War of the Brethren (Light and Dark) Character Sheet


A professional writer is a amateur that never quit

There was a Angel in heaven who was called Ramiel. Ramiel was the Angel of Death. His
job was to take the lives of people who's time had come. However, after seeing the darkness and hatred the humans held towards each other and the earth, his love for them began to fade. It wasn't long after this that he began to hate the humans. His hatred for their greed consumed him and it wasn't long until he began to take the lives of those who were not ready. God didn't like this. And demanded Ramiel only take the lives of those who he was told. So deep in the darkness was Ramiels mind that he turned against god.

No one thought it possible. But Ramiel had killed god (god of time and space) (( in this story their are many gods, like Greek god. God of destruction, god of winds etc. the god of time and space was the god who ruled over all. ))

So angry were the gods and angels at Ramiel that they demanded Michael kill him. But instead Michael refused. Michael instead said to Ramiel. Your mind has become tainted my brother. Your hatred for man kind has consume you. I don't believe you are broken, merely bent. You my brother must now learn to live and love as a human. To be able to accept them despite their many flaws and injustice acts. It was then that Michael sealed Ramiels powers and scythe away and exiled him from heaven.

After this it wasn't long until heaven ran into chaos. Without time and space the world began to degrade. The gods bickered over who would take the thrown. But it was no use. As the gods slowly turned against each other the demons began to attack. And so a new war began. It wasn't long until the war spilled down onto earth. But hope was not lost. Michael found a way he might be able to bring back god! To stop this war and save all of their worlds. And so he has set off down to earth. He seeks a god who had been lost on earth over a 1000 years ago. Only this god could help him restore order!

((Despite the fact this story has multiple gods there are no "god" like characters. None of the gods are in their god form, except the one sealed on earth. Without the main god the others can't be in their true forms. Also in this story, when a angel goes to earth they essentially give up their angel forms for a human form. So on earth, using to much power would damage their human bodies. Human bodies were never meant to command angel powers. The bodies aren't strong enough. This doesn't mean they can't. It's just that their is a price.))


NAME: Michael



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Long black cloak tied tightly around his torso. Its flap being held together by a small rustic set of three buttons. The cloaks end drags lightly against the ground behind him. Tight fitting black pants with several pockets on each side and a snug fitting shirt with a slit to the right of his shoulder blade. He carries a short silver sword on his right hip, with what seems like ancient script carved into the blade. Its grip is worn and wrapped in what seems like old cloth.

Angel Form: Wears gold and white celestial robes that drape down over his shoulders, tied by a simple rope. His robes hidden under a pure white cloak with gold trim that drags behind him.

BODY TYPE: Built tall and strong, well toned and radiant.

HAIR: Gold

EYES: Gold


WEIGHT: 185lbs

AGE: Unknown


RACE: Archangel

Strengths: Sword Fighting, Sensing Other Angels/Gods, Fast, Compassionate

Weaknesses: To Trusting, Forgives To Easily, Vessel Much Weaker Then Angel Form

Likes: Helping The Innocent, Playing Music, Laying Under The Stars

Dislikes: Fighting, Killing, Liars and Views Against God

Best Environment: He Is Best In Heaven, Where His Power And Personality Is At Its Peek!


Michael is the top Archangel. God's right hand. He is caring and sincere. His intentions are only ever pure. He seeks the resurrection of his god who was murdered at the hands of a fellow angel "Ramiel". In search to bring back his "Master" he has traveled to earth to seek out Daico. A god who had been lost almost 1000 years ago. .

Name: Hades (Lucifer) Angel Name: Luciel

Species: Fallen Angel/ King of Underworld

Powers: Unknown

Age: Unknown


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Personality: Unknown.

History: Lucifer is one of three archangels mentioned in Scripture. He was created by God just as all angels were, but his role was different from the other angelic hosts. Lucifer was referred to as the 'covering angel.' Just as the cherubim covered the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, Lucifer was established by God to be the angel of worship, one whose ministry surrounded the heart of heaven. Lucifer was created to dwell eternally in the throne room of heaven, in the very presence of God. Lucifer's wisdom far exceeded that of other angelic beings. He understood the ways of God.

But Lucifer's splendor and beauty did not last forever. While ministering, he began to consider his own position of prominence. Lucifer became prideful, believing that he deserved more than what he already had. He wanted to become like the Most High.Lucifer had wisdom, beauty, ability, perfection, and yet he wanted more; he wanted to be worshiped like God. But God does not share His glory, nor does He permit another to receive worship. So before Lucifer had a chance to make his move, he was removed from the presence of God. Cast out of heaven like a bolt of lightning, Lucifer was stripped of his beauty, his position, and his rights to heaven. Satan's constant attempt ever since has been to oppose the mighty plan of God.

Name: Zehel

Species: Man-Beast/Celestial Beast

Powers: Speed, Agility Strength, Razor Sharp Claws, Rapid Healing, Thought Pusher. Can see events even if he is not their. He merely looks to that person and he sees what they are doing. Blood can heal others wounds.

Age: 1340 Years (Appearance 27)


Personality: Quiet and Straight to the point. He hates killing and wants to save everyone. To most he seems very "holy" constantly talking about the gods. Though Renowned in his appearance he seems to lack the commonsense that is well known in the human world. Such as he doesnt understand why being naked around people is bad or what a kiss would mean to someone. And in this aspect people find him strange.

Background: Zehel is a Celestial Beast (Man-Beast) his species once known as the Gods Guardians, because they lived in heaven with the gods. He traveled down to earth with a god. This god became polluted and began to ravage the earth. Zehel tried to stop the god, but in battle became severely injured. He had been in a coma for 1000 years. This god "Daico" has disappeared since their battle. She is presumed dead. Only been awake for a few months, he searches for god items that hold godly auras. Without this "Aura" He would eventually loose his mind and go rampid killing everyone. He also is trying to find his way back to heaven. He knows nothing of earths customs.

Name: Saralyn "Sara" Jarrison

Age: 200 years old (appears to be 25)

Species: Demon

Gender: Female


Bio: Sara is one of the more mischievous demons. She is not loyal to anyone she ever encounters and usually plays cruel pranks on them that sometimes end up costing them their lives. Because of this she has earned the reputation of not being trusted, yet Sara uses her wits to wiggle a sorry victim or two into her trap. Once she heard of the war being raged between the demons and gods she was neutral towards it and found herself giving both sides information. Soon she was wanted by both forces and was captured, being held captive by the demons. However, once the war was thrust upon the mortal world they finally found a role for Sara. Using something she dearly loved, which was very hard to find, they managed to blackmail her into doing what she loved to do; trick people. She was sent to follow Michael the archangel and prevent him from finding what was needed to bring the gods back.

Other: This "thing she loved very dearly" was an old friend who is fighting on the front lines of the war. He was the only one who could actually keep Sara in line, and acts as a father figure to her sometimes.
Name: Janice Miranda Colter

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human



Abilities: Ever since she was just agirl, Janice has always been able to see the supernatural. If someonewasn’t human, she could tell immediately with just a single glance.It was a rather different ability, and one she despised, for thisgift dragged her into many situations she would rather stay out of.She avoids confrontation as much as possible because of this, butcuriosity usually ends up getting the best of her. Her gift to seethe supernatural while other humans see whatever their minds wish tobelieve is a curse, a wretched curse she wished she never had.

Personality: She is rather shy andreserved, preferring to have her nose in a book rather then beingsocial with others. When she does befriend someone, she growsprotective and loyal to them, but very rarely tells anyone of herability. She is warm hearted and kind as well, which makes her proneto people using her gentle nature for their own benefit. Yet, shestill shows a smile to everyone she meets, whether good or bad.

Bio: Will be revealed throughout thestory
@CharChar45 accepted :) you can join in whenever.

[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] Any Species is fine. Human, god, vampire etc. they all exist in this w

Charchar45 Love your character. It would be cool if what she saw was their true forms :)
View attachment 12758Name: Persephone Ivy

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Species: Goddess of the Underworld

Appearance: She is a woman of 5'6. With long, flowing ember-colored hair and thick dark eyebrows, it contrasts dramatically with her ice blue eyes. Her lips, as her body, is very voluptuous and curvy. Her skin is tan, yet slightly pale, and not a mark resides on her of a scar nor freckle.

Personality: Persephone is a knowledgeable, sarcastic woman. Though loved by many, she may be a cunning, yet painful thorn in your side. The girl is a mixture of watchful silence and loud opinions; observing all with careful eyes, and speaking through a crowd with her direct opinions and ideals. Showing either promiscuous tendencies or stoic glances, it's easy to feel both compelled and repelled by her. Persephone is a sly, narcissistic woman. She takes on titles along the lines of 'leaderly' with only a glance before gesticulating it to the side. She speaks with a rather large ego in the classiest of manners, knowing the effect she has over others. Usually with a book at hand, you may find her in the midst of crowds that seem to gather at her presence. She sees the reputation's of others as worthless until proven before her, and respect as something to be gained, starting at zero from the day met. If you truly wished to describe the woman, one would say she is a fox cunning and clever, using what she may to reach everyone's eyes in envy or lust. Yet she does so in a quiet manner, though without tact. She continuously craves power. She will use you, or anyone else she has to, to get the power she craves.

Restoration Embodiment. She is the goddess of restoration. She is the spring. She restores. She cures. It could be broken bones, old bones, or even a broken car. She has the ability to restore something to its former glory. She grows ever powerful from restoring, or being around things that are in their glory. She feeds off of others being in their best condition.

Background: Persephone was once a kind, innocent girl. Her mother taught her of life, loving, and kindness. She was taught power was not important, but what you did with it. It was the normal lessons any woman of power would teacher daughter.

But this was before Hades took her and made her queen. She hardened. She knew she needed to make a name for herself. So this is who she is, now. It was the only way she would have kept her name, to keep her from being the captured... the kidnapped. What's better for the kidnappie, but to gain control over the kidnapper?

She soon gained just that, soon leading the underworld herself, yet through Hades. Though, he didn't know that.
[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] accepted. Very interesting love the concept. Even the picture look sadistic
I like the idea of this roleplay, but I'm not sure the character I want to play would fit in.. <.<

I'm really unlucky when it comes to finding, and joining an active roleplay.. I am new to forum roleplays, but experienced in MMORPG roleplay servers.. I'm also not very picky. I prefer long term Roleplays, set in the past, and I can be part of any roleplay, as long as some spellcasting is allowed :o . Here I am, if you think you could use this character for your roleplay! I would love to become and active member, and help you bring it to life. I love to play alongside the bad guys, but I don't like to be the center of attention either. So if I am a villain I'll need someone who is in charge of the villains maybe X D. But I can if you are creative enough to merge a chaotic character with the good guys, can play alongside the heros. Her spells are semi extensive, but none are alone very powerful, she is diverse. Not the one going to slay the dragon anyway X D but can make any encounter a little more interesting. I love noobs, and professionals alike. WARNING: Detailed character read ahead!

Name: Harusun ( Nothing, just Harusun ^.^, there is nothing else to her name. )

Class: Spellcaster/Waterbender, graceful command of water, without a water source it can be exhausing but can be summoned from the particles in the air, near a large water source she becomes very powerful. Example: On a boat in the ocean.

Race: Human..

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Height: 5.6

Weight: 127

Eyes: Piercing Amber. ( Inuyasha style ^.^ )

Hair: Shoulder Length, and white. Messy, not straightened, but not dirty either. Beautiful, soft, but not orderly..

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral-Chaotic Evil. ( Very situational.. She wouldn't kill children for no reason, but if the guards of the city were to anger her, and she started killing them.. Well seeing their children running through the streets during, or shortly after the encounter will trigger her sadistic side just as much as seeing a fellow guard. )

Clothing: She wears ( Look at my profile picture, it is inspired by her... Everything would be roughly the same. Example: The hair is not the same texture/style, but it is the same colour. ) A red tabard like outfit, with red, and black throughout. She carries a thin, very sharp longsword on her side, and nothing else. ( You would never expect a water bender to have red, and black :P )

( It won't let me url link yet, and I don't know how to summon a photo alongside my post yet.. I'm sure I'm just a shrug off noob, but it's so hard to find any roleplays online.. )

Personality: Confusing, and always ready for something new. Can't seem to sit still! Loves to tease, and annoy what she considers " Lesser Humanoids " everyone around her are simple toys for her own amusement. She does have a bi-polar streak where she can be manipulative in the blink of an eye, and occassionally a genuine mysterious saddened state... In certain situations usually when angry, frightened, or overly joyful on who she is fighting.. She will develop a very serious, ( Widened INSANE eyed, obviously needing professional help.. ) Killer like mindset.. With an obsession with torturing those who are unlucky enough to lose to her, by slowly killing them from.. Drowning. It is close to impossible for her to lose an encounter, because she will continue fighting until death. She will deny that she is losing.. Until the very end.. Being captured, held down, etc. Would be the only way to end the fight, without killing her, once she becomes crazy eyed.. LOSING TO HER is not a good idea, unless certain aspects are known.. It is rare that she will be merciful..( If you have ever seen Fooly Cooly, the pink haired one is a great example, she is my inspiration for most of my roleplays. )

History: As a child ( Insert YOUR shady/evil Government, gods, whatever here. Has to be shady or evil, her childhood is very dark, and mentally traumatic..) Attempted to weaponize her unique water-bending abilities, and her above average intelligence. ( Not genius, but above the general public.. ) Her powers are enhanced to mindblowing levels when presented with large bodies of water. ( Although not required to cast, it gives her basic abilites, a whole new level of dangerous. ) Which would be useful for naval dominance for example.. At roughly 16 she decided she didn't like the idea of working for... Well anyone. They were all beneath her.. If anyone was to serve it would be them serving HER! Now she travels the world looking for new life experiences, and surprisingly enjoys knowledge.

Spells, abilities:

Proficient with a longsword. ( But nowhere close to a master, but very fast with the lightweight blade. )

Mobile: She is very quick, and athletic, her grace and speed are amazing for a human, but maybe not

in comparison to a god for example..

Water ball: A globe sized ball of water shoots off from the palm, hitting a target before exploding into many bullet droplets. It would be like getting hit by a bunch of very high powered bb's after the impact of the globe.. Push back, and good for wrapping around shields.

Water Whip: Lashes a whip of water gracefully at opponents, very annoying, and can stretch out to 30 ft.

Pressure: A focuses line of powerful water ( Like a hose. That pushes opponents very effectively. Usually into objects for physical damage. ) Can be used for flight, but only to a very limited height, and must be maintained which will be exhausing after extended use.

Water twister: Creates a barrier of twirling, high pressured water around Harusun.. Will repel most attacks, except for high velocity, or powerful attacks. ( Hits and is flung off immediately, or twirls upwards and ejected skyward.) This spell can be used very quickly, with a lag in creation.. It can be kept constant but requires a great deal of energy to maintain.

Expel: A slight lag, and intense focus, and BOOM! Water massive pressure to anyone, or any object within 10 ft in all directions, will be flung very far X D. Shockwave for anyone farther away, and a few bb droplets but other than a slight push, shouldn't be too dangerous. ( Used when in close proximity, someone charging with a sword for example. )

Water Dragon!: Her most powerful attack, after a charging period, she will expel a very large china style dragon. ( Snake like. ) But very large, and full! This attack will almost certainly knock anything unconcious that it hits directly, as well as destroy most basic walls, or barriers. It is a frightful display, but it's more fearsome looking, then actually deadly, easy to dodge for faster people..

Entangle: Two tentacles of water one from each hand wrap around the target, the pressure is very intense to make it very physical and unchanging, can hold someone in place or throw them, and.. The spell below this is commonly used with->

Bubble: After being entangled, she will transport more water through the tentacles, that will create, and stabalize a bubble around the opponent.. Which will fill and slowly drown them..

Basic water attacks: Different angles, and slashes, but nothing that is overly dangerous.

Do you have room for me?
Name: Zepher

Nickname: Z

Species: Banished Angel

Powers: Long Gone

Age: Forgotten


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Personality: Cold, shut off, territorial, deadly.

Background: Zepher was once a proud weapon, a warrior of might and protection for the Gods. He had loved what he did, perfecting his skills to keep himself useful. It would have been a good life for him, small errors overlooked in favor for his devotion and determination that he gave them. But fate had long ago determined that a peaceful life was not meant to be, and proved that in the form of the Demon Spior. She had been everything he was not. Reckless, wild, fleeting, the perfect match to his own self. He is not sure, or won't say, what drew them together properly at the beginning, but the love in his heart for her was enough to power over duty and loyalty. When Spior, in some shameless act against one of the gods, had signed her death warrant Zepher moved to protect her, putting her life before the safety of them. In the eyes of the Gods, he was a traitor, and no more fit to be in heaven than the demons rotting under the earth. In a fit of rage, he was made to kill Spior himself before he was thrust from the Heavens, banished to live on Earth. His resentment for the Gods, angels, and even the humans grew deep. His hatred for the demons that had ruined his life? Boiled with furious vengeance.

Skills: Hand to hand combat, knife wielding, clean up, and after decades of practice, killing.

Weakness: No wings, angel form or not. No powers.
@Esme Absolutely Completely Accepted! Thank god! Another Male Character! I thought this was about to become a chick flick! HAHAHAHA
Name: Dakota Rayne Haxon

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Angel-Human Hybrid


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Abilities: Since Dakota is the result of the union between an angel and a human, she has inherited a few powers from her father's side and has been taught a few useful skills from her mother's side. Her powers include acute persuasion and the ability of teleportation. Unfortuately for her, since one of her parents was a divine being, she casts an aura that draws humans to her. This lands her in quite a few sticky situations with the species known as male humans. Her mother, who prided herself on her fighting skills, taught Dakota the tricks of the trade. She is adept with most any kind of blade, but is not good with long distance weapons. She is also good with hand to hand combat, however, she prefers to use her two katanas when possible.

Bio: Dakota was raised by her mother in a small town in the mortal realm, not knowing anything at all about the war that was being fought and having no idea about her heritage. She was taught how to fight and use weapons when her mother wasn't yelling at her for accidentally teleporting herself around places or attracting strange men to the house. This was perfectly normal for her, she thought that she was just special. It wasn't until her 18th birthday that she found out why she was special. Her father had appeared to her in her room and asked for her help. It took a lot of convincing, but Dakota eventually agreed since it meant having a chance to test her skills and learn how to better control her powers. Who knows, maybe she'll eventually learn how to get the stalkers off her back.
Name: Aren Vurrein

Nickname: The Destroyer

Age: 217 (appears early twenties)

Species: Son of war (Son of Aries, the greek god of war)

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Abilities: Superior strength/endurance: At full strength, it would rip his human guise to pieces. Can utilize every weapon to its greatest potential, from swords and spears to guns and rockets. Can summon an army of spirits, all warriors of great skill. Summoning more than one or two spirits is impossible in human guise. Can summon a "Hero's weapon" to aid him. These take many forms, and are the ancient tools from warriors of legend (EX: Excalibur, Gungir, etc.). He also has his own collection of weapons, none of them too special apart from being able to withstand his great strength of blows. These are significantly easier to summon.

Personality: Brash and proud, Aren seeks after nothing but glory in combat so that he may rise up to the same pinnacle of his father. He will strategize should the situation call for it, he is no fool, but his almost always rely on his strength of arms to bring him victory. Even when outside of combat, it is difficult to pull his mind off the fight.

Bio: Being son to a greek god isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially when your father is the god of war. Aren spent his entire life essentially looking at his father's back, hoping someday to catch up. He has practiced nothing his entire life but the art of combat, in all its forms. With the endless war in the wake of the missing god, he hopes to find the glory he has sought after his entire life.
@lxidor92 accepted. But just so you know this world is based back in the Middle Ages. So no guns. Welcome :)
Intimidating lol, a lot of good people to keep up with now. This looks like it is going to be very fun.
[MENTION=4602]Harusun[/MENTION] haha ya. I decided to close it before it gets to out of hand. This should be very entertaining :)
[MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] is it alright if I make a second character? mainly just for the hell of it lol
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Sure. No problem. I have 3 I control and ones not even here yet. Lol. The more characters one person controls the better. Its easier to get more information out that way ;)
[MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] sweet! thanks, and I'll probably post it tonight :) already almost done!
Name: Unknown

Nickname: Dove

Species: Demi-god (half human, halfgod) Daughter of Athena (goddess of wisdom and war)

Age: 17

Abilities: Although quiet and reserved,Dove has extreme intellect and the mind of a genius. She thinksquickly and cleverly, using calculations and logic to defeat anopponent in battle. Give her any problem, any puzzle, and she cansolve it in a matter of seconds, maybe minutes, depending on thedifficulty of the equation. Not only does she have brains in a matterof puzzles, her intelligence applies to battles and persuasion aswell. With a few words, she can convince a person to do whatever shewishes them to do, and is also great at making clever battle plans.Her talents lie in brains and wits, but she lacks physically withabilities such as fighting and healing.

Personality: Very straight forward andblunt. She is not one to sugar coat, and never has been, and willtell a person the flat out truth, whether they like it or not. Shedoesn’t show much emotion, until it comes to a subject of interest,such as mythology, mathematics, science, or other intellectualtopics, in which she grows excited and passionate about. She is alsovery prideful, believing her way is better then everyone else, whichis, in fact, her fatal flaw. She thinks everything would be betterunder her command, and she makes a clear point about it as well.Occasionally, it borders obnoxiousness, but is usually settle, yetbold.


[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] This is horrible! What piece of shit hole did you climb in to the find this sad excuse of a... OMG Lol. I'm kidding. I crack myself up. :) Was the look on your face funny? Wish I could have seen it >.< Buhahah. No no, that character is good. Lol. Accepted. :)

[MENTION=4441]Helena Sky[/MENTION]. Yes sorry. Got distracted. Your accepted. Make sure to keep your posts detailed ;) Have fun.

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