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Fandom Warhammer 40K RP


Ten Thousand Club
ok i had the idea of sort of reviving an old rp i was in. The basic idea is on a wold about to be devoured by the Tyranids you are a group that has found that there maybe a way to stop the planet from being consumed.

so anyone interested any questions ect?

@Verse Zero saw you tried to make a 40k rp maybe you might be intrested in this one

@Dodiestee @Commissar Darman @Fezzes @hudhouse
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A group of what? Space Marines? Imperial guardsman? Deathwatch? The Inquisition? Stopping a Tyrannid invasion of a world is an extremely hard process that generally ends in an exterminatus. If the Tyrannids are already devouring the world, not much can be done to save it unless a full chapter of Space Marines is placed to defend it, or some heretical technology of the old world or xeno-tech is used. Remember, Tyrannids are endless, souless, have no empathy and improve upon defeat.

Unless you took a liberal twist to it, a World consumed by Tyrannids is separated by The Shadow Of the Warp that prevents any outgoing or incoming communication until the Tyrannids are done, or dead.
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it is a liberal twist and it is to be a group generally any race as they all could have a vested interest in the planet aside from nids chaos and dark elder but yeah the idea is basically your the group going to save them while the other armies keep the nids from finishing it off
also i was being a little dramatic the nids while yeah blotting out the warp in all that are still in the invading stage of everything so this planet that most likely hold several types of super weapon or some other importance can still be saved
Well, a liberal twist in a fandom known for its anti-liberal views and extreme religious theology doesn't exactly work IMO, but that's just me.
well the biggest twist i think i took is that all these armies are willing to not kill each other until they kill the nids and that they under these serious circumstance would agree to send a joint force made up of a few of each to reclaim some super weapons in a mostly over run city
Well, it's your take on it, but I certainly do not share the same idea of a warhammer universe with you, sadly.
that it is a liberal twist that they can fight off a bigger enemy then turn on each other the second they get a chance?
I'm not a big 40k fan myself, but if you make a Warhammer Fantasy RP tag me please. I may be making a nation building one potentially to coincide with the release of Total War Warhammer.
If the Imperium had any interest in the world itself, they would be able to claim it. The imperium makes up for 80% of the galaxy's population. The Eldars are weak and travel in void ships scared of their own shadows. The Orks do what Orks do. The Tau only have 7 systems and slaves, the only reason the Imperium hasn't killed them off is the coming of the Tyrannids. The Necrons cares about the Tyrannid threat, but only because they want the galaxy to themselves.

That or the imperium would destroy the world because it contains heretical xeno weapons and it would solve the entire problem while using a lot less ressources.
@Feuver yes i am well aware of how that works but i like letting people have the choice to be none human otherwise i would say this is IG and space marines and deathwatch only
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I'd be up for this. Sounds like an good setup with a lot of potential for interesting interaction between characters. PM me if this is still on.
ok well not that many people but i can see this working anyone still intrested please say if you want humans only or let xenos help
Karcen said:
ok well not that many people but i can see this working anyone still intrested please say if you want humans only or let xenos help
You just have it that the humans are radical Inquisitors that hired alien mercenaries.
I think the radical inquisitor thing would be good, although I'd prefer to play as a chaos marine of some kind and those two don't exactly go well ehe
Well if you played the inquisitor I could let to you get away with being a radical who doesn't mind using chaotic stuff
I, for some reason didnt receive a notification about the tag. Despite me not really feeling 40k in favour of more modern realms of combat, I'd be up for pulling Brann back into the fight. Just send me a message when you make the initial post =D.

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