War of the Brethren (Light and Dark) Character Sheet

[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] don't worry your fine. And did u like the elf intro idea!?!

[MENTION=4602]Harusun[/MENTION] this is taking longer then I imagined. You can still wake up anytime :P

then you and Janice can socialize or something while I'm trying to persuade Persphone :) pa cha!
Oh, beautiful idea! Maybe she works with the demons, and switched sides last minute?

How shall Persephone help Michael? I have a passage I'm creating now, where she doesn't do much of help but show symbolic meaning through her tears, which rejuvenate the valley. Michael could take that as a meaning of new beginning, I believe. To change her so suddenly would be too quick of a character development. I have her speaking of how she became corrupted to embrace the darkness...
Speaking of how to bring in characters... How can I bring in Dove? I know I have already introduced her, but I have no idea on how to fully bring her in.
[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] you could make up something that she used to say to him as a child. Which makes him kinda snap out of it >.> I can work with whatever you do. And I love the switching sides part. That would be interesting :) ))

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] she could be a friend of Venomarrahs elf friend. Could be a good entrance. Or she could be Janice friend too. Did u have a entrance idea!?
[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] I'm glad you like the elf intro! It's gonna be fun! These memory posting take so much detail. Hand cramp! Lol
Lol. Is it actually good? I tend to get flustered at so much typing and end up purposely skipping details. But at the same time I hate doing that because I want people to literally be able to picture it. Like they are watching it happen. >.> Its frustrating sometimes. >.<

Next memory we impose is on you! Hahahah! >.<

Wahhhh! But I want history !!!!! :D Background history goood! Just unveil it one part a a time, so it comes in waves :D [MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION]
Exactly. That way the more we learn about the character the more history comes out. It's like we just met her, so we wont know anything about her until we spend time with her. Overtime (Aka story) We learn more about her. Her past, her character and her relationships. i often bring in random characters to help get things out. Like scandals and what not. Just like you did with Persephone's minions :D

[MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] I like the elf idea! I'll do that! And also, I have an idea for Janice for an explanation on why she can see everything supernatural. I'll explain it, but if it won't work, that's fine.

basically, she isn't human but doesn't know it. When she was a child, someone placed a spell on her to restrict her powers and give her the aura of a human. That's the basic idea, and I haven't gotten much further lol
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] love the idea. U need to figure out y, what species she is etc
@Darktanion I believe I'll still give the elf a long enough description for people to interpret, along with her description and abilities.

When shall we bring them in, exactly?
[MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] Will do ^.^ I'll have more information up soon, just torn between two options here

I'm getting a slight idea of her origins... I'm thinking a human mother and demon father, the demon tricked her mother into loving him, which led to the birth of Janice. At birth, her mother died, and her father vanished, leaving her alone and helpless. It was then that the goddess Hestia appeared, showing sympathy for the child, and ending up blessing her to hide her supernatural abilities. It hid her demon aura, and lessened her powers, but she could still see all of the supernatural. Only once the blessing is broken, which can only be broken after a traumatic experience, will Janice's true powers return. I'm still figuring out the details, such as which demon she came from, her full powers, etc, but I'm slowly making progress lol

View attachment 13319Name: Vienna Xion

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Appearance: Her hair, eyelashes, and fairly angled eyebrows are a velvet black. Her hair cascading in braids, dread locks, and her regular silk hair to her lower back; most is held in a fashioned up do, held in by assorted jewels collected over years worth of travels. Jewels are also scattered over the rest of her body, gold earrings hanging from her short pointed ears, bangles jingling on her wrists and ankles, and a particularly interesting piercing, a vertical labret stud, hanging on her lower lip. Her eyes seem to shift in color along with her emotions. Red when angry, green when calm, a deep blue when sad, and a pinkish-purple when aroused or smitten. Her skin is a fair olive, freckles dotting her nose and cheeks. On that olive skin, starting at her right upper arm, is an elaborate tattoo of many vibrant colors encircling and twining over her shoulder, down her chest, and circling once more over her left thigh. Her lips are full, the color of ripe plums. Her hands and feet are small, and delicate, her nails usually tinted red. Her limbs and torso are just the same, a delicate yet strong stance. One thing she is quite proud of, or dare I say two, is her breast and butt, which she uses for an upper hand over men; flaunting them often. Though being so colorful when it comes to her body, she usually wears dark, jewel tones. Dark green, Crimson red, deep blue, black, royal purple... from an outside look, she looks a rich beauty. Usually attired in a tunic under a tight corset and skirt along with her boots, she moves much easier than most woman who dress more... properly.

Personality: Vienna seems to value only fun, freedom, money, promiscuous tenancies and getting ahead; but a good brawl to prove a woman is as strong as a man is always a plus, too. With an exotic, strong accent from a world unknown to these people, she responds well to sarcasm, as it is her real first language. Jokes, flirting and people who solve problems in particularly clever and devious ways will delight her. Finding the immature, yet quite brilliant diamonds of the bunch is her joy. She also approves if someone is slightly selfish. In dealing with other people, trying to squeeze a little extra money out of them, is something she herself would do. She's a restless soul, always moving, playing with someone, or going in head first to the greatest of situations.

Through her tough exterior lays a heart of gold. Once in a blue moon, you may catch her helping a lost body among the streets, usually remaining nameless in these times,to keep up her reputation. Though don't expect much from her. Her relationships are barely called so, as she may be in your bed one night, yet gone by morning.

She does not believe in the gods and goddesses her people would cherish. When approaching temples of worship, she may go in with only the intentions to steal a gold chalice or two.

Getting involved in other people's business tends to annoy her, so helping with no intention to pay, just for the sake of helping, will often earn her ire. She also greatly disapproves of rules and authority and anyone who attempts to 'enforce the law', even more so upon her. She highly approves of a secretive life, keeping everything at a need-to-know basis.

Powers: When born, Vienna was blessed by the God of the gods and goddesses himself, given a power over aura manipulation. It was unknown of why he chose her, or of what outcome he foresaw, but he bestowed her with this great power, unconcerned with her disbelief in him and his gods. With this and the many years she's learned to use it, she has multiple abilities.

She may release her aura from her body. She may release a certain amount large or small, but let's say just at her finger tip. This ability is helpful with in need of a light source, since her aura is illuminated highly, unlike most. A limitation to this, however, it that it may not leave her. Her aura must and will always cling to her body.

Her aura, once out of her body, is like a solidified dust, which looks like wavering smoke, or levitating liquid. It is not an illusion, but a substance. This can be easily understood when one first knows of how a persons aura is also their soul, energy, and life force. She's also learned that she may use it as a solid object, being an extension of her.

Vienna may 'read' someone's aura, as a tell of their personality, current emotion and soul. She usually depicts and describes them by color and illumity. She may also mimic the person's aura, and show them by releasing her own in the form of their's.

Another skill Vienna is working on is her elemental aura abilities. Using her own aura that she had released, she may absorb the element around her, within reach, and surround herself with it. She may take on air, earth, electricity, fire, ice, water, and sound in which surrounds her. This set of abilities may act as a defense and offence. She may surround herself with these elements as protection, but also project them; her aura can use great force and control the element, yet it will be an extension of her as said before. If she was to release it as a projection at an enemy, her aura would no longer control it, staying on her unlike the element. She may also use the element as an extension so long as her aura controls it. It's highly recommended that no one may be around her as she uses these abilities, since it's very dangerous to be around. As being one with her aura, her life force, the element has little effect on her, yet has the normal or great effects on others.

Sadly, Vienna barely uses any of these powers, as she has only in secret. She refuses to use them when others are around, sticking closely to her skills with dual daggers.

(( Alright, this is what I have so far. I may edit tomorrow, or later on. What do you think? ))
[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] Ok, so after everyone sits down around bonfire (Let Harusun wake up) Time skip to morning. Then head to City. I was thinking we could all ride Zehel to get there fast. When we arrive a sign or symbol is posted. It will mean no Angels are allowed inside. Micheal will tell the others to go in, and he will meet up with them. He trails the side of the great wall that surrounds the city and finds a place in. But there was a barrier up that tricked an alarm. Which means the demons chase after him. When he's escaping is when I pictured him running into Elf.

Also LOVE the character. She's great, perfect. Love the picture even more!

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Looks good to me ;) I really like the idea. Can't wait till we see how it unfolds! Perhaps we run into her father >.> Ha
[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] I frickin love that character e.e that character is amazing -random comment-

[MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] I'm working out on figuring out the father currently. I want something darker, kind of the opposite of her personality, and, of course, I can't find ANYTHING x.x it's a work in progress lol
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION]. Dont worry. You have plenty of time to figure it out. I thought it would be cool if he was one of Lucifer's "henchmen" His right hand kinda thing. That way it ties him in with the enemies. What do you think?
I won't be able to post today, but I'll make sure to read up tomorrow, and post. Very busy today. But I'll be back tomorrow, whether there is a bonfire or not!! X D
[MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] thank you! She's a bit of a rough draft for now, but god, I wish Zehel the best of luck with her ;)

I cant wait to have her in the story!
[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] I had a funny idea. I'm not sure if this would go with the personality of your characters so you'll have to let me know. What if both Persephone and your elf (who's name i'm to lazy to look up atm) fell in love with Michael. And they kinda have a rivalry trying to win him over :) In which case Michael would have to eventually choose between the two. I just thought it might be funny. What do you think? Meh?

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Didn't you want to bring in a second character? Or am I going crazy? My mind is escaping me right now. Lol
[MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] sorry, I've been super busy the past few days! Working on my post currently
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Your fine ;P Happy your back on ;)

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] You should come shout in the box sometime! Lol.

I had to edit my last post too .Cause in typing it two other people posted. I was like shit. Lol

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