War of Gods [Inactive]

Aphrodite glanced at the woman who had addressed her. It was obviously a Goddess, an Egyptian one by the look of her attire. Aphrodite smiled and said kindly, "I am Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty."

Glancing back up at the fighting, Aphrodite shook her head somberly. She gestured at the other Gods and said, "I'd put a stop to this madness, but none of these fools are of my Pantheon, therefore it's none of my business. Who are you?"

Aphrodite usually didn't involve herself with the affairs of Gods outside her Pantheon. She usually watched from Mount Olympus through her magic mirror. Watching up close was a real treat, and the Goddess needn't worry about being harmed. Who would dare touch her? Aphrodite was a fairly neutral Goddess, though she usually walked the path of good.
((I'm sorry, but why is this all taking place in America? New York of all places? It doesn't fit the characters that well. Will it all take place there?))
Angra Mainyu watch from his tree. "This no longer interests me."

"Ssshould we leave?" Azi asked, slithering from one shoulder to another.

"Yes we should, but first." He cursed the earth with his evil, tainting it and making nearby trees transform into monstrous beings who lunged at the two godesses. "Now we leave." He unfurled his wings and flew away.
"Oh. That makes sense with you not being with my Pantheon and all. I am Bastet. The egyptian goddess of cats and some other stuff. But mostly for cats." She smiled at the goddess who she now knew was called Aphrodite. Then the trees which they were standing next to, suddenly without a warning lunged at both Aphrodite and Bastet. With a quick speed Bastet lunged out of the monstrous trees grip.
The Goddess shrieked loudly as she was grabbed forcefully by one of the trees. Bastet had dodged with the grace and speed of, well, a cat. Aphrodite wasn't very useful when it came to things without emotion. The only thing these trees would feel was hate...Wait! That was it!

The Goddess squirmed as the grip around her waist and trapped arm tightened, and she closed her eyes, going into a state of pure serenity. Just then, Aphrodite cast her free hand across the air in front of what she thought was the thing's face, and suddenly, it dropped her.

The Goddess landed nimbly on her feet and said to Bastet, "I got rid of that bothersome emotion by casting my own calmness on it, so now that one has no reason to attack us...as for the others, we'll need to fight."

Aphrodite froze. She snapped her fingers, and her magic mirror appeared in her hand. Carefully examining herself, she saw it.

A thin, scarlet cut across her cheekbone.

"It...marked up my face..." she muttered. The mirror was dropped from the Goddess' hand, vanishing before it hit the ground. Aphrodite narrowed her eyes and screamed, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!"

Aphrodite threw her hands towards the tree she had just calmed down. It flew back by the sudden wave of rage Aphrodite threw towards it.

It wasn't until the monster came roaring back that the Goddess knew she had shared her emotions with the creature again.

Now, it was more hostile than before.

Aphrodite blinked. Her cut had already healed, and she said, "Oops..."
After seeing the goddess of love lose her temper bastet made a mental note to try not to get on her bad side. "Right. Hmm. I do not t think I could call in cats under this dome. So I guess I will have to do without them." She said thinking out loud while trying to avoid being captured by the trees. Bastet quickly drew out her daggers and prepared to fight.
Gaia watched from her perch trying to stay out of the main fight. While Hades and Mars had their family reunion, the two angles battle each other in a contest of power and strength. She spotted Aphrodite along side the Cat goddess who had arrived shortly before the walls had risen. Atl least those two seemed to get long instead of bickering like the other males. A sudden pulse of taint and malaise was felt as a stray god fled the arena leaving behind cursed trees in his wake casing anger slowly bubbled inside her. A sudden burst of light from the angel detracted her momentarily as the arch angel again recklessly showed his strength sending flames to rain down on the gods below, her family essentially. However they seemed to be caught up in their own battles to notice the flames or the pulse of darkness which Lucifer released shortly after.

Gaia reached out her hand pulling the earth once more on a much smaller scale. An arched wave of dirt and stone arose from beside the two pairs just thick enough to protect them from the flames and darkness. Once impacted by Lucifer wave the weak structure crumbled having done its job. The wave near Aphrodite and the Egyptian goddess rose between them and the tainted trees shielding them from harm and allowing the flames to instead catch the trees on fire. The holy fire quickly starting to consume the cursed trees.
Michael did not stop to watch the results of his second attack, the holy fire, for too consumed was he with the battle between he and his brother. The Archangel quickly retracted the point of his spear as Lucifer neared him, bringing him in as their respective blades crashed against one another.

There were no longer words, Michael knew, and just as upon that first day so long ago when he had cursed his brother to the depths of perdition, so too must be today. With conviction, Micheal then broke the clash of blades with a quick five-foot slide backwards, a simple technique utilized by spear wielders to maximize the reach of their weapons whilst keeping their opponents away. It was a tactic that the Archangel knew his brother would see right through, and the second technique prepared for him would undoubtedly strike true. A flurry of thrusts like a rain of arrows was issued forth, but behind that flurry, in Michael's outstretched free hand, came the true attack, a blessing. He poured holy light into Lucifer, looking to burn him from the inside, and with the spear thrusts to deal with, there seemed to the Archangel nary a way that his brother could escape.
Lucifer grinned, parrying every strike perfectly. He saw through every move, until Michael tried to purify him on the spot. He succeeded, and the Archangel began to plummet toward the ground...and change shape back into Father Shaemus. The actual Lucifer materialized on the wall, standing a distance away from Gaia. "It's futile..." he called to her, his voice sweet and terrible at the same time. "They are hurting you. You know this. Let me do my job, Gaia. Let me usher forth a new world where you can roam, be free."
Isis sighed, before moving quickly towards Bastet and Aphrodite. She could easily recognize those two. One was from her own Pantheon, and most likely everyone had heard of the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Her pale blue dress floated about her legs, her staff held loosely in her hand as she stopped by Aphrodite, a fire spell already at her lips, burning the trees nearby. "Would you like some help?" she asked.

((I think I got that right. Was a bit confused with everything))
Aphrodite jumped back as the trees burst into flames. Wha perfect timing. She'd thank her savior later.

The Goddess's thoughts were interrupted by another Egyptian Goddess. Aphrodite turned towards the newcomer, her hair swooshing over a shoulder as she turned.

"I think we have things pretty under control now...though I have tired if this fighting..." she sighed delacately. "You are familiar. What is your name?"
"I tire of it as well." Isis sighed. "I am Isis. Of the Egyptian Pantheon." she informed the Greek Goddess. "I arrived late, so I don't know exactly why they are fighting. Do you know?" she asked, brushing her hair over her shoulder. "I'm almost ready to set fire to all of them." she muttered, gently twirling her staff.
Michael chanced a smile as his banishment seemed to work, though a closer look revealed that it was simply another shell. The Archangel heaved a sigh as he looked about for Lucifer. He took the moment of relative calm to survey his surroundings.

"Pagans..." he spat, letting himself fall to the ground below. When he landed, his armor was once again replaced with his simple priest's garb. After straightening his collar and tieing back his hair, Michael shook his head slowly and stuffed his hands into his pockets. He took a single step forward and in a flash was upon the wall with Gaia and his Brother.

"This endless battle shalt lay waste to the garden and all of its inhabitants. I will not stand for the wanton destruction." He said evenly to Lucifer, seeming to look right past, or through, Gaia. He then stepped forward off of the wall, walking on the air, where he spun on his heel to cast a cold stare upon his brother. "I make you all an offer, here and now." He spun a quick circuit in midair, his arms out wide to address all the gathered beings. Finally, he raised his hand to the heavens, three fingers outstretched. "Three days. After the fall of the third moon, I will bring forth the full force of my army, and so shall begin the Rapture. If, within those days my brother returns to his hell...so shall the Lord stay His cleansing wrath." He stated, offering a curt nod to Gaia, the best thank you he would give to a pagan, and with that amd a flash of blinding light, Michael was gone.
Lucifer laughed, dark and twisted. As he did, the wall that was made began to crumble and fall away. "Brother, you think your rapture is the only way?!" He called out into the air. "You won't have a human soul to save in three days time." The wave of decay reached the trees, rotting them to dust. "Join me, if you do not want to die as well. We will make the world anew, a place where Gods can roam freely, with adoration!" he yelled out, his voice booming like thunder itself.
Gaia observed the the bickering angles her face impassive and calm hiding the furry bubbling inside ready to explode like Pompeii. She had a feeling all this war would bring is destruction and chaos just with her own kin. Involving rivalries between the angles who care little for her earth or respected those of her pantheon simply made matters more aggravating. It seems between the two of them alone there would be no human life left which at this point mattered little. Earth needed to recover from the damage done to it already and new life could always start again given the chance. All Gaia needed to do was make sure there was an earth left to be inhabited.

She narrowed her eyes glaring at the destruction the dark angels was causing in his manic glee and crossed her arms.
"I will not play into your war with the Archangel, those matters are for you and him to determine. However I know you need souls and there for will attempt to reap this earth clean in order to gain your army. So I propose a deal. I will not stand in your way to collect your army under three I conditions. First of all you take your war to the gates of the angels and away from my domain. There is much in the way of recovery I need to do as it is with out the additional scars of a holy war. Second you keep your touch of death and disease off of the earth. This includes both plant and animal life. And lastly you spare the lives of humans with in a land of Greece. Oblige by these three conditions and I will leave you to your war and not seal you back into the molten depths of hell." The goddess offered knowing full well that he remembers the extent she will go to protect her domain.
Lucifer looked to Gaia, fear plastered on his flawless features. He would not go there, not again. "You have my word, I will not affect you or any of the life that you claim. But in return, when the battle is waged, you shall be on my side. I will exalt you for the Queen you are. And a new cycle shall be made in our image." he offered his hand, gleaming with the powers of old. He would keep his promise, if she agreed to hers. The course of decay stopped in its tracks, proving he would keep his word.
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Gaia started at the fallen glancing at his offered hand. She knew he wasn't to be trusted however if she wanted her desired outcome some sacrifices would have to be made. "As stated before I have no part in your war, I simply care for my domain and my kin." She glanced over to the fellow Greek and Roman gods still lingering around the arena then out at the wave of decay which had stopped spreading. Thankfully. "However, you have your deal...." She stated knowing she could never let her guard down around Lucifer for one never knew what he would do next. A mute aura of ancient power, far older than the angels enveloped her. She took his offered hand begrudgingly. Her face state neutral and calm, there was an earth glow to her eyes. "You are warned, do not to cross me Lucifer."
"Thank you, Gaia." He said and for a split second, the former full glory of his image revealed itself. It was not the Earth itself, or any of it's other creatures he despised. It was man. They had earned the creator's love and adoration for nothing at all, while he and his brethren worshiped the Creator from their very cores. And he was cast out, not for hating his Creator, but for loving him enough to ask for it in return. He would have his revenge at the cost of anything, even himself. But he would take all of them with him before that happened. He released her hand, fading back into the Fallen form he had adopted. Michael had his army, and he needed to form his.
Hades heard the arrangement between Gaia and Lucifer. He knew instantly knew that was very bad idea. He had a pretty good idea he will not hold up the agreement. He knew that he would betray her in the end. He figured that because that's what he would've done in this situation. He yelled over to Gaia. "Gaia don't do this! You know siding with Lucifer is a very stupid idea!"

Mars looked up at Gaia. I have to agree with uncle don't fall for his influence Gaia. You helped create this world and you don't need to destroy. Mars looks back to Hades. I think we should be fighting each other were family. I'm sorry about what I said back there, you know me. I'm a little hot tempered and love to get into a good fight, but not with my own uncle.
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