: None, but wants

Other: He needs a mate or crush if anyone wants to be his 
My Form

Warriors Name: Brightheart

Age: 18 moons

Gender: She-cat

Description: She has a beautiful light creamy colored fur, with light blue eyes with a touch of dark grey mixed in. She also has a white heart on her chest, and no scars.

Rank: Queen

Clan: Thunderclan

Personality: She is a very kind, caring and loving cat. She is always willing to help anyone, and hates fighting but will do it if necessary. She is a very lovable cat and will do anything for her mate, and her soon to be kittens.

History: She was born in Thunderclan and has been ther all her life

Kits: Expecting

Other: She needs a mate who is going to be a father
Warrior Name: Littleheart

Age: 20 moons

Gender: She-cat


She is a very dainty cat. Small for her age, small for a cat. She weighs about 1/2 as much as most cats do, but it's ok because she is completely healthy. She has bright blue eyes and a mainly white coat with patches of light grey with a few highlights of tan or a cream color and darker grey strips.

Rank: Warrior

Clan: Skyclan

Persinality: Littleheart has always been timid and a bit skittish, which are terrible qualities for a warrior to poses. She has a kind heart, even if she is a little too shy to show it at time. She loves kits and dreams of one day being a mother.

History: Doesn't like to talk about it

Kits: None, but longs for

Other: She thinks mousetail is kinda cute
Accepted thank you fro joining. We need a few more people to join, so if you know anyone who likes warriors let them know. Thanks.
Any chance I could take the spots of the leader of Thunderclan and the medicine cat of Skyclan?

...as well as possibly the medicine cat apprentice of Thunderclan and a random apprentice in Skyclan? 
Assuming that I'm allowed to take those ranks...

Warrior Name: Thistlestar

Age: fourty-seven moons

Gender: She-cat


Rank: Leader

Clan: Thunderclan

Personality: Thistlestar is perhaps most noted for her patience. She has always been the sort to listen first and speak after, which helps her quite a bit when it comes to understanding troubles with her clan, as she pays attention to each and every individual in her clan, and is more than willing to take time to listen to the worry or complaint of the smallest kit. The downside of this is that she rarely makes snap decisions - she likes to think things over first and unless the situation is dire she'll take some time to think a problem over rather than acting quickly - which can sometimes mean that a solution takes longer to come by than it would for others. She loves the members of clan with the fierceness of a queen's love for her kits - and sometimes sees them as such, as she has never been able to have her own.

History: Thistlestar was once Thistletail, and was part of the original Thunderclan before the merge when the other clans collapsed. She was once mated to a fellow warrior, but found herself unable to bear kittens - she would still be mated to him now, had he not passed away many moons ago. She was deputy in Thunderclan before the merge came about, and when the old leader died she took her place, as mandated by the traditions laid out by Starclan.

Kits: None, she's incapable of having them.

Other: She's completely infertile.

Warrior Name: Gingerstreak

Age: twenty-one moons

Gender: tom


Rank: Medicine cat

Clan: Skyclan

Personality: Gingerstreak can be rather brusque when dealing with people who have injured themselves foolishly - anyone playing around too hard and accidentally straining themselves or eating something that didn't smell quite right is sure to get an eyeful of glare and an earful of sass - but when it comes to tending those who were wounded in battle or true accidents he's very gentle, if silent. He rarely talks unless spoken to, and often doesn't offer up much to anyone other than his leader and deputy, though if he were to have an apprentice chances are he'd open up for them as well. Because his job is to tend to the sick he can be overly serious at times - he's lost cats before and it hurts, so he tries not to get too deeply attached for the fear of the pain of loosing them. He acts quite brittle and snappish when not treating a patient, but when he's caring for an injured cat of any age he can be quite tender.

History: Gingerstreak was still apprenticed when the split that made Skyclan came about (though he had gained his full name, the previous medicine cat was still alive so he remained their apprentice, as is tradition). He went with Skyclan more because they needed a medicine cat than any other reason. Because medicine cats are considered separate in a way he didn't really take sides during the conflict, and went where he was needed at the end.

Kits: None, he's a medicine cat and as such it isn't allowed.

Other: He's still somewhat green/wet behind the ears.

Warrior Name: Treepaw

Age: eight moons

Gender: she-cat


Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice

Clan: Thunderclan

Personality: For her young age Treepaw tries to act very serious - because she's taking on a role that so separates her from the rest of her littermates and fellow apprentices she feels she must act as more of a fully realised medicine cat rather than the apprentice she is. She's highly focused on her duties as an apprentice, and sometimes can get highly nervous about doing things wrong - after all, her treatments can save or loose a clanmates life - and is often very stressed about interpreting signs right even though as such a young apprentice it's really more of her mentor's job than hers.

She's a highly sensitive soul and very sympathetic to the needs and hurts of others. It's very hard for her to leave any cat in pain (be they from her clan or otherwise) and from a very young age she's been incredibly interested in the healing arts. She's wanted to be a medicine cat since she was a very tiny kit.

History: From a very young age Treepaw has been interested in healing and taking care of her clanmates. While still young she knows exactly what she wants to do with her life. Not much for the history section just because she's so young.

Kits: None! She's way too young, and training to become a medicine cat!

Other: None, really.

Warrior Name: Berrypaw

Age: Ten moons

Gender: Tom


Rank: Apprentice

Clan: Skyclan

Personality: Berrypaw is highly abrasive at time - he's quite arrogant despite his young age and overly confident of his abilities. He's determined to be the strongest warrior in his clan and often forgets that strength in skirmishes doesn't always come before skill in hunting and stealth. He can be rather aggressive, assertive, and competitive in general. He often feels that if he doesn't prove himself to be the best he'll be seen as nothing at all.

History: Not much to say here, as he's so young. Basically he was born and taken into Skyclan by his mother with the rest of his littermates and became apprenticed when he was of age.

Kits: Way way way too young.

Other: Anyone interested in being his mentor?
Warrior Name: RoseFang

Age: 20 moons

Gender: She-cat



Rank: Warrior

Clan: Skyclan

Personality: She is sweet and loving, She purrs a lot and tends to not be aggressive unless needed.

History: She was only a kit when the clan took over the territories, She is strong and fit now then she had been.

Kits: None


Warrior Name: OneEye

Age: 21 moons

Gender: Tom



Rank: Rouge

Clan: He is a rouge

Personality: Aggressive and rude

History: He was one of the kits in ShadowClan when ThunderClan took over, his mother took him to a twolegged home and he lived there, he lost his eye in a fight with a rouge, but the rouge lost his life. He is now back in the forest.

Kits: None


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