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Fandom War of the Primordials OOC

I do feel the need to say this tho, some BBCODES in character are not dark theme friendly tho :/ plus cursive is hard to read so haha rip my eyes O_O
athereal athereal hey! So, I unfortunately can't read whatsoever your posts because the font is too pale! Even when highlight it's too pale.

Could you pls try and fix it?

I'd very much appreciate it cause I'd like to enjoy your posts! Lemme know!
revalia revalia HAHA


I prefer the non-relationship parts of the RP, but I know in the beginning parts of them, especially when they're all teenagers, it's to be expected that it'll be more romance-oriented. For anyone who's not really a fan of that, I promise, the moment the quest leaves, people will have more to do than romance. Hopefully.
I prefer the non-relationship parts of the RP, but I know in the beginning parts of them, especially when they're all teenagers, it's to be expected that it'll be more romance-oriented. For anyone who's not really a fan of that, I promise, the moment the quest leaves, people will have more to do than romance. Hopefully.
everyone wants the romance, don't you deny it.
Of course, it will be more action based when we leave but it's still fun to mess with.
I think most people here enjoy a bit of romance
Peter and Jesse just kinda fit together. MC needs the best brought out of him, and just because he's dating doesn't mean he's fixed and has happily ever after--not to mention he kinda thinks he's cursed.
And Peter has enough secrets to battle an Aphrodite kid, he needs to be brought out of his shell, and he also kind of thinks he's a bit cursed.

Of course, it will be more action based when we leave but it's still fun to mess with.
I think most people here enjoy a bit of romance
Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe yea nerd it's fun
"Oh, I understand... You're trying to get me killed." - I C O N I C XD
so much happened dammit i need to write fee

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