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Fandom War of the Primordials



Location: Arena| Mood: In shock
Outfit: Black shirt and jeans.
Tags: Interacts with athereal athereal


Peter expected a lot of things from his words. Laughter, maybe. A swift and harsh rejection. At best, maybe Jesse saying that they were just meant to be friends, something like that. In other words, he'd expected nothing good to come from his words. He wasn't the one to expect or hope for a happily ever after, not with his past, he was okay with that.

Now, what he hadn't expected was to get tackled. Or kissed, for that matter. All he knew was that he was suddenly on his back, there was grass in his hair, and his eyes were as wide as saucers. "I' guess that's a yes, then?" He shook his head. "And a sign would've been incredibly helpful, as a matter of fact. Would've cleared things up nicely." He admitted, sitting up slightly. "I warn you, my dating experience is pretty limited, I haven't exactly had a lot of opportunities while I was busy crushing on you." He said, still blushing enough to put a fire truck to shame. He could imagine his mother's embarrassment right then. Beyond her serious holdup on PDA, which was a sin in her book, she'd been a hardcore religious nut, from what he remembered about her, which wasn't much. The idea of having a son who was dating another guy, it would've given her a stroke. He had no idea what the gods thought about the LGBT+ community, but he figured that at least some of them had to be a little closeminded.

As usual, his mind was rambling in a way that only his could, going off on a tangent to try to distract him. He hadn't come to camp for dating opportunities, but... He was a teenager. An older teenager, but a teenager nonetheless. He was allowed to enjoy some parts of that, and Jesse was hardly a small benefit to his time at camp. Hell, between Jesse and Ginny, Peter actually felt like he was useful occasionally, whether it was by comforting Ginny over her 'recent' breakup from Silas, or just being around Jesse, which was a calming effect on its own.

"We could skip the waiting part altogether and go swimming now. I doubt there would be anyone at the lake, and we can get away from.... People." There were a few people in the arena looking at them, which always made Peter a bit uncomfortable, like they could see right through him.

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He could see Ginny walking away. The moment he showed up, as usual, she would run away. No hi, no goodbye, no nothing. It bummed him a bit but he couldn't change the fact of his actions. Not now, probably never either. She was... hurt and he knew he'd fucked up really hard, but he was stuck now not knowing how to proceed from here.

His attention snapped the moment Donovan greeted him back and offered him quite a...particular morning breakfast. “Oof, I’ll pass the offer Donovan.” Silas said stunned by the sudden display of affection between two individuals who not so long ago were oblivious to each other’s emotion. Then again, their feelings were obvious to everyone else but them.

With a roll of the eye, Silas walked over the two best friends of Ginny (AKA the lover boys) carefully and leaned against another straw dummy. He looked at Lilly stretching with a smirk before noticing Pierce’s eyes. When they catched each other’s glance, he couldn’t help but chuckle a bit before a discouraged felicity complained to her sword fighting training.

"But wait... how am I supposed to remember that my enemy is trying to kill me when all I have is a wooden dummy? It's boring and not realistic. It doesn't move.I just don't... feel the rush since this thing is just in one place and completely harmless, y'know?" she said.

"Then try training together. She's human enough, right?" And half god. Perfect.”Donnovan exclaimed!

He couldn’t keep in the laugh. “A two handed sword!? Felicity, dear, you look a lot more like a fencer than a crusader.” he playfully said as he pushed himself up. He took in a deep breath and pulled out a dagger to play theater. He put on a sophisticated stance, “En Garde!”, shoulder back and dagger firmly gripped right before he lunged forward “Aller!” he shouted before stabbing the dummy multiple times. “Oh oh, touche!Touche!” he said as he mutilated the dummy quite rapidly with his imitation of french practitioners of fencing.

Interactions: cinnabuns cinnabuns revalia revalia
Mentions: athereal athereal CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious Maree Maree


Location: Athena Cabin > Arena
Mood: Excited > Over the moon > Nervous
Outfit: T Y C H E
Interacted: Flint | Jesse | Peter
Mentions: Felicity | Silas

"Tell that to your feelings for Felicity," Ginny smirked as he tried to use the fact he had been in no emotion relationships before as a reason why he wouldn't fall for her. Even she had to admit that it was going to be difficult to not catch feelings for Flint after all he was extremely charming and very good looking. Oh dear, she was starting to regret picking someone who she would actually date in different circumstances. She plucked a few more books off the shelves and headed out of the cabin. She saw an Aphrodite camper looking at her and whispering to her sister out of her eye and smirked slightly. It was time to start some chaos. She wiped the corner of her mouth with her thumb like she was wiping something off before she continued on her way. If you wanted a rumor to start then make sure an Aphrodite camper witnessed it, they always assume the worst. For all they knew she was wiping away lip balm but because flint left before her...The latter is assumed. There were two things she needed to break the news to Silas. Gush to Peter and Jesse about being asked on a date. Things were about to get more interesting around camp and not just because of the quest.

As she returned to the Arena she found that Peter and Jesse were still in the same spot where she had seen them last. They were quite close but she didn't pay much attention as she rushed over and tackled the two in a tight hug as she let out a small squeal. "You will never guess what just happened! Okay, so I was in the Athena Cabin..." She trailed off, tilting her head a little. She had walked in on something. She looked between Jesse and Peter their faces were quite red. A flash of realization came over Ginny's features. "Oh! wait a minute... No!? You guys?!" she let out another small squeal and pulled them both into a tight hug once again. She had been wondering when he friends would finally get together. She had known of course but they both swore her to secrecy so she couldn't even tell them. She could only nag them to hurry up and ask each other out, after all, she wouldn't break her word no matter how much she wanted to. So the last year had been complete torture as she tried to get them to spend as much time together as physically possible. "So who finally made the move? It was Peter wasn't it?" she giggled like a schoolgirl. For a moment it was as if they were just a trio of normal teenagers.

Ginny then remembered the real reason why she had gone over in the first place. "Oh! right my news. So... I just got asked on a date!" she said before letting out a small squeal once again. She fell back so her head rested on Jesse's lap and let out a content sigh. Her eyes focused on the cloudless sky above until a terrible realization hit her. The female quickly shot back up into a sitting position. "Oh gods, I don't know what to wear.. Oh, I haven't been on a proper date for so long.. May my mother bless my unlucky ass so I don't screw everything up" she let out a soft sigh and ran her fingers through her red hair. Their first date would be a defining moment and set the scene for how everything else was going to go. What if he got picked to go on the quest? Then she would be left at camp alone to deal with the anger of Felicity and Silas. She was in too deep to go back now. Flint would probably break the news to the girl soon when she left to meet up with him. Another realization dawned on her, how was she actually going to break the news to Silas? oh, gods what if he tried to murder her. "Can you follow me to make sure Silas doesn't attempt to murder me as I break things off? Thanks! you guys are the best! also, you're meeting me at the cabin later to help me pick an outfit. Love you guys" she planted a kiss on each of their cheeks before pushing herself up. She might as well do it now before she lost her nerve.

She swallowed hard as she walked over to where Silas was flirting with Felicity. Oh, how she couldn't wait to see the look on her face after she found out that Flint had left her for her out of all people. Silas always looked so dark and intimidating even more so as he aged. These days she found herself fearing him more than anything when they fought. His features were so sharp almost like they would cut you if you so much as grazed against them. "Silas" she spoke softly, avoiding getting too close as he mutilated a dummy with his dagger. "Can we walk?' she asked not meeting his eyes as she looked back over at her friends for added support. She had to do this in order to get him back she just had to. They had been 'dating' for years and she had tried everything else this was her last option. The if all else fails/the try to avoid doing at all costs option. Her hand went to her necklace as she began fiddling with the charm on it, a habit of hers when she is nervous. She could never really predict how he was going to react to things but the safe bet was always to assume he would react terribly. She had to just keep reminding herself that she was doing this for him so he could realize how much he needed her.


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the archer

Location: At the edge of the Arena and the Archery Range
Mood: annoyed, but by someone he wuvs like a sister/ stealthy
Outfit:casually shirtless
Tags: CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious Maree Maree
Mentions: Ginny(guarding), Silas(targeting)

He was close to saying yes, Leaning back and pulling his hoodie over his head--unveiling a plethora of tattoos he'd gotten in the past two years--when he was suddenly pushed back down by a familiar weight and scent.

"Why do we tackle hug each other so much..." he groaned, smirking as Ginny started to delve into the events of her morning. But, it wasn't long before she noticed how red the two had become in the moment. She ended up figuring it out, as if it wasn't so hard to figure out.

"Zeus seja amaldiçoado ..." Jesse murmured, "Yes, Gin. We're a thing. Now tell us about your thing." The two sat and listened to Ginny 's reveal that she' d been asked on a date herself and then expressed her concern over what to wear--and how to break it to her off again, off again ex.

"Well, Peter can help you get dressed... I'll go off with you and make sure your okay, the usual way." He reached down and pulled his roasted rabbit from the dying fire. This would last him a couple of days, especially as strips. He bagged it, the leant down and kissed his boyfriend one more time.

" Later tonight, tiger, " he purred, slinging his bow in arm. He and Ginny walked toward the inner workings of the camp and Jesse waited until Silas was in view to climb up into the trees. He followed them, hopping from branch to branch with much ease. He drew his bow when he was at a better range, not notching an arrow as he pulled the bowstring. A Grey-gold colored beam formed in place of an arrow. This was a more weaponized version of his healing/plague powers. The current setting wouldn't kill him... Just give him the flu or IBS. Jesse set his sights on Silas, waiting for the guy to make the wrong move.​
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Lillian Sage Hewitt
“I know you will.” She asserted. There was no sliver of doubt in Lily’s mind about getting her blade back, and even if somehow, something disastrous occurred, she always had a second blade. And there were plenty of Hephaestus campers she could beg to make another one, or a new weapon altogether. Neither Pierce nor Felicity minded that she was slipping herself into their training, and Lillian was grateful that she'd been allowed to stay, and smiled up to the pair, "Thanks." She lowered her head once more, focusing on her stretches whilst she listened to Felicity swing the blade, followed by a complaint about the dummy not being real. Not even Lillian had the optimism to believe Fee could take down a living target without a little practice with a sword. Before she could voice her opinion, she glanced up as another demi-god joined their midst, although Silas was another one of her good friends, especially when compared to the others campers who’d interjected in the conversation and shortly left. She knew some of them but wasn’t exactly close to most of them. The son of Hecate often came to her when in search of certain plants necessary for his most recent magical endeavor, including both potions and spells. Lily never bothered to ask how on earth he did it because such feats of magic amazed her, ironically considering she could control and speak to plants. Instead, she happily obliged in using her skills and settled for simply watching him complete the spells on occasion. Though, instead he commented on his empty, and apparently angry stomach due to a lack of breakfast, and such a statement struck a nerve in Lillian.

"Camp food is sub-par anyways..." Lily sighed with a small frown. Her parentage meant she had a natural inclination and skill in cooking, but many of her Demeter siblings pawned over anything Lily made. The thing is, Lillian knows she has a certain way with food, and easily knows she'd rather cook herself a meal than eat the food the camp offers. But of course, the pavilion provided without her having to put in copious amounts of effort every day. So she made do. And there was always stealing strawberries from the fields. Pierce had his own response for Silas, and Lily followed his shrug with her own gaze, and a wide grin spread across her face. She couldn't make out much more than a budding fire and some cheeks that looked they probably lit the fire with how flushed they were – it seemed like a stupidly happy and romantic moment. Lily almost felt like she was intruding by just staring for no longer than five seconds.

Her attention was quickly drawn back as she swiveled her head to Pierce, as he suggested the two female friends spar. "I'd like to think I'm human enough." Lily spoke, her tone friendly as per usual, though laced with a small amount of sarcasm, followed by finally standing up, bringing her sword up off the ground with her. "I might go a little easy though..." she trailed off, eyes lingering on Felicity. Lily didn't need to explain to anyone why - she didn't want to hurt Felicity and she knew her own swordsmanship was better. Almost as if on cue, Silas began mocking her actions and the French simultaneously. She raised an eyebrow and smirked "Maybe don't mock my other friend, or I might just have to stop helping you." Is where she might of ended her statement if Silas didn't tend to draw the more dramatic remarks out of her. "Or stab you. Either way works for me." Lily spun the sword casually in her grasp, facing Pierce again, giving respect and her undivided attention – unless Silas did actually need something, which she would have to sort out. Lily couldn’t stand not helping someone, which meant she could be wishing for clones shortly. “So where do we begin?”
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location: Arena
mood: Playful/happy
outfit: Link + white converse
mentions: N/A
interacts: Pierce, Felicity, Silas
tags: cinnabuns cinnabuns , revalia revalia , D d1uni5ys24si3o

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Location: Arena > Meeting Spot
Mood: Questioning > Infuriated trying to appear Calm
Outfit: A P H R O D I T E
Interacted: Lillian | Pierce | Silas | Aphrodite Camper
Mentions: Flint | Ginny

Okay... okay did she just hear correctly? Did he just put Lils as her sparring partner? She was only worried as Lillian was a better swordsman than her however, if she let her emotions run a bit off a leash she can be a bit off. That being said she was her best friend so her feelings would simply be dimmed. Especially knowing her lack of skill, she was scared that she was going to hit Lillian and hurt her. It was not something she wanted.
However, if she didn't pick her own skill... there was another thing that did not slip the daughter of love's gaze. The way her little Pierce looked at the daughter of Demeter. Ooooo that was going to need to be talked about. Was her 'big brother' interested in her best friend? A mischievous grin danced on her lip as she noticed. That was definitely something that needed to be discussed... oh how he was going to hate that. Too bad.
As Silas made his all to famous appearance, the female grinned. She remembered him... the guy who approached her around a year ago asking for a fling because his all to goody girlfriend didn't want to satisfy him. Fee being ever so generous accepted. To be quite fair, the pair became rather friendly towards one another. Especially when the daughter of luck was not so lucky and have been staring daggers at her ever since. However, unlike her, her agreement with the son of Hephaestus was indeed no strings attached but the fact that it had been only started she was still adapting. Despite having no strings attached... to her surprise, she did start weaving strings attached. No one tempers with what the daughter of Aphrodite has that meant her belongings, her closest friends and most certainly that special someone... even if Fee did not admit it out loud. That someone was Flint.
Turning her attention to the son of Hecate who out of the blue started demonstrating his rapier skills, Felicity raised not one but two perfectly trimmed eyebrows at him. What was he doing? Showing off his rapier skills, mocking her... all of the above... Pretty much. Back when she accepted to hook up with him, both of them made it pretty clear that she did not quite care apart from a good shag but nonetheless she did not quite care whatever he did. However, when he started speaking in a mocking accent in french she creased her forehead. "Might you know that us French do not speak like that... Not one bit, imbécile. (fool) Plus as they said, as do I, I already ate breakfast, I'm afraid." the female casually spoke before running a hand through her long straight dark brown locks. Nonetheless she shook her head and rolled her kaleidoscopic eyes towards her tutor and now her spar partner.
As she was casually waiting for instructions, a blonde came running down towards the arena squealing towards Felicity. That only meant one thing, gossip. Fee turned around to see Chastity running down the bleachers, almost tripping from her slight heels. As she reached her, her sister whispered in her ear and at that point, her mischievous smile turned into something absolutely opposite. Her forehead creased as her full lips frowned, her fists clenched before handing Lilian her weapon back. Chastity had told her something, something she did not quite like.
As the blonde took a step back, "Thanks sissy, tag her around and see what else you can gather up," with that the female nodded and obeyed as she scurried off. Facing Pierce with a huge apologetic look, "I'm sorry Donny but I am gonna have to jet. Something came up. I'm deeply sorry but at least there is Lils with you." she really did feel sorry but this needed to be tend to. Especially when she was bubbling with anger deep inside. Lashing it out with a son of Ares was not really wise, especially since all he did was help but he of all people should realize that emotion in her eyes.
That being said, knowing fully well she had to meet the son of Hephaestus for a rendezvous, she headed towards their spot. A small area by the lake underneath a willow tree. Debating whether she was going to confront him she did not know. Should she? Would he?

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Silas rolled his eyes, his toothfull smile not leaving his face. "Chill-ax Feli, I was just joking!" he exclaimed throwing his hands to his knees as he laughed. He whipped a fake laughing tear before straightening himself. He then proceeded to clean between his nails with the washed up dagger he just used. He was chuckling to himself, thinking how crazy he was and funny sometimes. He then looked at Lilly, giving her a bright smell while some girl spoke to Felicity. He wasn't particularly in the mood to talk per se. Looking around was good enough for him.

He sat down on the ground, back against a straw dummy (whom he stole a straw to place between his lips) and he just tapped his foot against the floor. He looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. The wind caressing his cheek. It was relaxing. The swords of fighters filling the silent morning, he actually enjoyed it...He was always a fan of the melancholic atmosphere hanging over them.

"Did any of you guys notice how quiet the forest has been?" he asked right before Felicity quite literally blew up in a fit of rage from her bodily language. He smirked with eyes wide open. Oh boy, that meant drama was gonna unfold real quick!

Interactions: revalia revalia ShadyAce ShadyAce cinnabuns cinnabuns
Mentions: Felicity, Lilly, and Donovan

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Mood: Ugh.
Location: Arena
With: Felicity, Lily, Silas, Ginny (mention)
Tags: revalia revalia ShadyAce ShadyAce D d1uni5ys24si3o Maree Maree


When Pierce pried his eyes off of Lily, he met Silas', and he heard the Hecate camper chuckle. Pierce tried to keep his brows from furrowing. Well, shit. He thought he'd been discreet. He immediately felt eyes on him and he knew, without a doubt, that Felicity had seen him too. He could somehow feel the Cheshire Cat-like grin on her face. And because she'd seen him, he knew what was coming next. Two of Felicity's favorite activities: gossip and matchmaking. He inwardly groaned at the thought. He was aware there would be no way out of it, because it was in her blood to chat about love and to try to make perfect matches. Pierce already didn't want to be bothered by it. But he knew it would do him some good to talk through his feelings...but ugh. Talking to Felicity about this stuff was a trip and a half. He hoped it wouldn't take too long. He had other things to deal with.

Pierce listened as Lily and Felicity berated Silas, and the grin on his face grew larger. Silas just didn't know who he was dealing with, here. Fe could always just tell him to shut up, and then he'd be forced to. He was certain Silas would just retaliate, and then it would be a battle of magic. Right now, Pierce was more concerned with battles of the physical matter, so he wanted them to get their remarks over with. Before anything else could happen, another one of Felicity's siblings, a blonde, came shrieking to tell her something. Honestly, Pierce thought, this was the problem when it came to training with Fe. She was so loved. Again, he understood. But when Felicity's face fell, Pierce was at attention. He watched as Felicity handed Lily's weapon back to her.

"I'm sorry Donny but I am gonna have to jet. Something came up. I'm deeply sorry but at least there is Lils with you."

Pierce could see the anger building in just her glance; it almost set him off, due to her intensity. All that Pierce knew that at the moment whatever it was, he had to be there. He had to help, or hold her back. He wouldn't let her face whatever it was without any support. He already had a feeling, though, that if he told Fe he wanted to help her, she'd accidentally charm him into not doing so. So, he said nothing about that, at least, nodding before speaking. He tried not to focus on her last comment, the implications behind it. There was absolutely no doubt that she'd noticed. Goddammit. He wasn't getting out of this one at all. "It's fine. Just let me and Lil know when you're ready to start again."

Pierce knew if he wanted his next plan to work, he'd need help, from a gentle, optimistic source. He'd have to convince Lillian to go with him. If Felicity would want anyone to be by her side, it would be Lil. If they both followed Fe, it would be easier to assist her. But that would have to wait until after Felicity was gone, so she couldn't affect the plan. Pierce looked over to Silas, who seemed to be filled with glee from the situation, and then he somehow, in that moment, realized why the camper of Tyche looked so familiar. Her name had been Ginny. It was a good thing they hadn't done a lot of training while she was around. "Cool it, Mageia." Wait until she's gone was the implication behind his words, something he was certain the Hecate camper would understand.

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Location: The Arena
Mood: Nervous
Outfit: T Y C H E
Interacted: Lilly | Silas | Pierce
Mentions: Felicity | Flint

Ginvera swallowed hard as she rose from her spot at the campfire knowing that this was not going to go well. She saw the same Aphrodite sister as earlier rush over to Felicity and whisper in her ear. Oh, how they loved to gossip even if there was no proof behind it. Felicity then rushed off absolutely fuming oh she did hope that Flint knew how to handle her. Then again she couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she found out he was leaving her. Her eyes flickered over to Silas, He always looked so dark and intimidating these days oh how she missed the chubby little romantic he used to be. These days she found herself fearing him more than anything when they fought. His features were so sharp almost like they would cut you if you so much as grazed against them. She let out a soft sigh and ran her fingers through her hair she had to do this in order to get him back to her. All he had to do was stop and realize how much he loved and needed her. She had tried everything else this was the if all else fails option. If this doesn't work... Well, then she has lost him for good and would just have to let him go. Her hand went to her necklace as she began fiddling with the charm on it, a habit of hers when she is nervous. She could never really predict how he was going to react to things but the safe bet was always to assume he would react terribly. She had to just keep reminding herself that she was doing this for him.

As Ginny walked over to the trio she noticed that pierce looked like he was about to rush off after the fuming woman. Silas looked like a child on Christmas morning as per usual when there was the slightest amount of drama. She must admit he looked completely adorable when- No Ginny had to focus she couldn't get caught up in her feelings for him when she was trying to break it off. When the two boys weren't looking she gave Lilly a little smile. Oh, how she loved the girl to death. It was a shame that they couldn't be friendly in public because of her feud with Felicity. "Lilly your tag is poking out," she said, poking the tag back into her shirt. "Meet me at the usual spot in an hour. We gotta talk" she whispered inconspicuously before moving away. She had to at least warn Lilly that their friendship was about to get even riskier now that she was going to be 'dating' Flint.

"I would strongly advise against following her. Unless you want to join Flint in getting beaten up by her" Ginny said, running her fingers through her hair in an irritated manner. When they gave her confused looks wondering as to how she knew what was going on she let out a small sigh. "Aphrodite kids start rumors without even pausing to gather the facts. I bumped into Flint in the library and left a little after he did. I am assuming that one of them saw me wiping lip balm from the corner of my mouth and assumed the worst. Even though I still had the tube in my hand. It might be something completely different but by her reaction, I am assuming it's that" she clarified before letting out a sigh of annoyance. "Well this is going to make everything at least ten times worse," she said while taking her hands away from her necklace. It was time to get the hardest part out of the way oh gods she didn't know if she could do this but she had to. If Flint could handle a fuming Fe she could handle and angry Silas

Ginny turned so she was properly facing him and smiled sadly. "Silas... Come walk with me?" she asked a bit afraid he would say no. If he refused to come she would have to tell him in front of the other two which was not something she wanted to do. Besides she brought back up to make things a little bit easier she had bribed the cooks to throw together some of his favorite breakfast foods. He never remembered to eat before starting his day and he was always happier with a full stomach. So that means he would take her news a bit better than he would if she were to tell him now. "If you don't I guess I will just have to eat all this great breakfast picnic by myself," she said innocently as a small smirk formed on her lips. The food bribe always worked on him especially when his stomach was making noises like a dying whale. She figured that sitting down for a nice breakfast picnic would make things a lot easier for them.


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Ken Bek 2.jpg

Finnegan Isaac Barton

Finn was, as always, bored. It was a curse, really, he was never truly entertained the way he wanted and, let's be honest, deserved to be. He left his cabin, completely ignoring the dining pavilion, and stood outside the doorway, looking around. Where, oh where, was the best place to be? They all had such potential. The Aphrodite cabin? Some gossip could be fun, but he wasn't in the mood, for once. Climbing wall? He'd beat it a few times, but he wasn't in the mood to get violently burned. The arena? He could see it buzzing with activity, and he could see Fee storming out of it, but he had no doubt she'd inform him what had angered her soon enough, he knew better than to get in the way of an angry daughter of Aphrodite.

Besides, there were better ways to get information. He snagged the arm of a passing son of Aphrodite, stopping him short. "Spill." He said simply, smiling as politely as he could manage. "Why is Felicity angry, and who do I have to shoot?" His bow, as usual, was over his shoulder, his quiver hanging at his back, and his daggers were at his waist, ready to be pulled out at a moment's notice.

"Someone saw Ginny and Flint leave the Athena cabin one after the other. Making out." The guy explained after a moment, clearly not wanting to risk Felicity's rage, which was a smart move.

"Really? Good for her, kind of offended she didn't go for me, but she deserves some make out time after the whole 'Silas' affair." Finn mused. He tried to be friends with both sides of that war, as he always did, but it could be difficult. They seriously needed to either kiss and make up or just get over it. Then again, Finn wasn't the most... Sensitive guy around, so maybe it made sense that they both needed more time, but... A year? Really? Honestly, he was happy for Ginny, even if it pissed off Fee. He didn't believe that Flint would end things with the girl, it was obvious as hell they were both smitten and just didn't want to admit it. But maybe that was just because Finn kind of had some godly help realizing those things. One touch, and he could kind of tell how they felt for each other. Was it love? Hard to say. But it was more than them hooking up, even if they wouldn't admit it.

"You can go now." Finn said after a minute, realizing the son of Aphrodite was still standing there awkwardly. He decided quickly to go to the arena, jogging toward it and pausing for a moment when he saw Ginny, giving her a smile, especially when he saw her near Silas. He couldn't imagine what was going on there, but he could imagine that it would be one hell of an interesting conversation, but, unfortunately, she ruined his fun. A picnic? He couldn't eavesdrop on that, at least not easily, and he wasn't in the mood to put real effort in, he was sure that one of his... Cousins? Aunts/Uncles? Whatever the Aphrodite cabin was to him, he was sure they'd help out and tell him what was going down.

Perhaps it was because of the whole... Camp in mortal danger thing that gossip was abuzz that day. People got weird when they were about to die, it was a science. They did things they wouldn't normally do. Like make out with sons of Hephaestus, for example. He had to hand it to Ginny, she could've done worse, Flint wasn't the worst-looking guy around, if you were into the 'he could throw you across a football field' look. He didn't judge.

Mentions: Ginny Maree Maree - Felicity revalia revalia - Flint Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe - Silas D d1uni5ys24si3o
Interacts With: None yet.

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Location: Meet-Up Spot | Mood: Slightly Terrified
Outfit: Partially burned camp shirt, jeans, steel-toe boots.
Tags: revalia revalia Maree Maree


Flint barely had time to take a deep breath when he saw an obviously very-angry Felicity storming toward him. "Oh, Hephaestus help me." He muttered, the closest he'd ever come to praying to his father. He took a cautious step back, pulling the ring box from his pocket. He waited for her to be closer to him before trying for a confident smile. Last chance to back out of Ginny's plan. He could just give her the ring, deny whatever rumor she'd clearly heard, and live happily ever after being her... What did her siblings call him? Boy toy? Yea, that.

He made the choice to not do that pretty quick. He waited for her to be closer before crossing his arms over his chest, taking a slow breath as he looked at her. "We need to talk." He knew how that phrase would set her off, it was why he chose it. "I don't think I can do this anymore. It isn't working for me. We had a deal, and it worked for a while, but it's not working for me anymore. I'm not going to bullshit you, it's been amazing, but... I'm done being your boy toy." God, he hated that title. He couldn't lie, escaping it wasn't... The worst part of Ginny's plan.

Well, Ginny wanted her angry? He could do that. He knew the trifecta to piss off Felicity, he did it all the time by accident. One, jealousy. "There's someone else, and she... It's something different, and I need that right now." Excellent. Now, the next one: Dodging responsibility. "It's nobody's fault. I just don't think our agreement is working anymore. I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't try to start caring for someone else, it just happened." He even added a slightly pathetic, offhanded shrug. And last but not least, one of the douchiest breakup lines in the world. "We can still be friends, I guess." He had to hide his smile for a moment. As much as that moment sucked, it was a breakup worthy of an Aphrodite camper. But he couldn't just leave it at that.

"I made this for you, before... All of this happened. I didn't want it to go to waste. I ask that you don't shoot me with it, but I suppose that'd be a lot to ask. If you press on the rose, it turns into the weapon you wanted." He sighed quietly as he exposed the ring box. As much time as he'd spent on it, he hadn't thought he'd be giving it to her quite like that, right after ending things with her. And, not to mention, he felt like the world's biggest douche. 'We can still be friends?' he really used that douche line? Quite frankly, he hated himself right then, and he wasn't the most pleased with Ginny either. Whatever. Too late now.

Coded by revalia revalia | Hidden Scroll



He could feel the tears of his lover on his skin washing over his sin. The face of his lover fading faster than the night sky. He kissed another, bedded the neighbour...How could you betray the one you love?

You made a promise

You made a promise

You made a promise

All you wanted was to feel loved.

Now you're a disgrace.

The wind blew through his hair as he looked at Ginny walking towards him, the smell fading with every slow seconds. His heart almost felt like it was coming to a stop. Two years... he thought to himself. The guilt washed over his face and he pulled away his gaze to the ground below him. His piercing blue eyes staring at the muddy ground. He noticed an ant pulling a piece of rotten apple to it's nest. He let a smirk appear as he tapped his knee once... twice... before looking back up. He wasn't listening to anything around him. His mind wandering to his wonder sky where nothing mattered, nothing hurt.

"Silas... Come walk with me?"
She said

He frowned as he looked up at her. Was she talking to him? She surely was after naming him. How- or more why?

"If you don't I guess I will just have to eat all this great breakfast picnic by myself,"

Is that why she left in a hurry earlier? Did she hear his stomach grumble and rushed to get breakfast with him? "Snap out of it Silas, me and you both know...Ginny hates our guts. Like literally she hates our guts." he told himself, not tearing his eyes away. He was about to decline her offer simply because... being with her brought back too many memories. It brought back Mayson, his pain, his failure, his humiliation...


His cheeks blushed red. Two years ago, that sound would have brought him comfort. It was a strange world they lived it.

"Yeah, sure...Where did you have in plan?" he asked. He pushed himself up and slapped his pants around to dust it off the dirt. He looked at Donovan and Lilly giving them a heads up more or less saying he would talk to them later. He wasn't sure what brought Ginny to treat him so nicely after months of humiliation and hurt, but he guess he would figure it out. It couldn't be as bad as how they were now...


Interactions: Maree Maree cinnabuns cinnabuns ShadyAce ShadyAce
Mentions: Donovan, Lilly, & Ginny

Disclaimer: First Sentences Based off a Poem I Read a While Back


Location: The Arena > A Meadow
Mood: Nervous > Anxious > Furious > Sad..?
Outfit: T Y C H E
Interacted: Silas
Mentions: Finn

D d1uni5ys24si3o Play On Words Play On Words (credit to Dio for the poem idea)

I have given all my love to you, but what do I get in return?
A broken heart.
I have given you my heart, and you stomp on it like a doormat.
I have given you my youth and you took advantage of my un-experienced heart and played with my emotions.
I gave you all my trust, but you misused it.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and you proved everyone right.
I gave you my life and you killed me day by day.

"I set it up in that meadow that's kind of in the forest," Ginvrea said as she watched him get up. Now the more she thought about it... It might be better to break up messily so he doesn't want to support her decision. This is going to be ten times harder than she had originally thought. Just being near him made her feel so wrong. A wave of sadness and self doubt would just hit her and she would be left just standing there not knowing what to do. Was he really worth everything she put herself through to try and get him back? What was she thinking of course he was. Silas was her soulmate the one she was meant to be with. Her happily ever after they just had to get back to being... happy. She couldn't stand to look at him at the moment so she looked around to see who else had come to the arena while she had been away. She met Finns glance and she found that a small smirk made her way to her lips. There was no doubt that he knew what had happened or what the Aphrodite campers think happened. She gave him her usual 'I'm plotting something fill you in later' look before turning back to Silas. She met his gaze and felt a wave of anxiety wash over her and decided she probably wouldn't be eating anything on this picnic or she might puke all over the male.

They walked together in awkward silence as Ginny lead the way to where the picnic was. It was almost as if they were strangers she felt like she knew nothing about Silas anymore. Though she didn't understand why their relationship deteriorated so bad she could pinpoint when it started. When Mayson had confessed his true feelings for her even though Silas had said he liked someone else. If he had lied about that then what else had he lied about? She was pulled from her thoughts as the scent of wildflowers filled her nose, they had arrived at the spot. It would have been an amazing place to have a romantic picnic if they were a normal couple, but they weren't and they weren't there for romance. It was absolutely beautiful there but she didn't have time to have her breath taken away even though there were flowers of every color imaginable. She settled herself on the checkered blanket and started to get the items out of the basket. "I'm assuming you have figured out that we aren't here to have a romantic picnic," she said while pouring herself a glass of water and quickly taking a drink. She hoped that this would stop the bile that was threatening to enter her throat due to her anxiety.

Ginny waited for him to sit down before passing him a plate with some assorted breakfast foods on it. She might as well just dive into it and get it over and done with. "I can't do this anymore Silas. You don't make me happy anymore... And if I'm honest you haven't for years not since before Mayson passed" she ran her hands through her hair as her bottom lip started to quiver everything was about to be out in the open now. She had been dreaming about Mayson for months now... Holding his dying body in her arms... Kissing his lips as he took his final breath. One tear escaped from her eye and slid down her cheek triggering the floodgates to open. She stood up quickly causing her plate to fall to the ground and its contents to spill everywhere. "He told me everything in his final moments! Do you even remember where we are? He died right over there by that tree" her was getting louder now she couldn't stop herself now. "Even while he was dying because of you! he still defended your actions. He said you were a good guy! But you aren't! You manipulated him and me! I should have been with him. I could have been happy but all you have ever wanted was for me to be miserable!" She was screaming at him now as tears streamed down her cheeks. She didn't expect to get this angry at him but when she started she just couldn't stop. She had to say everything that had been on her mind for months. "He told me he loved me with his final breath and asked me to kiss him. And guess what? I kissed him because I loved him too! not you! It was never meant to be you! His death was all your fault. You should have died not him!" She had finished screaming and just stood there panting trying to catch her breath. She didn't mean to take it that far. She didn't even know she was holding back that much anger for him. 'I-I'm sorry that was a bit much... I got lost in my anger. But I still stand by the fact that we shouldn't be together anymore..." she trailed off and looked down. She was still shocked by her own anger but she wouldn't run off and cry she had to at least hear him out as well.
(Poem: Tears Of A Broken Heart, Hurting Poem)


Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
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|| or ||
What Kind of Man - Florence + The Machine || or || Fake Love - BTS

A heavy silence settled over them, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. The road was narrow but he felt no need to walk on the dirt road next to her. He loved the feel of green grass under his sandals. The blue, yellows, and purples stretching to the horizon brought little to no comfort. Silas squinted at the blast of sun ray that submerged from between the trees cracks. A crowd of youngsters broke them off with their innocent laughter.

This was annoying him.

What could he do?

Could he runaway?

Let her deal with her things! She dragged him all the way here for what? They weren’t getting back together, they were never going to get back together. They’d done too much,they’ve lived too much.

He stopped abruptly on the road, his eyes widening.

The hellhound stared right at him with its sharp teeth, the breath of rotten flesh filling the inside of the tree he was trying to take refuge. The hell hound aggressively tried to bite him as he backed up completely. The fear paralyzed him. He could not move, he could barely breath, he could not talk.

“Silas!!!” a young boy shouted before smashing that creature of hell in the head with a massive stone.

She started pouring water for herself and he narrowed his eyes. “What are you trying to do?” he finally asked.

She looked at him, almost mockingly. “I’m assuming you have figured out that we aren’t here to have a romantic picnic?”

“I knew right away it wouldn’t be that way,” he simply remarked with a half-assed shrug. He didn’t bother sitting down, he didn’t want to step foot there. Of all people, SHE would have known that there was not a chance on earth that he would step on those soil. He could still smell the saturation of blood from two years ago.
She then offered an assorted breakfast plate. He looked at the options and avoided the meat since he became vegetarian… He could not stomach the taste of meat like he used to. He grabbed a piece of cheese and a little round piece of bread.

“I’m not in the mood to eat… I’d rather you get straight to the point. What is it?” he asked as he shoved the bread in his pocket and cautiously ate the cheese. Maybe it wasn’t wise to eat food from the ex-girlfriend who swore to kill you off more than once.

“Fine,” she said. “I can’t do this anymore Silas. You don’t make me happy anymore… and if I’m honest… You haven’t for years.” she said, her eyes full of anger. “Not since before Mayson died in my hands,” she revengefully stated. He could see her lip twitching as her body tensed up. She started crying.

His instinct was to reach out for her, to cuddle her up and tell her that he would be a better man. That he would amend for cheating on her. She suddenly stood up and the plate she was hold crashed to the ground! Thousands of pieces flying across the meadow.


He defended your actions

He defended your actions

“HE SAID YOU WERE A GOOD GUY!But you…” she continued, “you are manipulative, mean and cruel!You care about nobody but yourself! You manipulated him, me and like you do with everyone!”


“I should have been with him! I could have been happy,” she laughed, “But YOU TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME! You selfish, piece of - “

A deep, harsh laugh resonated throughout the meadow. Silas did not know where it came from until he realized… he was laughing. Did he forget where he was? Did she say all of this or was it his imagination?

“I should have died?” Silas asked, his eyes almost amused as he took a step forward. “Oh Ginny… You think I haven’t known all those years? Do you really think for an instance that I did not see you?” he asked rhetorically.

“And now you are sorry!?” he asked unbelievably humored by this. He placed both hands on his chest before throwing it to the air. “Oh Gods above, what was I thinking?” he shouted with no real intentions except staring at the ground as it dawned on him. “You know what Ginny… Have it your way.” he said as he looked at her with stern eyes. He placed a finger on her chest as he took a step more towards her. “I tried to ignore it. I loved you, I did everything to have you. I let your friends start rumours and rumours about me... I let you speak your mind and never once did I bad mouth you. Never once did I tell anyone because... you know what Ginny? I love you." he said before laughing. "I'm sorry... Is that what you want to hear?" he asked with a chuckle. "I guess I did... but I realize now it was but a big fat mistake to have ever fallen for you.” and he took another step forward, his finger firmly and pressuring her whole body to take a step backwards, stumbling on all she arranged for ‘breakfast’,

“Now, go fetch your dead boyfriend from the underworld you selfish-” he stopped mid-sentence. He closed his eyes, clenched his fists and turned back. He felt the need to control his breathing. He could see from the fog forming nearby, he was leaking negative energy. “Leave me alone from now on…” he whispered. The fog from the woods stretched itself to reach him. It slowly started creeping to his height before engulfing the surrounding.

Silas released a breath of air he did not realize he was keeping within him... His chest felt lighter, but his mind was filled with anger. He walked towards the camp, his teeth clenched as his nails digging on his palm from holding it in a fist for so long. The rage was bubbling from within him and he pushed the first demigod that he saw no matter who it was and ran to his cabin, slammed the door open before rushing to his room. He grabbed his covers and threw them on the ground before slapping his witchcraft equipment of the desk. Was all this pain for nothing? He didn't know. The pain from within was unbearable and he slipped to the ground, palms against the floor as tear drops fell onto the wooden floor. One tear at a time.

Interactions: Maree Maree
Mentions: Random Demigod (up for grabs if anyone wants). Also, the door is wide open if anyone wishes to intrude.


Location: A Meadow > Zeus' Fist
Mood: Disguisted/Frustrated
Outfit: T Y C H E
Interacted: Silas
Mentions: Flint | Felicity|Lilly | Pierce

Ginny watched him absolutely disgusted by how he reacted. She couldn't believe he had it in him to laugh at her and say such horrible things. Sure she got angry and said some things she knew would strike a nerve but did she really deserve a reaction that bad. She flinched away from him as he pushed her backward. She couldn't believe that it was her Silas in front of her. No, this was a stranger. It's not her fault that she had fallen in love with Mayson. He was the one in the wrong for manipulating her and keeping her away from him. Sure she had kissed Mayson while dating Silas but he had just poured his heart out to her and he was dying! What was she supposed to do? "go fetch your dead boyfriend from the underworld" she had to admit that one hurt. Ginny couldn't help but fear the man in front of her as a fog started to surround them, he was using his powers. Was he about to kill her too? She took another step away from him her eyes flickering to the basket where he weapon lay. "No... I was ending things because I wanted to spend more time with you" she scoffed, her sarcasm cutting like one of her blades. But then he started to walk away like he always did the fog following behind him. "Oh don't stop on my account. Go ahead, Kill me. Just like you killed Mayson" she yelled after him but he would have blocked her out by then.

The plan had changed after that interaction Ginny wasn't going to date Flint to get him back, no. She was going to do it to destroy him. Now would she tell the male? Hmm maybe. It's not like it would affect the plan at all. Now she just needed the perfect outfit that would make Silas sulk and Flint drool. Luckily she just so happened to know the perfect men for the job. Although she would probably benefit from cooling off a bit so she didn't chew her friends heads off. She knelt beside the picnic site and tidied it up a little bit so the cleaning harpies would be a little less annoyed with her. She could only wonder how Flint was dealing with Felicity she doubted it could be going any worse than what just went down for her. She picked a nice spot in the clearing and lay looking up at the sky. though it was a bit difficult to try and relax when she was in the place where everything had gone down a few years ago. She could still taste the blood on her lips, Mayson's blood.

Ginny ran her fingers through her hair as she attempted to remove the thoughts from her head before a loud ringing erupted from within the picnic basket behind her. Lilly! after everything that had just occurred she had almost forgotten the fact that she had asked Lilly to meet her at their usual spot. She rose to her feet and walked over to the basket. It really was an annoying sound. She plucked the timer out of the basket and switched it off, letting out a small laugh as she thought about what might have happened if it had gone off during the argument. There was no point wasting her time thinking about it at the moment. Afterall she could rant to Lily when she arrived at their secret spot. Normally meeting someone at a secret spot meant they had something romantic going on and wanted to keep it a secret. But no, not them. They had a secret friendship. Ginny would easily describe Lily as one of the best friends and the secrecy only made their bond stronger. The main reason they kept everything a secret was because of Lilys best friend Felicity also known as Ginny's enemy. But she respected lily's and Felicity's friendship, therefore, they kept everything quite hush-hush.

Ginny arrived at Zeus' Fist after quite a while of walking due to her not wanting to walk through the camp and run into Silas so soon after their fight. This made her regret not having the picnic more nearby. She noticed that she had gotten there before Lily as per usual and decided to sit down for a bit. She didn't understand why it was named Zeus' fist as it only semi-resembled a fist from one angle. If you looked at it from any other angle it just looked like a pile of deer droppings. Then again if the changed the name from Zeus' fist to poop rocks he might get a bit mad and smite them all. She had climbed up and down the pile of rocks a few times while she waited and was beginning to wonder what was holding the girl up. Then again she did see pierce checking her out when she had walked over. Maybe he took the chance to romance her up when she had left the two alone. If that was the case she didn't mind waiting for a while she loved when he friends found happiness. In the meantime, she would just practice her punches on one of the trees in order to blow off some steam.
(Poem: Tears Of A Broken Heart, Hurting Poem)


Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll

Location: Meeting Spot
Mood: Popping a vein | Pretty much very heartbroken
Outfit: A P H R O D I T E
Interacted: Flint
Mentions: Finn | Pierce

Her eyes simply blinked, rapidly as his nonsense was spewing out of his mouth like a waterfall. Nonsense that were instantly triggering all her despising actions that anyone could possibly do in just a mere few sentences. Her scarlet blood bubbling inside at the point where if it was possible steam would escape any opening of her face, eye twitching.
Was he ready to sign his death sentence that early in life? Oh by the gods... if only her mother could hear this. Unfortunately the last decent connection that happened with Aphrodite herself was when she claimed her as her own, a week into camp. She remembered the blessing she put on her that just wouldn't wear off. Those silk like robes, golden arm bracelets with matching shoes, hair in an up-style that she never dreamt of seeing on herself with small roses beaded in. Damn she hated her up with a burning passion for starters. It made her face look very weird. Nonetheless, back to important matters right now. The son of the forge just dumped her? Even thought they were not even together? What? Nonono Fee doesn't get dumped and get away with it... and also so abruptly. That was unusual...especially for his reason of bullshit, 'there is someone right now and he needs that.' Yeah as if. She knew Flint like an open book having spent almost a year and a half of sleeping together and no he didn't do love nor relationships... . Yes, she read between his lines and that meant he found love. HA! Throughout these years she did not just get to know him physically but also personality wise. And the idiot herself, swore to not fall for him but she fell head and heels over him. It was odd, hence why she found it hard to admit it to at least herself. Even though she had been receiving odd and derpy faces hinted towards Flint from Finn, the son of Eros. He amazed her, especially since the day that boy arrived in Camp. They clicked and got along like a house on fire.
Back to the issue at hand. Flint. The instant he opened his mouth, the triggering started. 'We need to talk' and that tone of serious was nothing good. Was this why he wanted to meet up? His facial expression back in the arena said otherwise, like something happy and chirpy not this serious. What the hell happened in between? It was very very off but nonetheless, she patiently listened. Patiently. Her foot was tapping slowly against the grass as she crossed her arms. Having her a bit confused at the word boy toy... that was what he thought of himself. He was far from a boy toy, at least for herself. "My boy toy?! Is that what you thought of yourself you, mon dieu (my god) Flint are you for real?" she inquired in quite a disbelieving manner. Especially since having been in private she did nothing to make him feel like that. At least as far as she knew. First french word, Fee was getting angered like flame added to gasoline.
She swore she could feel heat being emitted from her face as it was red as the strawberries she so loved. At the mention of someone else, her arms fell to the sides of her body as her hands were formed into balls of fists. Felicity felt two of her fatal sins intertwine together inside; wrath and jealousy. He hit a nerve. The second nerve was hit right after, 'No one's responsibility.' and 'Our agreement is nor working anymore.' AND 'I didn't mean for this to happen.'
OH BY THE GODS FLINT AT LEAST OWN UP, he surely didn't feel like that just last night. Especially after that shrug but she resisted the end to punch him senseless. He may have towered over her but the female never held back on the urge of hitting him. Mainly cause she knew he wouldn't hurt her, even though he technically just did that, emotionally.
"Just friends?! You guess?! You think after all we've been together after all this and you expect me to be 'just friends' you connard?!!!!! (asshole)" the female's fists clenched so tight her knuckles turned a shade of white resisting her urge as she stomped her foot. Her thick French accent was thick and laced through her words as her eyes could catch flames with the rage she was experiencing. If she wasn't such a beauty queen, she would have made a good daughter of Ares. It's surprise how much rage is stored in such a little person.
However, something took a turn and what was even more so abrupt. He exposed a small ring box. A ring box? The weapon she always wanted? By the Gods. She was incredibly furious. Her eyes fell on the box and a tear shed down her face as that was still so sweet. This was why things didn't add up but she was to heartbroken to add shit up. Surely. Anything can happen but... she liked to think otherwise when it came to Flint. Felicity approached the male, broken at this point. A firm palm slid across his left side of his face, slapping him, with a greyish look peeping on her face, "Keep your stupid ring. It won't go to waste probably. You will give it to that salope (bitch) you care for. I'm sure she would appreciate it." Fee was literally broken, tears streamed down her kaleidoscopic eyes as she maintained eye contact with him. Like she knew him, he knew her. He could notice that her actions hurt her as she doesn't like hurting him. Nor she wanted to decline his weapon knowing he most probably dedicated time. But she was terribly hurt and he hopefully noticed that as she never quite lashed out this bad. Did a breakup over an agreement hurt so bad. Oh no hun... no.
Resisting the urge for another swing she lowered her hand and inhaled. Attempting to calm down. Now that she lashed out, all she was is crying. Crying out of hurt. "I hope you and this someone enjoy your time together, you connard." she managed to let our in a very broken voice. With that she ran, brushing past him with her face in her hands, letting all her tears out at once, thinking why would he do this to her? Out of all people. The female rushed by some of her friends, not even acknowledging them, mostly Pierce and Finn. She simply headed running as a crying mess towards Aphrodite Cabin.


Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
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Lillian Sage Hewitt
"The forest is anything but quiet..." Lily rubbed her temples, as she still heard whispers from plants here and there throughout the day that often caused headaches. It drained her both emotionally and physically as they stressed her out and it also sapped her strength when the plants communicated to her, even if she is unwilling. Plants were her friends, but Gods could they be annoying. But today, at least since the sun rose, they had been quieter about their worries of being killed in a war, thankfully.

It was then that a blonde girl, clearly an Aphrodite offspring, rushed towards Felicity, squawking in a way the reminded Lily of a harpy. Although, she held back a snicker, because it seemed that the information shredded all of Felicity's positive demeanor and replaced it with blinding anger. She watched, helplessly as her friend's face fell whilst her eyes built more rage with every passing moment. Lily reached out, but rather than making contact, was handed her sword back before Felicity was storming off. Lillian knew whatever was happening that made her that angry, she had to help with. She sheathed her blades on her sides, before noticing Ginevra approaching the remaining group. The female pointed out Lily's tag, and her cheeks reddened slightly out of embarrassment. As both thanks for fixing it and agreement on her propositioned meetup, Lillian smiled at Ginny, who began to comment on Felicity's recent departure. Gods. It was about Flint and a possible hook up? That was what was causing such an explosion of drama within the camp? Lily couldn't comprehend how those sorts of things happened. Couldn't people just be happy and think optimistically? She only hoped it wasn't as bad as it sounded, and things would calm down - which they would, eventually. Sooner rather than later, preferably. Ginny turned to Silas, and soon the pair were off.

Lillian glanced over to Pierce as he spoke, and she could somehow see the cogs spinning in his head - a plan forming, no doubt to go support Felicity. There was nothing more than she wanted than to go support her best friend, but Lily knew there was another friend who would likely be waiting on her at Zeus' fist - Ginny. Lily was torn, how on Earth could she decide between the two? She was good friends with two girls who were enemies, something that she'd somehow made work through her optimism, likely. Lily ran possible ideas through her head and could only find one option that could keep everyone happy enough, if the situations both girls had recently been in weren't pure disasters. Surely, they wouldn't be, and surely Lillian would be able to maintain the friendships. She just hoped she was making the right decision to do just that. But when it came to decisions, Lily was not a good option to ask, she was riddled with too many thoughts and confidence issues to be decisive. Lily grasped Pierce's hand, "Pray to the gods I'm making the right choice. Go find Felicity, and I'll find you both as soon as possible." She dropped her grip on his hand, before spinning on her heels and sprinting off, her blades swinging around and hitting her as she ran. She focused on the noise of them clanging and the camp around her to stop herself from overthinking the choice she'd had to make impulsively - something she absolutely despised doing.

Her run slowed to a jog, and she could hear raised voices carry through the forest, and she could feel some plants getting agitated near where those voices were coming from. Zeus' fist soon came into view, though from the angle she approached the rock pile, it resembled something much less intimidating or exciting. "I think punching trees is a mighty effective way to get injured." Lily called out as she continued to approach Ginny, though in a light jog. Once the female was close enough, she wrapped her arms tightly around the daughter of Tyche for a few silent moments, before holding her shoulders at arm’s length distance. "I know you need to talk, and I'm so, so, so, so sorry, but I have another friend in desperate need of assistance." She purposefully avoided Felicity's name. "I'll talk to you later, okay? I hope you're okay, and if not, I know you will be!" Lily pulled Ginny back into a short, but tight squeeze, probably tight enough to cause slight discomfort. She crouched down onto the grassy floor, touching it with her fingertips willing a flower to grow. Lily plucked it and tucked it behind Ginny's ear, with a small grin and a short-lived though light, bubbly laugh, before she began to walk backwards with slow steps. "I promise I won't abandon you next time we organize to meet up. Please forgive me." Lily pleaded, her tone almost shaking with her nerves. More than anything Lily did not want to lose a friend, because she was forced to pick one over the other in this moment. What did she do that deserved that? Nothing that she could recall. So, everything would be fine. Everything would be fine. Lily repeated the sentiment in her head, keeping her sanguine attitude. She waited for Ginny to have a chance to respond, though as soon as she got an answer, Lily was ready to turn and hunt down Pierce and Felicity. It wasn't hard to tell she was anticipating her leaving, as her slow steps backing away continued.
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location: Arena > Zeus' Fist
mood: Worried but hopeful
outfit: link + white converse
mentions: Silas, Felicity
interacts: Pierce, Ginny
tags: D d1uni5ys24si3o , revalia revalia , cinnabuns cinnabuns , Maree Maree

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Location: Arena to Aphrodite Cabin | Mood: Lost
Outfit: Torn black jeans, black tennis shoes, and a dark grey shirt.
Tags: Mentions Flint Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe - Ginny Maree Maree - Interacts with Pierce cinnabuns cinnabuns - Lilly ShadyAce ShadyAce - Felicity revalia revalia


Finn was just about to do something, he was sure of it. He wasn't sure what, but he was going to. Before he could even step foot out of the arena, he saw a flash of Fee running toward her cabin, and swallowed a curse. He heard Lilly telling Pierce to go after Fee, so he turned to look at them, clearly fuming.

"If you see Flint, kick him in the balls for me?" He snapped. Flint had something to do with this, clearly Ginny did as well. Had Flint dumped Fee? Gods, even Finn knew that the son of Hephaestus was smitten with Fee, and he didn't need his powers to see it. The way he'd constantly drop everything he was doing to rush to her side whenever she needed him? And the ring he'd been making her? Flint had shown him once or twice along the way, both the ring and the weapon it disguised, to try and gauge if Finn thought Fee would like it. None of that mattered right then. He had a friend to comfort. He wouldn't take sides if he could possibly avoid it, and sure, he wasn't the most sensitive guy around, but Fee was like a sister to him, his other half in every platonic way. With them, it had never even come close to romantic, even while they pretended to flirt. She got him. And she needed him. He took off at a sprint after her, his long legs catching up quickly as she crossed the threshold of the Aphrodite cabin. As he always did, he took a deep breath before entering, though it did little to protect him against the wall of perfume that hit him like a brick. Gods, he hated that smell, it was disgusting. He hated perfume, personally, especially in the volume of that cabin, but that really didn't matter then, either. Or perhaps it did. The last thing Fee needed right then was to be surrounded by her idiot siblings, who would just be staring at her like a hungry shark waiting for some kind of gossip from their crying counselor.

"Hey. He isn't worth it, Fee, you know that." He said quietly, approaching her. It was like a whole different side of him, one that was a halfway decent person. He had no idea what Ginny had done, but he had a gut feeling that she had something to do with it, between that mischievous smirk and Flint's sudden turnaround. The last thing that camp needed was a pissed off daughter of Aphrodite, it was already stretched to the brim with everything else that was going on.

"Want me to kick his ass for you? I can hit a lot harder than it looks." He offered, forcing a smile as he wrapped an arm around her. "Let's get out of this cabin, Fee. Go for a walk, you can rant, and we can go to that mortal chocolate shop you love and eat our feelings." He suggested. Perhaps that was a selfish cause, because that chocolate was incredible, but he knew how Fee loved it, and, aside from watching him beat up Flint, he couldn't think of a single other way to cheer her up.

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll


Location: Meet-Up Spot | Mood: Ashamed, Angry, Dead Inside
Outfit: Partially burned camp shirt, jeans, steel-toe boots.
Tags: revalia revalia Maree Maree Play On Words Play On Words


Flint swallowed hard when Felicity started ranting and, as he probably should've expected, denied the ring. He saw the signs that she was about to get violent, but he didn't bother trying to defend himself, accepting the slap without a word. It didn't hurt nearly as much as the ache in his chest, unfortunately.He knew what he should've done - abandoned the ridiculous plan and just confess. Go after Felicity and apologize, beg for her forgiveness if he had to, tell her about Ginny's ridiculous plan and why he'd accepted. He had little doubt that, if he did, she'd at least understand why he'd done what he did. But he didn't. He simply remained there, standing in their meet-up spot and holding a ring box, feeling ridiculous.

His own anger built to a breaking point. He wasn't angry at her, or even at Ginny or Silas. He was just pissed at himself, beyond reasonable thought or action. He whipped around and slammed his fist against the willow tree, ignoring the immediate and intense pain that spiked through his fist and arm. He was sure he'd broken or fractured something, but he didn't care, he didn't want to think.

He didn't quite know how, but he ended up back at his cabin, laying on his bunk and staring up at the ceiling, listening to his siblings discuss plans for a quest, an invention, whatever. Any other time, he would've critiqued their ideas. Then, for once, he didn't have the motivation. He wasn't the type to sit around, do nothing all day, he was someone who enjoyed being busy, he never procrastinated or anything of the type. First time for everything.

He eventually got out of his bed, wrapped his aching hand in gauze to hopefully help it somehow heal faster, since he didn't want to waste anyone's nectar or ambrosia. Now, he had to do something he despised doing - actually get ready for something, namely, the stupid bonfire that he and Ginny were 'debuting' at. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he figured, if he didn't, she'd come and pester him. Just as he made the decision to do whatever he could to get ready, his feet took him in a different path, instead toward the forges. He didn't know why, but he started working, using rose gold and celestial bronze to start working on a very small, delicate chain. It took him about two minutes to realize he was making a bracelet, one that would fit Felicity perfectly, but he didn't stop, instead grabbing a piece of paper and designing some charms for it, for later reference if ever. He had a different project. Ginny expected a show? Fine. He'd give her one. He set aside the chain for Felicity's bracelet and started working on a different project, weaving a gold chain together slowly and carefully before crafting a pendant, very small and delicate. It wasn't magical, but he put every ounce of craftsmanship he had into it, every detail was perfect for such a simple project. Just a miniature hammer, which would hang from the necklace, about two or three inches tall, so it'd be visible, but not obnoxiously so. At the base of the hammer, he embedded a small diamond, making sure it was centered. In the mortal world, it would've been quite an expensive gift, but Camp brought in metal and gems often enough so the Hephaestus kids always had something to work with, and few of them used the gems for anything other than decoration. Weapons and inventions that would've costed thousands or tens of thousands to mortals, they made out of boredom.

He shined it until it was gleaming before holding it up, inspecting it. It'd be recognizable as something he'd give, nobody else used the hammer emblem as religiously as he did. Perhaps it was silly, him using that as his little calling card when it was the symbol of his father, whose ass he'd love to kick, but he couldn't think of anything that resembled him better. He'd had to measure by memory and sight, which he despised doing, but if he'd done so correctly, the pendant should hang right at her collarbone. Ginny's, not Felicity's, unfortunately. He sighed, picking up a steel pen and carefully engraving his initials, 'F.L', on the head of the hammer in a simple script, neat but not nearly as elegant as what he'd used for Felicity's crossbow. He had to figure out a way to give that to her. Perhaps he could hand it to Finn? The son of Eros tried to stay neutral most of the time, perhaps he'd play nice long enough to just messenger along the ring. Maybe Felicity would accept it, if it was Finn giving it to her instead of Flint.

Coded by revalia revalia | Hidden Scroll
Due to some unforeseen difficulties that I'm having with someone who will remain unnamed, I've decided that the best option is to end this roleplay. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and for the time you guys have spent on this, but this is causing unnecessary stress that I no longer feel like I can deal with, so I'm going to just end it before it gets into the action part, and before you guys put any more time into it. Once again, I'm genuinely sorry for the inconvenience.
Due to some unforeseen difficulties that I'm having with someone who will remain unnamed, I've decided that the best option is to end this roleplay. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and for the time you guys have spent on this, but this is causing unnecessary stress that I no longer feel like I can deal with, so I'm going to just end it before it gets into the action part, and before you guys put any more time into it. Once again, I'm genuinely sorry for the inconvenience.
Sucks that it came to this, but I get it. It was a great idea!
Due to some unforeseen difficulties that I'm having with someone who will remain unnamed, I've decided that the best option is to end this roleplay. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and for the time you guys have spent on this, but this is causing unnecessary stress that I no longer feel like I can deal with, so I'm going to just end it before it gets into the action part, and before you guys put any more time into it. Once again, I'm genuinely sorry for the inconvenience.

As Play said, it was a great idea and it's a shame for it going down! But you if it was stressful, you did the right thing!

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